TGIF! Hope everyone is recovering well from the hockey fever. After all, the NHL regular season resumes tomorrow. Well, except for McAvoy and one of the Tkachucks who are both very much injured.
Survival – Personal Edition
This is going to go long, like a Sexy Rexy pass. Will I finish in time? History says I’ll finish way too early. Anyway, we’re going to build ourselves a little jungle shelter!
- Before we begin, we have to understand the dangers of sleeping in the jungle. Most of them involve the ground: fungal infections, leeches, boars, snakes, hypothermia, and flash flooding. As a result, we will be constructing an elevated shelter.
- We also have to appreciate the resources a jungle provides: A shitload of trees, plants, and leaves. We’ll be using all of those for this wonderful shelter.
- Clear out an area for the shelter. We need a flat piece of land that is also dry. Make sure to check for any signs of erosion that would indicate regular flash floods. This space needs to be about a foot longer than your height and twice as wide as your
girthwidth when lying down. - Plant four posts at the corners of this area. The posts need to be as tall as your shoulder and 6 inches in width. Use a sharpened stick to start the holes then drive each post into the ground at least one foot deep. They posts should go up to about your waist once finished. Also, make sure they’re as close to level as possible.
- Add a two inch notch onto the outward faces of each post at knee height. I know, I hear you, there are two outward faces on each post. The one you want is outward from the length of the frame. These notches need to be the same height as they’ll hold the bed supports and you don’t want to be sleeping at a slant.
- Let’s build the frame. Gather six sapling trucks or tree branches that are around four inches in diameter. These will need to support your weight so adjust accordingly. Two will need to be just longer than the width of your shelter, and the other four longer than the length of your shelter.
- Take those two shorter saplings/branches and lash them to the head and tail posts into the notches.
- Take two of those longer saplings/branches and lay them along the length of the frame and on top of the two saplings from the previous step. Lash them together.
- Now go gather a shit ton of saplings about two inches in diameter and longer than the width of the frame. Use those to cover the frame and lash them down.
- Let’s make a roof! We need five saplings/branches around two inches in diameter. One is going to be the apex of the roof so it needs to be about a foot longer than the length of your structure. The other four will be the gables so they need to be anywhere from two feet to twice as longer as the width of the structure.
- Now notch the posts on the outward (lengthwise this time) a couple inches from the top. Use the remaining two saplings/branches from the framing step and lash them to the posts into those notches. Now lash two of the gable saplings/branches at a ninety degree angle then last the other ends to the posts and framing saplings/branches. Repeat on the other end. Finally, take that apex sapling/branch and lay it into the V at the top of the gables and lash together.
- Find a bunch more branches about one inch in diameter and the length of the roofing frame to fill out the roof. These will be positioned horizontally and lashed to the gables. Find a bunch of large leaves and drape them over the roofing structure making sure to overlap them.
And now your structure is complete! You’re on own for pillows and bedding but if you got this far you’ll figure that out easily enough.
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Survival – Species Edition
Time to put the sexy in Friday!
Enjoy the weekend, folks! Alright, now let’s get to the comments!
This here lovely flower is used as an ornamental plant in many Aussie gardens, but it’s also handy for committing murder most foul!
Welcome to Australia, Mate: You Won’t Survive!
— possible new tourism board motto
Mandated until 14:00
Guess yinz are stuck with me for a while longer.
Just me I think, looking at some fish swim by after dinner.
Are they dinner..?
Maybe lunch size
Gonna try and find this and give it a taste
Apparently, it’s the oldest of new tastes.
The ants are supposed to have a lovely lemon flavor, handy for making distilled sea water taste nice or giving a nice flavor to meat at the same time as keeping the flies off
It’s Australian; it will attempt to bite you when you open it.
There’s something called a yellow crazy ant which doesn’t bite but does emit an acid spray
Of course, OF COURSE the acidic insect is Aussie.
Rather than boring you with minutiae I have a song.
Happy Friday everyone.
He’s vibrating.
Every single one of you that have access to MAX need to watch “Flow.”
