Your “Everybody’s History Is History” Thursday Evening Open Thread

NFL News:

  • Julian Edelman, noted by as “one of the few active Jewish NFL players”, has offered to take DeSean Jackson to the Holocaust Museum in DC to help educate each other.
    • In exchange, he wants Jackson to take him to the African-American Museum of History and Culture so Edelman himself can learn more about why Black Lives Matter.
    • He even put out a video message and – trigger warning – do not read the comments.

  • People are asking former [Redacteds] players about the possible name change, and their responses have mostly been, “Hey – is that Dracula over there?” and running away.
    • Brian Mitchell – “I played for the organization, I played particularly for the fans, I played for my family, I played for my pride.”
    • Mark May – the name shouldn’t change in response to a “mob mentality”.
    • Mark Moseley – believes “most” former players would prefer to keep the name as it is, and that a change would “take away” from the efforts and achievements of players like Darrell Green and Art Monk.
    • Joe Theismann declined comment.
    • The team declined to make Doug Williams available for comment, as he is an employee.
  • A follow-up to the MLS post from yesterday’s Open Thread: another team has pulled out of the tournament due to COVID.
    • Nashville has had five players test positive, and another four are being re-tested due to inconclusive results.
    • It’s forced a rejig of the tournament set-up, with the teams now slotted into six groups of four teams each.
      • No word on how it’ll effect betting odds; sorry Hippo.

I am NOT a fan of having to clear my search history & cookies, but when I was researching what the hell DeSean Jackson said, I looked up “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion“, a fun little faux-history treatise put out by anti-Semitic Russians in the early 1900s designed to enhance their anti-Jewish riots by inflaming the populace against Jewish elites who were plotting in secret to take over the world.


Apparently, very little proof was required for propaganda to be created.

Fun fact: Eastern Europe had so many campaigns against local Jewish populations, they came up with the word for it – Pogrom. The first is said to have occurred in Odessa, Ukraine, in 1821. Since then, there have been countless other examples of eastern European anti-Semitism. For example, the Odessa pogroms of 1881 and 1905.


(I could have cheated & used the same picture, just flipped around. Who would have known?)

Anyway, when looking up historical references, I now have the “Protocols” come up as a search term when I go to reference “ProFootballTalk” for my NFL news searches. I’m too lazy to go find the individual search & remove that from my history so instead I’ll just blame an NFL player for why my search history looks like an incel’s Saturday night.

Despite Incognito Mode’s best efforts.

Tonight’s … entertainment?:

  • Soccer:
    • MLS Is Back:
      • Montreal Impact vs New England Revolution – 8:00 PM | TUDN / TSN / Twitter Live
  • Left turns:
    • NASCAR XFINITY Series:
      • Shady Rays 200 – 8:00PM | FS1 / TSN3
        • The Shady Rays 200, start of a two-night back-to-back from Kentucky Speedway in Sparta, Ky.
  • Fisticuffs:
    • Top Rank Boxing on ESPN:
      • Takam-Forrest (heavyweight) – 8:00PM | ESPN / TSN2
  • AFL:
    • Collingwood vs. Hawthorn – 5:30AM | FS1 / TSN

That’s it for this week. I’ll be back Saturday & Sunday nights, with the soothing sounds to lower your heart rate after you see what Balls has in store for Friday night. Toodles!

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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Vintage Browns fan (also works for vintage Cardinals fan).

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Not gonna lie, I lold
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Can’t see the link.

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Bad URL timestamp


Well, that’s just like, your opinion man

(Will try and fix)

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Part of it is okay because I heard link, just can’t see it.

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Brick Meathook

Southern Pacific Daylight Limited, Los Angeles to SanFrancisco (1937-1974)
Now operated as Amtrak’s Coast Starlight
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Beastmode Ate My Baby

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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All that said, Happy Thursday.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Standells were much more deservedly remembered for their song “Dirty Water.” Particularly before the Boston sports franchises all co-opted the tune. Funny thing is they’re from Los Angeles.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


That was the fucking point anyway.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Beastmode Ate My Baby

OK, smoked half a J, the tooth pain is receding. Although my spelling might get worse.

