- The Colts have signed Antonio Cromartie. For future reference, the closest Planned Parenthood office is 4.7 miles due North from Lucas Oil Stadium.
- The “Al-Jazeera Four” have had their meeting dates set:
- Packers linebackers Clay Matthews and Julius Peppers will be interviewed on Wednesday, August 24 in Green Bay,
- Mike Neal will be interviewed on Thursday, August 25 in Chicago,
- Steelers linebacker James Harrison will be interviewed on Tuesday, August 30 in Pittsburgh.
- no word on if Goodell will take up Deebo’s offer to sit on the couch beside him
- Dez Bryant has a concussion and won’t play against Seattle on Thursday.
- Trevor Siemian didn’t throw at Tuesday’s Broncos practice, leaving Kubes to put everything in the capable hands of one Mark Sanchez. They have until Saturday to sort all of this out before someone starts against the Rams.
- Break out the non-fat ice milk – Joe Flacco is expected to start this week versus the Lions.
- Speaking of playing for the first time – Aaron Rodgers is expected to play (at least a half) in this week’s preseason game.
- This does not bode well: Steelers Union rep Ramon Foster told players to start saving money for a potentil 2021 work stoppage.
- Michael Bennett thinks Pete Carroll is a combination of Benjamin Button and Willy Wonka. I don’t see it, but okay.

Josh Norman is a quote machine in an article for ESPN The Magazine. Among the highlights:
- “I’m part Native American on both my mom’s and my dad’s side. It’s kind of a funny thing, though. A [*Redacted] playing for the [*Redacted] s.”
- That quote probably gave Dan Snyder a hard on bigger than the one he got when he raised parking prices.
- “They [the Panthers] kind of shunned me,” he said. “They turned down a lot of stuff for me, interviews, sponsorship deals, stuff I didn’t even know about. They wanted it to be about the two main guys, Cam [Newton] and Luke [Kuechly].”
- “[Beckham] lost so much respect from people for that little tantrum. I’ve already got a couple people telling me, ‘OK, I’ve got a hit out on him.’ It’s going to be rough for him this year.”
From Deadspin – drink it in Jets fans:
Chances are, you see each one of these fellows start a game for you this season. I can’t wait for the DFO preview.
Finally, the MMQB has a good story on how Trent Richardson is getting nickel & dimed to death by various personal & family leeches.
It’s amazing how good some of them are without Allagash Pete breathing down their neck.
Last night was my 18th wedding anniversary. I believe the only wager left outstanding from our wedding day is “20 years”. So far, I’ve heard of bets on “one year”, “two years”, “five years”, “10 years” and “during the ceremony”. It’s strange, but also a relief, that no one considered the idea that I’d ever have a mistress – probably due to my exotic combination of general cheapness and crippling self-esteem issues.
Thanks be to Sill for what he provided in my absence.
Dinner was at Postmark Brewing, a brewpub/”urban winery”,
I had their Saison Francaise and their Blonde. Both were crisp & delicious.
Have a gander at their menu, if you feel like planning a visit.
Like most Vancouver breweries, they go for that Portland experience of having many small batches in constant rotation. The advantage to Postmark is that they also have a winery and restaurant attached, so – like a fine mullet – they are business in the front and a party in the back.

This was followed by ice cream at La Casa Gelato, a place with 238 flavours.
I had a cone with Strawberry Cheesecake as the bottom scoop, with Rice Krispie Square as the top.
After 18 years, that’s a solid evening. Anything else, or flowers, and her tendency to question my motives would have come into play. Plus, I don’t want to have to move all my stuff.
Tonight’s sports:
- Little League World Series: U.S. elimination game – 7:30PM | ESPN
- Premier Boxing Champions: Plant-De Angel (super middleweights) – 9:00 | FS1
- MLB Baseball: Yankees at Mariners – 10:00 | ESPN
Got called out on going too 90’s. Sticking with it
Natalie Imbruglia – Torn
Baker – Bikini Atoll 24 July 1946
70 years ago! Imagine what they have today.
Per my previous comment, coin operated laundry is the devil.
I have a bunch of quarter; check your email.
Soul Coughing – Circles. I know, I know, the acoustic versions are better but all the good ones are missing again
Your playlist is the ninetiest nineties that ever ninetied.
Blind Melon auto play right after that
I was much sadder over Shannon Hoon’s death than Kurt Cobain’s. Just saying.
Someone mentioned TPotUS. So obligatory Peaches
Now screw diabetes, back to Cake:
As an aside, this was sad and hilarious at the same time:
I just reactivated Hulu. Need to get up to speed on Archer, Rick & Morty, and this.