Just once or every month?
Around the time of the inauguration I moved some money around to try a few different hedging strategies for the likely scenario that Trump managed to fuck up both stock and bond markets.
Out of 5 hedges, 4 have made money with the only loser being bitcoin. Gold has done the best, increasing by about 10% over the past month. Tail hedging, inflation-protected securities, and M&A arbitrage are all between 1-2%
Will be interested to see how another month goes!
My two are still earning close to 7.8 annually.
Holding tight for now.
Brasil just beat the Aussies!!!!!
If Hippo wasnt hibernating he would have my back on this being one of the best songs.
‘Tis a swell tune. You’ve a good taste.
One of my few musical successes was finding the Silversun Pickups via MySpace and liking them before it was cool.
FOX News: Donald Trump is such a dear, magnificent, strong, masculine leader! He’s making America great again by not letting others make us mad!
(Canada wins 4 Nations, Canada celebrates)
FOX News: The sheer, utter disrespect, disregard for President Trump, and AMERICA’S feelings! Won’t liberals and other countries just stop from trying to make President Trump’s already hectic and benevolent reign, and not stoop to such childish levels?! Conservatives never get their feelings hurt, and never collectively get upset when we’re attacked! We’re stronger than those mean liberals and Canadians who have been so mean to President Trump!
Can someone explain how cynical this is? Why do people fall for this insane inanity?
Mother fucker wants to annex us like Crimea, what the actual fuck????? I am drunk now, got that irish whisky in me, apologies.
No need for the apologies, fuck him and fuck all the fucken fucks who voted him in.
His trolling has gotten us actually angry, which is rare. Even the French folk.
As an American, I fully endorse this message
The Crimea has Yalta, I assume we will rename Toronto to Y’allto
I’m drinking Canadian whisky. 100% rye, 100% Alberta. Traitor.
I’ll be back in a bit because I’m watching Flow on Max.
Best movie I’ve seen this year.
It’s up for best animated film.
Fucking gorgeous.
Hippo, you would love this.
It’s for cat people.
People. Watch this film.
Back in a bit.
i think Flo is hotter than the phone chick everyone loved from KSK
Nah. I’ve encountered Lily in person and she is really, really pretty.
Criminally underrated.
Hey the Angels “theme night” game is on Saturday, which I thought was your concert…and I thought you were planning to do the game on Friday. Que?
Beisbol Friday no? Concert sabado si.
Heh am listening to Oasis now.
Enrique Tarrio, is the leader of the “Proud Boys” who was sent to jail for crimes on January 6th and was then pardoned by Trump. Today, Tarrio was again arrested on Capitol Hill.
I don’t know about any of that, but I will say that I am proud to live in a country that is so committed to DEI that the chief white supremacist is a Negro.
He’s Cuban. But yeah a shit head.
Never trust a Cuban or a Persian.
Don’t say that out loud in Glendale…
Old Spice and garlic. A marriage that stand the test of time.
The Old Spice will really make the drink. Sharkbait, take notice.
Missing a bottle of this.
Hey, strained through a hankerchief that stuff will get any fellow… Party… Ready…
Old Spice strained through a loaf of bread: PARTY ON!
Never, ever, never make a bong out of an empty (or full) one of those, still taste it in my nightmares…..
No Old Bay?
The only good thing about that cocktail
women’s rugby 7’s is like clothed porn for me.
The Irish just got killed by yous but goodness are there some gorgeous women on their side.
Sevens is so good
I don’t understand it either:
Boy Mr Ayo, lady number 3 really got my full attention this week.
And the jungle bed, while tiring to construct, would certainly serve a fella well.
It’s know that I follow Sexy Friday primarily for the writing you know…
Good lord, I love being upstaged on my own posts.
Just threw on the first episode of the new season of “Reacher.” You’re not gonna believe this, but three minutes into the first episode, he’s found himself in one hell of a pickle!
MacGyver nods.
Canada’s first Black president.
In the U.S. we beat you, with Bill Clinton being the first African American president.
Obama? Nice fella but he was a dark-skinned white guy.
