A Selection Of Phrases From Recent Posts That Would Make Good Excerpts From Snooty Wine Tasting Notes

“…arbitrary and sanctimonius…”

“…a long way down from the unrelenting quality of…”

“…this two-year vet that’s just aching to blossom…”

“…its transient, opaque identity…”

“…the juggernaut that was the 1994…”

“…sometimes, geography was the science…”

“…dark, foreboding, and imposing…”

“…ranked really, really, high, and I can’t quite figure out why…”

“…scorched brussels sprouts…”

“…outright olfactory torture…”

“…the final round brought plenty of unexpected surprises…”

“…just a taste of what you’ll be seeing this year…”

“…significant change in seasonal weather extremes…”

“…I was nostalgically transported back to a more innocent time in my life…”

“…a rich panoply of reds…”

“…needs to get their legion of young players out of the cellar…”

“…you need to pace yourself and keep track of your consumption, because you could easily destroy this entire thing singlehandedly and live to regret it…”

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Late Night Open Thread post is up! More pics there!

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

This comment meant to have a sad half where it hugged my puppy


ttp://40.media.tumblr.com/fea98c5fadc1953319fa16b0397cb55f/tumblr_n6g7ki79Vp1tc4jg0o1_500.jpg This is a pic that has nothing to do that

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Sorry, second I need hipppo to NSFW it


She looks smart.

King Hippo

It pained me to have to NSFW it. I stared as long as I could while the edit processed.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Why would you lie to me? Still not putting on pants


Totes understandable.

King Hippo



Stake to the heart, less collateral damage.




Getting drunk sounds pretty appealing, but I’ll be damned if I have the energy for it tonight.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

At this point I just have no pants

King Hippo

Miami and FAU could get shithouse crunk, nobody would be able to tell after this first half of derp.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I got 2 pics now, Yeah I should thank Jesus


NSFW anywhere


Is that Ellie Kemper?

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I love you and will always find a way to make you happy. Sorry, it wasn’t her


It seems the terrible jersey font disease has spread from Tampa to Miami. Hopefully rising ocean levels wipe out both places before it can spread.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I will get just fucking shitty drunk tool

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I refuse to put pants back on. I think this is gonna come back to me.

King Hippo

If Jeebus wanted you to wear pants, He would have made them seem like a better fucking idea, now, wouldn’t He?


The second I walked into the house, I took off my pants. Have not worn anything over my undies since.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am just on board right away

yeah this isnt SFW

h ttp://33.media.tumblr.com/65642911ae1d8a448dd631ebea5b1853/tumblr_noe9n1dBMm1rkjnngo1_250.gif


I am hypnotized by that gif.


Good ol’ Katee Owen

King Hippo

If anyone had doubts, it appears Da U is da shitty again.


Golf Channel just one tick over from FS1 on DirecTV. LPGA on now, spending more time there than on DaU vs Owls.


Something called “FAU” just tied THE U, 17-17. Michael Irvan just snorted a kilo of coke in shame.

Game is on FS1. Friday night foobaw is awesome.

King Hippo

Seems both ESPN and FS1 have tried to boost the Friday schedules a bit this season. I am excite.

Also like how this upsets 60+ white Texans who think we should be paying attention to our local high school games.


There’s a certain level of hell specifically reserved for anyone who watches and/or promotes high school football on national television. TWWL has done PLENTY of horrible, just deplorable things, but their “National High School Game of the Week” is undeniably in the top-five.


well there was that one game, Im glad we have footage of that


A classic. That said, wasn’t a national broadcast, though, I guess I could’ve given this one a pass.


Why does Matt Leinart sound like an old guy from Philly though?

King Hippo

Lots of pubic hair in his throat, I’d assume.


Oh jeez, that is just wrong. Funny, but wrong.
Made me throw up in my mouth a little, even.


Also wrong in the sense that there is no way any of the girls he hooks up with have any pubic hair.


You’re confusing him with Nacho. Easy mistake—USC QBs who are undeserving of even making it to the NFL.


Irvin would’ve snorted that kilo if The U was winning. Or losing. Or on a bye week.


Or if was the College world series.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am in no way sober. I am on team lets see some naked people


This would have got posted but never did


Go Team Go!


“… so I says, ’10 year Scotch, 12 year Scotch, they all end up the same color in the end.’ “

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Yeah I am just drunk at this point. Pissed off my tumbler site is all blocked. It was the redheads I owed you so this is on me.


Thongs (and yoga pants) are a double edged sword and should not be used by everyone.
She is using hers just fine though.


Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Again I am perfectly fine wasting my entire birthday. If I instead wasted it posted naked women I would be more ok w that

King Hippo

At 42 – and I can only imagine this will get more so with time – my perfect birthday is to be left the fuck alone and for the annoying platitudes and phone calls to be kept to a bare minimum. I don’t like gifts and I most definitely hate parties.

25 is really the last WOO!!! birthday.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Yeah I am still just an asshole. But thanks


The worst part about about hating birthdays is that it only comes up on someone else’s birthday and you feel kind’ve like a dick for mentioning all the reasons birthdays suck.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am just the worst on my Bday, you want another pic? I am all for it

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am not wearing pants anymore. I still think I owe you like 4 pics.Redheads, asian, where should I go?

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I really got shit going on. Have another pic.


King Hippo

perfect shoulders. me likey

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Fuck it you get one I will fail at explaining


or I will just post another random pic

I meant NSFW on that one. The followup was gonna be 10x worse. Or that was my plan


“We’ve replaced MTWV with Fek. Let’s see if anyone notices.”

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Yeah, that was on me. I can post a shit ton of half/naked ladies if you need.


Battle of Utah tonight on the deuce. The polygamists vs the people so fat they had to salt up one of their lakes so they could float in it and feel better than skinny people who can’t float.

King Hippo

So much Wonder Bread and Sprite in that matchup! But it could end up entertaining, especialy if 10th year QB Chuckie Keeton is still leading the Aggies.

Anything to keep me away from the baseball suckage,


Don’t forget the mayo.

– Joe Flacco

Lothar of the Hill People

SLC has some very good brewpubs.

And a terrible homeless problem.

Neither one you typically associate with the LDS.

And yeah, I’d move to SLC in a heartbeat.

King Hippo

SLC itself is very cool and somewhat liberal. It’s just the weirdos are firmly in charge of the surrounding area and the rest of the state.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am catching up on Colbert still but since I went out for a cig after I missed a sunshine filled rainfall. It merits a pic


I really don’t have a better way to spend my birthday in case anyone wants to judge. I spent most of it waiting to sign for a replacement cell phone for my mom when she walked 4 miles to pick up her car and playing fetch with her dog. Drunken pics is an improvement.


I think you’re hurting Sexy Friday’s feelings…


BTW if it makes you feel better I once spent Thanksgiving alone watching an X-Files marathon.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I love you think that will make me happy. I mean it is right but whatever.

I am interested now. I want X-flles eps you like


“Triangle” was my favorite of the bunch. “Small Potatoes” was very entertaining as well.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I know that was off topic. I really am gonna watch that ep though


Triangle has some really neat split-screen stuff. And Small Potatoes was written by Vince Gilligan.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I really might just spend the next 45 min watching it. Vince is a fucking treasure


goddamn this site produces a lot of #content.

King Hippo

It is a stated goal of the Most Glorious Manifesto to break the entire internet.

Lothar of the Hill People

Didn’t Kim Kardashian’s greasy ass in a garbage bag do that?

King Hippo

shudders uncontrollably for a few hours just knowing that said nightmare fuel exists


It’s been a very busy Friday.


But a good one.