I absolutely am not watching this mess. But I stand by my prediction upon seeing the “bracket” – I thought the tOSU/Tennessee winner would lift the trophy.
tOhio State (-8.5) v. Notre Dame (7:30, ESPN)
Yeah, I’d be rooting for Hezbollah if they represented the last line of defense against a nationwide orgy of Irish fluffing. But really – tOSU has the edge everywhere. Their lines are better (O and D), their quartered back is significantly better, their WRs are light years better. Maybe ND is roughly equal at tailback.
Seriously, that’s it. No matter what you think of Coach Samsquanch, his Tree Nutz should absolutely go to town tonight. Sommet like 38-7 wouldn’t surprise me in the least. I guess I’d be happy for the numerous supporters in the Clubhouse, but even more satisfied that the best team from (this year’s) best conference was declared champion. With all else that’s going on in the world, a tiny bit of earned glory would surely be appreciated.
Get your shit together, SEC. I don’t ever want to see a gross Final Four like 2024-25’s ever again.
This will be useful in reverse next year.
Congrats Redshirt.
Glad I slept through it.
“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night! When I wake up, I’m getting a CAT scan!” -S. Calvin, MI and R. Shirt, OH
Roster cost $20mil. They better fucking win.
A little late but…
Do any of you guys have backup generators at your homes?
I got a large battery pack that I could theoretically solar charge if I bought some panels
Are those things designed so you could just plug it in to an outlet if you wanted and charge it via regular power?
Yup, that’s exactly how I charged it what with not buying the solar panels and all
I was pondering the wildfires and, my part of the city is not under threat of even the most el ninoest of fires.
But losing power in the summer is basically a death sentence. So I want to add some batteries to my solar system and am interested in tacking on a generator.
I got a Jackery, they’re super high rated and have a bunch of capacities
“The Jackery” sounds like a business establishment that Robert Kraft would frequent.
I have two Honda 2200 watt generators. They have static inverters that will create precise 60-hertz AC output for computers (that’s better than power company mains) and the two generators can be synced to run high amperage loads like refrigerators.
Don’t those ones they stick on your house run refrigerators? I mean, what are they selling then?
Like anything, you can spend as much as you want on it. The really big ones just flip over automatically. They have some smarts to shut off certain circuits, so you have power to the lights and refrigerators, but not to the AC or the dryer.
You can get smaller setups, where you can plug in a generator like I have, and then throw the switch to shut off the power company circuit and use your generator. Again, you have to pick what you need because 5000 watts won’t run the stove, the fridge, and the sump simultaneously.
At our house, when we need to run the generator we just run extension cords everywhere, to the fridge, the freezer, and the sump.
You can also cheat and make a 220v male-male connector. One goes into the generator, and the other goes into your dryer outlet to backfeed into the household system. This is really not recommended. If you forget to turn off the main breaker you can literally kill an electrical worker. Grab that male connector wrong and you can kill yourself. They call it a suicide cable for a reason, and the people at the hardware store get real mad if they find out you’re trying to make one.
I don’t think the people at hardware store care about anything. That said, i don’t intend to do this so I can see an electrical worker die on the field
Some people are dumb enough to go to the guy and ask them, “Where can I find the stuff to make a suicide cable?”
I have a Honda 5400 watt generator. I need it because if the power goes out I have two or three hours before the basement gets flooded.
Heh heh. The tennis announcer just described a serve as “very short in the box”.
(throws hands up in “fucking fuck” gesture)
-D. Favre
Will Howard may have played himself into a 3rd day draft pick.
That last pass was mint.
I could see Darnold to CLOTS.
Will Howard and Riley Leonard are both Jebus-lovers; so I guess the outcome means Riley must have touched himself a bit too much this week.
No, he went to a papist school, damning his eternal soul
If you were a notable kid on either squad right now…would you leave? Why?
Holy shit.
Happy for you, even if you’re not!
It does feel weird.
As weird as having sex with a bag full of supermarket vegetables?
/asking for a friend
//that friend’s name is “Horatio C.”
///wait, no, that’s too obvious. Their name is “H. Cornblower”.
I just told you guys how to open the bag.
Stuffing it full of vegetables and then fucking it is all on you.
Which is cool. I don’t judge. Cashier probably will.
Man, poor Lowratio never really gets a day off, does he?
Good for you, Redshirt.
Now go burn down your local GOP HQ, to “celebrate”
Congrats, we can now go back to our respective corners for AFC North (I mean, not this season of course)
JFC Fowler, do you kiss your mother with that gob of yours?
Not centering the football?
Going to the right, just like the rest of the country
I suppose we should treat it as a good omen that it didn’t all end in disaster.
Interesting strategy taking your running backs off the field. Anti-Wildcat.
Quit going passive, you dumb fucks!!!!!
It is like they waited to bring back the Michigan game playcalling until it mattered. unfuckingbelieveable
And I stand corrected, thank fucking God
When visiting Our Nations Capital, be sure to see the second greatest sculpture in the area, which is the Pratt & Whitney R-4360 aircraft piston engine at the Air & Space Museum out by Dulles Airport.
The greatest sculpture is the Ulysses S. Grant Memorial at the west side of the U.S. Capitol building.
Cavalry detail:
Artillery detail:
The man:
Grant, with a capital G
Bleed clock. Bleeed.
Like Jerry Quarry, one hopes.
You’re fine. Irish will stack the line and OSU will just make a quick dump-off, (easy there, Mr. Davenport) for 12 yards or so.
OK, I had the right idea but was off by 40 yards.
Like Mr gaetz
We haz game?
This is my life.
Indeed. If you’re gonna commit pass interference, then interfere FFS
Anyone doing anything fun for Burns Night? I’m not but would love to go to a Burns dinner some time
Sounds EXCellent
I still have to try haggis.
I heard it’s offal
It’s pretty good, at least the one time I had it
That ad reminds me, the secret to opening those impossible veggie/fruit bags at the supermarket?
Lick your fingers before going for the opening. Like magic.
That applies to other things…
See below
/also applies to other things
/this is also good advice for sex
Why would I want to open a supermarket vegetable bag for sex?
Northeast people are weird.
Irish contraception.
God you West Coasters cannot follow a theme…
Too busy dodging fires while getting abortions and winning sports titles
“The Irish do get a stop…”
I’ll take ‘What Is Not Birth Control’ for $800, Alex.
/This book is blank inside — chef’s kiss, no notes
Why would they? Altar boys can’t get pregnant.
I’ve got bad news for the “Beta Babies.” They are all going to die in a nuclear war.
You can bet on it. I’m not wrong.
It’ll be quicker than when all the freshwater runs out.
I do not want grandchildren.
Why among many reasons I didn’t propagate
We’re not that lucky.
DOINK on the SkyCast!
/obligatory Doink goes HERE
Holy shit
College DOINK! makes their presence felt