Tell me you don’t see the very face of evil in that stonewall, please tell me you don’t see it!
A quick jaunt aside. I don’t know how I write.
You call that shite writin?
I usually smoke a bowl and drink a beer or seven then lean over a keypad and see what falls out. I can’t tell you why this is chapter 3 when it should be part of chapter 1. Somewhere along the way I (there will be an impact, crossing my fingers and hoping) decided to turn it into one half men and one half women. Once it got this far written, well, can’t/don’t want to do yet another rewrite, so stuff it and go forward.
As you were.
We now travel back to where it all began
I know, I know. Not very scary so far.
Doing my best here folks but these Kelpie can be elusive, slippery goomers.
I’ve always kind (my Pops loved her, so osmosis I guess) of had a whole Marilyn thing. A few years back when I first started all this ghoulish behavior. I went in search of her star. First by walking down Hollywood Boulevard. Past the weirdness that permeates the place in search of the true dead soul of the real Hollywood.
Finding nothing there my journey led me straight to where she died. Torn down.
All roads lead inevitably to where she is buried.
Finally my grave stalker fetish has led me to the long sought after, Miss Monroe.
She is to be (Hey wait, didn’t you say it was Bukowski?) my first.
Conveniently she was also part of the Westwood adventure.
A Sadness Filled The Air, Was it my dad?
Yes, she is indeed located right beside”The Spank Master General”
As I wandered the pastoral grounds I take a moment to glance about and try and ponder what it all means.
So many questions remain unanswered.
Is there a God?
Why can’t they make good black and white movies these days?
Can I drink beer in a cemetery?
Still floating in the eternity.
Also here is a personnel favorite. I am aware of facts. She was not a good singer, dancer or actress. I don’t know, just always had a soft spot for her.
So Yes, She Did Get 2 Roses
She was the mythical creature I was seeking in chapter 1
Now I’m not claiming to know shit about anything but that there is one puny excuse of a final resting place for a lady of her ilk.
One of my favorite actresses happens to be near Bela so I figured what the hell, where’s Rita?
Something in the air has changed, it feels different, heavier?
I turn completely lost. You ever been to one of these places?
This one has more (back in Culver City again) than 250,000 plots. It was my sworn duty to find lot 196 grave number 6. So I asked for help, or perhaps a map would be in order. The gentleman working on the lawn was an English second speaker so struggling with my frustration at being able to find lot 195 rather easily, but 196 is nowhere to be found?
What gives, I ask?
He got on his phone and called someone with a better, let’s say “grasp” of my fanatical desires. This person never appeared, so I continued on with my own lost reality. She has got to be here somewhere. When at least 30 damn minutes of me wandering around tap dancing on grave after grave, I fall face down in absolute exhaustion onto this.
Alright, so this is getting strange. Now you are telling me that’s the best her estate could do?
So far nothing but kittens and a few weirdly used feminine napkins, but not a single ghost anywhere I’ve been.
Who’s ready to change that?
If I was you I would say not me!
When suddenly, out of nowhere I was overrun with vicious evil sea creatures. They was everywhere, so I was forced to grab me shotgun and blast em all right back to the hell they crawled out from.
I did not know who she was.
The sounds behind me, the sighing of the trees. The movement just off my peripheral, the sky growing dark and ominous?
Somebody is behind me .
Of course nothing there.
I had heard of another grave located right near where I now found myself standing.
Of course it’s her.
I was afraid of this one, the only one (so far) that I approached with trepidation. Kind of wish I had skipped her but where’s the fun in that.
Of course I went to her.
I dreamed of her and her child that night.
Poor beautiful roaming soul, then when I saw the name of her unborn kid that was murdered right along with her?
The sky screamed.
Terribly shaken I walked with the dead all the way back to my car. Got in fired up some Bauhaus, wiped tears form eyes and admonished myself for running from the very reason I was there in the first place.
Well, is it real?.
Thank you Jesus, can I drink now?
Yes my son. Partake of copious amounts with vigor.
The queen awaits. I must go to her.
This time off to Glendale. Then this ends, good or bad this one will be the last one!
Listen Paige Bueckers is great but Nike did her dirty here by including a clip featuring such an obscene carry of the ball.
Sweet Georgia Blowout.
Sweet Georgia Brownout?
Sweet Georgia Browns
Sweet Georgia #TheBasketPauls
McNeese more like McGrease because they are letting this one slide…
Bananacakes level… rising…
Didn’t quite pull them out of the oven in time.
