So, as another week of COVID lockdown comes to a close, I have come to realize certain things:

  • As much as I abhor humanity, I do crave human interaction.
    • If only to learn what despises me about them.
  • I did have fun on Twitter this week, something people can rarely say.
    • As we discussed Thursday, I may have lit the match that restarts the Falklands conflict.
    • I also gained a surprising new follower.

  • I have been far busier as a teacher during the lockdown than before.
    • This despite the fact that my program was already equipped for distance learning.
    • There are more kids working now because they have nothing else to do, since all of the skate parks & malls are closed.
  • I haven’t been able to contribute as much to the site.
    • Beyond the Open Threads, I haven’t really had the spark come up for a good idea.
      • I had one, and asked Low Commander to even whip up a cover for me, but then things piled up & I never got around to it.
        • I might try again over the summer, but it’ll depend on whether I think the idea has gotten stale.
  • The dogs love it!
    • To break up the office monotony, I take them out every couple of hours – be it to the back yard, the local park, or for a longer adventure.
      • I’m technically only “supposed to work” for five hours/day, but I’ve been “logging” six-to-seven on the attendance site.
        • The school thought I was inflating my time.
        • The union thought I was working for free.
      • After a Teams meeting, it was decided that I would be left the fuck alone.
        • I told the Board that I’m adding time because I’m walking the dogs & having lunch, because they know I can’t sit still.
        • I told the union not to worry, that I was counting personal time, but wasn’t counting my dumps.

The end result of all this?


First, here are Riga & Lambeau enjoying a hike along the Capilano River.


Next, Riga & Lambeau went to visit the waterfront, posing in front of the Q at Lonsdale Quay.


Finally, a trip to the City park to get some flower photos for WineWife.


That makes the lockdown more bearable.

Tonight’s … entertainment?:

  • Korea Baseball Organization:
    • LG Twins at NC Dinos – 12:55 AM | ESPN2
  • Fisticuffs:
    • Wrasslin’:
      • WWE’s Greatest Ladder Matches – 8:00PM | FOX
    • UFC 249 Prelims:
      • From Jacksonville, Fla. – 6:00PM | ESPN

  • Saturday Night Live at Home – 11:30PM | NBC / Global
    • Season finale.
    • No guests listed, but the last one was actually pretty good.
      • Miley Cyrus butchering Pink Floyd aside.

Enjoy your evening. Don’t run out of booze necessities.

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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Wow, a bunch of people agreed with that bullshit. Well, best of luck.


Is this about the pancakes vs waffle thing?

BC Dick

Or my bullshit? I don’t care if I’m right or wrong. 100,900 this way or that.
I am not buckling to it. I don’t give a fuck. I’m not out there spitting on people. I follow the rules. But I’m not going to lock the doors and hide away.
I want to be a man til the end. I will be. If a fucking virus takes me so be it. At least I didn’t wrap myself in blankets and cry til the end.


I’m confused, does isolation frighten you?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

So it’s the manly thing to spread it around? Your responses below with the “swinging dick” thing are on the level of a fucking twelve year old. You demonstrated your ignorance, but I didn’t know you were a fucking idiot; now we are all sure. Very few are cowering; we are just following the recommendation so as to keep the fucking death rate down. With some of the political forces at be you should be able to go get something at your favorite Tim Horton’s soon; that way you can be a big man.


Let’s try to be sympathetic Moose, 9 weeks of quarantine nearly had him wrapped in blankets, crying. I know that’s not normal, but it must be hard to find help these days. Maybe with things starting to open up they’ll be available again.


The bit about “rollin’ doobies” remains one of Farley’s finest.


I still feel like a dweeb when I use paper for writing.


Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
A: Because the tornado and the shitty house were fucking things up over on the other side.
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Col. Duke LaCross

Got a mess of brioche dough for cinnamon buns in a slightly warm oven rising for a morning surprise for the maybe early stages ladyfriend and her kids. Something about this chick, man…


I was all set to joke about “rising for a morning surprise,” and then you had to go and bring her kids into it. Not cool, man.


Dang. I wish I thought of that one.

Mr. Ayo

So a breakfast for fore?

BC Dick

This good fun hung movie was on Netflix before. Maybe it’s on apple TD now. Fuck it. It’s a good move. Mustang Island


All this Richard Dawson kontent and not any of this?


Rest in peace you magnificent bastard.


Ridley Scott movies or Michael Mann movies?

Brick Meathook

Michael Mann. Not even a contest, and Ridley Scott is a great film maker.



Senor Weaselo

Wait, HOLD UP. Ken Jeong and Joel McHale podcast?


