To whom, or Whom? Doesn’t particularly matter. Fuck it, Hail Science.
Which is to say Padre Weaselo came home Friday afternoon and, minus having to take some time from the strenuous bits of musicianing (people asking for “Piano Man” on request: it’s at least a hundred) and also the strenuous bits of being at the gym, which he’s not too happy about (EDIT: about missing out, he was at the gym when he started feeling lousy), should be okay. He’s walking, so that’s good. He said he’ll spend some nights at Apartment Weaselo to make things easier for any nursing staff, which happened last night but I didn’t get home from my gig until after 11, then listened to Senorita Weaselo’s pre-mixed recording for the deluxe version of the album she played on (now with three more tracks, potentially coming out in April, if she’ll let me shill for her friend!). No, I’m not Balls, that’s not a sex thing.
But anyway that’ll be a bit of a pain in the ass, alleviated by the fact that I barely spend any time at my apartment due to work and Senorita Weaselo. I will in the next week or two just to do the rest of the all-important printing tax things out, but other than that? Usually the less time the better.
Okay, what’s on tonight?
Hot Take: The First Four should just be at-large teams. Conference winners deserve to get into the field of 64. But until then:
American vs. Mount St. Mary’s (16 East, play-in, winner gets Duke) (in progress, TruTV)
Texas vs. Xavier (11 Midwest, winner gets Illinois) (9:10 or 30 minutes after the first game ends, TruTV)
NIT, now with Fox Sports trying to undercut it!
Dayton vs. Florida Atlantic (ESPN2, 7:00)
Northern Iowa vs. SMU (ESPN2, 9:00)
Fightin’ Sister Jeans (God bless her, she’s 105) vs. Sharks State (Loyola Chicago vs. San Jose State, ESPN2, 11:00)
Fire Lavi because that was fucking atrocious. 13 shots? (or, hockey)
-Unofficial Yetis vs. “How will Ohio State being the first team out affect the Leafs’ chances of winning the Cup?” (COL vs. TOR, 7:00, TNT)
-Release the Kraken! vs. Call of the Wild (SEA vs. MIN, 9:30, TNT)
Yeah, also pro basketball
A Boston townie’s tweaker matchup dream! Portly white guys AND rooting against the Lakers! (DEN vs. LAL, 10:00, ESPN)
(This is also a reminder for me.)
On a flight to the east coast right now and thank goodness there is (part of) and empty middle between me and the dude on the aisle. He’s rubbing his feet all over everything and taking over the middle space and coughing up phlegm and being generally unpleasant. Gonna try and get some sleep so I don’t have to look at his gross feet anymore
It’s kind of funny that a month ago we had very little we were interested in watching on TV. Now that March Madness is about to begin, we have like six shows that we are enjoying.
Here’s my gross, but hilarious health update: I have that cyst under my right boob that the dermatologist popped with a scalpel a couple of weeks ago. It’s been draining in an oozy disgusting way, and yesterday I developed an extremely itchy rash all around it. I went back to the derm today. It turns out the stuff that has been draining out of it caused diaper rash of the tit. The fun never fucking stops!
One of the horses I ride a lot had something kind of like the horse version of that! She had what’s called pigeon fever even though it doesn’t involve pigeons or fevers, but she got a giant cyst on her chest filled with gross chunky pus. It burst on its own after a week or so and then was drippy and gross for a couple weeks after.
Hang in there sister.
/ you GG… not the boob…
Found a funny:
Duke University must be *thrilled* with all of the free publicity from the White Lotus.
Greetings. Busy day. UCI is hanging on to a small lead with about 3 minutes left (NIT 1st round: THE REAL MARCH MADNESS).
Very glad Weasel Pop is doing better!
My mom had a hip replaced yesterday, doing fine. Replacing hips is now an outpatient thing, which is mindboggling.
Anteaters get the win, on to the SWEET SIXTEEN (of the NIT) and Jacksonville St.
My Blazers won too!
Zot Zot!
My aunt had a hip replacement, and I swear she was golfing like two or three days later.
