When we last left off in recapping my sporting adventures in Oz, I had followed up BOTGs for GWS vs Sydney and RSA vs NED with another Women's World Cup match and my first ever trip to the MCG. Which leaves (checks notes) another WWC match and one last AFL
Tag: botg
Your Boots on the Grounds! Thursday Night Open Thread
BOTG Seems Very Likely – Sign-Up Sheet Nightly Thread
No, this isn't like signing up for one's week in the barrel. I am not much of a planner, but I wanted to take the group's temperature overall. Where: Baltimore, MD When: Friday, 15 July through Sunday, 17 July Why: Frank Lampard's Everton v. King's Afrikan Water Pistols (7p Saturday, 16 July, whatever the
BOTG Opportunity? Frank Lampard’s Everton in the Charm CIty
Boots on the Ground: My Really Big Caucus Day
Request Line: Boots on the Ground
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY A disappointed-looking PRODUCER is seated in front of the console, talking on the phone. PRODUCER: ...and of course I'm not a doctor Mr. Brown but I really don't think more cryotherapy is the answer. ANTONIO BROWN: [inaudible] PRODUCER: [sighs] Well, yes, your football career really must come first. I guess