Establishing shot and title card.
ANNOUNCER BETH MOWINS: Silver and Black Spoons [sic] is filmed in front of a thriving Scorpio [sic] audience.
The show’s film crew are all in their starting positions, and a palpable sense of anticipation can be felt. The stage lights – initially dim – are brightened as someone enters through the house door at stage rear. The studio audience explodes into hoots and hollers, but these noises of jubilation quickly fade to confused silence as they realize that the incredibly handsome man striding towards them is not a member of the cast, but instead a member of the show’s writing staff.
RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: Hi folks. I’m Rikki-Tikki-Deadly, one of the screenwriters for That’s My Raiders. You might remember me as the writer of such Very Special Episodes as “We Can’t Sweep This One Under the Rugg” and “Why Does DeSean Jackson Hate the Weinsteins?”. The producers have asked me to address the studio audience – as well as any and all football fans throughout the world – about what’s happening with Derek Carr right now.
As much as I’d like to tell you that I just checked and Derek is in his room, listening to Escape the Fate and screaming at us to “GO AWAY”, the reality is that he’s not there, and we’re not sure he’s every going to be there ever again. Derek has asked to step away from set for the time being, and the producers of the show have agreed. A lot of people are wondering what Derek’s future is here in the That’s My Raiders family, and the honest answer right now is that we simply do not know.
Over these nine years, our audience has come to know and love Derek like a brother. And he’s worked as hard as anyone can reasonably be expected to make this show into a modest hit. But it’s also important to remember that despite the sacrifices Derek has made – like skipping the Bring Me The Horizon secret show to hold the clipboard on the sidelines of a preseason game against the Falcons – he’s been unable to bring sustained success to the Raiders household.
Derek has had a lot of heroes in his lifetime. His brother was a big one. Robert Smith looms even larger. But one of Derek’s biggest guiding lights was the self-proclaimed “Black Mamba” Kobe Bryant. He always admired Kobe’s willingness to take the reins and deliver – or at least attempt to deliver – in the clutch. And Derek lived up to this legacy in a lot of ways – his record in overtime games is a stunning 9 and 2 (with one of those losses coming courtesy of a Hunter Renfrow fumble while Derek was driving the team into range for a game-winning field goal). But the one trait of Kobe’s that Derek never seemed to absorb was the disdain and contempt for his opponents that Kobe displayed. Derek was never comfortable stepping on the throat of an opponent and humiliating them in front of their fans like Kobe was willing – and even enthusiastic – to do.
Oh, and also Derek never raped anyone. That we know of.
It’s no secret that the NFL has worked particularly hard in the last several years, mostly via officiating, to ensure that most games remain competitive through the final whistle so as to maximize viewer interest – and therefore ad revenue. It’s the same philosophy we use in our three-act structure of writing episodes for That’s My Raiders. We don’t want anyone tuning out before the story gets resolved. But that’s not something a player should be striving for. Too often – and this season has been particularly egregious – the Raiders offense has gone limp in the second half of games when they’ve had an advantage. In fact, Derek is so soft-hearted…[makes gesture at audience]
RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: …that in the sixty-three wins of Derek’s career, only fifteen times has he won by more than one score. And of those, only four times has he won by more than two. Derek wasn’t specifically told before the Steelers game last week that he was playing for his job, but it was certainly implicit. And Derek seemed to sense it – he listened to “Happy Endings are Stories That Haven’t Ended Yet” by Mayday Parade on a loop for twelve straight hours before the game. And then he went onto the frozen field at Acrisure Stadium and had one of the worst games of his entire career.
We love Derek. We hope he’s safe right now. But only time will tell what the future will hold. And in the meantime, here’s a song we’d like to dedicate to him from one of his favorite bands. We’ll never forget about you, Derek. And we’ll never stop rooting for you.
Everyone knows Carr is just the scapegoat for that shitty ass coach who can’t be fired because they are still paying Gruden.
The thing is, Derek Carr was a *terrible* red zone quarterback. Probably one of the worst among long-term starters in the modern NFL. And that’s not on McDaniels, that’s always been a problem. Carr got little help from his defense, but he didn’t help them out a ton either – it was a very rare thing for him to stretch a lead, as I talked about above.
