One late morning last week, seated in my motor-carriage and travelling to-wards a local restaurant in search of sustenance to break the night’s fast, I spotted a chunk of slush in the roadway. It being almost directly in my tire’s path I decided that the best slush is mushed slush and drove over it. I was then, of course, shocked when the expected sound and feel of my radial crushing the slush to mush was instead a thumping crunch of a lump. That grey chunk of gunk was no hunk of slush but a goddamned squirrel. It’s tiny, fluffy corpse now mashed into pulp by 4,000 pounds of Detroit steel. Shucks.
On the return voyage I passed this same unfortunate rodent. Still lying in the same spot. Its friends and family surely watching the endless horror from above. Either he fell from the overhanging oak or was taking his chances collecting acorns off the road. As bad luck would have it a pick-up truck was approaching in the opposite direction and he, as I before him, ground that little tree rat even further into the asphalt. Couldn’t blame the guy. It really did look just like a pile of slush. I just hope it wasn’t one of the half dozen or so squirrels who frequent my back yard and the generous offerings of the walnut tree that resides there. Those guys are all right.
God speed, you nickel-toothed little bastard. We hardly knew ye.
Speaking of being crushed into oblivion, we had a bowling game to play last week. The previous week’s good showing had us up to #2 on the leaderboard but that didn’t seem to matter a lick to the opposing team.
We were up against a foursome of well-aged bowlers. As usual, there was at least one married couple. Perhaps two if the lady was indignant that way and kept her own name. They were nice folks. Too nice in a way. That way was by cheering on our good rolls and using our first names even though we had just met them and didn’t even give them our names. Just went off the screen. Still seemed odd to me.
We didn’t have high hopes. And by “we” I mean just Lily Liver and me. Our other half, the married couple, had a rough weekend of kids and life and all that ragged bullshit and tapped out for the evening. The league uses 90% of the average when someone is absent and they have eerily identical numbers so we got 104s from them for each game. Probably still better then having one of our semi-literate knuckle-dragging friends substitute on short notice.
I started off in a bad funk. Pathetic, really. I got one single spare all game. Lily pulled off a 171 to top his own best score of the year but this was not nearly enough to overcome the overfamiliar seniors. Not by a long shot. They clobbered us by 70 points even with the handicap. It was almost 100 by the real scores.
I picked up my sagging ball skills in the second game with a decent 148. I spared every frame but one this time, in some sort of mirror reality of mediocrity. Lily, on the other hand, got himself distracted whining about the chairs – as he is wont to do nearly every single week – and stumbled to a 126. The wayward adult child support system we were up against took their foot off the gas but still beat us by 30.
Game three was our last chance at retaining some sort of dignity. While that didn’t happen, we did manage to get some points. Lily, now distracted by some apparently delectable Birria tacos, only managed 130 but with my 162 and the ninety per centers we managed to pull a wet, stretchy trash bag of a moral victory out of the garbage bin of whatever week of bowling it was. Our 861 total was enough to get us the last game by 25 and earn 2 of a possible 7 points on the week.
The standings are up and our 2nd place position is already no more. We’re back to 5th where we seemingly belong. Still the worst bowlers in the league but if we can keep improving by modest increments and not just get sick of the whole thing we might have a chance at a few prizes at the end here. Whenever that sweet release is on tap.
Have a nice Tuesday and look both ways before you grab those nuts.
Best Lily?
No C option for Lily Carter? FOAR shame!
A, I’m more into the wholesome sexy vibe
But a Lily Allen option would have been nice.
Goth before Goth was kool
FUN FACT: Yvonne De Carlo was a year older than Al Lewis, who played her father
Michelle Yeoh is 61 years old and looks absolutely stunning tonight at the Golden Globes.
One of the perks of getting older is you start to appreciate more mature women
Yes yes I’m just raising money for my new movie called Police–Police Story, uh, Three. No you can’t see the first two.
