Happy day after Father’s Day, folks. To celebrate, let’s make like Internet Dad, go out of the office for cigarettes and never come back.
Or, in the interests of preserving our family ties and/or ability to pay our bills, (in whichever order or the exclusions of whichever item you prefer), we could just do a Father’s Day themed draft.
Well screw you, I’m running this draft and we’re gonna do it anyway. Plus jokes on you, I enjoy pretzels.
For Mother’s Day I think the theme was ‘Mothers You Wouldn’t Want.’ We could do that for Father’s Day, but I’d again have to rule out taking your own while again pointing you to the nearest therapist and I already made that joke so let’s do something else.
This idea came to me while walking my faithful hound Tucker at about 9:00 pm last night. I was walking him that late because I went out to a beer garden with my father and brother and my brother had to drive because he isn’t a father, (that we know of, anyway), so yesterday wasn’t about him. Suffice it to say it was nap time when I got home, (I only had two beers, but they were high octane, and I also had split a BLT Benedict and a Crab cake Benedict and let’s just say that is some fine sleepin’ food! Also delicious. Then I had to mow the lawn and then my daughter showed up to take my out for ice cream. Pretty solid Dad’s day all around. I hope all you Dads had a similarly enjoyable and artery-clogging day.
/looks at word count
For today we’ll be drafting people deemed “Father of X,” with ‘X’ being something of particular note, or if not note of particular interest to you.
For the sake of not being labeled sexist pigs I will extend the draft to women deemed “Mother of X” and just pretend we live in a world where no one gets too wrapped up about gender.
A person may be drafted more than once, but only once per ‘Father of’ category. We’ll call this the Thomas Edison rule.
With the first pick I will take Benjamin Franklin, in his role as ‘The Father of Electricity.’
I like to think of the artist looking at this, thinking that the cherubim and serraphim, (sp? fuck it, who cares), behind Ben might be a bit much and then deciding that he’s on a deadline and the hell with it.
The rest of you are on the clock.
Phil Hartman, Father of comedy actors.
Apparently Aristophanes is known as the ‘Father of Comedy’ but I’m going to overrule the history books and allow this pick, simply because Phil Hartman transcends established knowledge.
If anyone here doesn’t like that they are free to debate me on Joe Rogan’s show about it.
God that twitter drama is so fucking stupid. Bunch of “independent thinkers” demanding that instead of being settled in writing, as scientific debates are properly resolved, it should be settled by figuring out who can impress a bunch of meatheads the most by yelling the loudest in front of a microphone.
*Father of Unfortunate Wife-Choosing
Thought it was Tito “Don Julio” Patron.
The most important thing to remember about Tequila is “ABC”:
Anything But Cuervo.
Cuervo’s good for a mixer, never straight.
And there are better mixers.
6th Pick: Sid Meier – Father of the Civilization franchise of PC games
Zymm’s going to kick your ass…
Edward Lowe. The father of Kitty Litter. A humble invention, but one that has helped us cat people immeasurably.
4. Dr. Kenneth Cooper, the “Father of Aerobics”. Without his contribution to our society something such as this might have never existed.
Sir John Harington, Father of the flush toilet, in 1596. I wonder if that’s why they call it the John? People believe the inventor was Thomas Crapper, but in actuality he only invented the ballcock. Hehe, the ballcock! Anyway, here’s Sir John, he is the shit!
5th Pick: Oliver Fisher Winchester – Father of the repeating rifle
Eddie Poe. Father of the mystery / detective story & goth.
In that vein, I give you Wilkie Collins, considered by many to be the Father of the detective/ police procedural genre
Father of Role-Playing Games (or Father of Basement Virgins) Gary Gygax (creator of Dungeons and Dragons)
Les Paul, Father of the Electric Guitar, although apparently there’s some controversy about this.
Charlie Papazian. Father of homebrewing.
It was either him or Jim Koch for me earlier.
Ian Curtis, Father of Madchester
5th round going with an old pro Dr Robert Goddard, father of rockets.
/ also coined the phrase, rocket in his pocket… allegedly…
George Washington Carver, the father of the peanut industry.
And the father of white people knowing 1-3 things about black history in February.
Emperor Shen Nung. Known as the Father of Chinese medicine his writings are said to contain the first recording of the use of marijuana. On the downside, he might not actually be real.
This pick, like literally any pick by the New York J-E-T-S Jets, has some holes in it.
Izaak Walton, Father of Fishing (wrote The Compleat Angler)
Does not look like comfortable fishing duds.
ok, who else read this as FISTing?
Heading out for a bit, so I’ll close with George Stanley Halas, father of DA BEARS
(and arguably father of the whole damn NFL)
no you’re thinking of antonio cromartie
Philip Rivers would also be accepted here, ya cockwallet
Jennifer Doudna: The mother of CRISPR
Yeah, it’s great that vegetables are kept fresh in that fridge drawer.
[tries to look up her restaurant on GrubHub] – Coach Reid
4th round Carl Benz father of the Auto. 1st patent was in 1886.
Father of Genetics, Gregor Mendel…because of him, we can make sure future children are perfect in every way.
And our peas!
Capt. James Thomas Sutherland, the father of hockey.
One way or the other I am getting the Whalers back to Hartford.
So far I have electricity, American literature, craft beer, and hockey.
I think we all know where this is going.
Seems like a solid #2 (poop joke goes here)
I have internet, fitbawl, boubon and bbq so far…
Good luck with the internet when I cut off your electricity.
