Last week's theme for Request Line was "chemistry". It took a little while for the Commentists' reaction to gain steam, but once it did, it got EXPLOSIVE! In tribute to that, the pick of the week goes to Game Time Decision, whose request of "Volcano Girls" by Veruca Salt ticks
Author: Rikki-Tikki-Deadly
Request Line: Better Living Through Chemistry
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY. The PRODUCER and DJ3000 are standing outside the recording booth. DJ3000: SO THIS IS REALLY IT? PRODUCER: This is really it. DJ3000: NO TRICKS THIS TIME? PRODUCER: I promise. DJ3000: BECAUSE OTHER TIMES I THOUGHT... PRODUCER: Not this time. This time it's the real deal. DJ3000: [sighs happily] PRODUCER: Almost air time. You ready? DJ3000: I WAS
DFO Radio: Cats and Dogs
Request Line: Cats and Dogs
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The PRODUCER and an ANIMAL TRAINER are standing outside the recording booth. PRODUCER: Are you sure they're going to be able to get along? ANIMAL TRAINER: Oh, yeah, yeah. That whole thing about them hating each other is an old wives tale. PRODUCER: That is literally not true. ANIMAL TRAINER:
DFO Radio: Things You Maybe Heard Right
Last week BrettFavresColonoscopy stepped in and took over the airwaves with a topic of "misunderstood lyrics". I'm happy that you folks delivered him a much warmer welcome than a certain land baron received as our on-air host. I'm giving the top pick this week to ArmedandHammered, who picked up spectacular
Drew Brees Gets Involved
DFO Radio: Too Many Cooks
I'm posting this video to remind myself that the NFL, in its finest moments, is infinitely more exciting than the judicial system. That said, it was a pretty special experience to find myself constantly refreshing a twitter feed for live updates on what was happening inside Kimba Wood's courtroom as attorneys
Request Line: Too Many Cooks
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY. A young man settles into the chair behind the microphone. He looks through the glass at the PRODUCER, who punches a button marked TALKBACK, frowns, then releases the button and pulls open the studio door and pokes his head inside. PRODUCER: You're going to have to remove your
DFO Radio: Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden
INT. LAKE TAHOE HOTEL - LATE NIGHT. A hulking young man walks with a young woman down a hotel hallway. THE BEN: ...FIVE FOOT GIMME. STORMY DANIELS: Ha ha, more like five inch gimme. THE BEN: SO...BRETT FAVRE? STORMY DANIELS: [giggles] Like a kid down there! Ha ha, no, nothing like that. THE BEN: [taken aback] VISANTHE SHIANCOE? STORMY
Request Line: Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden
DFO Radio: On The Clock
Request Line: On The Clock
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY ROGER GOODELL: ...and so I handed him a six-game suspension! Ha ha ha ha! Isn't that hilarious? PRODUCER: [appearing horrified] I'm not sure that skipping a mandatory league seminar to take your mother to a chemotherapy session really qualifies as... GOODELL: [sips coffee, interrupts] So we're good to