Subsequent GTD reflections

Hello there fellow DFO’er.  Hope you’re well today.  And thanks for coming back to see last weeks tl;dr of last week as decided by my brain.  There’s no reason as to why some comments make it and others don’t. Seriously. There isn’t.

This weeks cheesy motivational quote is:
Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not, and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad [in bed].
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Life’s much better, and warmer in bed, with a partner.

As a reminder, Sunday comments stand alone and Monday comments will go on the next week’s post.

Note that during the offseason, I’ll probably look at the Sunday posts.

Without further ado, here are the comments of the week.

How are we defining bad movies? Because Happy Gilmore is also amazing and terrible and Christopher McDonald gave a genuinely good acting performance as Shooter McGavin. Fully committed, loved it.

It’s completely subjective, therefore ensuring arguments and wasting more of your employer’s time.
Horatio Cornblower



While there are downsides to having married a lawyer (the primary one being that she has been professionally trained to argue for a living) one of the definite upsides is that I have a built-in escape hatch for anything that I think is a scam: “Hang on, let me consult with my attorney. Honey? There’s a guy on the phone that says…”

Fuck scammers

This also includes both candidates on the GOP presidential ticket this year, but that’s besides the point.

It’s been quite a week!
The job hunt is already back to the optimistic phase, with 4 recruiter calls scheduled this week. I like the optimistic phase.

Happy Prime day y’all, although smh I can’t believe how commercial it’s gotten
Doktor Zymm

Welp, time for a little trip down memory lane from the 2000 RNC. Some of Colbert’s best work, IMHO.

Jon Stewart: “What’s your overall sense of the mood down at the Republican convention floor. How did it feel to be there last night during the speech?”

Stephen Colbert: (with graphic identifying him as senior floor correspondent) “Well, Jon, as a journalist I have to maintain my objectivity, but I would say the feeling down here was one of a pervasive and palpable evil. A thick demonic stench that rolls over you and clings like hot black tar, a nightmare from which you cannot awaken, a nameless fear that lives in the dark spaces beyond your peripheral vision and drives you toward inhuman cruelties and unspeakable perversions. The delegates’ bloated, pustulant bodies twisting from one obscene form to another, giant spider-shaped and ravenous wolf-headed creatures who feast upon the flesh of the innocent and suck the marrow from the bones of the poor. And all of them driven like goats to the slaughter by their infernal masters on the podium, known by many names: Beelzebub, Baalzebul, Mammon, Abaddon, Feratis, Asmodeus, Satan, Lucifer, Nick, Old Scratch, the Ancient Enemy, and He Who Shall Not Be Named. This is Hell, Jon, where the damned languish forever in a black flame that gives no heat, sheds no light, yet consumes the flesh forever and will not go out.


Ah, 2000 Republican Party. I miss you.

Don’t look at me like that. I had to spend 30 minutes listening to my mom talk about how changed Trump is after his brush with death. After Minute 14, I started to eat my own ears off.

Braised short-rib taco ($5)

Brick Meathook

Can we talk about the latest version of “is it a catch”? Now in the AFL it’s “is it a dangerous tackle?” Two tackles earned players 3 game suspensions (each) for moves that most people believe were not intended to cause harm but their bans upheld upon appeal to the tribunal:

Now I’m just an unfrozen caveman american, but even the Richmond Tigers fans (on reddit) seem gobsmacked that Bedford got three games for running down Taranto while a player punching another player gets one.

wonder how many games for punching another player that then gets a concussion?

Game Time Decision

James Harrison will be fined.


and Janay Rice apologizes for her role in the incident
Game Time Decision

Alright last joke before I go to bed:

How come Barbie can’t get pregnant?

Because Ken comes in a different box

Found what might be the dumbest joke I’ve ever seen:

“Hey man, you ready for the party?”

“Yep, check out the outfit!”

“Why are you dresses like the monster from Jaws?”

“Because every girl is crazy about a shark-dressed man!”

I’ve told dumber


What’s the difference between a tuna, a piano, and a pot of glue?


You can tune a piano, but you can’t piano a tuna.


What about the glue?

Game Time Decision

I knew you’d get stuck on that.

caitlin clark set a new wnba record for assists in a game (19)

they still lost

big time young connor mcdavid vibes from her (assist goddess, also has a god-tier teammate to pass to, both dragging a sorry ass coach and team way further than they deserve to be)

cunt eastwood


the magnificent seven kids i never see

High Plains Grifter

Horatio Cornblower

Billion Dollar Crybaby

So you may remember a few days ago I mentioned that due to his new found bitey nature, the shih tzu now requires pills before going to the groomers.

