Monday Open Thread – Warhammer 40k – Sly Marbo

Per Usual: Images and links are from Lexicanum or the Warhammer 40k wiki 

Also the disclaimer:  Everything Warhammer is owned by Games Workshop and if you forget they will definitely let you know it.

Tonight is about one of the most decorated and mysterious fighters in the Imperium – Sly Marbo.  A native of Catachan jungle fighter, a member of the “Catachan Devils” the elite regiment that are that armies version of stormtroopers.  However, Sly is a loner, a man devoid of most human emotions, a master of guerilla warfare, a man who disappears into the jungle, or any environment, so well that even if you know he is there, you will not be able to see him.  If he is ever spotted it is usually after the mission is done, as he stands over the bloody, dismembered and/or eviscerated bodies of the heretics, xenos, or rebels he has defeated.  He has never failed a mission.

“My lords, this man is a menace. He disregards Munitorum regulations, he {REDACTED} seemingly at will, and he only answers to {REDACTED} Were it not for the gruesome death toll he exacts upon the Emperor’s foes, I would recommend {REDACTED} Yet he is a deadly living weapon. He has wrought butchery on xenos and heritics alike from {REDACTED} to {REDACTED} he was directly responsible for the {REDACTED} Incident, and on Tarloth he killed a little over three hundred enemy combatants using nothing but a {REDACTED}. Unconventional? Yes. Heretical? Verging upon it. Yet through his actions Guardsman Marbo rescued not only the Governor’s household, but also, in retrospect, the entire war effort. My lords, after long consideration, I can only recommend that you approve the deployment of Guardsman Marbo to {REDACTED} and thank the Emperor that he is on our side…”

— Classified transmission to Segmentum High Command.[5]

The only person who Sly Marbo appears to trust or listen to is Col. Traupman, who “rescued” Marbo from a Dark Eldar prison camp.  When Col. Traupman arrived with reinforcements to rescue the prisoners, it was to find Marbo covered in alien blood, surrounded by destroyed alien vehicles, xenos bodies, and the head of the Dark Eldar commander with a pike run though it and displayed like a warning sign.  He has fought across the galaxy and left his mark in each battle he has fought in (from Lexicanum):

On Pardus, it is said that he destroyed a Tau armored convoy by booby-trapping an entire ravine, while on Sask’s World he captured a command post single-handed, slaying the alien leader and all of its tentacled bodyguards with just his bare hands and a ration tin. It is said that during the Octavius War Marbo was deployed to blunt the efforts of Hive Fleet Leviathan, and hunted the chameleonic Lictors for sport. Marbo has a collection of medals that would rival an Imperial Warmaster, having been awarded the Star of Terra multiple times for his legendary exploits.

He is known for following Catachan squads and helping them out, with any squad receiving treatment considering it an honor to have Marbo watching over them.

He is one of the Imperiums greatest heroes, long may Sly Marbo continue to fight for the Empire!


As you have gathered Sly Marbo was based on Sylvester Stallone’s character Rambo, and was basically introduced as a bit of humor, but became so much more over time and always over the top.

Sports tonight: don’t care, except for maybe some hockey which is the only sport worth watching right now.

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Mid 50's geek/nerd, avid reader of Science Fiction and Fantasy, manga, Chinese Web novels, and British mysteries, cult movies are my thing (have you seen Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter?)
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Nice gentlemen came out yesterday and demoed the pool interior.

Today is the leak repair stuff or whatever plumbing work is off to the left. Tomorrow is deck removal.

I took off the diving board and spring this weekend. Still looks great — very happy with the decision to powder coat the spring.

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This just kicks all kinds of ass.


I have been to a KROQ Weenie Roast (but not this one) and I have seen Shirley Manson and friends and lemme tell you, it’s good.


Same. On both counts

Don T

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There will never be a better argument for the simultaneous dismantling of every police force in the United States than the stupid fucking cop who rolls into the Aaron Bushnell self-immolation video at around the 2:00 mark with his service revolver trained on the still flaming, motionless body and keeps it locked on target, against the protestations of the EMTs, even after the body has been doused with fire extinguishers. Shut it down, fire them all. Inhuman monsters. Change the mission, change the job, change the employees. Enough is enough with me paying for these morons and having no say behind their thin blue line.


ok i don’t like cops but

(thinks about this discourse)

ok ok ok

Brick Meathook

That’ll work out fine.



All the truckers would boycott and then you’d have to DOUBLE the number of cops!

Horatio Cornblower

If there aren’t any cops who’s gonna show up 7 hours after your house is robbed and shrug their shoulders when you ask what the chances of getting your stuff back is?


Guardsman Marbo sounds like he may have picked up some non judicial punishment while in garrison. I know that type.


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Aha. 2Pack was in the Ohio National Guard.


No those guys had bad ROE. And no non leathal munitions options.


Counterpoint, it made for a hell of a protest song


Correct Sir, it is in fact on my Playlist.


