Evening. This will be short, ugly, and unfulfilling much like my first wedding night. Back home, rabbits are alive and were well cared for by the sitters, still have some sort of respiratory infection that the tests insist is not nuAIDs (and yes, I did wear a mask while in public and on the plane), and there is no food in the house. Thank the goddess of technology (yes, goddess as Necessity is the Mother of Invention) for DoorDash. I am currently hopped up on dayquil, Hall’s Throat Lozenges, BC Powders, and a really nice strain of weed called Forbidden Sushi – good stuff, it is the one I will be starting my weed diary “Chronic Chronicles” with as an excellent strain. The only “good’ thing about this is my voice now sounds like Barry White, with my singing being a bit adnoidal, I was told I sounded like the Long Island Barry White. Sounds like the name for a great lounge act.
Anyway, I am so looking forward to the season starting (what do you mean what season you philistine) and I can once again bask in the goodness of the Monday Night Football broadcast. Anytime I say to myself, I won’t watch that game as it will suck, I will remind myself I could be watching a Trump rally – the stupid decisions, the air of violence just awaiting to be unleashed, trash talking the opposition, incoherent commentary that bears only a passing resemblance to the reality before your eyes – so yes I welcome back the NFL! Even a Cards vs. Chargers game is better than no football.
As for tonight – Olympics, Baseball is sure to be on somewhere, and oh yeah, the WNBA.
Hope to see you in the comments below where I may show up, based on illness and medication allowing.
Spain/Greece basketball is down to the wire.
Hilarious watching this. Good to see the youngins learning right.
Watching this NBC segment on a Romanian swimmer takes me back to 1984…
I definitely remember the McDonald’s game; they had a lot of Weightlifting and Archery game pieces so they wouldn’t lose too much money. That was a bitchin summer.
My brothers and I ate McDonald’s for a month straight when that happened. They weren’t supposed to honor more than one per order, but they just wanted them out of their system.
Your brother was Morgan Spurlock?
Aw. Made me sad to hear about how he drank himself to death. Why can’t Rudy Giuliani do that?
Also this is kinda rocking
It’s a Trump Bumper Sticker generator
Last funny:
Only way the “weird” stuff can go bad is if people just stick with the word “weird” and don’t play around with it in the next few weeks. It’s the spirit of it, not the word itself.
There’s jazz in this. You have to feel it. TJ Maxx moms should be comfortable calling them perverts by Labor Day.
So tonight was game night for me.
It was championship night and the lacrosse team I’m on was in the gold final. In a tight game we lost 6-5 in about 20 seconds of overtime (sudden death).
The next game was short players so ( I stupidly) played again. This time the team I was on lost in double overtime.
Which is worse, losing quickly or after an OT period or 2? Both suck in different ways.
/note that my teammates went out for drinks after the game and made fun of me, rightly, for not wining either game tonight
Next time, you should try to win.
/types stuff, ass continues to grow unabated
It’s not like we didn’t have our chances in regulation, we just hit a few posts instead of goals.
You were in the arena. You never lose when you are there. You struggle and you learn.
You don’t learn as much when you win, but a loss teaches you. It makes you a better person.
Caveman me says every young man should, at least once, play a sport that requires a mouth piece, and also preferably, a cup. That informs you as a man.
Totally true
nothing humbles you, like getting beat by someone you underestimated.
Yeah I’ll never forget the surprise and pride the first time my kid punched me back. I think she was nine.
Definitely wear a cup. At least once a season the shot goes off the post and hits my cup. While no longer concerned about making more GTD’s I’m good with less pain
And yes, just happy to be able to run around still. It’s just a fun way to get my steps in now. My main focus is to not get (more) hurt and then don’t hurt anyone else.
Don’t slow down, you never get old…
Buddy, you may have missed the earlier piece today but I just climbed a mountain that involved one mile of scrambling up, over, through, and then back down boulders. While I did it, the main takeaway I got from it is that I am old, and my knees are older.
