Football Continues Apace – Night Thread

Yeah, the quality of play today was...not so great.  But hey, it still passed the time.  I am also reading Anne Applebaum's "Gulag" history, so you can imagine what a ray of sunshine Hippo (and Other Hippo) is at present.  At least I could keep the windows open today, the

The Gang Defecates on a Super Corpse

As y'all may have heard...we had Lesser Footy WWIII this past week.  Of course, there are still fixtures this morning (Hammers/Chelski being the highlight, spotlighted at 12:30 on Big Boy NBC)...but there's a turd in the punchbowl, over-powering the flavoUr.  DFO's crack(head) team of Lesser enthusiasts tackle the big issues! Hippo

Curse Yeeeewwww, International Breaks (and White Male Privilege) Open Thread

I still stand by my decision to turn the teevee off Thursday night.  But, oh how I enjoyed some Friday morning schadenfreude.  Yeah, the "uber-smart" G.O.A.T. (Fucker)...forgot what down it was during the final, failed drive.  But what that funny little moment really did, to my mind? Illustrate the insidiousness of

Brandon Perna Kicks All The Derierre

Please, just watch/listen to this in full.  We really need him in Most Glorious Commentist Party! Perhaps the most important takeaway...LISTEN.  Just fucking listen to other humans when they are expressing real needs and concerns.  Also, my esteem for badass Donks safety Justin Simmons somehow went even higher. Kraut and Imaginary Footy