Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Lamb Qorma!

Good morning and welcome back to Sunday Gravy!

As you read this, my ass is going to be in Indianapolis for tomorrow’s total solar eclipse. Yeah I got all bougie like that since I can finally afford to now. Also later on tonight I got pretty close to courtside seats for the Pacers and the Heat. Best friend from Jersey is driving to Indy to meet me there and we gonna go all out for this trip. I’ll have a “Boots on the Ground” post about this trip if all goes well so stay tuned for that.

We’ve got a real interesting, unique and dynamic creation for you today and an epic shitload of photos to get to as well.

Want an inspiration story for today’s meal?

One day a couple of weeks ago I woke up, made breakfast, got ready for work, hopped in the car and?

Forgot my motherfucking lunch at home.

I was so pissed. This was on a Thursday during my weekly vegetarian stretch. Fucking hell man.

Rather than getting too upset with myself I decided to use the opportunity to try something I had been meaning to try for a long time.

Back in my days of living in El Segundo I used to order food from this Indian place across the street from where we lived but I always wanted to try this one Pakastani/Indian place that’s real close to where I work. Their food is supposed to be dynamite.

It’s called Al Noor and it’s been featured on the Food Network and everything. Mostly because of their naan. Their garlic naan will make you cry garlicky tears of joy. 

They reside in a nondescript strip mall with an unassuming exterior but don’t let the appearance fool you. This place is a certified fucking food superstar.

Here I was, lunch-less at work and I was fucking starving. I ordered delivery to the front door of my building and the food arrived within 20 minutes. 

Friends. I ordered their lamb qorma, garlic naan and hummus. 

It was stupid delicious. One of those dishes were you’re making yummy noises with every bite you take. Rich brown onion gravy with succulent chunks of lamb followed by your dunking some of the naan into the gravy. 

I was hooked for life immediately. 

Also told myself “I’m gonna make this shit for Sunday Gravy” and look where we are right now. 

Away we go!

For the record lamb qorma can also be spelled lamb korma and upon doing a recipe search the results were all titled “lamb korma.”

Lamb (Q)Korma

recipe courtesy of

1 to 1 1/4lbs lamb cut into chunks

1 cup of plain Greek yogurt

1 tablespoon of minced garlic/ginger – minced together

1 teaspoon of salt

1 teaspoon of red Kashmiri chili powder

1 tablespoon of ground coriander

1/4 teaspoon of turmeric

1 tablespoon of green chili paste – we’ll get to that

Whole spices Include:

5 cloves

2″ piece of cinnamon stick

6 green cardamom pods

2 black cardamom pods

1/2 teaspoon of lightly crushed peppercorns

For cooking you will need:

2 large onions thinly sliced

3 tablespoons of ghee – we’ll get to that too

2 cups of hot water

Final spices for addition midway through cooking:

1/4 teaspoon of cardamom powder

1/4 teaspoon of freshly grated nutmeg.


We begin preparation the day prior to meal service. First by making ghee. We’ve made a version of ghee before called niter kibbeh.

Niter kibbeh is a spiced ghee used in Ethiopian food. This one today is straight forward ghee.

Get your butter. Two sticks unsalted please. Cut into chunks.

This will go on a low simmer for 8-10 minutes. Skim the foam off as it cooks.

Let cool then pour through a coffee filter to collect the milk solids.

Which will in turn yield ghee.

Ghee can store at room temperature for weeks but can also be refrigerated for up to 4 months. Go ahead and cover and refrigerate since you won’t need this until the next day. Use the rest as you would butter or oil. It will have a much higher smoke point now that the milk solids are removed.

Next we’ll score our ass some fresh lamb.

Check out the bounty at my local meat store.

Yep. This store is incredible.

Part of the inspiration for our menu today was from a Christmas present that youngest right gave me. Check this out.

Take a look at what’s inside.

ALL of the Indian spices. You can enlarge that photo if you like. There are spices in here that my ass has never heard of. It does set the “Inspiration” factory in motion doesn’t it?

The cool thing about these jars, select the spices you will be using for the meal and then…

Those fuckers are magnetic and stick to the side of the fridge which just so happens to be directly next to the stove.


We start our marinade for the lamb with the minced garlic and ginger.

We are essentially making a paste from the ginger and garlic.

Get your spices, whole and powdered, and your yogurt then mix together thoroughly.

Now about the green chili paste as mentioned above.


That is green “chilli” paste. Love the additional “L” in there. As I was browsing through several recipes for our dish today I even found one that said to use a green “Chilly.” Not making fun over here it was mildly amusing is all.

This green “chilli” paste is dynamite though. Very obviously made from green chilies – think Hatch chilies – this shit has a bite to it. Oh, I’m gonna fuck around with this shit in the future “Bullee Dat!”

