[manages to briefly tear himself away from “The Case For Christmas” starring Dean Cain as a lawyer defending Santa Claus/ignoring the good woman who loves him dearly] I’d like to catch AFC North fever but I’m not an anti-vaccer-I’ve had my shots.
Cle @ Cin: Johnny Hypeball gets the start tonight and it’ll be a rough one. A few of the starting WR’s that he doesn’t have a rapport with (Hawkins, Hartline) are out. He still has Barnidge and Benjamin but I think their better-than-you’d-expect stats have more to do with McCown’s great play under trying circumstances than with their own ability. I may be wrong but it won’t be the 374th time. (I keep track-it’s WAY over 400) I look forward to John-Boy scrambling needlessly, shovel-passing, throwing off his back foot, side-arming and getting intercepted tonight and being arrested for shoplifting in a small town ten years from now. I’m petty like that. Dalton. How is he doing what he’s doing? Well the ground game is a lot better, you say. “Shut up”, I say, “they’re ranked 18th in average yards per game! What the hell are you talking about?” Ginger has taken a major leap forward because of…[returns to watching The Case For Christmas]
So you show the Sign Museum before you show Music Hall? One is a Historical Landmark because of its architectural beauty. The other is a freaking Sign Museum!
signs, signs, everywhere-a-signs
True story: I’m so old, I once won tickets from a radio station for a double bill of Tesla and Great White.
Fuck you JJ Watt and calling chopping wood really, really hard work. Fucking twelve year olds do that, and they can do all kinds of other shit afterward.
Basically I hate JJ Watt.
Best Goldfish flavor?
There is a right answer.
Pretzel, duh!
Pretzel is like my co-favorite.
Live goldfish straight out of the tank at the pet store. MMMMMM GOOOOOOD
White cheddar
I have to alternate.
Parmesan then Pizza when I get sick of Parmesan.
Original. Hands down.
I do not want to know what the X-rated candle smells like.
The jizzmopper’s bucket.
/you’re welcome
Perfect strategy, use the Ginger as a blocker. No one wants to touch the Ginger.
I have learned that this is true the hard way 🙁
You might catch his GingerAIDS
The deepest league in America is celebrating the Sanudown.
Huummmmm, so players and teams CAN improve during the course of a season…….WEIRD!
I am supposed to ask you about Debbie Harry.
Wooooooo Debbie Harry posts incoming, if we’re good!
I will endeavor to answer.
Damn it, Moose, you jinxed ’em!!
ya know….we’re all +1’ing this. But it occurs to me that we don’t know for sure what she “found” in there. Just saying.
My car keys.
Don’t look now, but K State making a game of it…
Boners a-poppin’ all over Teh Flyover!
(changes channel)
(penalty, timeout to avoid penalty)
Well, that game making was short lived.
Then TD!!!!
Mizzou scored a touchdown!
Ya gotta go with the flow if you’re Mizzou.
Full Gabbertmania this week
Instead of Mic’d up I propose Mick’d Up wherein the players decipher which of their coaches is drunk on the job.
What they should do is broadcast the Mic’ed up audio on a PPV basis to hear all the terrible things players say to each other.
This “What if…?” campaign might be the stupidest one ever.
C’mon, carrot baby food diarrhea! COVER!!!
Changed my mind on single pan turkey dinner.
Went with Nongshim Shin Ramyun Spicy kimchi noodles.
Best packaged noodles I’ve ever had.
It’s as if you typed gibberish and put “noodles” at the end.
Aaaand with that, my humor is back on, shit that was funny.
I live to serve. 😉
The front of that dress is sucking me into a pink hole.
Oh, I like her.
That’s your attraction Cincinnati? A sign museum?
Don’t forget the playing-card factory.
Or the Underground Railroad Museum.
And the world-famous diarrhea restaurant!
That and a beloved chili franchise that will simultaneously cleanse you and constipate you.
Ooooo an airport that’s actually in Kentucky!
I’ve got to get to some of these cons at some point.
where’s Kitana tho
There’s always AJ Lee
Average Andy + Primetime = Dumbass Andy
Good Andy + Primetime = Adequate Andy
WKRP in Cincinnati! Fuck yeah everyone born before 1975!
WKRP Reference? Mandatory Turkey Drop
With God as my witness, I thought a turkey could fly.