That builds character too Buddy, well done. Top of the world feeling > taking a shot to the mouth piece feeling.
Technically you lose every time the other team scores more points than you.
Flavor Flavor apparently found out that the US women water polo players have to work outside of water polo so he became a sponsor of the team to help out and, much like the Grinch, my heart has grown three sizes upon hearing this news.
I like how you use his formal name.
I hate autocorrect so much.
That’s Rocking!
A lot of people talk about how disrespectful it was for a bunch of Senators to fly to Moscow to meet with Vladimir Putin on the 4th of July, but I think that pales in comparison to the time a Senator fucked a couch on Don’t Fuck a Couch Day.
On my calendar, every day is Don’t Fuck a Couch Day
Most of my calendar says that, but Wednesdays are Wacky and anything goes.
Even Leap Year!?
Even during Smarch?
He was SO disappointed when he found out what dolphin shorts are.
Found a funny:
If we could get one extremely Bostonian guy to yell “hey look the genital inspector’s here” at the right Vance photo op it could change the course of history
Better than a horse in a hospital
On the plane back from Sydney, a fun visit although too much of it was spent doing work for some job I probably won’t get (takehome project)
Did you go to any of the bars I recommended?
She already posted that she enjoyed The Dong but that Ramm Rodd was a bit much.
400 Meters of Summer!
(Canadian lass won the 400m IM)
She’s going to get a bunch more before she’s done, I predict Nostradamusly.
Ladies, gentlemans, and fellow DFO degenerates, it’s my great pleasure to welcome Kamala Harris’ official band for the 2024 campaign season!
“In Soviet Russia, couch fucks you!”
Funny, I’ve never noticed Brick’s smell…
You haven’t?
Damn, here I thought that was just all the crab we were eating in Baltimore.
We called it the Boat Stink. I would recognize it instantly, and I’m sure I always will.
How high is Joseph Gordon Levitt?
If he is any where near my level, yes. I am so stoned I should be called basalt.
I, too, am a boulder.
Shit, went downstairs to eat, I’m bummed I missed that.
Left the stream running to keep the numbers up though!
150k participants, apparently
That’s awesome. I never saw the viewer count get higher than 66k but that might just have been viewers at one time.
Only criticisms are that everyone needed to tighten up on time and 10pm is not when you bring out the academic. I’m out, see y’all later
I wish I hadn’t missed Mark Hamill.
— Darth V., somewhere near what’s left of the Death Stars I & II
Color guy getting increasingly angry at the American men for not nailing their floor routines is pretty funny.
There is 1 spot left in the Lowratio league. I can nae find the link for whoever the lucky last imaginary human wants in.
Heh, hearing Sean Astin mention the flight attendant’s union reminded me of that time Elon Musk offered to buy a horse for one in exchange for a handjob.
Should of have gotten a BJ for the horse, in trade I mean. I would have thought he would be a better bargainer than that.
I can see why people are high on Walz as a VP option, he’s got that KSK Rex Ryan type energy.
He might done knocked Beshear off my list of two (Shapiro of PA still #1)
I understand you want the best ticket possible, but Lionel Hutz could be the VP but it don’t matter to me because I will still vote Democrat. And if you need a good vp nod to vote against Trump, you are a lost cause.
The only strategy is taking someone who will (maybe) carry a swing state. Kelly out of AZ is one who comes to mind, but AH is right that if the VP makes the difference against Trump you’re probably already fucked.
“High on Walz?” Rikki aged into Lawrence Welk so fast…”
It was justa onean atwo.
/starts blowing bubbles
//shut it.
Yea he seems rocking.
Also I read recently that
North Carolina Gov Roy Cooper is out of the running now…
Might double check that tomorrow…
The White Ppls demand Baby Buster!! (aka Tony Hale) [ok, or also Jared Goff]
That would be Rocking!
Josh Gadd!
That’s Rockingggggg!