Watching casino with my dad after it got recorded on amc, 3 things:
1. Despite being long as hell, I’m enjoying it a lot more than last time I saw it
2. It’s fucking hilarious how badly the foul language is edited out.
3. I really really really one of those bright red blazers that de niro wears near the end of the film
To work in underwear and put on pants for meetings to keep a clean crease is 😍
You know what’s sad? The universe is so big and yet none of us will do any space travel. This feels like a huge failure on humankind’s behalf that we’re confined to one planet, let alone different planets in different galaxies
There was some quote I saw growing up:
“Too late to explore the earth, too early to explore the stars”
You can recreate the “explore the earff” experience easy enough: stop paying your utility bills so you have neither heat nor water, find an inbred rich asshole to tell you what to do all day and/or beat you mercilessly, and eat a diet of nothing but maggot infested hardtack leading to a toothless death from scurvy. Sure sounds great!
I’m perfectly happy right here
We would only fuck up the universe like we’ve fucked up the Earth.
In any event, I hate even leaving my house.
I live in the Caribbean. That’s plenty of world for me.
Over at the snack bar:
There’s always too many pecans in the mixed fuck smgdh
I have a soft spot for pan seared babies
Fun fact: The clit sandwich is just two pieces of bread on a plate because we all know the clit doesn’t exist.
Not sure I want a salt sandwich
3 bucks for an ass burrito is a great deal!
Balls on Toast and Apeburger are very KSK
The Pot Brownies would invariably be sold out, so I would go with the Cow Legs, followed by some Heroin & Water so I could forget I was at this place.
I prefer mah heroine NEAT thank u very much smh
I assume the Helicoptor [sic] Pie is made with 100% pure Kobe meat?
Mixed bag. But Myth of Bacon mmmMMUah!
Who isn’t??? I will play in traffic for Birria tacos.
Speaking of sagging ball skills
“He’s like the son I never had!” – Richie Incognito, wiping away a tear
I mean, that’s certainly the face of a guy who’s beating the strange off with a stick amirite??
I think I’m really running out of bowling subjects now.
Honors: Some leagues give out trophies for high game/series, scratch and handicap. ABC/WIBC (now subsumed by the USBC) used to give out pins and patches for this, and other achievements, so at least you’d get a little tchotchke if nothing else.
Governing Bodies: Back in the old days, men were under the American Bowling Congress (ABC), and women were under the Women’s International Bowling Congress (WIBC). They did the usual functions of a sports governing body by determining what equipment is legal/illegal, insuring their sanctioned leagues, etc. As mentioned above, you’d get bowling league swag at the end of the season; patches and pins for all sorts of achievements (600/700/800 series, 10/11 strikes in a row, 300 game, etc). They’ve now been replaced by the United States Bowling Congress. I’ve been in a couple of unsanctioned leagues, but they were summer leagues, and the house wanted to spare themselves the hassle and expense.
Bowling Hall of Fame: I saw it a long time ago (1987), when it was still in St. Louis. It’s in Arlington TX now. I was with a bunch of fellow college students attending an ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) convention, and it was either walk around the convention hall and try to bum swag, try to stay awake during afternoon events, or go do something touristy in St. Louis. Old-timey wooden bowling balls, little fat duckpins, other exciting bowling stuff. Saw the original Anheuser Busch brewery too. Those Clydesdales’ stable is probably cleaner than your house.
Gumby got this for his first natural 200 game. I have one somewhere for a 175.
I don’t have much interest in bowling, but I feel like a bowling hall of fame might be interesting to meander through.
Today’s Wall Street Journal:
What’s next, instant replay? Technologies act as an acid to the enjoyment of sport.
Strings are standard on 5 pin from what I’ve played. I’ve played with strings on 10 pin and they sure seem to make a difference.
Walter Sobchak would like replay
Damn, 2023 is trying to outdo the previous years by not relying simply on deaths.
Vince is going to lose his family in order to get paid.
I predict Paul and Steph start a new fed on Netflix
Vince is going to lose his family in order to get paid.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing…”
-T. Brady
“I know, right?”
-A. Rodgers