Let’s Do Some More! Your Sunday Afternoon NFL Football Open Thread

Tilts? Matches? Confrontations? Matchups? Oh yeah, we got more coming your way. TO THE GAMES!


Cincinnati is yours for the taking young Burrow. That is, if you play up to expectations. And if you manage to succeed, could you do something about the lighting and decor? Thanks. Austin Ekeler is listed as the starter but he’s a mere 200 pounds, not nearly big enough to handle the rock the way a traditional RB1 does. Look for (reviews depth chart, sees that Jackson is 200 and Kelley is only 212) umm, someone to hit the weight room hard, I guess?


The breakout seasons for Murray and Drake may have to be delayed for a week or so if San Franny’s D does their thing. Even Hopkins might be hemmed in because he’ll be tailed by the underrated but very effective Emmanuel Moseley.


This is the only team that Brees can play against whereby he be the younger qb. I thought for sure that the Jags would run Fournette into the ground and then kick him to the curb at the end of the year because I guess I’m just that cynical. But no, they did not because I guess being a cancer in the locker room can cause a change of plans. I read somewhere that rb’s that run for over 900 yards and score 5 td’s or less almost always bounce back into the double digits the following year which makes a great deal of sense to me.

Do your stretches, grab your snacks, pour your beverages, break some wind-do whatever you need to and get ready for round 2. GO!

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King Hippo

Shovel pass pickerception? That’s Good WKRP Hustle!

Doktor Zymm


Brick Meathook

How come every time the DFO website is revamped all the minor functions go to shit?

yeah right

Apart from the outcome of my game I’ve had a truly fantastic weekend. I taught my daughters and eldest granddaughter to play hearts and we had a dance off last night with all of the little ones. Haven’t had too many weekends like this lately and I’ve missed that.


Grandparents should be sponsored by the Poker your, learned all my card games from them poker, gun rummy, hearts and spades

Viva La Tabula Raza

All three of these late tilts seem pretty good.

King Hippo

“close” but wouldn’t say “good”

Viva La Tabula Raza

I guess that’s to be expected given this season’s circumstances.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

I…I kinda miss the Alarm Clock uniforms for Tampa…

Doktor Zymm

Agreed, but I also came to love the Steelers bumblebee convict throwbacks


I have an urge to buy a Subway sandwich.


I have an urge to buy a Subway…

Whoa we got a regular Buffet on our hands here

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh



And then cue up Cuties on netflix


Seeing that the Lions dropped a game-winning touchdown and the Browns ran a fake punt deep in their own half and fumbled makes me feel like balance is starting to return to the universe.


It’s too much to ask for this to be the banner quote for even a minute. Just to feel good for a change.

Doktor Zymm

When you’re too Kyle to just be called Kyle, but not Kyle enough to be Kylest


That’s Kyler country


Omg. This Cards-Whiners game is so boring.

Until, as I am typing this, Murray ran one in.


Murray with the ole spatula scramble


Spatula City?

King Hippo

Think I hate MRSA Brady worse than Masshole varietal.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Like comparing watery diarrhea shit to chunky cow shit.

Doktor Zymm

There’s not even the reflected glow of team success to partially validate his personality

Viva La Tabula Raza

Is there a worse NFL player’s name than Succop?

Doktor Zymm

Pronounced Fay-gocomment image

Viva La Tabula Raza

Because French?

Brick Meathook

Michigan: Heart of the U.S. of A.

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Last edited 4 years ago by Brick Meathook

Damn you, Bengals!

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Last edited 4 years ago by Redshirt
Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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San fran hasn’t been burnt on a call that much since a gender reveal

Brick Meathook

that was southern california

Doktor Zymm

Yeah, the Bay area fires were caused by dry lightning. Some dickcheeses decided to piss off Zeus

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

The gender reveal joke goes anywhere in spite of the pedantic.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Now we are fucking talking!!

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Brick Meathook

Last night I fell asleep and accidentally got sober. Don’t worry, the alcohol is flowing and I’m fast returning to the lovable Brick Meathook™ who you all have grown to love during this six month quarantine.


