Pole Assassin Monkey Attack II: When Nature Calls! Tuesday Open Thread

“Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.”
-Wm. Butler Yeats

Yes, the Bills lost a heartbreaker to the Accursed Patriots /spits. But all is not lost. The Bills have Tampa this week, and there’s nothing to rebuild your confidence quite like shitting in the mouth of Tom Brady /spits.

Another slow NFL News Day. Literally, the biggest news is Ryan Fitzpatrick finally having surgery to repair his Week 1 hip injury.

Accordingly, we turn to JV Foosball for today’s sampling:

*You thought you could escape the sordid tale of a stripper, her monkey, Halloween and the University of Texas football team. You thought it was some sort of candy-and-alcohol-hangover hallucination, an Internet Age version of Scrooge’s crumb of cheese or underdone potato.

No no, my friend.

As previously summarized: a trick or treater was attacked by a monkey at the home of the Texas Longhorns’ special teams coach, but the monkey belonged to his girlfriend, who is a stripper that he left his wife for, known as the “Pole Assassin” and who uses the monkey in her act and is tweet-defending herself and the monkey in a conversation with PFTCommenter.

You know, a full month later and reading that still gives me this:

Now, the alleged trick-or-treater’s alleged parents have allegedly filed civil suit against the alleged Pole alleged Assassin and her alleged co-monkey-custodian Jeff Banks for gross negligence and defamation. Allegedly.

In the suit, Amy and Casey Clinkenbeard

No relation

state that their child

Also no relation

was invited to go through a haunted house on Banks’ property with two friends. Afterward, he was invited to see the alleged monkey (Gia) who he was told gives high-fives.

Not unheard of

The kid (who is apparently in the 11-13 age range) decided this sounded great. So when his hand went up, Gia bit the shit out of it and refused to let go, requiring the kid to “manually pry the monkey’s jaw open.”

As a side note, is there a way other than manually to pry a monkey’s jaws off your bleeding hand? Like, an Automatic Monkey Jaw Opener? If not, there’s money to be made there…

Anyway, after the kid saw a doctor to get it treated, the doctor called P.A. and asked about Gia’s vaccination status. P.A. refused to tell him, presumably while yelling something incoherent about HIPAA. However, by way of easing the concerns of a medical professional, she did disclose that Gia had bitten her before and she was fine. Free Lawyer Tip: never ever admit that you knew your animal had a history of biting people. Also, given that all the pictures I see of P.A. look like she hasn’t showered for weeks, I wouldn’t rule out rabitic hydrophobia.

So that’s the gross negligence bit. The defamation part comes from P.A.’s statements on social media (since deleted) that the kid was trespassing in the monkey area and should have known better.

Now, here I am split. Texas trespass law is a mystery to me, other than the fact that you are allowed to shoot any man on sight as long as you yell “Dang varmint! Git off my property!” within two minutes before or after the shot. See State v. Yosemite Sam, 20 S.W. 2d 335 (1948). Presumably exposure to an attack primate falls into similar bounds. I assume an invitee may reasonably be limited to certain parts of a property. Also, as anyone who has read The Coach Zimmer Chronicles or seen Raiders of the Lost Ark knows- only a fool trusts a capuchin.

So there’s an element of assumption of risk.

On the other hand, monkeys are not fucking pets. They are majestic, proud wild animals who are also sneaky as shit. Call me a Monkey Fascist, but there is no safe way to keep a primate in a private residence. And if there’s a better example of an attractive nuisance than a high-fiving stripper monkey, I’ve never heard of it.

So there we are. I await an entry of appearance by Rusty Hardin or Sidney Powell or Johnny Cochrane’s Ghost on behalf of the monkey. All I know is that until we get a Beansie/Gia crossover, we are all losers.

OBSCURE MOVIE OF THE WEEK: Johnny Dangerously!