Sorry for being an opinionated prick down below, guys. I’ll try to leave that for Twitter…

And I’m not arguing with any of you just to argue. I’m with all of you in wishing Trump a hasty electoral demise and hoping that something better comes out of the wreckage he’s inflicted. I just have a pessimism that comes with a decades-long battle with the Democratic party to turn left (no, you idiots, your other left!) and at the moment the leadership is, IMO, going the wrong way.

But damned if I want another 4 years of this crap. I mean, I’d kind of like to still have free elections to complain about in 2024, y’know?

Yeah, you fucking opinionated jerk!!

[checks notes, sees 96.87% agreement]

But I’ll forgive you this time.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Only 96.87%?

What are you wrong about?!!

Careful….. I have data…. and I’m not afraid to use it….. even if it kills us both…..

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Beastmode Ate My Baby

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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I’ll say it again; it’s fine.

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Viva La Tabula Raza

I’m working on an algorithm to determine which kills me first. In decreasing order of likelihood:

1. COVID-19. Let’s be honest, this is going through the country, especially here in TX, like a hot knife through butter. I only go out once a week, fully masked. I will see tomorrow how many folks are ignoring Governor Abbottoir’s mandatory mask order. My county has seen an increase in confirmed cases from less than 100 5 weeks ago to 825 right now. 5 more people died today for a total of 15. I am not going back to the office until there is a vaccine.

2. Race War – If this is going to happen, it will be this summer.

3. Civil War – If this is going to happen, it likely won’t be until after Trump loses the election and he and his minions refuse to accept the results as legitimate. In reality, we’ve been in a low-grade civil war here in this country for a number of years. Look at the body count if you don’t believe me. Anyway, I will be taken out by the first feral Cub Scout pack that comes marauding through the neighborhood once Road Warrior Times commence.

4. Climate-change driven super-duper weather event. – I’m probably in one of the safest areas weather-wise in the US. Worst we usually get is heavy rain/flooding when a hurricane hits the Coastal Bend. But weather shit gets weirder every year, so who knows. That’s why this is at the bottom of my list.

Trump doesn’t care which of the above listed scenarios happen and result in my early shuffling off this mortal coil, just as long as one of them happens to me before November 03.

Also, I don’t know shit about algorithms, so the above list is really just an alcohol-inspired wild-ass guess.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

TX? Jesus…I lived in Harris County in the early ’80s, and I haven’t been surprised by everything that’s gone on in those parts. I’m in Eastern WA and the mask situation here has been similar… “We don’t need no consarn masks ta pertect our freeduhms!” But we were out yesterday and there’s been an improvement since the governor made the mask order mandatory and state-wide. So that’s at least a bit encouraging.

But TX just got hit with a perfect storm of idiocy and virus, and I really feel for anyone living there.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Viva La Tabula Raza

Fortunately, I work for the Department of Defense and don’t have to worry about at least having a regular salary for the time being. The overall impression I get from the phone briefings/virtual town halls we receive from the 2 and 3 stars is that they are going to take into consideration the health and welfare of the active duty and civil service and contractor folks rather than listen to what the orange one has to say with regards to getting back to “business as usual.” Just an impression.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Beastmode Ate My Baby

That’s been the case here with the DOE. The federal departments were here long before Mangolini and plan to be around long after, so I think they’re less inclined to listen to his happy horseshit about “reopening.”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

All the contracts we are chasing are government/ military. Some hospital emergency capacity stuff(good time there).


Peace to you, Beastmode.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I looked at my Leave and Earnings statement a couple of weeks ago and realized that I have got to start taking some leave or I am going to lose it at year’s end. So, for the foreseeable future, I’m going to be taking every Friday off. So Thursday nights are going to be my Friday nights going forward. For tonight, I will add to my usual boozing and weed-smoking: a dose of edibles, and at bedtime a small slice of Xanax and 10 mg of melatonin to help with the sleeping. Maybe I can sleep past 5 AM!

Game Time Decision

I volunteer to use up any and all vacation and leave that you want to send my way. I figure when your days are converted into Canadian Days that I will be off the rest of the year.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Nice try, tundra-bagger!

