TGIF! Half the country is burning, the other freezing, and I’m stuck here with only clouds and rain. *pokes Mt. Rainer* Do something!
Survival – Personal Edition
Let’s talk about champagne. Specifically, opening a bottle of said champagne. First lesson, don’t do this:
That’s wasting champagne and removing the carbonation from what’s left. Here’s how to properly open a bottle.
- First, angle the bottle away from yourself and others. No one needs to lose an eye here.
- Use the thumb on your non-dominant hand to press down on the cage and cork. With some bottles, that cork will pop out as soon as the cage is loosened.
- Remove the wire cage. Fun fact, all cages open up after exactly 6 clockwise half turns. That’s 3 full turns for you math nerds. Remove the cage.
- Place an opened cloth napkin over the cork. Hold the neck of the bottle in your non-dominant hand and again apply pressure to the cork with your thumb.
- Use your dominant hand to turn the bottle clockwise while pressing on the cork. Do not try to turn the cork as you’re more likely to break it.
- As the cork begins to come out, keep pressure on the cork. This will prevent it from flying out.
- Hold the cork at the mouth of the bottle for a few seconds. Any champagne that bubbles up will react to the cork and recede, so there won’t be any spills.
- Now remove the cork and pour. When pouring, pour slow and fill to 2/3 full. Stop and let the mousse recede, the fill back up to 2/3 full.
Now drink and enjoy. Celebrate whatever you’re celebrating while sipping on still properly carbonated champagne.
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Survival – Species Edition
Time to put the sexy in Friday!
Enjoy the weekend, folks! Alright, now let’s get to the comments!
Why so many Dylan biopics and no one can cover a Hendrix one
Night everybody, gonna listen to this a couple times then crash
– Britt Reid, cueing up the following song:
One of the last things the ex-wifey and I did together while actually enjoying being in each other’s company was “STP’s” 2018 tour. Jeff sang, but he did great. This is NAWT my clip, but impressed to find one from the show.
Very cool, appreciate that they carried on as well as they did.
Ok, Smashing Pumpkins best song. This is either 1 or 2 for me.
(condiment misspelling aside)
Like to play that and follow up with Porcaelina
Ok, so, best STP song or just really good song?
I prefer their petroleum based products but this is fine.
But there are flies
Ideal post-coitus/pre-post-coitus nap song
especially with royalty, I can only imagine
I’m leaning this way.
I was always partial to Plush, as well as Interstate Love Song
I like this one
Buffy in the video!
STP got more interesting with each album. Stupid heroin.
If Andy Dick were fat
Trippin’ on a Hole in a Paper Heart is still on the board? Yoink!
I thought you were supposed to leave the cage on so it doesn’t pop off
–works for champagne and kink shaming
(Lowratio nods sadly, remembering last Friday)