Game. Blouses.
yeah, making this itchy
Holy Bananas! McNeese has Qadir Copeland, a Cuse transfer who is a highlight film. I was pissed when he transferred.
It’d be pretty gnarly if he nailed a three about now.
Well, getting to the line is also okay.
bitchin’ sideburns, too!
He is a gotdamn character. Coaching staff wanted him to tone down his game, (wild forays towards the hoop, dangerous passes, gambling on defense, selling out trying to get offensive rebounds etc.) and he was having none of it. Loved that guy.
Please tell me he has another year of eligibility!
Starbucks is offering one free refill? This is almost as bold as the Giants’ insanely lucrative free medium Pepsi deal!
Man do those Giants appreciate their fans. Almost as much as the Dallas Mavericks!
I’m kidding, of course. The only way Miriam Adelson could hate Mavericks fans more is if the NBA forced the team to relocate to the Gaza Strip.
It’s the middle of March. There’s lots of time.
Dabo, Dabo!, DABO! knows the issue with Son of Clem’s basketball team is that just don’t love Jesus enough. This is what happens when you don’t tariff enough to keep Woke away.
Someone tell Kirby Smart that the Jawja game started.
Wait, what sport…?
Safety just cut it to 27-5, but that offense got to show some spark PPAAAAWWWWLLLLLL
I have Zags -6.5, foot on throat please.
Bet looks prettay….prettay…prettay good!
Evel Knievel plus Foghat:
got upset brewing, a close game and Georgia losing nice happy hour lineup
Oh, this upset is looking pretty darn brewn.
My Wolven legacy child just forwarded a text. One of her NCAAT pool friends commented on her McNeese pick (“What do you know that we don’t?”)
And she was like “My Dad wanted Will Wade to be NC State’s coach and he is always right.”
I have to print that out and frame it, yeah?
That’s going on the mantle.
Buddy, that needs to be cast in bronze and displayed on the front lawn.
Kinda wanna see Clemson finish the half with 8 points.
(the McNeese guy, thank fuck)
Close – they got 13.
‘Clear your cache’ is the modern version of ‘have you tried turning it off and on again’
What did you end up doing with your partially defrosted seafood?
I threw out everything doubtful, basically just kept the crab and corn chowder which was still mostly frozen, and the garlic butter. New batch is coming next week
Feeling pretty good about my Wisconsin over Montana pick.
The NCAA fucked this scheduling all up – we’ve got two 16-1 matchups and a 14-3. Unsurprisingly, none of these games are competitive.
hoarding games for primetime, trying to figure out best time for a store run and keep coming up with yesterday
Don’t they know I have to take Decilitre to futbol evaluations this evening? Thoughtless.
Just got back from Costco and eggs still cost almost $4/dozen. TARRIFF HARDER or something.
That’s half of what they are at Ralphs and Vons.
Alabama State with an insurmountable 3-0 lead over Auburn!!
-Oops, been surmounted.
As opposed to Lady Guinevere, who was sir mounted.
Exactly half of the DFO group is currently tied for first with 1 correct pick, let half of us revel in the moment!
I’m just lulling everybody into a false sense of security.
[blinks sleepily]
Being lulled is nice.
During the summer, an organization called Cinespia hosts Saturday evening movie screenings on the mausoleum wall at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. People lay out on blankets and booze it up among the gravestones. I went to a screening of Caddyshack there twelve years ago. It was kinda surreal.
They’ve been doing it forever. I went when I first moved to LA almost twenty years ago; don’t remember what we saw but it was packed.
When I first moved to L.A. in 1996 I worked at a VFX company on the Eastman Kodak property at Santa Monica Blvd at Las Palmas, across the street from Hollywood Center Studios (now Sunset Las Palmas Studios).
One lunchtime I visited that old cemetery just east of us, which was still known by its original name of Hollywood Memorial Park. It was in terrible disrepair: the lawns were not mowed, there was damage to the crypts, and it was just filthy. The State of California had banned any further burials there due to the negligence (apparently it was owned by a mobster).
At high noon and by myself it was the spookiest place ever. The main gates were open but there was nobody and I mean nobody there. The SW corner is the Beth Olam Jewish section, which includes an enclosed mausoleum where Bugsy Siegel’s crypt is located, which I wanted to see.