Yeah, my mom had her hip replaced a while back and they had her doing stairs like a day later. They’re great at hips now
a time for a better presidential advisor
In other goodish medical news, I was afraid I had some sort of kidney issue, but now I’m pretty certain I just strained my right QL muscle by horseback riding too well and then sitting a lot. I still ought to drink more water though, I’m probably a prime candidate for kidney stones and I don’t want those
Had something similar a few years back, playing the “kidney stone or muscle strain?” game. Turned out ok, whatever it was, but yeah, DRINK ALL THE WATER. And wine.
Good news. And yes, drink water. Number one easy good thing you can do for you.
I like the first four including conference champs. Especially Conference Tournament champs.
You shouldn’t be able to hammer a bunch of bad teams for months and that becomes enough to make you “belong” in the post-season. I mean, come on now, this isn’t the AFC East.
Note to self: find a way to shoehorn Luka Doncic into a sketch where he pours himself a variation on an Arnold Palmer called a “John Daly” that consists of half lemonade and half Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey whiskey.
Luka heard me talking shit; in the first minute of play he’s got one rebound, one assist, and four points.
It’s so great greayer Los Angeles area and the Lakers have someone to carry the mantle for years to come.
Inorite? It’s about time they caught a break!
He’s already up to 14 points.
Oh wait no I meant 16.
-I meant 16-M Gaetz
Luka in a sketch “Whats Eating Jon Daly” costarring a bottle of BBQ
The Dr. Mrs. Deadly is perfectly content to be the only person in an entire baseball stadium wearing a COVID mask, but ask her to wear a helmet when she goes off riding her bike at dusk and it’s like I’m asking her set her own hair on fire.
All I got was a juice box last time I donated.
I keep meaning to get out there and donate so I can get my blood pressure measured for free. They should do a bunch of tests that would otherwise cost a co-pay; I’d be much better about donating.
We have annual blood drives at my work otherwise I would be too lazy to look for a place to donate.
I wasn’t able to donate for decades because we lived in the UK during the mad cow disease problem. They finally lifted the restriction a few years ago. I really need to start doing it again, it’s such an easy dopamine hit
I cannot separate the concept of mad cow disease from this:
I guess they don’t have those free blood pressure machines at pharmacies anymore. Those things were great when I was a kid
I’m glad your father is on the mend! Sometimes a big scare is what it takes to get people to take their health seriously.
Now Progressive Insurance is giving us Mara? Shows how deep MS-13 goes.
They also own the NY Giants, ppl forget that.
My friend who took off his catheter a couple of months ago had to put it back on after a few days. He said it was acting blocked, and had him scared to death that his bladder would be blocked until it burst. Neither his oncologist (prostate cancer) nor urologist had a lot of insight as to what was causing the problem, even with a urodynamics test. Urologist: “Let’s wait until July then see what happens.” Thanks, doc.
Anyway, the urologist did refer him to a Physical Therapist. He said she was a cute girl and he got to get a prostate exam. Whee! Anyway, the quote from the therapist was, “Your muscles down there are as tight as a banjo string.” (Friend never left WV) Anyway, in the Never Heard of This Department, it’s Hypertonic Pelvic Floor. Basically your body or mind doesn’t want to relax enough for you to pee. Scares me just thinking about it.
Maybe he should turn on the water?
When my dad had his prostate surgery to remove it and a cathedor put in, it got clogged due to blood clots and had to be cleared to work properly. Yuck
What a horrible day to know how to read.
<_insert>Lea Michele Joke <_\insert>
The Man In Black is indeed headed to West Raleigh, and Hole peeps are already wetting their pants about it.
Will he bring Frank the Pug?
Glad Padre is doing well. Hope he comes around on exercisin’. Not even Christopher Reeve was hunky on a wheelchair #JustSayin
Mount St. Mary! What game? Basketball?!
Mount St. Mary? What time!
-Holy Spirit
Aren’t all universities in the states technically American?
They are until the Orange Shitgibbon starts loading the “woke” ones onto planes bound for Central America
Not most of the grad students or professors though, especially if it’s an engineering school
So happy Padre Weaselo is out and doing well!!
Here’s another camera mount test I set to music. There’s some more below.
You can ignore them or maybe give them a -1.
Outtakes, edited into a fine motion picture:
Palos Verdes Drive. I did this for fun but I was also testing a camera mount.
Long Beach to Playa Del Rey in the rain. This was a timing test.
That is a cool bridge.
So glad everything is working out well for the Padre!