Request Line: Better Living Through Chemistry

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY. The PRODUCER and DJ3000 are standing outside the recording booth. DJ3000: SO THIS IS REALLY IT? PRODUCER: This is really it. DJ3000: NO TRICKS THIS TIME? PRODUCER: I promise. DJ3000: BECAUSE OTHER TIMES I THOUGHT... PRODUCER: Not this time. This time it's the real deal. DJ3000: [sighs happily] PRODUCER: Almost air time. You ready? DJ3000: I WAS

Request Line: Cats and Dogs

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The PRODUCER and an ANIMAL TRAINER are standing outside the recording booth. PRODUCER: Are you sure they're going to be able to get along? ANIMAL TRAINER: Oh, yeah, yeah. That whole thing about them hating each other is an old wives tale. PRODUCER: That is literally not true. ANIMAL TRAINER:

Drew Brees Gets Involved

INT. SAINTS PRACTICE FACILITY - DAY A young black man is the only occupant of a top-notch weight room.  We follow him through his workout routine - a standard montage of powerlifting (bench presses, power cleans, and squats) followed by battle rope work and box jumps.  The man's mood is thoroughly

DFO Radio: Too Many Cooks

I'm posting this video to remind myself that the NFL, in its finest moments, is infinitely more exciting than the judicial system. That said, it was a pretty special experience to find myself constantly refreshing a twitter feed for live updates on what was happening inside Kimba Wood's courtroom as attorneys

Request Line: Too Many Cooks

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY. A young man settles into the chair behind the microphone.  He looks through the glass at the PRODUCER, who punches a button marked TALKBACK, frowns, then releases the button and pulls open the studio door and pokes his head inside.  PRODUCER: You're going to have to remove your

DFO Radio: Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden

INT. LAKE TAHOE HOTEL - LATE NIGHT. A hulking young man walks with a young woman down a hotel hallway.  THE BEN: ...FIVE FOOT GIMME. STORMY DANIELS: Ha ha, more like five inch gimme. THE BEN: SO...BRETT FAVRE? STORMY DANIELS: [giggles] Like a kid down there!  Ha ha, no, nothing like that. THE BEN: [taken aback] VISANTHE SHIANCOE? STORMY

DFO Radio: On The Clock

Last week the theme for Request Line was "On the Clock".  My original conception for the session was songs about being under pressure to make an immediate decision - songs like "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights" was one that came to mind (and eventually showed up).  Things immediately took a