Game Time Decision

I do hope you get some rest, tho

Viva La Tabula Raza

Thanks amigo. It might have to be artificially induced, but I will get some relaxation in there as well this weekend. I just have not log on to the VPN and check email; forget about work completely.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Same here.


Nicely done!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Don T

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

After the conversation below I need to cheer up:

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King Hippo

Guess he wasn’t bona fide!

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Apologies. I’m having a bad week. My oldest cat is not long for this world, so I’m in a not-great mood.

I with you; thus the sarcasm.

Hope kitty goes out pain free.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

He will, it’s just a question of how long he has. But he’s almost 16, so it’s not like he hasn’t had a long (comfy, lazy) life.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

16 is a long cat life. Kitty, getting dusty in here.

Shit, you fucker.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I feel ya, man. Bad rest of the week/early next week upcoming for me as well.
This weekend is the 11th anniversary of my moving into my house after my Middle East deployments, July 2009. I also had my 50th birthday that week, and brought home a rescue dog (appx 5 years old at the time). The dog is on her last legs and I’m going to have to have her put down, hopefully I can wait till after her 11th anniversary here at the casa on Sunday, at least. And I am going to be 61 fucking years old. Goddamit.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

It sucks, right? I love having pets, and I hate having them get old. We’ve lost 2 other cats in the previous 2 years, which is really tough. One had health problems and lived far longer than he should have, but the other was still pretty young (7), but we found out the hard way that he only had one functioning kidney his whole life. So I’m not even over that, honestly.

16 is pretty darn old for a dog. No doubt she has had a great life with you.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I like to think so. At this point, she can hardly stand or walk at all any more due to loss of muscle mass, is not very interested in her food (though she eventually gets to it [unless it’s the other dog eating it when I’m not looking]). She pees her blanket/bed two or three times a day; I think I’m going to wear out the washer and dryer! I will hold out as long as I can, maybe I can give her a few more weeks before she is totally immobilized.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Man, I am sorry to hear that. It is so damn hard to see them diminishing, and even worse to know when to just let it end.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Biggest problem is that most of my house is pergo or tile floor, which is like an ice rink for her. I have put area rugs at the strategic points, but there’s still plenty of sq footage where her feet/legs go out from under her and she has great difficult getting back up unless I help her. Unfortunately, I just can’t justify spending thousands of dollars installing wall to wall carpet!

King Hippo

There’s nothing more heartbreaking than a gravely ill cat child. Good vibes, brutha.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Thanks, I really appreciate that.


RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: [puts spaghetti sauce on stove, goes upstairs to do computer shit before cooking pasta]

DR. MRS. DEADLY, ESQ. (RET): [makes popcorn instead]

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Viva La Tabula Raza

I once saw my granny, a notoriously bad cook, put the pasta water on to boil before starting the sauce. Yikes!

Beastmode Ate My Baby

BTW, I’ll have Diggler’s tees ready next week. Too much going on this week to get them done, but it’ll coincide nicely with next week’s HRTN anyway (/foreshadowing).

This week’s HRTN is less Diggler’s-oriented, and more about poor Rikki trying to survive his encounter with FCDH.

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Anyone watching the MLS? I am a large futbol supporter but this, this, just isnt very good.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I’m trying to help my dad find a place on that MLS realty website, and yeah, it’s pretty bland.


When you said “large foot…supporter” I thought you were talking about pre-lapband Rex Ryan.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

I was thinking we might be into some R. Crumb fanfic.

I like big butts and muscular thigh on women too.

*Let’s start with a heartbeat, can’t be too picky.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Re-reading my old Crumb comix, and re-watching the Zigoff film, makes one realize what a misogynist the guy was (and maybe still is?). Some discomfort involved. Maybe he lightened up after moving to France and drawing for the New Yorker. One would like to hope.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

He was not (from what I’ve read) a pleasant individual.

Have you ever read undergrounds by Spain Rodriguez? Very interesting guy, and an incredibly talented artist.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I have a whole dresser drawer full of UG comix from the 60s and 70s, so, yes, by all means, I am familiar with him.