Apparently they weren’t strong enough for them to finish around his little face, so we have a follow up appointment for him

This has the unintentional effect of him looking ridiculous

Until then, he looks like this. Do not adjust your screens. He’s not being abused, he’s just skinny.

Click at your own risk [editor: not sure how to do the spoiler thing in a post]


Ok, this is the funniest one yet

Doktor Zymm

Is it weird that I want this? Neigh, it is awesome!


I mounted my steed
And farted and peed
When he calmed down a bit
I dropped a nice shit

Apparently the Never Trumpers are having an anti-convention at a brewery that sounds way more fun than the actual con
Doktor Zymm

Punching myself in the groin all week sounds way more fun than the actual con.

Anybody done any tv shopping lately? My existing one is a little old and doesn’t support most streaming apps, so I’ve been thinking of replacing it. I’m not terribly fussy about having something super high quality, and would like to cheap out and stay under $500 — is there anything to look out for? Looking for something in the 50-55 inch range. (Deanna F. faints)


JD Vance has those weirdo mascara eyes. I don’t trust him, he’s guilty of something.

Plus, he’s “anti-pornography.” Just like the most vocally homophobic guys are usually highly closeted homosexuals, the most vocally anti-pornography guys are usually great connoisseurs of porn and hookers. It’s the Jimmy Swaggart Rule.

Brick Meathook

Yeah, the man that single-handedly won Bengals games in the late 1990s to early 2000s and broke the NFL record pretty much in the 2nd half against the best rushing defense in the league and knowing every play would be a run, was passed by the fans multiple times. True, we had a backlog but he should’ve been in the 2nd year. Fans just forgot how good he was. If he was on a good team, he’d have multiple rings and be in the Hall of Fame.

Just watch the 2nd half and tell me that not Madden on Rookie.


I really think there should be a whole separate Hall of Fame dedicated to great players stuck on crap teams their whole career
Doktor Zymm

I had dropped off Lady LemonJello and OrangeJello at Reagan to fly out and link up with TangerineJello for a road trip from St Louis back to Fortress LemonJello. Then I went to work.

Their flight was cancelled.

So then I got to make the I-95 Mad Max/Furiosa trip again to pick them up. They’ve rebooked for tomorrow, so we’ll do this all again. Yay!!!

Send ammo and bourbon.

Well well well.

Reason number 11 billion why I love my family.
At work. Three this afternoon give or take I get a text.

“Dad, met for dinner at 7:15?”

This is from youngest right.

Who lives in Seattle.


“We’re having dinner at Kings Hawaiian in Torrance”

This is LITERALLY on my way home from work and I punched out at 6:40

King’s Hawaiian is like if Dennys only had Hawaiian food on their menu.

It was insane and wonderful and I hugged both of my daughters version 1.0 and two of the three version 2.0.

The other one is in Madrid.

Given the choice?

Choose Madrid over King’s Hawaiian.
yeah right

This year’s RAIDERS season tickets come in a treasure chest.


I got your sexy right here.


I interviewed for a history teacher position here in town! The damn thing just sat there for two weeks with no applicants so I went for it. The interview (with the principal and vice-principal) was Monday, and I was as excited as a goddamn puppy during the thing, so my pessimism in not having heard anything back is starting to take over. Not officially dead yet, though. Hiring me on a provisional basis would not be unusual in any way, apparently, and they have a mentor system set up for new teachers. I’d start 8/1 if I get hired. If not, hopefully I still get on as a substitute, which I’ve also applied for.

I realized halfway through the thing, “oh shit. this is the first interview I’ve ever had for a job I actually want”. I am fifty-two years old. I’m not to my daydreams being optimistic. It’s cool!

I’m coaching Girlzilla’s lesser footy team. When I took over as coach in January, their indoor record was 0-10, and they often were blownout. We ended the season at 6-4-2. In the Spring, we switched to outdoors, and improved to 8-2-2. Currently, we’re 2-0 in the summer, even beating an ‘all-star’ team.

What I’m saying is, since I can handle and improve a U8 girls team, it means I could easily manage a Premier League team without a problem because the emotional development is the same

Bunch of friendlies on this weekend, footy preseason. A pit stop on my bike ride for a cold lemon soda. It be hawt out here.


I will put it here as I put it everywhere I want! Lowratio ligue 2!

Promotion? Hell yeah!
Relegation from TWBS memorial ligue un? Bien sur!
Cost? Gratis!
Lemonjello is the commish.

*Note to teh Hippo, a bench position has been added, as well as kickers.
*Note to Dok, after draft everyone goes to FA.


Aww kickers? Can we lose kickers for an extra flex or bench spot?


