Good morning! Hope everyone is still surviving and relatively virus free. I'm still in full on pandemic protocols with the masks, the washing of hands, the fucking sanitizer, the whole 9 yards. We've been doing this shit for a year and a half and I think we've got it figured out by now. Anyway. I
25 Questions About…
The Ghana Skateboarding commercial has been getting shown on the NBC Sports App whenever I've been watching Olympic events on it. For those of you that have not seen it, here it is: There is also a 2 minute version that adds more backstory to some of the characters.
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Cast Iron rib eye steak. Don’t ask for leftovers.
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Off We Go to South Korea!: Soondubu!
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: School Days Special Part II. Oven Fried Chicken!
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: School Days Special! Cafeteria Style braised beef over mashed potatoes!
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Your Winner and NEW Heavyweight Chicken Dish Champion!
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Sometimes you Just Need Some Ribs. Chapter 40 or so.
Good morning everybody! So glad you could stop by. Hope everyone is indeed having a "bitchin' summer" so far. Mine's been mostly good. Went through a wholly unpleasant experience recently that I'll try not to get into too much detail over. I had my first illness? Affliction? Health Issue? Since prior to March 2020. I
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Wait. Is that…Tuna Casserole? THAT is Tuna Casserole!
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Chicken Paprikash!
Jó reggelt kívánok, DFO! That's all the Hungarian I know and I had to get that from Google translate. Welcome back! Speaking of Hungary, hope all y'all have been following along with our DFO Euro 2020 and Copa America previews. They've been terrific. Staying on message here's SonOfSpam's awesome team preview - sort of
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: In lofty praise…Of Mayonnaise.
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Inspiration can come from the Strangest Places. Tortilla Española
Well hello again everyone! Welcome welcome. Come on in. If it's not too much trouble can you take your shoes off? Hardwood floors and all. Thanks. Hope everybody is enjoying their long weekend, I am super fucking excited for today. Later this afternoon both of my daughters and all 3 of my granddaughters -