Funny Michael Keaton! Marilu Henner! Dom Deluise AND Danny DeVito! A send-up of gangster movies, it represents an odd moment in 1980s Hollywood. It’s a deeply flawed movie with a lot of beautiful, fleeting moments connected by banal stupidity. It cannot decide how much to mock it’s source material and how much to celebrate it. The Death Row scene (below) is a true classic. The subsequent car-wrapping-paper scene is just painful.

On the whole, not Keaton’s best work. Plus, Joe Piscipo. Ugh. But still worth your time.

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The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem
Feared conqueror; scholar; poet; revered holy man; professional raconteur; soldier of fortune; aloof yet thorough lover; bandit; blazing gypsy speedboat. I have been called some of these things.
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Brick Meathook

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To honor December 7th, I’m watching “Back to the Future Part II”. What? Did you think I was going to say “Pearl Harbor”? “Back to the Future Part II” got 2015 more right than “Pearl Harbor” did Pearl Harbor.


One of these days, I’m gonna get drunk enough to donate to PBS just to get all the Rick Steves travel paraphernalia which I will never watch. Won’t regret it.

Doktor Zymm

So last time I donated to NPR I got wine as a donation gift, so you can be drunk on both ends if you work it right


Drunk on both ends?
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Totes fancy tote bag brah!


Do the Rick Steves sandals come with Rick Steves socks or is that only at the Silver level?


I just hope they match the already-purchased Rick Steves Buttplug.


He seems like a total mensch!

Last edited 3 years ago by Redshirt

My dad’s last remaining sibling passed away this past Friday. Ultra-controlling aunt didn’t bother to inform me. He was a super funny guy and a very successful businessman-“the black sheep of the family that made out better than all of us” is how my father described him at one point. He left a significant mark on our small town both politically and geographically. W.F. was a lot of things to a lot of folks but to me as young kid he was always willing to share a joke. After my dad passed he was there to give me advice any time I asked. Just a great guy…


What was she waiting for? When you go to the Family Cemetery and see the new tombstone?


Pour one out for Uncle Scotchy!

Doktor Zymm

I really don’t want to go back to work tomorrow. I don’t know how I’m going to make it another 5 months till my decided quit date. At least I have a decided quit date, and time off planned before then. And fun stuff planned for after I quit. I can do this.

Doktor Zymm

I hate the feeling of unused knowledge rotting in my head.


Go on Jeopardy!

Last edited 3 years ago by SonOfSpam

I am trying to make it until May and then go bartend somewhere and be happy not murderous.


That’s why I was lucky to have my desk by itself for the last three years. I was able to go be by myself while the voices slowly went away.


Do you have fun stuff planned for how you’re gonna quit?

Doktor Zymm

Not really, gonna tell my boss about it this week so everything can be wrapped up easily


Actually, I wouldn’t if I was you. The second you do, you become expendable.

Doktor Zymm

Ruh roh


I knew he was going to get uppity after winning those bets!


Snotty-nosed seems kind of personal. It’s not like they have access to kleenex, and they can’t wipe it off on their shirt, like Belicheat.


Is my boy Yeats talking about the Pole Assassin domestic situation turned national drama, , Ryan Fitzpatrick’s leg, or the Bills losing to the Pats?


Some rare OSU on OSU violence on this year Coaching Musical Chairs. I also like the thought of the head coach. “Even though I’m in charge and I take credit for everything, it’s not my fault we got our asses handed to us by Michigan.”



Anyone want a gently used 4 year old? I make nice price for you.

Doktor Zymm

Any training?


He is going to be big. He doesn’t listen but has a lot of energy. I think he would excel as a plough horse.

Doktor Zymm

Hmm, I just have a window box, but I will talk to some farmers I know


“Settle down Mr. Epstein, we’re looking for subjects at least eight years older than that.”

-Clients, hidden behind a one-way mirror


lol i’m not falling for this again


Someone increment the “Times DFO Showed Up on an FBI Watchlist” counter!


This was an outstanding post


Johnny Dangerously! is goddamn wonderful, and If Marilu Henner’s musical # doesn’t light your fire, yer wood is wet.