Poor Carlson and Les. LMAO
Read option? Maybe burn that page of the playbook. He’s not a spry young bloodeye no mo.
He has read permissions, but no write permissions.
Fuck Giovanni Bernard!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry….that’s a Pavlovian response I just can’t shake.
The Bengals are now bored. They ran the same play twice.
Isn’t that an early warning sign of dementia?
Insanity, actually, the whole doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different outcome.
Like how we keep watching these Thursday games and think they won’t suck?
Exactly! But I gave up on sanity a long time ago, so I am cool with this.
I’ve always had a problem with that argument. If I repeatedly flipped a fair coin, it would be more insane to expect every outcome to be the same than to expect a mix of heads and tails.
flipped a fair coin
/wonders if that’s one of those fucked up British slang phrases
Fair as in not two headed, and not weighted to land on one side or the other.
Joke as in….I was making one.
Sorry, I fell down a rabbit hole. I am now reading an article on reconciling the insanity statement with irreproducibility in science and my humor got shut off.
No worries.
And LMFAO….you need to either drink more or stop immediately if you’re reading that kinda shit right now.
I’ve vote more, but that’s just me.
Closed the tab. Shit got real in a hurry and I am NOT in the mood for 60 years of obscure science history shit.
True, but there are enough variables in that example to disallow the comparison. Air flow, variance in applied force, hell, even the spin of the earth, you could get as micro as you want with it. While I can’t speak for Einstein, I think from a mental health perspective, it’s valid. Repeating the same personal actions and hoping for something different is kind of insane.
Will this be on the final exam?
Yeah, but it’s multiple choice, and I’ll allow you to take it twice if you REALLY think you’ll get a different score the second time.
Competence. Competence is one thing you haven’t really seen since this Cincinnati offense.
Those statements were all so stupid. He fell a full yard and a half shy of e marker and everyone knew it except the refs and the commentators.
It’s later than I expected. I guess time flies when you’re appreciating how awesome it is to not be in Ohio!
Upon further review, the ruling on the field stands. Challenging coach was insufficiently supportive of the revolutionary CARBOAT.
He’s in favor of the competing truckboattruck.
Fuck it…I’m enjoying JFF’s give no fucks performance thus far
Not to get all politically – but if ISIS did bring that Russian plane down, I hope Putin wipes those fuckers off the face of the earth.
I dunno, between Putin and ISIS, I kinda root for the meteor.
As a personal rule, I try to root against the terrorists, but..
Johnny Concussion
Oh the second half started. More Rick and Morty or this game….
game, duh!!!
What is the score…too lazy to open another screen to check out from NFL.com
Also dealing with stupid customer questions and nonsensical responses from Japan.
14-10 Bengals
So typical Browns…hanging in there just to implode at the last second…
This is hardly the last second.
If i fly out and kick the asses of everyone you deal with in Japan, will you fly to Dublin and do the same for my company?
I will go to Dublin for you. No worries on that score.
Challenge that spot, Bengals!
Generous fuckin spot for JFF.
Also not to be confused with Andy Dalton

Young black men would be speechlessly excited upon seeing Jerry Jones in an elevator. Excellent market research Pepsi.
“Dude, don’t say anything or he’ll ask if your mom’s a hooker. Happened to my buddy DEZ a few years ago.”
“Yeah, but I told him my Mom wasn’t a hooker and was happily married and Belichik ended up all in our business”
“Motherfucker don’t you LISTEN?! If you had kept quiet, we’d have all been safe….”
Unlike Dalton, this redhead has a soul

Take it from me, tits != soul.
Dude with Michael Bolton hair is singing 311 “All Mixed Up” in a style not dissimilar to Michael McDonald.
20 year old me wants to hear this, for some reason,
Do you think the lack of parental supervision in horror movies is just a direct descendent of the parents’ complete invisibility in the Peanuts cartoons and comic strips?
No, it’s because if there was proper parental supervision the horror movie would only last ten minutes and nothing would happen.
Now, POOR parental supervision, on the other hand…
Mr Meeseeks? Make the second half not suck.
Want to go full World War Z with Meeseekses, eh?
Arduino Powered:
I mostly just want to build something that’ll let me use my ancient 3-button intercom/buzzer system remotely, so I don’t keep missing the UPS/Fedex guy.
Not sure if Manziel is good or Bengals are bad.