I am willing to keep the power flowing in return for some BBQ. I’ll even throw in some beer.
Electricity wasn’t invented as much as discovered.
If you draft the Father of X you control X. It’s simple math, really.
/failed high school algebra
Thought i heard they had a group to buy and relocate the Coyotes?
If you believe that I have a run down arena in Hartford that I would very much like to sell you.
But yes, that is the story the State is pushing.
We interrupt this draft with a funny story about something the Dr. Mrs. just did. She was trying to do some banking stuff on behalf of her mother (by pretending to be her mother) and the bank teller tried to verify her by asking her (mother’s) mother’s maiden name. It was basically a real-life re-enactment of this:
I laughed harder at this Simpsons clip than maybe any other (Grandpa Simpson’s “love or a stroke” monologue is the other contender)
My maternal Grandmother’s maiden name was Brown. Paternal was Boland. Never met that one. But I know her name!
4th Pick: Henry Perry, Father of Kansas City barbecue
Albert Hoffman, father of LSD.
He’s mentioned in a TC Boyle novel about Timothy Leary’s experiments with LSD back in the 60’s. ‘Outside Looking In’ It’s a good book. “Fuck God, let’s get high”
3. William Gibson, the Father of Cyberpunk literature.
Sigmund Freud, Father of Psychoanalysis and yo mamma jokes
The Ramones, fathers of punk.
Here is what I hate about the internet:
I’m doing out remodel design stuff and looking for a root cellar. Not necessarily adding one but my thought process is that food storage energy is critical here because the heat destroys. So if I could have consistent dry storage in a root cellar, I (a) alleviate that space demand inside the house; (b) partially-alleviate* that energy demand inside the house; (c) create some practical novelty or whatever.
So I look it up. There is exactly one Groundfridge product (I want prefab) and it’s like some euro deal that isn’t even practical here. The remaining page results are just stupid BS “I’m some girl and I have a FARM and a blog and my husband is rich and works in the city but ANYWAYS….” sites that are writing about the Groundfridge and it’s just like a summary.
There is no information on this search yet Google has 85,000 results. There’s nothing there but the space is full. That’s the internet in a nutshell.
So fuck you Sergey Brin, Father of AdWords, and your massive commercial success.
*They’re good to like 55F so won’t replace the fridge but it covers about everything else.
, father of absent parenthood.
Mr. James Brown, The Godfather of Soul.
3rd Pick: Elijah Craig, Father of Bourbon
Oh goddammit.
I mean, many people consider George Washington the father of American distilling, so I’m covered.
That gives me an idea…
Paul Bocuse the father of French gastronomy.
Modern French gastronomy. Monsieur Auguste Escoffier was a world-famous chef wayyy before Bocuse.
Father Christmas
Jim Koch, Father of Craft Brewing, (US version)
Quiet, Lea.
In the 3rd round an old fav of mine MG Bill Lee, Father of the US Airborne.
Most fun you can have with yer pants on guys.
2. Duke Kahanamoku, father of modern surfing.
Gosh. This topic is so hard considering it has been women who have lead to so many of person-kind’s greatest discoveries…
Anyways, see you dudes on Friday afternoon.
“For the sake of not being labeled sexist pigs I will extend the draft to women deemed “Mother of X” and just pretend we live in a world where no one gets too wrapped up about gender.”
It’s right there, man.
Look, I’ve been against the word count minimum since day 1. So, since i don’t like rules, i don’t have to read.
Besides, three likes….
“Yeah, that’s totally why I don’t read, either!”
-Lea Michelle
This is why you can’t have a root cellar, Blax.
Hal Mumme, Father of the Air Raid offense
was’nt Mal Humme the father of the police raid defense?
2nd Pick: Walter Chauncey Camp, Father of American Football
Admiral Hyman Rickover, father of the Nuclear Navy (and all-around genius)
I was in the last class of Naval Nuclear Power School that graduated under Rickover.
(I never used to talk about this stuff. Now I never shut up about it, even though I hated it. I’m turning into Walter Sobchak)
Mark Twain, (Samuel Clemens before anyone gets any ideas about a Blair Witch loophole), the Father of American Literature
Thomas Jefferson, Father of the Monticello Workforce
Next I’ll take Herodotus, father of history, mainly to see if that will summon herodotus, kommentist of note.
wasn’t that herodotus451?
He introduced me to the Achewood comic, to my everlasting thanks.
1. I’ll go with William the Silent, also known as “Father of the Fatherlands”. Don’t know much about him, but damned if that isn’t a cool title.
I wish I had married William the Silent, instead of William Who Never Shuts The Fuck Up.
In the second round… Dr. Alfred Kinsey father of modern sexuality. His studies led to the excellent sex ed class that I took junior year and paid very close attention to. So I would be prepared when interacting with ladies like Marika.
Dr. Kinsey would tell you that you are attracted to Mariska because her ample breasts represent mother’s milk and therefore your primal desire to have sex with your mother; but also Mariska’s cleavage reminds you of your father’s ass crack and your primal desire to fuck your father up the ass. Dr. Kinsey would also remind you that the truth is not always pleasant.
I cherry pick that stuff. Not intesested in the why. Just the how.
Just roll with it brother
1st Round – Mr Chuck Berry the father of Rock and Roll.
Steve Martin, Father of the Bride
It’s obvious but it’s good value, so I’ll take George Washington, father of our country.
Offer does not apply in Canadia.
1st pick: Sir Tim Berners-Lee
One of the OG Internet Dads
You misspelled “Al Gore”.