Found a funny;

GRONK’S AGENT: hey I got you another ad where you’re just a complete dunce. an utter fool. a dundering oaf
GRONK: okey doke sounds good


Republican Idiots: “I don’t understand why the workforce isn’t coming back.”

One, COVID is COVIDing. Two, they’re probably tired shit like this.

If you fire someone, you tell it to their face. You owe them that much.



Gumby got laid off by Ericsson years ago in a hotel ballroom with hundreds of other employees, by the disembodied head of Ingvar Ericsson himself. I swear to Dog, he was like the fucking Wizard of Oz! And then they hired him as a contract employee for more money. It was weird as fuck, I was upstairs in the room. They had armed security, tried to keep them from talking to each other. Most of the people did not get job offers, it was very strange.


Taco tuesday!


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King Hippo

I was going through my DVR earlier, and this sad thought hit me. Bob’s Burgers…just isn’t half as funny as it used to be.


“Isn’t that the way with everything?”

-Curb Your Enthusiasm, Portlandia, Bojack, Archer, Simpsons, Rick and Morty, Family Guy, etc.

Doktor Zymm

Kinda boring story time: guy I went to high school with and hooked up with about 10 years later was roommates with a dude who worked security at a strip club and was friends with a lot of the strippers so they were around the house a lot. His main complaint was that they were shit at drinking beers, and would leave almost full beers sitting around at the end of the night. This was true, we were tidying cans in the morning and every stripper beer was at least 80% full. curious what happened to that guy. He was basically the PA for a sketchy dude who owned a bunch of clubs in DC. Started as his driver, then dude bought him suits and started bringing him in on more business, so maybe he’s in the mob now? Anyway, probably a good career choice for someone who got a kick out of walking past the Takoma Park police station while stoned.


If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times: casual stripper houseguests never finish their beers.


You don’t get as many dollars thrown at you if you have a beer belly…

Doktor Zymm

Then don’t get a beer in the first place! Or at least share your drugs so we can waste them the same way you’re wasting our booze!


Honestly, not that I’m defending strippers or have extensive knowledge of stripper social habits, but I really think they thought they were being polite.

Someone offers you a beer, you politely take it and nurse it the whole time instead of saying, “Beer? Where’s the fucking coke, dipshit?”


These balls have seen some things.

Doktor Zymm

They specifically asked if they could have a beer after they ran out of whatever they were drinking before that. I don’t think anyone would be upset if it was our offer.

Doktor Zymm

And apparently this was a regular thing. It was cheap beer, but I understand being upset at the wastage, as well as not wanting to say no when someone asks for a beer, even if you know they’re just going to take a couple sips


Well that’s just rude then.

Doktor Zymm

Is calling someone a shitty guest really defamation nowadays? I don’t know why we even bother with defamation or libel in the US. We will never be more entertaining than the English suit where a lady was awarded money for the papers saying she dyed her hair, and she would have been awarded more except for the fact that her hair was so obviously dyed.


Zdeno Chara has been around since before my first child was born and he’s only 11th in NHL games played.


Please win tonight so this meme I made and posted on twitter doesnt come back to bite me in the ass


I’ll try but I don’t think these skates fit anymore.


Before any makes a cruel remark at Eugene Melnyk’s expense about drafting Chara but squandering him, take it from me and remember that the Islanders, aka the Senators of America, drafted Chara, not Ottawa.


Ahhh, but can we talk about the Sens being only able to sign Wade Redden or Chara and they chose the latter? The guy that ended his career in the AHL more than a decade ago?

/But Redden was there near the beginning and Chara was a latecomer to the team!!!


But a guy named WADE! He’s gotta be tougher than a frilly European!

King Hippo

As always, I refer to Patton Oswalt, and the best comedy bit title I have ever heard – Dating a Stripper is a Recipe For Perspective


Not a bit that is popular but it always makes me laugh and it’s also about aggressive advertising.



Bend over Abigail May, here comes the gravy pipe!