Let’s go ahead and take a gander at our lamb haul from the meat store.

One leg and one little fatty chop just because I had to.

Cube it up.

Place it in a one gallon zip-top bag and then add in the marinade.

Now sock it away in the fridge to rest overnight.

Don’t throw away those bones! That shit wasn’t cheap.

How about we make a stock out of them?

Sound good?

Next day while the marinated lamb is coming up to temp let’s start getting after the naan.

Proof some yeast in 1/2 cup of warm water along with the sugar.

Then we add the flour, oil, salt and yogurt.

Attach the hook.

Knead for 10 minutes.

Cover with a clean kitchen towel and let proof for an hour. Then shape them into 8 little naan balls.

Now let’s get busy with the lamb korma while the dough is rising.

You will need a metric shit-ton of onions. Three whole onions in fact.

Go ahead and melt the ghee.

Get them onions in there.

These were supposed to cook until almost fried, or to a lovely golden brown. Guess I fucked this part up because after 10 minutes all they had done was sweated out a whole lot of onion sweat.

Yeah fuck it. Let’s go ahead and blend them up anyway.

Blend it up!

Yeah, that ain’t golden brown.

Next take the lamb, marinade and all, and get cooking. Use the same skillet that we cooked the onions in.

We’re going to cover this and simmer for 30 minutes. Now get your oven heated to 325.

After 30 minutes we add the onion mixture and 2 cups of water. Stir thoroughly then transfer everything to an oven safe baking dish. Let cook for about an hour.

After the hour is up we add in the freshly ground cardamom and nutmeg.

Only we’re doing these freshly ground.

First the cardamom. I used about 3 green pods and 3 black pods and ground them together.

I had no idea that cardamom smelled this fragrant. That’s on me for only using ground cardamom in the past.

Nutmeg next.

Remove the baking dish from the oven and sir in the nutmeg and cardamom.

And back into the oven for the last hour of cooking.

Don’t worry. That casserole dish always washes clean. Had the goddamn thing forever.

This is supposed to rest for at least an hour or two for proper flavor mingle-age. Shit, probably should have served this the next day. But, I didn’t.

Fuck it let’s finish cooking our naan.

Roll ’em up. Now heat up your cast iron skillet with a small dab of oil.

Slap that bastard in there.

Flip it over and toast the other side.

Repeat until all of the doughballs have been cooked.

After all of the goddamn work I’ve put in today better fucking believe I’m using store bought hummus. My ass was worn out.

You can serve the lamb over rice too.

I just wanted some hummus, lamb and naan so I served it just like this.

That naan was and continues to be awesome. Can’t go wrong with the store bought hummus.

The lamb? It didn’t blow me away. The lamb was incredibly tender and succulent but considering the sheer amount of spices I added here, it was fairly tame. I expected more life and a lot more fire. I’m pretty sure the onions not being browned was a major key here. Of course after I re-read the recipe the cooks notes said you can also use the dried onions from the can. You know, the green bean casserole shit?

Now they fucking tell me.

This was a very good dinner and just a perfect tenderness to the lamb but I was expecting it to be a lot more dynamic than it turned out.


I WILL give this recipe another try, especially since I’m just about wallowing in Indian spices.

A quite tasty meal but had slightly higher hopes.

We can build on this!

Thanks for spending part of your Sunday Morning reading. Couldn’t do this without you.

We’ll see you again next Sunday.



FYI – I will be on vacation next week but we’ll have a special guest fill in with a non-food related post. Do enjoy.


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yeah right
yeah right is a fully vaccinated lifelong Vikings fan, fromager, world traveler, food guru and LA Harbor resident with a black belt in profanity and an actual human being.
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I thought this was a night game!!!!! Fuuuckk.

Mr. Ayo

So did the Cocks apparently.


Prediction: Iowa has no answer for Cardoso. Clark has to score 40
+ yet again and Kate Martin needs 22+ in order for Ioway to win.

Mr. Ayo

Agreed. RIP Clark.

Mr. Ayo

Or not. Holy shit Iowa.


sc/nc state was close for a half, and it shouldnt have been, that should give iowa hope

but if they dont beat themselves the ‘cocks got this by 10 or so


yay got one right

Game Time Decision

Glass Tiger yikes this is a hard rabbit hole to go down. It’s making me feel old(Er)

Last edited 10 months ago by Game Time Decision

Though disappointingly Southern (London), Sullivan might be the best composer of the ’80s, including this chart topper

Game Time Decision

The tragically hip may be the bestest Canadian band evar, and started in the 80’s

Was this or the killer whale tank version of “New Orleans is sinking”


IIRC, y’all just call them The Hip. Am I correct?

Game Time Decision

You remember correctly


The Hip fucking ruled. No matter what genre of music you normally listened to, everyone appreciated them.


