Request Line: Technical Difficulties

Welcome to a special edition of Request Line! We were originally scheduled to be picking songs for the Ultimate Roger Goodell Mixtape today, but given a.) the technical difficulties we've been having and b.) the fact that the draft happens in three weeks I thought we'd postpone that for

The Ultimate Cleveland Browns Mixtape

Here you have it, the Ultimate Cleveland Browns Mixtape, also known as "Disintegration Part 2".  I must apologize to everyone who contributed suggestions during Request Line two weeks ago - I'm still finding my feet with this feature and I didn't give a good job with guidance, so I ended

Request Line: The Ultimate Cleveland Browns Mixtape

Sad songs don't usually dominate the airwaves during Request Line.  However, when the week's topic is "The Cleveland Browns," how could we possibly expect that the subsequent results would include anything else? Outside of their faithful fanbase, the dominant emotion most football fans - including those within their own division -

The Ultimate Tom Brady Mixtape

Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Ultimate Mixtape series.  Thanks to everyone who contributed last week - enjoy! "Overture (from Tommy)" - The Who. "You Just Haven't Earned It Yet Baby" - Kirsty MacColl.  Tom Attends the University of Michigan, where he is buried in the depth chart behind

Request Line: The Ultimate Tom Brady Mixtape

While most of us hate him with a burning white passion, it's hard to deny the magnitude of Tom "Marvolo" Brady's impact on the National Football League.  That's why we're going to scoop up some of the residual hate left over from 2020 and apply it to the construction of