We tried that a couple years ago but then there is nothing on the waiver wire due to 14 teams. Having said that there are 5 signed up for the Lowratio league so far. We may relegate 4 next year to even up the numbers.

Also the kicker scoring is very low. Check it out.


As assistant commissioner, I’m off to override all litre’s changes and to make interceptions worth +6 for the QB

Game Time Decision


Taking a date to a food and wine event tomorrow. This is an important test for her. If she can’t handle me at my gluttinous best, then she doesn’t deserve me.

Last week I went up to Boston (OK, Somerville; apparently both towns feel like there’s a difference) (there is no difference), to see a punk band, The Taxpayers, doing a reunion tour. A few things:

Item the first: If it’s a reunion I expect to see a band that didn’t form when I was 38. That’s frankly hurtful.

Item the second: It was an all ages show. It would have been nice to have not been in the Top 5 of the oldest people there, but alas, twas not to be.

Item the third: This band is very much “all people/genders/identities are welcome” and I’m cool with that but people, when I walk in and am immediately the most masculine person in the entire room, even with my very recent pedicure and clear-coated toenails, we need to have a discussion.

Item the fourth: The Taxpayers do a sliding scale on merchandise, (very cool), asking people to pay what they can afford on posters, etc. I paid the max for a T-shirt and poster, because I remember my teenage punk years and what $50 would mean to a band like this. The kids at these shows may look at me as a middle-aged attorney sell-out but please keep in mind not only do we vote largely the same way, but politicians return my calls and I’m the reason the band you’re cheering on is going to have bread for their sandwiches tonight.

Item the fifth: When did kids stop showering? I get it, I’m old. I’m not sure when having a beard and nice tits became a thing, or being 6’0″ with broad shoulders and a stunning A-line black dress did the same, but I’m cool with it. What I’m not cool with is the entire room smelling like my high school locker room after gym class. Soap and hot water is not uncool you little shits, and the sooner you realize that the better for all of us.

Item the sixth: This song kicks all kinds of ass and deserve so much more attention than it gets. The Taxpayers were very hit or miss for me, (love their attitude, though), but they have 3-4 really good songs, and this one is just an absolute banger. They should get rich off this one, but won’t because some AI-generated piece of shit will.

Anyway, very long story longer, go give The Taxpayers money.
Horatio Cornblower

Hopefully Harris gonna be the next president! LFG!!!! 🥥

Also we’re gonna get our first First DUDE!!!! That would be ROCKING!!

This thread is about cooking right?


Before I scroll down, just got back from the footy. What’s up America?


I’m happy we’re not doing the rematch, although I hate how we got here. I just hope the Dem bungling up till now doesn’t stick. And kudos to Biden for the timing, good call letting the Reps waste their convention and then stealing the spotlight.

Doktor Zymm

As was said elsewhere on the Internet recently, I am tired of living in interesting times.

Holy Shit! Biden Down! Biden Down!

How does this effect the Leafs playoff chances?
Mr. Ayo

Got a minute to spare? Have you heard about our Lord and Savior, Lowratio of clan Cornblower? Remember tWBS? Where am I going with all of this?

Well, we’ve started a 2nd tWBS Memorial Fantasy Football League, the Lowratio division. Here’s the link if you want to join:

Top teams will be promoted to the Freezer Vodka division, their bottom teams will be relegated to the (better) Lowratio division.

7 [ 8 as of writing the post Monday afternoon] teams have joined so far, but there’s room for more!

I am the commish, but don’t let that drive you off.

C’mon, you know you want to do it!



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Thanks for all the comments and funny and everything else.

Stay busy and safe out there.

NOTE banner image from here

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Game Time Decision
Recovering lurker; jack of all trades, master of none; Canukian; not as funny as he thinks he is. Funny, but not funny ha-ha
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First rumors of trading his college girlfriend for an OnlyFans model, taking pictures with Eviler Florida Man, modeling in Europe, now this…

I…just start the season already. I don’t know if I should start the Super Bowl Party or get the hot beverage ready when he gets owied again…. Just…start the season.

Okay, one: Finish the Story, B-Rabbit!


I believe that there are 11 in the Lowratio league. 3 more max then we are full like the shitter in Christmas Vacation.

We could cap it at 12 so it is still even.

Last edited 7 months ago by litre_cola

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Horatio Cornblower

Yeah, you certainly wouldn’t want a league named after Lowartio to have a shorter roster than the original or anything.

Brick Meathook

I hope I’m not on Gumbygirl’s shitlist. She seemed pretty sore at me the other day. I’m not supposed to tell anyone this, but she said I was her favorite. Now, I’m in palookaville.🫥


I was mad, but I’m over it. But rest assured, my darling dear, if I find out that you either vote for Trump, or sit out the election because there’s an icky girl running, I will personally come over there and kick you in the nuts so hard you’ll be picking them out of your nose! Fair warning!