Oh I need to check this out. Especially since I’ve started binging Community

Horatio Cornblower

Me too. Never saw the show before now and it is hilarious.


I’ve been doing 30Rock.


Infieles Chile or Infieles Colombia?



The correct answer is, of course, Colombia.


Great, great song.


Annie or Brittacomment image

Mr. Ayo

Both. At the same time.

BC Dick

Well. That’s obvious.


This will undoubtedly earn me many minus 1s, but not only do I not find Alison Brie appealing, but I’ve never seen that show they were both in that the Internet loves.

Let’s see how many minuses I get…

BC Dick

I think she’s hot and so is the other one and the show but I’m plus that cause diversity of opinion is just as important as diversity of anything else.

Horatio Cornblower

Community is well worth checking out, especially since it’s not like you now have anything else to do.


Am a Britta man.


Aye. Both the actress and the character.

Senor Weaselo


Slightest nod to Alison, but Gillian answered one of my questions on the site that shall not be named, so that’s always cool.

Also I was just watching S1-3 blooper reels, and dammit, I need to binge it if not for the fact that Padre Weaselo’s currently going through the entirety of Sopranos.

Horatio Cornblower


I’m still pissed about where ‘GLOW’ went last season and am taking out my anger on Ms. Brie.

Gosh, hope she can get over it.

BC Dick

But GLOW had her tits out. It was a good show. But where are Britta’s tits?




BC Dick

Holy mother of god. Is that real? Sweet pole in a gophers cunt I hope it is.





Is it funny that I’m genuinely pleased to see Vincent Kartheiser on an episode of SVU because I kind of missed him?


Was he being eaten by a bear?

Don T

Did he want to pimp out his wife in SVU as well?


Pancake or Waffle?

Mr. Ayo

Are we talking breakfast or stomp?

BC Dick

What the fuck is a stomp waffle?

Mr. Ayo

You’ve never shit in your shower?


Not on purpose.



BC Dick

Waffle. With Cheez Whiz and Aunt Jemima or maple syrup.


Really? Nobody else is going to stick up for pancakes? Fine.

I love pancakes. They’re awesome. Waffles are vastly inferior, and only for people who think that every fucking food has to be “crunchy.”


I’m Team Pancakes too. But I wouldn’t turn my nose up at a good waffle either. I am Team Carbs!


Mustang or Camaro?


Classic Camaro, not the current version.


The more bitchen, the better!
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And my father had an IROC like this, but the top color was red.


Those were awesome cars


It broke down all the time.


But they looked awesome at the mechanic’s!


Always wanted a ’69 Camaro. Please don’t make the obvious joke.
These days, if buying something current I’d probably go with a Dodge Challenger.


Did you just get out of boot camp?

Horatio Cornblower

“Italian Retard Out Cruising”

Oh 8th-Grade Me, you truly were an asshole.


Camaro Z28 with T-tops like my mother had.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I’m guessing that was one Bitchin’ Camaro.
Edit: probably should have refreshed and then looked up and down the thread after waking up but before posting a comment.


It was

Mr. Ayo

I’d be Ok with either, Mustang GT350R, Camaro ZL1 1LE respectively


Can I get a Mustang GT350R with an Audi interior?

Mr. Ayo

That would be the dream.


BOSS TODD just got an erection.


The first time my dad took me out to teach me to drive, I ran his ’74 Camaro into a chain link fence. My sister ended up teaching me.

BC Dick

Camaró. 67-69.

Brick Meathook

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I heard an interesting… I don’t know what to call it. It goes like this: China has over 70 million people past retirement age. Since they didn’t want to pay to support them, they unleashed the virus to thin the herd.

Now, I’m not saying I believe it, but when I visited Beijing, I got the distinct impression that the government would be willing to nuke its own citizens to assert its dominance.

Potato, potato?

Mr. Ayo

But why wouldn’t they report all of them dying then?


Hello, World?

We just killed 70 million of our own citizens. But you guys will be ok, so no worries! Nothing to see here, move along.


And give up 70 million organ “donors”?


Now, that is a good conspiracy theory. People actually believe that one.


“I don’t know what to call it.”

It’s a conspiracy theory. It’s the oldest fucking conspiracy theory around, that the elites want to thin the population. (Which, I think historically speaking doesn’t make sense. If I remember correctly, the mass deaths of the Black Plague actually hurt the position of the landowners, who actually had to compete for workers to farm the land.)

Just because it’s about the Chinese government and not the Illuminati doesn’t mean it ain’t the same old bullshit.


Well it’s obviously that, but it’s so crazy it goes beyond that pedestrian description.

