Basketball Takes Over: An Open Thread

This weekend is one of them few times that the NFL gets outshone and I’m here for it. The Shield has become ubiquitous and rarely takes a backseat to anything anymore. The Kentucky Derby? Take your silly hat back home with you. The Indy 500? An Irsay DUI would get more coverage. (you know it’s just a matter of time) To me it’s just international competitions (Olympics, World Cup, etc.) that overshadow football.

The college ball tourney is so full of interesting stories that the coverage still doesn’t seem forced to me, even after watching for 48-ish(?) years. Remember that dude that was fat? Remember that dunking team? Remember that halfcourt shot that rimmed out? Me too! (sorta)

To The Games!

Arkansas/Kansas: (7:10 EST) Down year for the Rows of Corn. Kansas? A 7th seed? I’ve no idea why residents of the state expect better than just out of habit.

Yale/Texas A&M: (7:25 EST) I believe Skull and Bones aquitted themselves quite nicely last year in the tourney but it could have been the year before. As Heidegger once said, “Time is a small monkey that is jumping up and down on my shoulder and making annoying screeching noises”.

Drake/Mizzou: (7:35) These mid mid-level Midwest teams…smh.

Utah State/UCLA: (9:25) Despite the higher seed, Utah playing in Rupp Arena in Kentucky has the overwhelming advantage, vibes-wise. (god, I hate that ‘vibes’ is a thing)

Omaha/St. John’s: (9:45) I’m going out on a limb here and guess that Pitino is going to outcoach his counterpart this evening.

UC San Diego/Michigan: (10:00) I’ll guess that Patrick Swayze’s favourite rag-tag band of rapscallions (Wolverines!) is going to take down The Fightin’ Thongs.

UNC Wilmington/Texas Tech: Wilmington’s was the shop where I took one of my first girlfriends. She let me rub my elbow on her boob while we both sucked on an Orange Fizz.

Btw, the NHL is countering with a whopping 14 games this evening.

Do your thing.


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Found a funny

Drake University: 🏫


Like me at the Casino, UC San Diego was doing great until they started to think.


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Mr. Ayo


Senor Weaselo

Well, the Knicks lost, the Rangers lost, the Nocturnes lost, but St. John’s is up 21, so someone’s gotta win out of my teams, I guess.


UC Whale’s Vagina making a game of it against WOLVERINES!

An upset would be rock-ing?


A Michigan Man finds a 12 upsetting a 5 rather gauche


Oh, no. Not that.


This is pretty cool.


Tell him your favorite movies of his are easily Garfields 1 and 2.

Horatio Cornblower

It’s Maine with a wild, and apparently planned, deflection to win it halfway through the second OT.

Could have used 2 more OTs, but UConn couldn’t have asked for much more.


Queues David Letterman voice singing Federiko Federiko to tune of Figaro Figaro


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Last edited 5 days ago by WCS
Horatio Cornblower

Northeastern and Maine going to a second OT to see who gets to play UConn in the Hockey East final tomorrow. Rooting for at least 4 of these.


Alright, I’m home. Multiview, engage!

(TV goes Quadbox)


Of course its the Fulham man who scores against Canada.


I’m imprssed that Utah State was able to recruit 2X All Valley Champion Johnny Lawrence to play for them.


Did he sweep Mara’s leg?


Overheard during that last Media Timeout (Artistic Interpretation)

What Dojo Are You Fighting For – Cobra Kai


Me, watching the NCAA Tournament after what WVU went through the last four days.


The phrase, “OHAMA” has become a catch-all here for the shift commander/lieutenants on duty to check something immediately and/or assistance needed ASAP.

I get the feeling there may be a few extras of that shouted overnight, regardless of whether or not some Yinzer is in trouble or not.


As long as those guys don’t start tea bagging anyone.


Someone’s getting teabagged in this game…

Downfield Matriculator

Stranger Things have happened than Drake doing well at a Big Dance


I’m just glad they were able to finish.