That was a very UCLA way of losing that game.
I nodded off at HT of the Turtles/Wolves game, it never changed tenor ONCE. At least you lost entertainingly.
Kind of the right way for the DTR era to end.
What a way to get fired.
That’s My Wolven Sort!
I mean, i think that’s what college football REALLY is all about.
Bet this won’t be the last victim of WOKE you’ll be hearing about selling garb at the GOP carnivals.
Few people remember this, but in early London years, Estime preceded tea time every afternoon.
/incoming Dad Joke Alert
Me: “What did you do in Sudbury?”
Son’s GF: “We watched the new Avatar movie.”
Me: “Just curious-what does popcorn cost these days, like $15?”
Son’s GF: “We didn’t buy any popcorn.”
Me: “So you just rented it? How does that work?”
Aww, man.
“Just you wait for our amazing deals on Davante Adams’ jerseys in December of ’23! Oh crap…”
-Manager of the Raiders Twitter account
Raiders fans crashing the title loan stores for cash before the team store recognizes their expensive mistake.
Sun Bowl is really the Granddaddy of ‘Em All.
Geaux Bruinz!
The GILF of them all?
Sun Bowl is the Greatest Lemon Party anywhere!
As I was reading your comment, they went to the booth to show the announcers. Perfect fucking timing.
You know that Gary Danielson is a REAL firecracker between the sheets!
[begins drafting a bill outlawing the TransPerfect Music City Bowl in The House of Representatives]
Wow, you usually have to wait until New Year’s Day to see Notre Dame get their shit pushed in like this.
The Notre Dame HateWatch has begun. Hate with me, won’t you?
You have my scissor lift.
And my covered up allegations of rape!
“And my red robe and white bonnet! Under his eye!” – former professor Amy Coney Barrett
(ND priests are very conflicted)
The crowd shots at the Duke’s Mayo Bowl looks a lot like the crowd shots for the marble races.
Is the transfer window open already? How much did the Pool Boys pay for Faes?
“That’s My Raiders” is being picked up for another season, though, right?
Hard to see this show going off the air while Mark Davis remains president of the network.
They’re building the TMR! universe.
Next up:
“Derek Carr’s first season in the XFL is an emotional journey. See how he handles being the *new* guy in the locker on Wednesday’s at 4am with Fox’s THE GRIDIRON ROOKIE. From carrying pads to pretty-homosexual hazing traditions, Carr will show what it takes to score a *touchdown* when your faith and your professional football career need a real hail mary. “
Obviously i dont hope Carr hurts himself is understood, right?
I think it would be very funny if Dereck Carr killed himself and the NFL was like, “IT WAS THE DREADFUL MUSIC HE LOOKED LIKE HE LISTENED TO!”
The press conference would be held at NRG.
Not the stadium. The headquarters.
I mean, I’m not saying Carr was the next Herbert BUT, you know, occams razor.
It’s a curse.
[advises you to drop Occam’s razor down the nearest sewer grate] – Ray Lewis
Oh no, I just realized
Do you think the real Derek Carr ever tried to get anyone to call him the Silver and Black Mamba?
Oh and re: “Happy Endings are Stories That Haven’t Ended Yet” – someone once had Eli saying “An interception is just a pass to a friend you haven’t met yet” either here or at KSK and it remains one of the funniest football jokes I have seen in my entire life.
The real question is whether Derek Carr takes helicopters from Vegas to the Grand Canyon.
The BETH MOWINS (why is this capitalized? I don’t know, but I blame RTD) malapropisms never cease to kill me.
Because BETH MOWINS is larger than life!
I think he heard The Cure’s new songs, fell into a deep depression, and is now looking at property in Romania since there’s apparently a pretty good pizza place there.
I would buy so many Jerry’s Pizza T-shirts right now. They need to hit this marketing sweet spot like it was an alleged sex trafficker.
Greta should do this, and give the proceeds to an environmental group. Incel heads would explode!