I have had a wonderful week, thank you to Weaselo for asking on Wednesday! It’s been very busy at work but busy is good. The days go by fast and I’m home without pants sooner.
Speaking of, don’t forget that tonight is the night that the clocks go forward. That means we lose one hour of sleep but gain an hour of daylight. I can’t wait until Trump abolishes the changing of the times. If it was up to me, it would be Daylight Savings Time year-round!
So, aside from time-related pipe dreams, what is there to talk about?
Current Events
This week, more tariffs were announced and then postponed. Cuts were walked back and then back on again. The Department of Education may or may not be getting eliminated.
It’s all a rollercoaster ride if you subscribe to the theory that you worrying about something you have no control over is going to accomplish anything. Anyone directly affected by these decisions is making plans A, B, C, and D if they’re smart. That’s all you can do.
Sports Update
I’ve got a golf tournament scheduled for this Sunday. It’s a team event and it should be a lot of fun. NFL free agency begins next week. We’ll see what actually happens with the Steelers. It’s weird knowing they will actually do something as opposed to their usual strategy of waiting until the draft to restock the team.
Other Stuff Update
I’m not a big drinker anymore but it seems like taking the Monday off for Saint Patrick’s Day and making it a long weekend would be a great idea. We are in the middle of the longest holiday drought of the year. The last holiday was President’s Day and the next one is Memorial Day two and a half long months away. I’m not working non-stop until then!
I’m not sure if it is because I’m Gen X or it’s because I’m getting older but I don’t understand the younger generations. They worry about things I could not give two shits about.
Things younger generations worry about that I don’t:
- What people think of them
- People’s feelings
- Social Justice
- Climate Change
Let this be your reminder that I’m an asshole. An excellent asshole.
What do I care about, you may ask?
- The people I’m close to
- Helping good people succeed
- Staying healthy
Things I’m looking forward to:
- The new AFL season (Go Cats!)
- Reading Razzmatazz by Christopher Moore (loved Noir!)
- Wearing less clothes on weekends (it’s been cold)
In this space, I will tell you what I’m drinking as I type this post. Today’s drink is: Earl Grey tea with Caramel Macchiato creamer. Yes, it’s different from last week!
Your weekly Psych gif:
Your weekly hot girl pic:

Your weekly music video:
One last thing:
Seriously, every time I see this, I start laughing. I may continue posting it every week. Hat tip to Brocky:
Where did we, as a society, get the idea that salads are healthy things primarily made up of raw vegetables? The vast majority of salads are not particularly healthy, and there are plenty of salads like tuna salad or ambrosia salad where plants are a seasoning at best. And if you look at some of the monstrosities made with gelatin in the 50s that went under the title salad…
What happened to 2:00 AM? What the hell did Elon do now?!
The couchfucker is the one living in the Naval Observatory where they keep the official time, it’s probably his fault
To give geographic location to the show today.
After the show I took maybe 27 steps to take this picture.
Good luck at the tournament.
Things I care about – family and friends.
Things I don’t care about – much of the rest.
Video is unavailable in my area of fortress Europe.
What am I missing?
Bruce hornsby The Way it Is
Very appropriate
From a different Bruce song but funny
I would get radio Moscow on the car radio when stationed in Germany in the ’80’s. That was a trip. The music was awful. Stupid acordian folk music.
That’s hilarious. I’d be down to try Soviet rap, just to say I listened to it.
Bruce Hornsby – The Way it Is
Last funny:
Also don’t forget to set your clocks 1 hr forward!
One of the guys I play with has a fast enough serve that if something happened to distract her – maybe like a bee stung her on the eyeball or something – and he managed to hit one of the corners, he could get it past her.
Ugh, my cat is annoying as fuck when the time changes.
It would have been great if someone way back in the day had put “Thou shalt not have sex with children” early and often throughout the Bible. Seems to be like 90% of Christianity-based cults are all about kiddie-diddling
Here to annoy yinz like most nights.
As though I would *ever* be annoyed by a Beavis gif.
The Tarantino show was fantastic. Great fully immersed interactive showmanship.
I hadn’t done a full day/ night on the town in LA since 2019.
Shit done got expensive!
Watching some show called “How I Escaped My Cult”
Dude, cults are fucked up
And the world is being run by a series of them now.
Always has, just depends on the user’s definition of “cult” vs. “religion.”
Kinda like Pluto is no longer a “planet”, I await Christianity descending to cult status.
Seen “The Vow”?
Oooof. Had me Weird Al-ing “Love Shack” into “Sex Cult” after shit just got more and more fucked up and obviously predatory.
I haven’t seen most things, looks like there’s an ep later in season 1 about this same cult
Trump has gone too far!
Found a funny:
Behind every great man is a great woman. Behind every great woman is that same man back to back. Around them is a pack of wolves. The woman grips a knife, the first wolf attacks
I’ve gotten so I can tell when it’s a balls post by the title images (I almost typed that as tittle images which gives you a clue as to how, lol)
And the only people who actually get an extra hour of daylight are the people who sleep in well past sunrise on a regular basis, those lazy bastards!
Been having a great day, mostly over my jetlag and it is PERFECT weather today. Sunny, around 70, with a wisp of breeze. In this idyllic weather I had my first riding lesson since getting back into the US (Wednesday was rained out) then went and shot sporting clays with my friend. She’s going to a kick-ass dinner (chef’s table at a Michelin starred restaurant) so I can’t quite match that, but I’m ordering some solid Mexican food and a margarita which will be damn good watching tv in a hammock food!
Now I just have to decide what to watch. Or maybe I’ll play more Civ 7, but I was going to try and get to bed at a reasonable hour tonight.
The one-liner that always kills me.
“Tracy, you’re going to die. You have no reflexes. Your blood tastes like root beer. And some of your bones appear to have vanished.”
Still more qualified than RFK jr.
So is this guy
How’s the back and/or legs after the fall?
My lower back muscle was contracting for three days and sending me yelping. Sunday is good so far.