If you haven’t seen the Zigoff Crump film, while disturbing, it’s pretty enlightening as far as illustrating why Crumb was so fucked up (mostly family issues growing up).

Beastmode Ate My Baby

I’ll have to catch that. I came into the undergrounds via Vaughn Bode’s work, so I’m more familiar with that sort of subgenre that he helped develop than with the styles and artists as a whole.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Agreed, and a hypocrite too because he also worshiped. But I think the bitterness, self-loathing, and all the other traits that made him a terrible person to be around made him a great comic artist. Many greats are fucking huge assholes in person. Of course many complete assholes just think they are great. I myself claim to be a medium asshole and mediocre worker so maybe it evens out, no it does not.




Damn summer, how am I supposed to get up to unsavory things if the sun is still up at 9 pm?


A basement pays for itself in the first ten dead hookers, I mean months.


Hit and miss, depends how busy they were before you made them “missing”.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

They decompose faster in the warm weather….. jusssayin.


That is why Northern Ontario is perfect.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

We have mine shafts here. I’m just sayin’ time to move ’em or freeze ’em.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Or hobos.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

“It’s 9 pm, time to…oh, fuck!”


Hey, Kelly Loeffler kind of looks like the South Park version of Jerry Jones.
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Kinda?? Holy shit.

Viva La Tabula Raza

It’s like that old Kim Carnes song.
“She’s got Marty Feldman eyes…”


Whose going to pop up from her lap?


It only seemed like insider trading…turns out she can see around corners.


She can see through time…
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

She could see her stock connections and lawyers at the same time.

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Viva La Tabula Raza

“When EF Hutton talks, people listen.”

Viva La Tabula Raza

She probably shoots free throws worse than Shaq.


Regarding the team name, Dan Snyder, much like Joe Thiesmann’s right leg, finally succumbs to the pressure and breaks.


“The part of Lawrence Taylor will be played by FedEx”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Viva La Tabula Raza

“TA&MU: If you didn’t attend, you can’t understand it; if you did attend, you can’t explain it.”
As a Texas-based Austin T-Sip that has a number of Aggie acquaintances, I can both understand and explain. It’s like the Brazos River Valley campus of Trump University.

Just pictured the mod getting involved and the table tennis murders.

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“They made him eat his paddle, then put him in the creek.”

You see, it’s an ‘up shit creek without a padd……’ never mind.


The Sports Wagering Integrity Monitoring Association.

No, not the dreaded SWIMA


Wasn’t this part of the plot to “Balls of Fury”?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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It’s fine.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Google search results for “Trump 2020 polling numbers”?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I found “Un and underemployed facing eviction during a pandemic with no medical coverage.”

But you know; I look at the bright side, happy-go-lucky, etc.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

That’s OK…Biden will fix everythi-

Y’know, I can’t even say that with a straight face.


I’ll settle for him just not breaking everything at the current rate.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Yeah, I get that. But unfortunately he will be breaking shit. Or at least his shadow cabinet will (since Joe has the brain of a potato at this point). He’s already making noise about Venezuela, and there’s a reason the Dems blocked troop departures from Afghanistan.

None of this justifies Trump’s sheer idiocy, of course. But the Dems could have (and should have) done much better.


The real vote is for VP. At their ages, I don’t see either Biden or Trump surviving until ’24.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Right, which is bullshit in either case. You don’t vote for VP, that’s a position that’s selected by the candidate and/or party. They may help or hinder a campaign, but it’s not about them.


The bar will be very low for President #46. If this was a car race, Trump would currently be driving in the grandstands.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Of course it will. It’s 1976 all over again, except this time around the Dems got the guy they really wanted. So Joe will be awful in his own way, and the Liberals will go to sleep for 4 years after a hearty brunch and ignore the real-life problems that gave us Trump. Which will lead to a far worse Trump in 4-8 years.


You’ve got a far more pessimistic view of it than I do. I highly doubt that in four years anyone is going to be pining for the salad days of the Trump administration. His legacy is going to tarnish that party for a long time – possibly to death.