… and the Bengals big money free agent picks gets carted off the field. Now Brown will never spend money again!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Doktor Zymm

I can get used to games starting at 10 am, but it’s way harder to get used to the local games usually being in the late slot.

Brick Meathook

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Wanna hear the most annoying coverage in the world

Doktor Zymm

That would be a hotly disputed title, it could even become a Fox Reality competition!


This may be the toxic Skyline Chili talking, but the Bengals have been better this 2nd half.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Those new vibrators are VERY powerful.

yeah right

I had a 3 piece spicy. Thigh, leg and wing with red beans and rice and a biscuit.

Goddamn that’s some tasty fucking chicken.

It’s also pretty fucking awesome to let somebody else’s ass cook on Sunday.


I’d only swap the mash potatoes for the rice and beans. I’d upgrade the pieces number
to avoid this dilemma

yeah right

There may have been an additional order with chicken strips and cajun fries but you’ll never here me swear to that in court.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I am glad that Brady has transferred well; I hate the Bucs almost as much as I did when Rapey McCrablegs was QB, in spite of Arians Nation’s mitigating factors.


Brady checking to see if the Villages will accept Brazilians


So Belichick was the reason for the dynasty?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

It is absolutely time to jump to that conclusion after one game.


If jumping weren’t allowed, I would seldom reach one. Oh wait, that’s orgasms.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Jumping orgasms? I’ll look that one up.

yeah right

That’s a Balls Pornhub search term for sure.


That’s one use for Mexican Jumping Beans.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Or a long awaited track & field victory.


Burrow is overthrowing his open receivers by two yards. Dalton otherthrew his by seven. So…progress?

clint greasewood

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Brady setting up glorious garbage time points


Brady throws a pick 6! Oh frabjous day! Calloo Callay!

yeah right

I’m chortling with joy.

clint greasewood

Somehow thats not Brady’s fault


More like Michael BADgley amirit?


Burrow may not survive this game.


Beat poet to beat up QB. Fuck me Bengals you are wild.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gatoraids

Brady to spend halftime dancing in front of a mirror saying I’d sign me.


Not gonna lie, I can’t wait to get back to west coast football hours in a few weeks


Is it Monday yet?

Brick Meathook

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Doktor Zymm

Kittle might have just slightly hyperextended a knee


After excessive searching, I believe I have found the appropriate gif for the lions in that game


Last edited 4 years ago by Brocky

Page not found, but I hope it’s what’s his name dropping the ball in the end zone


“Page not found” is also appropriate for any Lions’ performance

Doktor Zymm

This Arizona/Santa Clara game is surprisingly enjoyable

Viva La Tabula Raza

I thought it would be smokier.

Last edited 4 years ago by Viva La Tabula Raza
Doktor Zymm

It’s not super smokey looking at ground level, but when they show a shot of the sky it’s not gray from clouds, that’s smog

yeah right

Well shit. To ease the pain I ordered Popeye’s.

Proper pain management through fried chicken.

Doktor Zymm

Ah PopeYes, the most Catholic fried poultry!

Viva La Tabula Raza

PopeYes except to birth control.

Doktor Zymm

I’m going with Moss, it’ll be easy if I’m the one throwing to him

Viva La Tabula Raza

I’d go with the not-shown Brad Parscale SuperGrift option.

Last edited 4 years ago by Viva La Tabula Raza

I’d talk with either Beef Mo or Moss and tell them I’ll cut them a check for 25 million if they let me beat them


Wait the Redacteds came back against the eagles?


yeah right

It’s a brand new season for Football Team.

Doktor Zymm

I’ve decided I want them to keep the generic name and logo

yeah right

Agreed. It’s got a certain cache.

Doktor Zymm

It’s like all the packaging from Repo Mancomment image

Viva La Tabula Raza

Was headed there myself. C’mon kid, let’s go get a drink!

Doktor Zymm

Biden going with the tearjerker approach to campaign commercials

Viva La Tabula Raza

My channel flipping today has resulted in no seeing of any political ads at all, except the very tail end of a Biden approving the message. Of course, my luck will not hold.


Quit vulturing carries Kelley.