Horatio Cornblower

I’m not an elite, but would very much like to thin the population to people I like.

Brick Meathook

China is like Canada times eleventy-thousand.

Viva La Tabula Raza

From what I have read, there are many Republican politicians in America that are down with this model, to reduce Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security costs.


My prime rib is busy cooking, and I am drinking a mint julep. I am planning to have a pleasant evening.


Damn. I only had pizza.

Horatio Cornblower

There is nothing wrong with a good pizza.



RTD celebrating the loss of the Kentucky Derby?
/hopes he’s wearing a great big flowery hat

Mr. Ayo
Brick Meathook

The above video made an exciting sport seem more boring than curling.

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Here’s another video, which restores all the intense homoeroticism of European car racing:

Mr. Ayo

This post should be downvoted into oblivion for the words.

But should be praised to the gods for that video. Fantastic!

Col. Duke LaCross

Those Rallycar guys are fucking nuts. And the fans who attend are even loonier!




Beer can chicken and elote for Nueve de Mayo.

Good for what ails ya (life).

Horatio Cornblower

So my wife and I are out and about today, going to the farmers markets and whatnot, (wearing masks and not robbing them, which is weird), and we run into a kid I coached in baseball. He says hi, we discuss him being in college and my wife decides he’s cute and just perfect for Daughter Cornblower. So she starts talking him up when we get home and I chime in, because I’m an asshole, that she should keep in mind that he’s from a broken home and therefore damaged goods and my daughter says: “I like them broken; saves me a lot of time” and I’m like
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Hilarious and horrifying.

Viva La Tabula Raza

My high-spectrum nephew who is doing cancer research at UConn School of Medicine in Hahtfawd seems to be hanging in there, though I guess it’s about time I check in with his mom to see how he’s getting on.


That reminds me of the time last year when I was waiting in line for the fishmonger, who was a cool young woman who I usually chat about Marvel movies with. (But too young, and frankly out of my league.) This couple in front of me starts chatting her up about their son, who’s attending an Ivy League school don’t you know, and he’s captain of the lacrosse team, and majoring in finance (hint hint!) and he’ll be home for Thanksgiving soon, and I swear to god I was expecting them to say that his name is Biff or Chad or something. She did not ask a single question or take the bait (see what I did there) in any way.

I suppose I should give this snobby white couple credit for thinking that a young black woman who sells fish would be good enough for their precious Douchey McWhitey III, but man, talk about not reading the room….

Mr. Ayo

Send her my info. I’m right up her alley!

Col. Duke LaCross

Got a genuine fucking laugh dude. Stock up on ammo!


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BC Dick

Fuck the virus. I got drunk in my back yard with a couple of bikini clad ladies today. I got no kids and no old people I visit. It was a good time. Piss on virtue and good practices, I got things to do.


Though technically accurate, putting bikini’s on your female dogs like that is cruel.

BC Dick

I didn’t call them bitches cause I’m not that kind of guy but I get what you’re saying. I just can’t take this sissy boy bullshit anymore.

BC Dick

You minus that up, all you like.
Life goes on. You want to be a man who cowers in the corner? Go for it. I’ll swing my big dick around and let the chips fall where they may.


I went to work like a schmuck. So I’m +1’ing you.

BC Dick

Thank you. I appreciate it. I just can’t handle the ocean of whining. Men need to be men sometimes for fucks sake. And do what’s needs doing.


We are all in awe of your courage. I fully expect that by next week, you’ll work you way up to conquering a Subway franchise and commandeering a meal there.

BC Dick

I’m not courageous. I just think we’re all soft little dandies to cancel life for a goddamn virus. Do what you want, hide away. I’m done with that shit. It’s not cause I want sports or I’m losing work. I just don’t believe in cowering to challenges. Fuck it. If I go down I’m not going down hiding in a corner.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Finally, the MAGA version of going grocery shopping in a homemade D&D cloak
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Viva La Tabula Raza

Guy working behind the counter better be on his best behaviour, as he looks somewhat melanin-heavy from what I can see.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Horatio Cornblower

That 6″ grinder he’s ordering is 3 more inches than he’s got.

Mr. Ayo

Pretty sure he’s reconsidering social distancing.
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Brick Meathook

“Maybe twelve feet next time”


Tonight on Svengoolie: Munster Go Home!

Brick Meathook

I just finished my doctoral dissertation for The National War College where I discuss in-depth the marked similarities between the Battle of Gettysburg (July 1863) and The Battle of Midway (June 1942). Essentially, my point is that if General Lee (and particularly General Longstreet) had brought up their aircraft carriers and attacked Meade’s left at the Peach Orchard with dive bombers then Lee stood a very good chance of winning that battle.