Lisa Bluder is a great person. Full Stop.

Game Time Decision

Were they Canadian? I remember that song from my youth too!

Game Time Decision

As per Wikipedia, they are

Brick Meathook

The McDonald’s Bacon Egg &Cheese Bagel is the Boeing 737 MAX of fast food.


So it’s big and falls apart mid bite?


Canadian Bands. Falls Apart? What are the Odds?

Game Time Decision

Loves this band


Sad foster kitten update:

Unfortunately, all 6 kittens were premature and underweight. Mama cat ignored the kittens over the first 24-36 hours, is terrified of human contact, and is young/feral – she is staying with us until she gets spayed and will be returned to her colony, as she can’t be adopted out. The kittens were taken to an emergency vet for feeding and anti-biotics, sadly all but one kitten has died and that kitten is not expected to survive much longer.

I didn’t want to ruin the Sexy Friday vibes when things took a bad turn, but also didn’t have all the info I do now.

Y’all pour some out for Cherry, Campari, Roma, Marzano, Heirloom, and Beefsteak. My hope is that Beefsteak is still hanging in there and will live to see another day.

Brick Meathook

Aww man . . . .


Sorry to hear.

Game Time Decision


Hoping Beefy pulls through


That sucks but you did a great thing trying to help them out.

Mr. Ayo

Cmon Beefsteak! Sorry to hear, man.


Is Chillawack the best Canadian band of the 80’s? Opinions differ.


Is 54-40 the best Canadian band of the 80’s? Opinions differ.

Game Time Decision

Saw an ad when in Niagara falls for a show with them, the Watchmen and TPOH. Kinda want to go see it

Last edited 10 months ago by Game Time Decision
Brick Meathook

Do you see this?

This is why men go to war.

It’s for that guy’s shoes.


Those skirts!

Horatio Cornblower

Those legs!

Game Time Decision

No one is gonna mention the cat dresses?


What cat dresses?


Best song to dance naked to? opinions differ.


Is Indio the best Canadian band of the 80’s? Opinions differ.


Is The Parachute Club the best Canadian band of the 80’s? Opinions differ. (they did an amazing bluesy version of this tune at Jack Layton’s funeral)


We should have a North American version of Eurovision, and we just let Canada win every year to make them feel good.


Unlike you Yanks, we don’t need champeenships to feel good. All we need is an afternoon whereby the sleet has abated.

Game Time Decision

Song great CanCon today, I submit Spirit of the West


Is Rough Trade the best Canadian band of the 80’s? Opinions differ.


As Hippo said, Men Without Hats is the best Canadian 80s band:


Lowratio agrees and, given he’s the head of household now due to Horatio’s cat indiscretion, his opinion trumps all.

Horatio Cornblower

Just punted the cat halfway across the kitchen because I turned around and took a step only to find out he had silently crept up behind me and was 4″ from my lead foot.

Treats have been distributed in the way of reparations.

Horatio Cornblower

(He’s in the room with me now. Glaring. This may be the last thin

Brick Meathook

That cat will never forget that offense.


They keep score.


Are The Kings the best Canadian band of the 80’s Opinions do not differ, they are!

Horatio Cornblower

That’s a good SoUng!!

Brick Meathook

After Gordon Lightfoot I believe the conversation stops.


Did I bang my high school crush after/while listening to this album and killing her in “Bottlecaps”? No, I did not. I made sure she got home safely because she was drunk as fuck.


Forever ending up in the friend zone I assume.


We eventually got together-took me a while to figure out that she was a mess though.


Yeah but it’s not like she messed herself up. Getting drunk and throwing yourself at a guy who you *thought* liked you can do a number on a young woman’s self-esteem.

Horatio Cornblower

/runs through Clubhouse with Arsenal flag that smells vaguely of Old Bay and Natty Bo around wing wang


/tased by police


I was totally with you until the “White guy gets tased by police” part.


They are Man U supporters.


Oh were you celebrating? When you ran through I just assumed you were chasing Lowratio for some reason.

King Hippo

If all these so-called Canadia bands were real and/or from The Canadia…where are all the superfluous u’s??



King Hippo

Is a Hippo gon’ have to toss his laptop against a bedroom wall?

/nvm I will probably just hurt my back worse like


Is the Cowboy Junkies the best Canadian band of the 80’s? Opinions differ.


Heading down to the Final Four Fanfest in a bit. At 1000a they have a big kids dribble that blaxito is doing.

I’m guessing the ball he gets with basically be a Capital One beach ball.


This is the floor plan.

comment image?itok=MeI8hEJd

Mr. Ayo

lol Pool Boys

King Hippo

Just twenty-ish minutes of white knuckle fun to go!

