INT. DELTA HOUSE DORM ROOM - DAY. It is early in the morning, with sunlight just barely peeking through the curtains. CAM NEWTON moves lightly through the room, straightening things up. As we watch, he loads up a nondescript backpack with proper school supplies; pencils, pens, a notepad, and then loads
The Dak Prescott School of Maturity: Chapter 1
Your “You’ve Worked Like Heck To Get The Week In Check” Saturday Evening Open Thread
Your “Late Sunday Game, Yes You Have to Watch” NFL-ish SNF Open Thread
How's THAT for a freaking title? Short....sort of. To the point....mostly. I was pretty impressed. Apparently I was the only one. OK. How'd I end up here tonight, typey typey-ing? Waxing neither syphilitic.....errrrrr philosophic, nor poetic...bcuz I iz stupid n junk....but like seriously, how'd I end up here? SCOTCHNAUT!!!!!!!!!!! already knew the answer.
Your Late Afternoon Trifecta Of NFL Games
Mia/Sea-Arian Foster has looked fantastic in pre-season for the Dolphs but the Seahawks will be interlocking their arms for peace? justice? hope? I don't think it's been thought through-how the hell can anyone catch a fish that's thrown their way as happens on a regular basis in that city? Prediction?