Ballsy’s 2025 Goals


I didn’t really want to call them Resolutions because they’re really not. I tend to think of Resolutions as change you want to effect on your life. You are changing something you find deficient.

Yes, I do have really high self esteem and yes I do think I’m God’s Gift, so yes I think I’m perfect in every way and therefore don’t think I need to change anything. (Please note invisible sarcasm font).

However, I do think I’m in a pretty good place as far as not thinking I need to change anything that’s deficient. If anything, I need to develop goals that go above and beyond where I am right now to make me better.

Therefore, I’m doing this as a 2025 Goals Post, not a Resolutions post. Does that make sense? Okay, let’s move on.

I’m going to split them up into categories. Without further ado:



I was able to get to a Handicap Index in the 20s (it’s currently 26.7) and I was able to shoot in the 90s, which were the two things I wanted to achieve in 2024. One additional achievement (which I had not planned) was to place in the top three for my club championship standings. For 2025, I want to:

  • Lower my Handicap Index to Underage Drinking Level (Less than 21)
  • Shoot an 18 hole score of 89 or better.
  • Win a tournament.
  • Place in the top three of the club championship.


I did pretty good last year as I was able to get Personal Bests in Bench Press, Squat, and Deadlift. For reference, I’m 5′ 9″ 175. This year, I want to:

  • Do one NFL Combine bench press rep (Two 45 lb plates on each side or a total of 235 lbs.)
  • Do one rep of Squat at 300 lbs.
  • Run 2 miles in less than 23 minutes (Army standard for my age)


I want to promote, but I can’t promote unless my boss either retires or promotes and that’s not within my control, so I’m going to choose things I can control. For 2025, I want to:

  • Get five non-performers to either quit, transfer, or retire. (I’m really not that much of an asshole, but one bad apple…. These people gotta go. And no, I can’t just fire them. HR blows.)
  • Get three of the employees that I’m mentoring promoted.
  • Implement one cost-saving initiative company-wide.


Reading Christopher Moore has really gotten me into stimulating my intellect. That works both in terms of what you consume and what you create. For 2025, I want to:

  • Read 5 more Christopher Moore books.
  • Create a 7 episode minimum series of fiction for this here site.
  • Create something visual. I’m not sure yet if this would be a short film or a collection of photographs. I’ll need to flesh this out some…

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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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