So I went to the dentist today, for checkup and cleaning. At this office you get pot luck with the hygenist. This one was okay dental agony-wise, but it was odd because she would just horse your head around when she wanted to change angles to do her work. Not, “Turn to the right, please;” she’d just push on your jaw until it was where she wanted it. For that suction thing, sometimes she’d say, “Close,” but more than once she just pushed my chin up and made me close my mouth. Kind of strange.


You need to channel your inner Arthur Denton.

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Just not the chatty type huh. Last time I had a real chatty lady, was excited and wanted to work on her English. I was in a poor position to speak… English or Italian… But that didn’t reduce her chatting.


The Caps are beating the Sens 6-3 and Ovie has no points and is -3. He’s looking close to being washed.

Last edited 11 months ago by scotchnaut
King Hippo

I assume his lips have been around Daddy Vladdy’s little pecker at least that long, too.


I could have gone without that visual.

Horatio Cornblower

His desiccated corpse is going to break the goal-scoring record when they park it in the crease and fire ricochets off it.


So, had a bit of a thought today

Since the chiefs won their third superbowl in five years, I’ve heard a lot of complaints about them being subject to favorable calls from the refs and it got me thinking….

If we wanted to, could we come up with a top ten times the brady/belichik era patriots benefited from the refs?

1. The tuck rule…

2. That pass interference against Cleveland

4. The roughing the passer calls from the Baltimore games.

5. The roughing the passer against the chiefs..

I could go on .


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Cost the Stillers the second seed and bye that still came with it.


Damn I forgot about that one

Fucking collinsworth brought up during the superbowl hoping it would get overturned


But the tuck rule screwed the Raiders, so


But gave us fucking 20 years of brady.

Gotta pick your battles


Still, upset stabby Raiders fans.


I want you to know it was me.

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Down votes fired.

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I went to the Missouri when I was in Hawaii. It was excellent

Brick Meathook

The only time I ever visited Pearl Harbor was in 2000. Right after I got off the USS Arizona memorial and was on the launch back to the museum, six Japanese WWII torpedo planes appeared in the sky circling Ford Island, where Big columns of thick black smoke started rising. the launch pilot said it was the first day of filming a movie: Michael Bay’s Pearl Harbor (2001). I quickly took the shuttle bus the the USS Missouri and shot three rolls of film, standing on a battleship in Pearl Harbor as Japanese planes swarmed overhead.

In the meantime, I visit its sister ship USS Iowa in San Pedro all the time. The mechanical computers in the fire control rooms (that aim the big guns) are amazing, and if you come with me down into the engineroom I can explain everything better than the docents can.

Brick Meathook

I don’t care about Brady or the Raiders, but I loves me some mechanical computers and steam turbine engine rooms.


I’m so in.

King Hippo

I refuse to go relive these moments in my head.

/also, am too high

Horatio Cornblower

The Chiefs are the new Patriots. Mahomes is the new Brady. The NFL can say whatever they want about parity but they not-so-secretly thrive on a dominant team and a star player. Whichever team and whichever player that is will get the benefit of a lot of calls. Right now it’s the Chiefs. Before it was the Patriots. Dallas has benefited, San Fran, Manning and Colts, Big Ben and the Steelers. \

And so it goes.

Mr. Ayo

Can Marbo ice skate? Like to see him take a couple shifts to see him Release the Kraken!

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King Hippo

shout BLOOD FOAR THE BLOOD GODS for Hippo pls


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I just can’t take “Sly Marbo” seriously. I’m not sorry.


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Last edited 11 months ago by WCS
Horatio Cornblower

/crosses Sly Marbo off of ‘Punchable Faces’ draft board

Don T

For a minute there, I thought Marbo was modeled on Curtis LeMay. Just substitute Sask’s World with Japan and a ration tin for lots and lots and lots of firebombing. Same thing!
Very fun and bleak. Loved it.


“Bombs away LeMay”

King Hippo

It’s too bad history will never know just how amazing a Wallace/LeMay administration would have been. SO AMERICA


I looked it up, my grandfather Served under LeMay in SAC during the Korean War. Assuming my grandfather was in SAC then. I know he was in SAC during Vietnam

Also SAC had a badass insignia.

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Horatio Cornblower

Look, you don’t want your cities firebombed to ash don’t run around raping Nanking. This isn’t complicated.


You say Sly Marbo but all I see is Shy Ronnie


Pour out an Allagash White for Sports Journalism today, as Peter King’s column has gone quiet, like the Acela Quiet Car. UNUSUAL.


Moving into NFL HQ to officially become Goodell’s personal sex slave and PR rep.


I’m penalizing WCS 10 yards for making me throw up on my new running shoes.


Bond needs more dakka.




Well said.


Strongest of taeks

Don T

First Maestro does Sartre. Now Mr. Boo out-nothings Camus. If DFO gets an indoors smoking permit, we gotta start churning existential dick jokes.


I’m so happy we have another Open Threads writer that doesn’t care about other sports!