Mr. Ayo

Compelling argument, that.


Alternatively, General Lee could have had Bo and Luke break out the explosive arrows to provide aerial bombardment.

Brick Meathook

Also, if Lee had attacked Fredericksburg Maryland with his submarines he would have cut Meade’s vital supply lines.

Viva La Tabula Raza

There’s a reason that Fort Meade is located in Maryland and not western New York.


I like how they got Tambor and Damon for Eurotrip because they were also in Prague shooting Hellboy and Bourne Identity respectively.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Sexy and very skeptical, won’t put up with my shit, unavailable, perfect for me.



Viva La Tabula Raza

Before there was Running Man, before there was Family Feud, before there was Laugh In, before there was Hogan’s Heroes, there was King Rat. Bad ass book and bad ass movie written by a guy who spent WWII as a POW of the Japanese at the Changi prison (now Singapore International Airport). Dawson’s role was microscopic but important in the film. Watch if you can.comment imagecomment image

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

That was some good shit.

He was definitely honing his skills to play a priest on Laugh In.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I think King Rat was much more effective for being filmed in B&W. Stark story, stark cinematography. Some big-time thespians involved, as well.


He’s in Munster, Go Home!


Do you want to see my itinerary?

Do you want to see my balls?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Mr. Ayo

Sure, and absolutely.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Viva La Tabula Raza

I think they’re watching Sam the Butcher get ready to bring Alice the meat.comment image


Watching Eurotrip. Such a great movie!


I am off to pick up an order from a local microbrewery. No, no, don’t thank me, I’m proud to support local business. You could said it is its own reward.

But I think it may be a martini evening, to be followed by red wine and steak. The beer shall have its turn tomorrow.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Viva La Tabula Raza

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Viva La Tabula Raza

I doubt the beer will go bad overnight. Just don’t bruise the gin when you mix your martini. And let the red breathe for a while, unless you can decant it. And I trust you will cook the steak properly, not like a certain charlatan. Sorry, I don’t mean to be bossy.comment image

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Mr. Ayo

Wait, this is allowed but nips aren’t?!?!?


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Viva La Tabula Raza

Looks like someone has been perusing the People of Walmart site.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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She is the real life 3 assed monkey from South Park, maybe she could donate one to the woman in the other picture.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

The take my AoV flag bikini clad daughter (sister/ wife?) shopping while wearing a dirty white Speedo is some kind of weird hillbilly/redneck/ eurotrash mix to the extent that I’m having trouble with the Venn Diagram.


Looks like the kid left a skid mark.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I think your hypothesis has a very high probability to be correct.


I doubt I could detect any difference from “bruising” the gin. I think the main difference between shaking and stirring is that the former gives you a slightly frothy drink, with a few slivers of ice likely escaping the strainer and sitting atop your drink. That can be a nice effect. I’m certainly not going to knock it, or demand the bartender make a new one. I do tend to stir these days. I also like to put a cocktail onion and an olive as garnish — does that make it a half-Gibson? These are the deep questions I like to contemplate.

Most of the wines I drink do not require decanting. They’re not old enough to have much “sludge” in the bottle, nor are they so young that they need to be aerated. I generally prefer to just “pop and pour”; the wine may change as it interacts with the air, but it isn’t always an unmitigated improvement.

As for the steak, I sous vide to just below medium rare and finish with a sear in a blazing hot cast iron pan. I’m not saying it’s the only way to do it, but it has the virtue of being idiot-proof, and it also becomes easy to time it so the steak is ready when the sides are.

Viva La Tabula Raza

That’s a nice detailed response, especially when I honestly would have even been good with an “OK Boomer.”

Horatio Cornblower

“As for the steak, I sous vide to just below medium rare and finish with a sear in a blazing hot cast iron pan. I’m not saying it’s the only way to do it, but it has the virtue of being idiot-proof”
Challenge accepted
/sprains tongue trying to say “sous vide” correctly
//burns down the house trying to do the rest of it


I stand corrected.


Riga and Lambeau! It’s about damn time!

Horatio Cornblower

I’m watching Blade 3 right now. Never seen it before, but I can see why it killed the franchise.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Sucked the blood out of the franchise?

Mr. Ayo

Wait, this UFC event is PPV?

lol, hard pass. Fuck you Dana.


Find a stream on reddit or other places. No worries.

Mr. Ayo

(Shhh. I’m totally doing that)


Let Dana know on various social media platforms.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Senor Weaselo