Danny Sprinkles would be a great coke dealer name

Doktor Zymm

Especially if he’s also a stripper

Horatio Cornblower

Hurley: “How fun would it be to bring Syracuse back….”

Me: “Watching games on the edge of my chair, shaking with rage while trying not to vomit for the fourth time, my wife taking the kids to her mother’s and threatening not to return, all while trying to remember what my #shamebet was with a guy who disappears hobos in Northern Ontario? Yeah. Yeah. SIGN ME THE FUCK UP!!!!”

Horatio Cornblower

I would give up a three-peat for the UConn men in return for the UConn Men’s Hockey program winning Hockey East and getting to the Frozen Four.

Which is a pretty easy thing, since I think the UConn men’s ceiling this year is getting by Oklahoma in the first round before getting absolutely ass-blasted by Florida in the second.

King Hippo

You and Gatoraids need to make a #ShameBet!

Horatio Cornblower

OK, I’ll take Florida -Eleventeen.

Horatio Cornblower
Senor Weaselo


Horatio Cornblower

Good a reason as any.


and Pete Rose is still banned.


Guess who’s off tomorrow and plans on being Vodka tanked by 2pm PST.



I’m going to make sangría before I go to bed and start drinking it as soon as I wake up.

King Hippo

I’mma do that, but with opium. Y’all enjoy UCSD/Michigan if it’s good.

Horatio Cornblower

Big deposition in the morning and poker tournament at night. I’ll be sober as a Baptist all day, so goddamn the lot of you.

Col. Duke LaCross

Uhhhhh, brandish the ‘Club?

Mr. Ayo


Game Time Decision

Utah Soakers



Horatio Cornblower

I have one of those in my car but I never use it, because I drive a standard and maybe like 1% of car thieves know how to drive stick.

Also I drive a 15-year old car with 260K miles on it, which really cuts down on the theft-appeal.


Chameleon XLE 2025

Horatio Cornblower

Ooh, I just realized I had Arkansas winning that in my DFO bracket. Go me!


I’m bummed that an SEC team pulled off an upset. I was hoping for the entire conference to underpeform spectacularly.

Horatio Cornblower

That’s what the ACC is for.


I did not.

Horatio Cornblower

Bill Self just isn’t the same now that everyone can pay players.

Not that that would have made any difference against a Calipari team.


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Kansas exposed naked as a Jaybird cuz they got pantsed

King Hippo

it’s a PIRATE life foar meeeeeee


Finally, a game that is legitimately going down to the wire.

King Hippo



That Yale/Texas A&M fan interaction has to be some Yale anthology students dissertation


Is there anything even the least bit redeeming about the state of Arkansas? Like maybe a person who lived there invented pork rinds, or something?


Apparently Levon Helm and Johnny Cash are from there.

Joey Lauren Adams was cute.

Uh, Scottie Pippen?

Senor Weaselo

Scottie Pippen’s voice?

That man has some bass.


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Horatio Cornblower

The University of Arkansas has a good literature program. I’m told.


Well, I mean, they possess the only three books in the state that aren’t the Bible

Horatio Cornblower

When my brother went for his MFA it was between Arkansas and Alaska Fairbanks.

He chose Alaska, but said he was surprised at how appealing the Arkansas program was. The dealbreaker was apparently “the rest of the State”

King Hippo

Your brother coloUred so good he got his MASTER’s in it??


No one can convince me that Arkansas is populated by anything other than hogs and hog farmers and hog farmers’ daughters and their disgusting inbred subhuman hog-man hybrid offspring.

King Hippo

and the SEX GODDESS that is Gov. Huckabee Sanders!


…disgusting inbred subhuman hog-man hybrid offspring…

I already mentioned her.

Game Time Decision

And 2 of them are coloUring books


It’s absolutely beautiful, the parts I’ve been in. Like West Virginia. Gorgeous scenery, but you wouldn’t want to live there.


Drake loving that Mizzou low age of consent


Drake hasn’t prevented scoring like this since putting hot sauce in a condom


Evening Folks.

