Let’s Keep It Rolling-Your Next Football Open Thread

There are three contests on offer-let’s take a looky-loo.

To The Games!


With Nacua out early in the game last week Kupp had an insane 21(!) targets. So I guess the latter is going to get overworked until he goes down with another wear and tear injury then? As a football guy he’s not exactly a spring chicken. Ever notice that these wr’s that rack up insane catch totals tend to get injured the following year? Kupp and Michael Thomas come immediately to mind. Perhaps the pigskin should be spread to Robinson and Tyler Johnson-just a thought. I’ll bet Harrison Jr wants a do-over on his debut-three targets and a dropped pass?


Fields responded about as well as he possibly could have last week, hitting the 74% mark on completions and doing the usual running for 57 yards. Najee is a notoriously slow starter in the month of September (46.1 avg.) but was able to turn that around with a 70+ effort. Ballhog Pickens had 85 yards receiving, the rest of the team combined had 71.


This is a fantastic game two years ago. Burrow didn’t look good last week but he was missing some weapons. In related news, Tee Higgins is incredulous that some folks would think that he’s faking an injury. He’s out again today. Start Xavier Worthy at your own risk-he had remarkable production but that was on three touches and a completely blown coverage assignment. Kelce needs just seven receptions to tie Gonzo for the career mark. To say that K.C. got lucky at the tight end spot, having two all-timers over the last twenty years, is an understatement.

Do your thing.

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Doktor Zymm

The ref managing to mostly keep up on that Jefferson TD is actually pretty impressive


…and that’s why you don’t FUCK with BLEERGH, JaMarr.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Damn I really thought Milo Yiannopoulos was going to pull it out for the Bengals today.


“I don’t pull it out for anyone any more, since I switched to the ‘pray away the gay’ grift.” — Milo


Eat that, Ohio! Your Ohio State football team sucks, too

Mr. Ayo



lol the bears are wearing their dumb orange helmets tonight

38-10 texans


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Oh, Bengals…

Downfield Matriculator

Came here to say this — noice!


Good thing the refs got the call right for a change


Live look at Redshirt
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All hail, the Script! All hail, the Script!






King Hippo

the standard, yada yada


bullshit flag




Why are you letting them talk about this,,.,.,.cktygyludurtgu


Why Timeout?!!?!


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King Hippo

15-20 seconds, max



King Hippo

or 8, since Tomlin strung his run plays out.

yeah right

When I packed to go on my vacation, I thought cool. It will be an NFL Sunday and I can represent, so I had a Vikings polo and a SKOL t- shirt then…

After two full days of learning Irish history I kind of didn’t want to wear anything Vikings related because there’s like a thousand years of shit that went down and Vikings weren’t a friendly part of that history so…

I just wore a black hoodie to stave off any latent Norse angst.

Sorry about the pillaging!

I’m actually irish.

Doktor Zymm

I don’t think anyone in Ireland still holds a grudge when the English are RIGHT THERE

Horatio Cornblower

But those English were Norman, who descend from some guy named Otto, or Otho, or something like that, who was Norse, (hence Normandy), so it’s all just a giant circle of ethnic loathing.

(I learned all this on Wikipedia while watching that series ‘Vikings’ so I’d go ahead and take all that with the biggest grain of salt you can find)

King Hippo

2:30, all 3 timeouts, Mahomes needs 40 yards to set up winning FG. What could possibly go wrong?


brittany mahomes calling State Farm “woke”


Too much time

Doktor Zymm

At least with the Chefs on offense they won’t be doing the racist chant as much


-JD Vance during his Meet the Press interview


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is that a burger patty? Are you trying to lure a dogman to your yard?


Cards murder my parley. oh well its only $20 bucks.
let’s go Cincy! Give Redshirt a reason to live!


…and I can take or leave it if I please…


Dok singing Fields’ praises at exactly the right/wrong time.

King Hippo

I feel like he played super well in the first half. Bit rocky late.

Doktor Zymm

And some really nice plays that came back for holding calls, he can actually play well out of a collapsing pocket and those won’t always get called


That’s what I meant by BLEERGH making this hard to assess.

Doktor Zymm

If that had been snapped into his face on the Bears it probably would have given him a concussion somehow


for the last time future possible trump assassins, if you want a job done right, put the gun down and hire an assassin from the balkans

Mr. Ayo

Or Turkiye.

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This guy didn’t even get off a single shot and then ran away; sounds plenty balky to me.

Horatio Cornblower

Sound very Trump-like to me: start out with grandiose ambitions, then tuck tail and run at the first sign of trouble, accomplish nothing.

King Hippo

This is the ugliest win of Coach Epps’ career, and I say that with a sense of awe and wonder.

Mr. Ayo

BLEERGH giveth, BLEERGH taketh


This is the ugliest win of Coach Epps’ career – and he was in the movie ” The Woods”


Okay, Chase. That was unwise.

Doktor Zymm

Fields looking better after 2 games with the Steelers than he did during all 3 years with the Bears.

Also, his middle name is Skyler?!


this is his third head coach

and his first good head coach


He is? It’s hard to tell, since BLEERGH has decided to camp in Denver today.

King Hippo

They are tryingf SUPER HARD to keep the Donks in the game. Which has been absolute schiesse porn.

Doktor Zymm

Yeah, I don’t think it’ll be reflected in the stat line, but this shows way more potential to get legit good in a couple games than trying to play behind the Chicago O-line

King Hippo

That’s 2 NFL quartered backs with a preppie handbook girl’s name. 2 more than one expects.

Cecil Rhodes

It’s a good thing that Nix is wearing blue pants. Any white pair of pants would likely be dark brown at this point.

Horatio Cornblower

That was a hell of an interception there.

Almost as good as the Secret Service picking off a 60-year-old white conspiracy theorist with a history of voting for wanna-be dictators.

Mr. Ayo


Mr. Ayo

Ah yes, nevertheless.

Don T

I remember when Kelce had a fantasy career. Even according to the models! What a ride

/erases Yahoo app from phone

Doktor Zymm

Iosivas is Romanian-Filipino, I’m gonna go look for a longanisa goulash recipe now

yeah right

With lumpia.

Horatio Cornblower

Nice to see the kicker point to the heavens after missing the PAT. “That one’s on You, Jesus! Thanks for nothing!”




ah, so we are 2 for 2 in republican voters wanting trump dead, and 2 for 2 in republican voters being useless with guns

huh, imagine that


You know who wasn’t useless with a gun? The guy who shot Ashlee Babbitt.

Horatio Cornblower

Apparently the guy with the gun who was near Trump, (but who did not fire a shot), voted for Trump in 2016 is an anti-vax conspiracy nut, has a history of mental illness, and also somehow still got access to an AK-47.



yeah never Trump guy who voted for McCain, also had tweeted at Dave matthews and Bruno mars to produce the save ukraine song he had written with lyrics


Beanie Bishop sighting!

Doktor Zymm

There needs to be a scoring option where players get points for the yards on PI calls

Cecil Rhodes

There must be a fantasy league somewhere in the depths of Hell that is entirely based on officiating.


+10 points for every incorrect call NOT overturned on review.

Doktor Zymm

That wasn’t a fumble, it was a roll pass, lol