Mr. Ayo

Well, shit

King Hippo

Loss means humanity just needs ONE of City of Men/Gooners to not stub their toe. Draw means all eggs in the Arsenal basket, and I think we all understand just how reckless that would be.

King Hippo


Game Time Decision

From a pool family?


Is Images in Vogue the greatest Canadian band of the 80’s? Opinions differ.

Horatio Cornblower

Klopp, after watching Liverpool botch a 5-3 breakout:


Is PayolaS (a band that addressed the practice of record companies paying DJs to play certain tunes in their name) the greatest Canadian band of the 80’s? Opinions differ. (btw, this is a brilliant tune)

Horatio Cornblower

Im withholding my vote until we get the Anne Murray.


I appreciate the sentiment but she’s not a band. smh…

Horatio Cornblower

That’s right ManUre, make Jurgen Klopp forget he speaks fluent English!


Lamb is so stupid expensive up here in your hat. Any chance I get I am buying some from a resto.

King Hippo

1) Become a shepherd

Horatio Cornblower

Stopped eating lamb after I saw a video of a lamb dreaming.

I’ll do everyone here a favor and not link to the video.


I also like octopus so I can’t watch anything on them or I will feel bad.


Dude cows are the sweetest most peaceful animals.

But they’re also ideal for factory farming.

Horatio Cornblower

comment image


Is Martha and the Muffins the greatest Canadian band of the 80’s? Opinions differ.

Horatio Cornblower

Rooting for ManUre and good lord do I feel like I need a shower.


Is Spoons the greatest Canadian band of the 80’s? Opinions differ.

King Hippo

DUH, The Canadia only has two bands. Rush, and Men Without Hats. So much smgdh


comment image

King Hippo

can someone who is watching demand that Men Untied DUE BETTER smh?

/yours in Christ, King Hippo

Mr. Ayo

I’ll try, but they’re lucky to not be down 3 already

Mr. Ayo

You’re welcome


That was something….


Is Strange Advance the greatest Canadian band of the 80’s? Opinions differ.


Is Streetheart the greatest Canadian band of the 80’s? Opinions differ.

Horatio Cornblower

I see *someone’s* forgotten about a little project called Loverboy!


Is The Box the greatest Canadian band of the 80’s? Opinions differ.


Is Honeymoon Suite the greatest Canadian band of the 80’s? Opinions differ.


That spice set is so cool. Functional AF too. Your kid is a chip off the ole block.


Is Saga the greatest Canadian band of the 80’s? Opinions differ.

Brick Meathook

I’m having pure medicinal cocaine delivered to me this morning. You can’t do that in Canada. Also so lump opium, and a couple of beers.

Brick Meathook

I’m kidding. It was just an Egg McMuffin that was delivered.

Can you say “Egg McMuffin?”

”Egg A’ Muffin, yeah”

”I like the way you say that!”

Horatio Cornblower

The first stuff was probably healthier.




So women’s college basketball, which no one watches [record scratch]


Ok. I’m convinced.


Last day of vacation. (though I went into work on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday-I’m a madman) Will I start day-drinking at 9:30am? Wrong! I started at 9:15.

Mr. Ayo

Challenge accepted!


I don’t use the word Lionheart (it’s a synonym of hero, I looked it up) very often but you, Mr. Ayo, are a Lionheart!

Mr. Ayo

A lionheart pumping pure freezer vodka

Last edited 10 months ago by Mr. Ayo
King Hippo

This is like Celebrity Death Match, but boozier and with imaginary (instead of claymation) folk. FIGHT FIGHT!!

Mr. Ayo

7:30am! I did it!


When you watch this, remember: the green beret is the sanest man in the room.

Brick Meathook

Whoa Scotchie, that’s pretty good.


I’m really good at parity.


Oh the things the Scottish announcers would say on air about Fabio Silva if they could right now.


Yeah Right gonna see how strong the buck gets if he retires EAST and, I predict, gets himself a little University of Mumbai coed to ride out his final decades.

Brick Meathook

When you watch this, remember: The green beret is the sanest guy in the room.

Brick Meathook

Eudora Welty could slit your throat and laugh about it. We all know this.

Here’s the the real clip:


Sorry. Been on an SCTV binge since Flaherty died:

Brick Meathook

SUBMARINE CAPTAIN: We need all of these atoms split pronto Who do we have?
SUBMARINE ENGINEER: We have Brick Meathook, sir. He’s fully trained and qualified, sir.
SUBMARINE CAPTAIN: Is there anybody else? He’s terrible.
SUBMARINE ENGINEER: No sir, he’s the only guy left, sir.
SUBMARINE CAPTAIN: Okay Carl, just get us to the fucking surface.

Brick Meathook

I completely fucked up this post.


Sir this is a Bid Light Limerita billboard.