King Hippo

Get your shit together, Pirate Kansas


like Arkansas can count past 75


Gotta be my favourite Rick and Morty thing:

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Senor Weaselo

So, guess what commercial jingle I played the original version of at the wedding I played last night!

(Answer will come later)


ooooh ah ooooo, pop n fresh dough?

King Hippo

Valtrex “it’s all about suppression?”


Clap on!, Clap off, the Clapper


“Good vibrations?” – Deanna Favre


“Does it involve baby back ribs? I love that song” — A. Reid

Mr. Ayo

K-A-R-S Kars 4 Kids!

Senor Weaselo

WE HAVE A WINNER! No, seriously. Real (non “doNATE”) song. If you hate yourself enough it’s called Little Kinderlach.

King Hippo

holy shit, Bastard Man is PSYCHIC




our company gives us a day off a month ,normally they do like 3rd Friday of month and happens to nicely give us march madness Friday off. they did change to give us the monday after super bowl for February which was surprisingly thoughtful


This Kansas vs. Pirate Kansas game is pretty good.

King Hippo

aye, matey


Before I got old I was better with my dingus and my guitar


god, I hate that ‘vibes’ is a thing

If you (rightfully) hate that, you are really gonna hate the whole “aura” thing that is all the rage in the NBA right now.


It’s actually a lot of fun. I’ve been dining out on Luka Doncic fat jokes every night, much like Luka Doncic dines out on pierogies every night.


using quad windows to listen to the TNT crew halftime and post game segments, not quite not quite Hansen Red zone level of engagement

Horatio Cornblower

Pictured, Armed&Hammered in the WarHammer Universe.


I suppose I should try to make friends with Gef there.


love the new please dont harass the players after losing a bet commercial. lets see how it turns out


[doxxes the people who produced the ad so bettors can harrass *them* instead]

Horatio Cornblower

My bracket is currently ranked 14,355,610.

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Horatio Cornblower

I a wild coincidence my two other brackets, one where I took straight chalk and one where I just went complete banancakes, (UConn wins that one), are both tied at 4,994,564.

Horatio Cornblower

UConn just curb-stomped BU 5-1 to get to the Hockey East finals, where they’ll play either #1 Chestnut Hill College or Maine.

I can’t emphasize how much I never expected to see this. When I was a student, back in the days before coloUr TV, when we walked to class in the snow, and uphill both ways, UConn hockey, (and it was just hockey, because we didn’t get so much as a club team for women until my third year) (I still miss you, Valerie with the insane hockey-player’s ass), was playing in an outdoor rink, (roof, no walls), that seated a few dozen people and rarely needed to do that, against like North Adams State, in February.

Now they’re fighting for the top spot in the best NCAA hockey conference. It’s insane.

Horatio Cornblower

And God bless it, too.


“She let me rub my elbow on her boob while we both sucked on an Orange Fizz.”

Shouldn’t it have been the other way around?

Horatio Cornblower

What game are you watching?

I want to switch over to it.


An elbow on an orange fizz?

King Hippo

Give Terriers a chance!
Do the Terrier dance!

King Hippo

I find Bill Self so aggressively off-putting, even though I have no real idea why.

Horatio Cornblower

He’s an overrated coach whose best days are behind him now that all the illegal stuff he (allegedly) used to do to get an advantage is legal for everyone?

King Hippo

Appropriate in the very early going:


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Pig sooey!


The neck brace is great, and deserves the attention it’s received. For me? The extra is the road-rash.

King Hippo

I like to imagine him reciting the Bad Santa line – ah loved a woman who wasn’t clean…


That was Pope Urban the Meyer’s excuse.

So fitting he’s named after the popes.

King Hippo

Fall of the Pigs is much less rockin’ yo…

King Hippo

First EVAR tourney win for McNeese. Good on them.


More NIL for their manager with all the vibes. Eh Scotchy? Vibes yeah?

/will have head on swivel when by railyard.


Zags did it. I reckon I am going to take the fighting Caliparis. +5.5