Brick Meathook

I voted for Hilary therefore I can vote for anybody. Plus I don’t want you to injure your foot kicking an immobile solid brass nutsack. However, I think you misunderstood my comment. I wasn’t picking on broads. 😀


Broads, huh.

images (59).jpeg
Brick Meathook

I meant to say dames. Seriously, go back and read my comment and what I wrote after it, explaining how “temperament” wasn’t a code word and was meant gender-neutral and how it even applied to me. And what I said was correct (as usual). Plus I didn’t threaten bodily harm to anyone.

Horatio Cornblower

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“DFO’s Backpedaling Comment of The Year goes to… BRICK MEATHOOK!”

-Everyone on the site

Brick Meathook

Backpedal? I didn’t backpedal on anything, and I’m still correct as usual. You people are like children.


I’ll pay your gas or airfare in exchange for a Boots on the Ground To The Gonads.*

*Special Edition


The current state of the Democratic campaign for the Presidency of the United States (artist’s conception):

Horatio Cornblower

Yellowstone is about to make all of the last several weeks irrelevant:

/steam vs. volcano. Unfortunately the last several weeks are just going to continue.


Love the “SHIT!”


Did not know you were German. ACH.


He has left many signs.


Uh, I’m getting the impression that Mike Lee isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.

“Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, a long-serving Republican who was once floated as a potential Supreme Court justice by former President Donald Trump, fell for an obvious online hoax on Tuesday. On X, Lee posted an image of a fake letter purporting to be from the Office of Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States, announcing the ex-president’s death.”

From the body of the letter: “Rosalynn was a baddie. Jill, Melania, even throat goat Nancy Reagan had nothing on Rosalynn,” (emphasis mine)

comment image


So either

A) Mike Lee reads headlines only
B) Mike Lee is a cynical liar
C) Mike Lee got helmet from Nancy Reagan


It could be all of the above


Am I that good or did I double tap on Venmo this week?


“Double” tap?

-M Crooks, (Hero-Almost)


Probably because the team is an absolute catastrophe, the Raiders ticket theme this season is Raider Nation. So, if you go to the home opener, for example, Gorilla-Rilla is on that game ticket.

Oh — this is just details to further my case for not investing public money in sports teams.


Found a funny:

“The problem with JD Vance is he has no conviction, but his running mate has 34 of ’em.”


“Sure but those convictions are in stupid America.”

-K Lake


Well Horatio, at least the goddamn kids weren’t wearing patchouli oil

“Hey there trust fund hippies, are you too busy to bathe? Then splash on some patchouli oil. You’ll smell like dirt that’s been fucked by a hobo!”


That’s how Scotchy tracks ’em

Last edited 7 months ago by ballsofsteelandfury

One of the regular disputes in my household is whether to move leftovers to a smaller container once some portion of them have been consumed. My philosophy is “why get a second tupperware dirty? As long as there’s enough space in the fridge, it’s fine.”


“why get a second tupperware dirty”

THIS. THIS right here.




See, I’m Team Vacuum. Why take up space in the fridge that can be used by other things?


Really? I think we need an expert opinion on this, or at least an expert’s Husband’s opinion.

What say you, RTD?


Ugh, don’t even get me started on that. She was gone for three weeks and I was hoping to put enough of a dent in the outdoor freezer that I’d be able to defrost it. Didn’t even come *close* to happening. She wants to freeze *everything*.

Horatio Cornblower

/Mrs. Scotchnaut shudders and nods


You’ve obviously never had a hobo consomme.


A more full (both in volume and mass) refrigerator operates more efficiently than it’s non-green empty counterpart.


Maybe I can get some traction with this; we’re using twice as much water (to wash them) if we switch containers.


We’ve got ten (10) teams in the Lowratio Division now!

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Still room and time to join!

Brick Meathook

11 teams. Now I have to read that website and learn how to play.

As long as I don’t start reading fantasy football websites and guides I’ll be happy. I used to occasionally go to the racetrack at Hollywood. If I just bet on horses based on the most basic of information, I’d win more often than not. I wouldn’t win big but I’d have more money than I came with, even after buying beers. My buddy would study the racing form intently, and then I started doing it, going by all these esoteric trends and projections and shit like that. We’d always lose.


If they take a dump before the race, bet the house


Does this apply for Presidential campaigns as well?


It should.


Here’s to a week of soap and hot water for the youth. Nice roll up GTD… sensational hustle good Sir.