I think Mr Snrub here makes a good point.

They went too far, and November’s gonna be a bloodbath. Good things will happen over the next few years.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Such as?

Medicare for all? No.
Green New Deal? Nope.
Student loan forgives? HAHAHA NO

The Dems are shifting right, man. They have been for decades, but now they have the “old guard” Republicans they’ve been drooling after for years, and they’re not going to risk alienating them just to give the voters what they want.

And most of the state governments where people actually take the hits are doubling down on the far right bullshit.


There was never gonna be a Berner wet dream, regardless of who won the Dem primary. I’m talking about reversing the tax cuts and other Trump shit and getting back on course. The party is not beholden to the Lincoln Project types. You’ll see.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Beastmode Ate My Baby

Of course they are. They are beholden to whoever gives them money, pure and simple.

Tax cuts? Great, reverse those. I’m all for it.

But they also might want to tackle the big things, because by 2035 you’re going to have a hard time recognizing the planet you grew up on.

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Carbon neutrality by 2050, which should be super easy due to the massive loss of life in the years preceding it

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Hahahaha…..[cough] [clears throat] Shit.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Are you fucking kidding? Liberals are already longing for the days of GW Bush who, at the time, was literally compared to the devil. Just like Trump.
And the influx of Republicans into the Democratic party is shifting that motherfucker right as fast as possible, which means the GOP will continue to veer even further right, just to stay ahead of the curve.

Since Trump I’m just wondering which form apocalypse we’ll be enjoying.

Actually have been thinking that since the Reagan years and even more so when obviously nobody was going to do anything about global warming.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Seriously. I’ve been reading climate reports since the late ’90s. Bad doesn’t even begin to describe it. We’re so far ahead of even recent projections that it’s not even funny.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Yeah, they’re already batting Tucker Carlson’s name around. JFC.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Right? Though honestly I’m guessing Tom Cotton will have a prominent role in the GOP’s future. He’s just the kind of psycho they love.


I agree for the most part. I’m probably as jaded to electoral politics as I’ve ever been. I could never justify not actively voting to replace him right now, though. My idealism is nothing next to the ramped up onslaught on the marginalized we’d see with a second term from Trump, even though that’s the trap for progressives in the current system. Unfortunately, it gets more and more true, because progressives actually have souls while the further right members of the GOP are like the episode of Ren & Stimpy where they keep splitting Ren’s personality to get the most evil possible version of himself and won’t blink at ratfucking everyone to get their perfect psychopath in power. On the bright side, at least we’ll get democracy* in Venezuela.

*Death squads

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Oh, I’m definitely not for keeping Trump, and I understand voting for a mackerel, if that’s what the Dems end up running.

But it’s incredibly disappointing to see them rally behind a man who’s been running unsuccessfully for the office since 1988 (!), had to drop out the first time due to a plagiarism scandal, championed mass incarceration, is anti-M4A, anti-GND, anti-MJ legalization, and has his own sexual assault scandal.

My issue isn’t with the voters who are desperate to replace Mangolini, it’s with a DNC that sold their own souls long ago.


One of the reasons I’m so optimistic about a Democratic takeover is because there’s a growing push to reform voting along ranked choice lines. This will open the door for a part to emerge on the left of Democrats. Once they obtain power, it’s actually in the Dems’ interest to make this reform happen, because it means they can comfortably drift a bit to the right to pull in disaffected Republicans, and the emergent new left party (Democratic Socialists, Social Democrats, whatever) becomes the opposition. The Republican Party will basically become a backwater regional party, the Dems inhabit the center, and everything gets pulled to the left.

When people are voting, people like me will rank things Commies 1, Dems 2, Reps 3, and folks on the right will vote Reps 2, Dems 2, Commies 3. And the Democratic Party prospers.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

I am skeptical of any change to the voting system, as it benefits both parties tremendously. I think you’re assuming that the Dems are somehow an opposition party to the GOP in any way but a performative sense…?

Honestly? The Dem politicians (and especially Pelosi) have loved having Trump in office. He’s given them fundraising opportunities beyond compare, which they’ve taken advantage of.