The mausoleum interior was skylit by stained pink frosted glass, which cast a weird pink light down a single long corridor with crypts on either side. It was all hard polished stone and every move I made echoed ominously. I hated every second I was in there, and I realized that nobody else knew where I was. I finally found Siegel’s crypt and then I got the hell out of there. I got in my car and left, although by then I was laughing.
I think two years later the cemetery was sold, cleaned up, and renamed, and is a pretty nice place now. But the old spooky version was even better.
If High Point doesn’t come back, I’m starting 0-2. Always take 13 seeds, it’s just good sense.
low quality 13 seed oil responsible for so many bracket deaths
Ended up with Yale in the Sweet 16. I am a moron.
Technical free throws, as usual, taken by the shortest white kid.
Ashworth has more kids than he has missed free throws.
Apparently, BYU’s weak spot is how bad they shoot FTs. That really broke my brain.
I saw them play a couple of times this year, and they are brutal. Very good otherwise, but their FT shooting will bite them in the ass at some point.
Pat Kelsey might be legit psychotic
More people need to throw things at officials.
I mean, as one DOES
Elected officials. Things made of lead, at extremely high velocity.
Well, Ryan Kalkbrenner just killed a guy.
2 b FARE, he was already pretty ded coming into the game
Pic of Smith being added to the DJ Taj gallery 4
I love walking around in cemetaries, especially really old ones where the tombstones are falling over and you can’t even read them because they’re so weatherbeaten. Creepy and atmospheric, hell yes!
“You and I should hang out sometime.” – Derek Carr
Boy would you love NE Connecticut.
The oldest headstone I’ve been able to read in our local one goes back to 1722.
That’s really cool! The town I grew up in started as a British fort during the French and Indian War. The local graveyards have stones going back to the 1760’s. We saw some way older ones when we lived in Scotland, even graves of men who died in the Crusades.
The cemetery in question used to have a sign saying it had been established in 1695, but I’ve never been able to find a grave going back that far.
And the town made me stop digging for one, the damn spoilsports.
Seen some really interesting cemetaries while traveling, like sailor’s cemetaries where they have people from all over who just happened to die in some colonial port town.
Saw a super sad set of gravestones in SE Asia somewhere from a few hundred years ago where one couple had like 8 babies die, all under age 4. Modern medicine is great stuff
“eh”-RFK, Jr.
was in a cemetery near us for a funeral and when just randomly looking at graves, found one with the birth and death date the same and it matched my my birth date, including year. Not sure how to feel about that other than weird.
The creepiest place I have ever been was a civil war desecrated cemetery in Croatia shortly after the war there ended. Headstones all tossed about, creeping cudsue (sp?) all over the place hanging from the trees that blocked out most of the daylight. Dark, gloomy and full of mines and uxo to boot. It made the Frankenstein graveyard scene come alive… and the hair on your neck stand up.
Which sounds pretty Croatian, now that I look at it.
I’m still sore about that disrespectful dunk that Creighton threw down on my irreproachable UConn Huskies in the closing moments of the Big East semifinal, so I’d really love to see Louisville take them behind the woodshed or whatever sod-constructed equivalent those prairie trash have out on their subsidy-sucking dirt farms.
Celtics sold for $6.1 billion.
Ok, TV is on, work is being done distractedly. Start the madness!
feel like they are really staggering start time to get to the quad box madness
Probably good for like tuna salad
I mean, seriously, you’re telling me you wouldn’t pick up a loaf?
Way better than Drypussi
Wouldn’t that be Finnish for ‘toast’?
but…. but what about the kittens?
What happened to the lil kittens?
What kind of wood doesn’t float?
Natalie Wood!
Never gets old.
Like Natalie.
Great Great Great DJ TAJ. You are a cemetery man just like myself.
“It was Barzini all along.”
Richard Conte (1910 – 1975 – ?)
Westwood Memorial Park 03.28.07
Videography Enthusiast Bob Crane
Westwood Memorial Park
That’s wild that Charles Manson didn’t confirm that Beach Boy still lived in the now-Polanski house and then those people got stabbed to death. The whole thing tells like a sitcom where everyone is just dropped pronouns and, not until after some pregnant celebrity got killed, did anyone clarify who the murder instructions were about.
Also, if Manson had just gotten signed, I can’t see that he wouldn’t have dropped his stable for well-bathed musician tail.
And if Hitler were any good at watercolors….
If Trump’s daddy had loved him…
All the pretty women. And such history. Thanks for this piece Sir, I have found these all very interesting.