Wednesday Motivational – Owning Deception

People are self-interested and never perfect: that’s as ironclad as human rules get. But I, a corny Old, also believe that sincere intentions are the best lubricant for human interactions, that understanding and generosity are high virtues, and that truth exists—“Truth” being something definite, beyond subjectivity and interpretation (like NFL

CFL Beat: Week 10

Well, hello. Your friendly neighboUrhood Maestro is on sabbatical in Europe with Lady Maestro. You get me for a sub on this instalment of CFL Beat, for which I gladly volunteered my talent. Which won’t be necessary after all. Maestro, being generous and dutiful, left a post skeleton (great), and

Ungovernable – Offseason Sunday Open Thread

We enter summer, always a good time to stir shit up. School is out, kids run rampant (especially the ones in summer school), folks are traveling, absenteeism gets frequenter… These circumstances are ripe for upending authority and get revolts cookin’. Just off the top of my head, these are three

Some Care for Caretakers: Offseason Sunday Open Thread

Back in 2012, when hotmail was a thing and Jeeves panhandled for questions, Chuck Pagano got his first head coaching job, with the Colts. Pagano hired Bruce Arians as Offensive Coordinator after the Steelers kicked Arians out and threw a gold watch towards the sidewalk. In Week 6 of the

PreparatioUns Underway – Monday Open Thread

There has been enough recreational fitbaw the last couple of weeks to make it inevitable [grabs chest, sighs]... That Week 1 is Coming Soon. We stand at three more weeks. It is time to start making the transition to receive unto us Red Zone channel. Amén. I’m sure that, like me, your

Can You Smell It? – PRESEASON Monday Open Thread

You know those Pats fans who switched to the Bucs because of Brady? I bet devil worship is integral to their tailgates. But no; this 666 BBQ has to be the work of other fans. Availing of sausages to invoke the number of The Beast itself, Lord of Treachery, had

Draft Week 🎉 – Monday Open Thread

The NFL Draft is this Thursday, so there’s still a couple of days to abuse the brain with speculation and other mind wanks about your team being in position to select several difference makers who will be on the cheap for the next three seasons Hell yeah! Your team filling

Embrace The Anarchy – Monday Open Thread

[Note: this post WAS under construction. Thank you for your patience. /Turns to see if pandering worked Fuck alla youse] Last night, while aggressively ignoring the 2022 edition of the Annual Industry Self-Celebration, THAT happened and I got aware because DFO and Twitter exploded. I saw the videos, heard the audios, studied every

Playoff Overtime Rules – Monday Open Thread

There is one line of “Waiting for Godot” that shakes me deeply: “Never make a decision hungry, angry, or tired”. Which is self-fulfilling for a lazy and contented middle class—but I digress. Sometimes decisions need to be made angry, in the heat of the moment. There is a great injustice being