2022 Post-Plague Madness – Rounding Out Round One

The early window, as quasi-predicted, was a wet bag of shit.  DUE BETTER, night windows!

13S Chattanooga (+8) v. 4S Illinois (6:50, TNT)

What’s the fucking deal with all the schools that used to be “State-hyphen-City” who are now just “City?”  I fear and reject ALL CHANGE.

15W Cal-State Fullerton (+18.5) v. 2W Duke (7:10, CBS)

God bless y’all Fullertonians for NOT following the douchebag trend noted above.  But this being K’s last radio, CBS will demand that he at least make the second weekend.  Not that I like this one little bit.

11MW Iowa State (+4) v. 6MW LSU (7:20, TBS)

A bayou team that fired its dirty coach as soon as they had the paperwork to avoid a buyout (ie, last week) against Team Cornpone State, who played in a very tough conference – but I don’t think they’ve won a game since January.  Not great, Bob!

16S Wright State (+21.5) v. 1S Arizona (7:27, truTV)

Good news – Wright State got their first ever NCAAT win in the play-in round!  Bad news?  Meet the Fighting Blax.

12S UAB (+9) v. 5S Houston (9:20, TNT)

Spark a doobie for GumbyGirl’s Blazers, as they meet the trendy/analytics darling – which I ain’t buying, the JV 500s burned me too badly in the past.  Kelvin Sampson can sure fucking coach, though.

10W Davidson (+1) v. 7W Michigan State (9:40, CBS)

For onesies, despite their struggles – nobody goes ugly (with success) in March like Tom Izzo.  He’s like the friend you went barhopping with who would fuck absolutely anything.  He wasn’t home trying to crank one out before the hangover kicked in, though.  For twosies, Seth Curry ain’t walking through that door.

14MW Colgate (+7.5) v. 3MW Wisconsin (9:50, TBS)

How shit do you have to be to be THIS BIG an underdog to plodding-ass Wisconsin?  If it seems like I am running out of shit to say, you’d be right.

9S TCU (+1.5) v. 8S Seton Hall (9:57, truTV)

I’d be pulling for Bloodeyes anyway, thanks to their cool mascot.  But also, Kevin Willard freaks me the fuck out.  No idea as to why.  Like most things Hippo, it just is.  But also also, I’d like St. Peter’s to be the last Jersey side standing.

See everyone again tomorrow!

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King Hippo
Reclusive, vulgar Broncos fan. Also a proud fookin' Evertonian. Likely dropped on my head repeatedly as a small child. [Insert George Carlin quote followed by thoughtful nod.]
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John Clayton (of ESPN football analysis fame) passed. Bummer, he was good.

Horatio Cornblower

Love watching these games, rooting like hell for one team, then realizing I picked the other one in my bracket.


It is never ever ever the other way.


Wasn’t Chattanooga the first 15 seed to ever win, beating… somebody, years ago? Meanwhile, Florida Gulf Coast Credit Union from a few years ago doesn’t even have a team anymore. Really makes you think.


Richmond in 1991 or ’92 was the first 15 to win. Chattanooga was a 14 when it beat JAWJAH in ’97.


Trying to make a mix-tape playlist of artists named after Ancient female warrior princesses/poets. So far I have:
Dido – White Flag


The Who – Athena


Michael Jackson – Dirty Diana


Kofi Cockburn is the name of a cafe in Addis Ababa.


It’s also a condition prevalent in McDonald’s drive-thru lanes.


This is very good.


Is Prison Girlfriend the best quarted back in the division now?


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You in a club in Atlanta or what?


Kofi Cockburn is a Golem playing with boys.


The Illinois Redundants are struggling right now,


Fighting Redundants


WE ARE ALL TITANS until Duke starts blowing them out.


Thought we were banana slugs.


No, just your mom from a vaginal standpoint.

No, that’s UC Santa Cruz.


The skateboard company?


You can major in Sick Ollies.


Kevin from UCONN has the Rona?


Why would some guy in a Storrs strip mall be hooked up with Ms Barrett?


Because he thought it would get him to that car auction in Scottsdale.


Strange to hold an event like that in some guy’s private valley.


Hell one of the greatest country clubs is there. The 11th hole at Private Valley is picturesque.


“Given the score four minutes in, we were never really Titans.”



Remember the who now?


Gah, my phone and laptop are about deeed. See ya in an hour. Have a real strange wine from Southern France. Happy Friday!

Mr. Ayo

Looks like Mills is another giraffe QB.

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Late St Patrick’s Day joke


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