A Selection Of Phrases From Recent Posts That Would Make Good Snippets Overheard Outside A Particularly Heated Marriage Counseling Session

“…will wake up one morning, realize he’s a piece of shit…” “…more or less straight man…” “…smells like a Moroccan spice market…” “…lightly sniffling in foetal position in empty bathtub.” “…and shows no desire to do anything about it, with technology or otherwise.” “…already sick of me after 15 years…” “…can go bonkers at times, even

Philadelphia Eagles 2015 Season Preview

Because you're a discerning group, I've assembled a blue-ribbon panel of parochial pundits to prognosticate the prospects for the putative pantywaists of the NFC East, my Philadelphia Eagles.¹ Please welcome Philadelphia native and Matron Saint Suzy Kolber, Super Bowl loser and noted telestrator Ron Jaworski, and frequent WIP caller Ant'ny from

Balls of Steel’s AFL Beat – Round 16

As of this week, the regular season is 2/3 complete.  That means the margin of error is getting smaller and every game becomes more and more important. Welcome to Balls of Steel's AFL Beat! The round started off with the North Melbourne Kangaroos facing the Essendon Bomber in a Friday Night Footy (Friday

Kommenter Beer Barrel: Yuengling

I drink a lot of beer (no, you're drunk!), and live in a very beer-filled city called Denver. Occasionally, I like to talk about beer, but my wife and kids don't seem to care (assholes). As a companion post to Old School Zero's "Kommenter Kocktail Society", I present to you the

Open Complaint Thread

It feels like there's been a lot of grousing about things lately--and likely for good reason--but I figure we may as well make an official thread for recent complaints and any other things you need to yell into the cloud (SEE WHAT I DID THERE?!?!). Personally, I'm tired of people basing