Look it up.
You should use a bigger cup for that beer.
We play beer pong with these cups.
Easy there, Matt Gaetz also loves to brag about small cups.
Doesn’t look like a ping pong ball would fit in there so must be some long games
Wait . . . how the fuck does this response get 7 likes?
Love your work
King of Beers? Makes sense since they’re owned by a Belgium company.
Evening. I had an excellent night tonight, had a bunch of friends over to play board games and drink. Good buzz going. This is how to counter the rest of the bullshit.
What board games?
Exploding Kittens, Venns with Benefits, and Secret Hitler
Is Secret Hitler the one where the dictator likes a guy but won’t tell who so you have to figure it out?
No good night sports. This is balls. Tunes and wine it is.
Huh? What did I do?
Do you have to ask is the better question….
You want to come to an Angels game on Mexican night with me, Spam, Zymm and a buddy of mine? I can’t guarantee that this is not an ICE trap.
I’m not THAT Mexican…
Offer still open!
The amount of Mexican required nowadays is pretty tiny. I’m waiting for them to start deporting Italians leaving Taco Bell
On a serious note, my sister’s friend got stopped by ICE at Lowe’s yesterday. He was born and raised here. What’s happening is bullshit. Rant Over.
ColoUr me baffled why our normally chill populace is angry at the Cheeto for his trolling.
To get Quebec to be angry Canadians is something special.
Absolutely 100% fucked up shit
Of course! Yo soy cholo!
Anyone have a third-party e-ink e-reader they like?
I’m getting pretty fed up with the whole Kindle ecosystem. Each version loses functionality to the point where I can’t even get new books onto my Kindle when wifi has a sign in screen like basically every single wifi network available while traveling. How goddamn useless can you get? Not having to carry around a ton of heavy books or spend a lot of time hunting down books in English while traveling was the main reason I switched to an e-reader in the first place
I had a really great one, but I sold it just this morning because I can’t read.
“He gave me a great deal!”
— Lea M., holding an issue of Armed Forces Journal from 1994 upside down
After literally minutes of research I’m thinking one of these
If it’s of any value, I use calibre as the software to deal with my kindle; I presume it would be equally useful for any other device.
Wifey has a Kindle for the reasons you note. But she got all, I miss the feeling of a book in my hands / hard on her eyes on me. So I haul around a library on vaca. Makes up for missing arms days though.
I’m an almost fanatical light packer (although hauling around my work computer kinda ruins it, that thing is hefty) and I go through books pretty quick while traveling.
I used to leave books scattered around wherever I was traveling as I finished them and had to go on some fairly extensive scavenger hunts to find books in English. Some fun aspects, but also kind of a pain in the butt, lol
Yeah when traveling for work I have perfected the travel light art. Am totally comfortable with the base plan B for everything – if I end up needing it, that’s what the Visa card is for.
I have yet to find one. I have actually switched to one of the smaller fire tablets instead of a Kindle. It is a lot snappier. I do not like the fact that you can no longer side load books which will be enforced soon.
They’re pretty good at jungle shelters in PNG
Folks, these are perfect examples!
Just the way I imagined your description here Buddy. Well written sir.
The Dr. Mrs. Deadly Esq. (Ret) this afternoon when encountering short lines at Costco gas but lacking the accompaniment of her husband (artist’s conception):
I forgot to mention that when I went swimming yesterday there was a young Russian yummy mummy and her friend sunning nearby and my view every time I stopped to grab a sip of water or adjust my goggles or mess around with my headphones or one of the dozens of other reasons I came up with my view was approximately this:
Also, EXCELLENT selection this week, sir!
#1 should be my wallpaper…
My solution: Don’t go into the jungle.
I presume that means you offered to cover Lady Balls’ waxing expenses?
Oh, that’s a given!
But there’s fun and games oh so I’ve been told by GNR.
Yeah, but on the other hand, you’re gonna die.
If you’ve got the money, honey, they’ve got your disease.
I always thought that song was a book review of Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle”
It gets worse here every day.