Wednesday Motivational: Xmas Music Special

Hello hello. Happy Holidays, which I wish earnestly. Not everybody celebrates Christmas, but nobody is clear from its tornado of consumerism and reliculous traditions. Stores get crowded, traffic gets worse and everywhere you go, there it is, again: Xmas music, melodious browbeating of JESUS, BUY, CHRIST, PAY, LORD and so

tWBS On Relationships – VI The Final Chapter (at least for now)

There's a reason why we went backwards chronologically. At the end of this one, hopefully you'll understand. This story is a bit convoluted in several ways.  And it might have been the biggest mistake of my life.  I'm going to try to tell it accurately, but it's been a while.  Please bear

tWBS On Relationships – III (The Former tWLS)

This one's gonna hurt me, just so you know. And I know at the end of last week I said this would be a multi-parter.  I've changed my mind on that.  I'm just going to leave a lot of stuff out because... ....the better part of valor, one might say. OK, first for