Policies? Not really their concern. They’ll green-light judicial nominees, pass legislation and vote in unison for obscene war bills for Trump (as they’ve been doing), then go home and vilify him in front of their constituents. It’s just their nature.


/ earlier today

CNN: “The Supreme Court ruled on Trump’s taxes.”
Me: “And?”
CNN: “Trump doesn’t have immunity from subpoenas…”
Me: “Alright!”
CNN: “…but he doesn’t have to turn over his taxes just yet. Don’t interrupt.”
Me: “Sorry. So the conservative justices bailed him out after all.”
CNN: “No, the liberal justices did.”
Me: “What?! …okay. So I guess its 7-2 with Trump’s picks dissenting.”
CNN: “Yes and no. Gorsuch and Kavanaugh sided with the majority.”
Me: “Trump’s picks and RBG’s crew all voted on the same side? That’s crazy!”
CNN: “Says the person imagining a cable news channel is having a conversation with them.”
Me: “Fair point. So Roberts convinced the justices to agree on a opinion that is basically a Judicial Coffin Corner Punt?”
CNN: “Sadly, yes.”
Me: “Well, at least rape is still a crime that deserves punishment regardless of the circumstances and Oklahoma is still a state in equal standing with the other 49 states.”
CNN: “…”
Me: “NO!”
CNN: “That was an amazing choice of words!”
Me: “But…how…what…huh…”
CNN: “Well, its just a technicality based on how the laws are directly written in regards to Native American Reservations. It should resolve itself quickly.”
Me: “‘Directly written.’ Nice job, Conservatives!”
CNN: “Actually…”
Me: “You’re shitting me!”
CNN: “I shit you not.”
Me: “But I though the laws were a ‘living document’.”
CNN: “This seems to be the exception to rule, I guess.”
Me: “You know, I think I’m going to go out in the backyard and take a break from the news.”
CNN: “Probably for the best.”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Great reminder of that shit that people still bring up. The blaming of the Jewish population goes way back. The Usual Suspects of Europe. Fun stuff. Thank you for the warnings about comments sections….. sometimes I see a couple and wonder down there and nearly always regret it.

Here’s a good example…. because plague….

Viva La Tabula Raza

IIRC, Henry Ford published the Protocols as non-fiction, back in the early 1920’s when he had bought the Dearborn Independent newspaper and turned it into a hate-filled anti-Semitic rag. Dude loved him some Hitler, too, when that dude had his day. This is not the only reason, but one of them, that I’ve always been a Chevy guy.


“A Jewish heart can be any color, as long as it’s black.”


Desean was always my least favorite eagle. I’ve always said that.

Viva La Tabula Raza

“Fucking Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. Worst Obama SC appointees ever! TERRIBLE!”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I think you’ve always said that.

My favorites are pretty conventional; Golden and Bald. I do like the Short-toed Snake-eagle (Circaetus gallicus) for the name, the Harpy eagle seems to complain a lot, but is still cool. The Steller’s Sea-eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus) kicks some fish ass.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I like all eagles, but especially the ones that SOAR!!


I put that song on every time I wanna get laid.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Wow, still a virgin!


My daughter was conceived immaculately*

*this word means “by a mail carrier” right?

Viva La Tabula Raza

The Postman Always Cums Twice

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

That’s one of the books; The Postman of Galilee.

“Fuck you! I POUNDED Kellyanne Conway and Ann Coulter in one bone-jarring weekend, you bastard!”


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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

It gets worse.

Game Time Decision

What about Eddie the Eagle?


This image looks like it could have been a photoshop from one of @blaxabbath’s posts.


I so regret clicking on that link.

And you, RTD, are worse than Hitler.

[reads this, immediately clicks on link, regrets it, somehow satisfied]

Viva La Tabula Raza

It’s like Beavis and Butthead, but in the flesh.


Except Beavis and Butt-head are hilarious. These guys couldn’t make a farting baby laugh.


“What the hell are you even looking at?!”

– moy woyff, Over my shoulder

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

“What kind of a name is THAT?!?”

-Jack Mehoff