Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: MOAR Olympics

Happy Olympics Friday! I know I’ve mentioned it in the comments before, but I’m a huge Olympics junkie. Not just for the sporting aspect, although that is a huge part. I do come by my Olympics obsession honestly. My father used to work for NBC sports, so when I was growing up he would have to travel multiple times to the host city. He would also be at the venue for about three months around the time of the games so that was less than ideal. However, that did work out in my favor once, as I was able to go to Sydney for a month right before the games in 2000. That was one of the best trips I’ve been on (hence the Wallabies avatar I rock here) and I’ve wanted to go back ever since. While a trip back down under is years away from even being realistically planned, I can get a little taste of it this week, as that is where the Lemon, Lime Bitters is very popular. It sounds extremely light and refreshing, and I could sure use a lighter hot weather drink right about now.

4 oz. chilled club soda
1 oz. simple syrup
.5 oz. fresh lemon juice
.5 oz. fresh lime juice
.5 tsp. Angostura bitters

Fill a rocks glass with ice and add 4 oz. chilled club soda (it should fill glass about halfway up). Add 1 oz. simple syrup, ½ oz. fresh lemon juice, and ½ oz. fresh lime juice. Float ½ tsp. Angostura bitters over and gently stir to create an ombré effect.

Visually, this looks great. the bitters float adds nice color and the gentle stir creating the cascading effect is a great eye catcher too. Surprisingly little to no aroma at play here. The 4 oz of soda water probably ate the citrus smells for dinner.

Wow the taste here is way more complex than I would have anticipated. Up front you get a heavy mix of sour/citrus fruits and the soda water. The bitters do get mostly lost in the main mix. Then again, I’m not sure how much of a chance they stood against the intense flavors of the lemon and lime juices. Though the more I sip, I can pick up the subtle, unmistakable flavor of the angostura in there. As I sip this down, I’m thinking I didn’t stir this enough. I went gently to get the bitters float, but that came at the cost of being on the sour side. a few sips in, I’m now getting the simple syrup sweetness and this changes completely, and for the better. The intense sour flavors are reduced to a much better level, and this becomes much more balanced and much more enjoyable.

That finish really is a game changer here. I wasn’t sure about the proportions and was contemplating making it again with more simple syrup but I’m glad I stuck with it. This is a refreshing drink to have on an insanely hot summer day, and because the only alcohol is a quarter teaspoon of bitters, it makes this infinitely drinkable.

(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)


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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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I’ve never had a pool before this house. Then it needed the pool redone.

This idiot my wife has handling the pool does a crap job of keeping the crap managed; keeping the shit from growing; and the once a week chemical dump makes the pool no fun for 48 hours after his visit.

I’m gonna take it over. I already sweep and broom the pool. He set us up with some crappy cleaner machine. I bought a wireless one to replace that work. Today I ordered one of those continuous water testers that just sends a notification of what to add and when.

If this don’t work, I’m filling it in.

Mr. Ayo

France might be in trouble


That plane crash in Brazil is about the worst thing I’ve ever seen.


That’s saying a lot for a guy who works in Hollywood!

Last edited 1 month ago by blaxabbath
Horatio Cornblower

I don’t see how that isn’t a penalty kick. Frankly it’s poor officiating that he missed that tackle in the first place.


France is super desperate to tie it up in soccer. (and they have-missed a ,lovely chance)


4×100 women’s relay was fun, no spoilers unless you want em


Men’s 4×100 in about 15 minutes


Holy bananas!

Last edited 1 month ago by scotchnaut



The thing that sucks is that all the highlights explicitly call out who won, so there’s no way to search for video without ruining it.


Study hall going on over here.


Good to see that Google has installed a Trump to NYT translator…

comment image


You could go back to Australia and bomb a Taylor Swift concert.


Man, if you like goals, you should tune in to the gold medal match in soccer.

Horatio Cornblower

Jesus, you weren’t kidding.

Mr. Ayo


King Hippo

who playing?

Horatio Cornblower

Spain is playing.

France is also there.


The Australian women are clearly having difficulty playing basketball upside-down what with the Olympics being in the northern hemisphere this cycle.


The Dr. Mrs. and I were having a discussion about which sport produces the most appealing athlete bodies for *both* sexes to enjoy. I said diving. She says track (shorter distances). Thoughts?


I’ve always appreciated volleyball players. If you’re not that tall, then soccer is good.

King Hippo

shoulders sure check out! I dated a former volleyball player, too bad she was nuts-even-by-my-dating-standards


For both sexes, though. I don’t think anybody is going to argue that guys built like Lionel Messi are going to make their knees weak.

Horatio Cornblower

I agree with the Dr. Mrs. Short distance track athletes.

Also that vacuums should be run 24/7 and worshipped as gods.

Game Time Decision

Diving or any of the swimming events


I prefer the divers.


“Come on, it’s obviously the gymnasts for both genders.”

–Matt Gaetz


I only concentrate on the ladies


Like her


All the heptathaletes(?) women were the perfect blend of lean, fit and slightly muscular.

/I wasn’t staring, you were staring.


I meant a discipline that includes both. But decathletes would probably work incredibly well for the men, so you’ve got yourself a winner here.


Yeah, you can’t be too muscular otherwise you’re screwed in the high jump and longer distance races.

Horatio Cornblower

That’s certainly what kept me from excelling at both.

/resumes shoveling Fritos into mouth

Horatio Cornblower

The Italian and US men are fucking each other up in the volleyball match for the bronze.


It was a nice win; difficult to set and bump when the ball comes back covered in grease.

Horatio Cornblower

I find I don’t mind getting hit in the face by the ball when it comes with the delicious taste of olive oil and pesto.


Sounds great. Now add some booze to it.


– Britt Reid, ordering a bagel

Mr. Ayo

Alright, I’ve seen enough. Breaking can get all the fucking way out of the Olympics.


Is the Boogaloo not Electric enough for you?

Horatio Cornblower

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Horatio Cornblower

I’m refusing to watch any of it, as it is stupid as an Olympic sport.

Doktor Zymm

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Stop illin’, Noticeabley F.A.T, rewind the tape!

Last edited 1 month ago by Doktor Zymm

Hey, it’s the 50th anniversary of Nixon’s resignation!

Horatio Cornblower

“We should buy a couch!! You know, to, um celebrate. Yeah, celebrate, that’s it.”

-JD Vance

King Hippo

This morning, my brain deduced that one could repurpose 2 Live Crew’s classic “Heeeeeeyyyyyy we want some pussssyyyyy” into J.D., want some upholstery….


“Where is that? Naga…Naga…Na Gonna Be Around Much Longer”

Horatio Cornblower

What are the odds that the nose painting has been edited since then?