Good morning good morning good morning. GOOD. MORNING. Wooo!
What? It’s enthusiasm. I didn’t mean to upset you.
[mutters] Oh, I’m the asshole gimme a break.
Sorry to startle you there with my exuberance, Daredevil comma the Man without Fear. Just a little joshing, is all. But I am on a festive mood.
Over here in the Caribbean, it’s the best time for weather. Puerto Rican Christmas is barely getting started; officially, it lasts until the Divisional Playoffs Sunday. Over in the religious world, meaning the NFL, every week is elimination week. The stakes cannot be higher, it’s the best time of the season—complete with Saturday games AND games on the 24th, 25th, 31st, and New Year’s Day.
Celebrate first, always. Nobody can take away all that you danced, goes a local saying. There will be plenty of time for yearning after the Owl.
The last four games bring seasonal delights: seeding battles, tiebreaker wonkiness and playoff hypotheticals nerdery. O nerdery… I thought I would never see your awkward, know-it-all smirk in the testosteronefest that is the National Football Lee. But the NFL embraced gambling and gambling is a numbers game. Praise Gamblor.
There is still plenty to see, everywhere. There are coaches and players looking to extend their careers in DC, Las Vegas, Chi****… And AND, there are those teams who are just salivating at playing spoiler, such as, oh, I think maybe
Via @br_betting
I will take it, thankyouverymoosh [spastic jig]
There is also stuff we can all enjoy, like this Patriots season. Out of all the tanking conspiracies, New England’s is the most interesting (for me). I can guarantee that Week 18 Jets @ Pats has the potential to cause regional catharsis, if not mass firings.
By the way, keeping an eye on coach firings is not getting enjoyment out of someone’s misery. Coaches’ salaries are guaranteed. To me, fired coaches are heroes, exemplars of getting paid for doing squat shit.
Fans of every team have plenty to look for during the tail end of the season. If you are a Panthers fan, you can look up to the sky at night, marvel at the stars and reflect on how small and meaningless all human toil is within the immensity of the universe—and that maybe, just maybe, there is a worthwhile message in those crap kids’ movies that feature workaholic parents despite the character assassination of dedicated providers to advance the plot. Where’s the rails? [Looks around.] Ah.
[Steps over.] Arizona has a shit record, but is a team that has pulled big upsets and does not lay down. DC Commanders, Josh Harris (2023 – present). And the rest of the Lee is seemingly in the playoff hunt. What’s not to love? Yes, I know, the NFC South. Although I get a kick out of a team with a losing record winning a Wild Card game at home. And during that team’s Divisional Playoff visit to a real contender, you can take care of all chores and obligations that will ensure a fully reclused, uninterrupted Championship Sunday.
But who knows, really. There are crazy outcomes, and then there’s the NFL, random central. Five games is the longest winning streak thus far and even the Niners lost three in a row. The AFC looks wide open. It’s engrossing to me, and plain gross to every loved one I have.
If you have obligations during the holiday season, I wish upon you the fortune of ubiquitous WiFi, the wisdom to keep fully charged devices, and good humor at fantasy football ineptitude. But if you happen to have an incisive, personal dig, deploy playfully. December is not a month for getting slapped in the face.
Finally, last week I remembered this existed and it cracked me up immensely. Hope you get a kick out of it too, have a wonderful day.
Banner via @lukeisanazing, gifs via giphy.com
Also quick PSA – folks, store your gasoline powered yard tools properly, because you never know when you’ll inflict your sludge-filled mess on an unwary dumbass (ie me) that offered to see why your (shitty) Stihl (clone) refuses to work.
Also, seriously – if your tool’s acting up, especially if it’s seen at least a couple of years’ of use – check your carb’s diaphragm.to see if it’s started hardening up.
Better yet, just replace that stuff with electric. Unless you’re doing yard work professionally you’ll appreciate how much easier it is to deal with.
As a Ravens fan, I’m happy with how it’s shaping up. As a life long Baltimorean, I know it will end in tears, flames, and gunfire.
So… basically like any day that ends in an Y? 😀
I was talking about inside my house.
Ah, so more like holidays at my place 😀
I heard little drummer boy, because of dickhead kids.
If the Cowboys lose in the wildcard to whatever least losing team wins the NFC South that will be a joyous present to us all
I had a friend who was born on Christmas. Can relate.
My brother was born on Christmas. Yes, he gets hosed when it comes to gifts.
My niece’s birthday is 12/23. Dang.
This timeline is entering the Surreal.
(Posted too fast (enter joke here))
Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind, etc.
Today’s the kind of day where you slice yourself with a bread knife when cutting a bagel in half, but it miraculously doesn’t go deep enough to bleed, so it’s not really a cut at all.
How fucking great is that SIX game playoff round gonna be, with entropy fully in charge of the NFL? So much better than sex or cocaine, though maybe not quite BOTH.
Thanks Don T eloquently put as usual. Since I am out of the LDBC I’ll troll y’all with this…
LDB if the Three Kings who gave the boy a ride brought a cart or wagon instead of just the camels. (Artistic Interpretation)
this feels like a footy flop trying to draw a penalty
Except for the fact that Draymond does shit like this all the time and is one of the most-ejected players in the history of the NBA.
This season has 2005-vibes to it. No one is truly dominant. Anyone who makes the playoffs has a realistic chance (except you, NFC South). Yinz know what that means..?
Agree. This has been an odd season, plenty of parity, shield be praised.
I would ALMOST say the Ginger Hammer is doing a pretty good job, if not for his apparent, vehement desire to ban the Rolling Tank play.
NOTE – it has NOT make the Iggles indestructable, and coordinators always react to innovations like this. No need to Manfred things up.
I’ve been up for 4 hours and have slept like donkey balls the last week but sure