I want to take an inner tube down the Olympic kayaking course.
The kayaking slalom was fucking insane
Wow, Josh Gad was really good.
Stupid Bi-Polar Reds! Time for another round of “We’re Back!”/“It’s Over!” with the fanbase.
Pritzker going right into the JD Vance couch jokes just moved him up my preference list for VP
I don’t know, those jokes all feel pretty Laz-Y-Boy now
The good news is he flipped the script and did some dolphin jokes too.
there are electric la z boys that can double as a vibrator for him!
I saw the Google ad where Gemini writes a girl’s fan letter to an Olympian. I hope the Internet crashes and Silicon Valley is wiped from the Earth by God’s Wrath.
good news is that there is a far greater than zero chance the dumb asshole nerds do it to themselves
See my rant in the earlier thread — fucksticks should all be provided with AI girlfriends so they leave the rest of us alone
They would be too scared to start the program.
Because they know instinctively that no matter the reality level, any woman is going to make his life he’ll. Also, I wonder how many of the AI gfs would loke like a young idealized version of their mother?
Look like
I haven’t seen this ad yet, (it may have been pulled based on the total hatred I’ve seen expressed towards it), but I still agree with your proposals re: the internet and Silicon Valley.
Might you have a newsletter I could subscribe to?
Just ask the AI for it.
Bradley Whitford should bring his friends and play a show for several for Harris.
Wait, what..?
Have you ever seen both Bradley Whitfords in the same place at the same time? SUSPICIOUS
No one asked me but I think they should have called this Honkeys for Harris
Though I do think Bradley Whitford talking about the diversity of white dudes on this call makes “a rainbow of beige” is fucking hilarious.
At this stage, we might see FREDBIRD FOAR HARRIS
You know damn well Fredbird is MAGA
nah, I showed him the spam text I got earlier today proclaiming “TRUE progressives know all cops are pigs (ncluding Kamala)” and he’s all in.
is crackers for kamala a tad too much
Not for this cracker
Kamala’s Kracker Korral??
Did you switch from St Louis to Arizona Cardinals there, Kliff?
I’m watching Roy Cooper speak right now (on this stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnnKXuYcDU0) and it’s hard to take him seriously thanks to @blaxabbath.
Bradley Whitford now!
US Women’s Hoops vs Japan in the 2nd half be like:
Actor Jeff Bridges & singer Josh Groban have both been on this White Dudes for Harris call so far!!!
That’s Rockingggg!!!
Not gonna lie, I was not expecting The Dude to show up on this White Dudes For Harris campaign call
karl hungus must’ve fixed the cable
Hungus wouldn’t vote, he believes in nothing.
Hippo’s governor is speaking next if y’all want to check it out at https://whitedudesforharris.com/
singers, or anybody with voice problems, you need some rehab work done to help your vocals?
get a vibrator!
Took this call. Weird to see it make the news so quickly.
EDIT: For the record, mine was the call about the Chabad graffiti. I didn’t know how extensive it was until hours later.
This is a Patty Pan squash. My wife loves them.
Wife: “Can you find some for me?”
Me: “I’ll try my best. [later] I found some! (told her that it was 5lbs for $52 according to the price list I tracked down)
Wife: “That’s amazing! Will you help me cook and can them?”
Me: “Of course!”
[a 25lb case comes in at $24!!]
Wife: “You’re still going to help me, right?”
Me: [smiles] “Yes, yes I will.”
We always grew a bunch in the garden. Of course, my mom covered slices w/ cornmeal and deep fried in bacon grease. If not it was baked into a squash casserole with cream of mushroom soup and cornbread. I do not eat squash anymore.
Well I may as well tune into the Reds game, as some of these guys will be playing in different colors in the next few days.
The Pittsburgh Pirates Experience since 1993!
The one thing that Pittsburgh and Cincinnati sports fans can relate to:
When I write stoned, it seems I tend to write rather machine gun like. Interesting.