Earlier this week Don T served up a touching tribute to our dear departed friend the Wee Baby Seamus. I've said it before and I'll say it again: nobody contributed more to Request Line than tWBS did. Whether it was filling in for me when I couldn't get my shit
Author: Rikki-Tikki-Deadly
Request Line: Seeing The Light
Cabin Fever: Vaccination Station
Request Line: Days
Request Line: Draft Day
DFO Insider: Reboot
EDITOR'S NOTE: If you came here looking for the Ultimate Roger Goodell Mixtape, stay tuned - we'll be publishing it next week to coincide with the draft. In the meantime...let's check in with our two favorite sleazy Hollywood producers... INT. DFO PRODUCTION OFFICE - DAY A sleazy Hollywood producer sits at his
Request Line: The Ultimate Roger Goodell Mixtape
Here at doorfliesopen.com, we don't really play our cards close to the vest when it comes to Roger Goodell. With tags like "Roger Goodell is a national disgrace" and "Roger Goodell is an international disgrace" and "Roger Goodell is an intergalactic disgrace" it should be evident that we have little
Request Line: Technical Difficulties
The Ultimate Cleveland Browns Mixtape
Request Line: The Ultimate Cleveland Browns Mixtape
Sad songs don't usually dominate the airwaves during Request Line. However, when the week's topic is "The Cleveland Browns," how could we possibly expect that the subsequent results would include anything else? Outside of their faithful fanbase, the dominant emotion most football fans - including those within their own division -