Back to nonsense. Colbert dancing
My dad finally cleaned the house today for the first time in years. I think he left a gallon of bleach on every non carpet surface while doing it
Hide the ammonia, or the place will look like a Zyklon hit it.
So, back to Cake?
I have gone on 9 weird tangents of stuff I have been watching in the last 2 hours. Cake always works for me though.
Lily…the phone girl is on Comedy Central!!!
Oliver Stone doing a movie about Edward Snowden…
I cannot wait to see how realistic that is. Methinks it will make JFK look like a live documentary.
Side note, I absolutely love the film JFK but its utter and complete bullshit.
Struggling to come up with an offensive, yet clever but non-football related fantasy team name. Perhaps you brilliant folks could help a guy out?
I think you have to go at least loosely related to football for a great name
Hulk Hogan’s Merkin, Presented by Peter Thiel
Catler’s Kids’ Catarrh
Trumph’s Small Potatoes. Shit that’s not “non-football related”. Oh well.
These are from Mike’s KSK; a bit old.
Dorito Dinks
Good-ass Kinja
Johnny Idiotface
ISIS Dildo Flags
Large Adult Sons
Scalia’s Jiggery-Pokers
Sansa’s Little Helper
JPP Fingerblast Inc
Hungry Hungry HIPAA
Florio’s Decapitated Uncles
Fuccboi Mayo Party
Smashed Samsungs For Justice
Spray Tannehill
My Wife Left Me
Precocious Abstinence Slingers
J.J. Watt’s Rising Body Count
RG3’s Nonexistent Ligaments
The Ted Wells of Anal
Underground Pad Level
Jade Helm All-Stars
Ello’s 15 Minutes
Commish Better Have My Money
Antonio Brown’s Inevitably Totaled Rolls Royce
Arians Nation
Gronker’s Bad Fur Day
Chip Kelly’s Philadelphia SAEgles
Tim Tebow’s Hyman Trophy
Emmanuelle in Space
Red Brick Broadway
My Jameis Boned Us
You Down With ODB (He Fellated Me)
Gruden’s Loaded Smoothies
Gronk If You’re Horny
Hochuli’s Jungle Boys
Shady Lady Party
Mariota’s Surfbort
I Play! I Lose! I Play Again!
Mad Max: Furry Chode
Tomsula Fucks Minions
Uproxx’s Social Media Team Suggested A Fantasy Football Name And It Was Perfect
Problematic Trigger Warnings
Peter King’s SadBod
Unfeeling Restaurant Hosts
Make America #Elite Again
Genie Your Free
The Hall of Fame Bylaws
The Domestic Violence Space
Imagine Dragon Deez Nutz
21 + 48 = Nice
Chip Kelly’s Ex Wives Club
Hollywood Florida Hulk Hogan
Dez Bryant’s Tape
110 Percent Lunchpail Society
I’• Giselle’s Pegging’ Dildo.
That was one of his last posts over at that other place…
Judy Greer is on Conan tonight.
Fun fact: He lives just north of Milwaukee and owns Libby Montana restaurant.
That’s not what TEH MOVEE SED
I really like that animation. What’s it from?
I believe.
Is 7 times too many to watch that stupid simple Always Sunny vid WCS posted earlier?
/ Watches again anyways.
Always Sunny has no limit or re-watching.
Fuuuuuck, this airbnb only has coin operated laundry in the basement. Anybody got a shitload of quarters?
Did you wander into the William J. Lepetomane Memorial Laundry?
I do, but only because my building is equally run by cheap assholes.
I just sent my apartment management company an email suggesting that for the future renovation they ditch the stupid coin-ops.
I thought the only people that used airbnb did so to hide the fact they are cheating on their significant other with a tranny. Why would you be doing laundry there?
I travel a lot for work for extended periods of time. And I don’t know where to find a good tranny.
Dicks out for Brontosaurus?
mourns ya till I joins ya, dawg
That second 3 hours long windows update today that fucked with all my settings on everything also got rid of adblock. Anyone up for finding out where their office is and burning it to the ground?
I’m tired. Turns out that putting a drum kit together from scratch with no directions (Thanks Gretsch..you assholes) is more tiring than I remembered. Or maybe I’m just old.
You’re old. It’s not that hard.
Wow, coub.com is kind of an aggressive asshole site. What with the opening of a new tab when I just click to stop the video.
Huh…so Nick Denton is now going to get paid $200,000 a year by Univison for two years not to do anything.
Somehow he was getting paid $500,000 a year from Gawker…which is hilarious considering the company refused to pay its staff a living wage or even get credit to the authors of content they just hijacked.
It’s funny seeing people who recognize Peter Thiel is an awful human being whitewash Gawker as if it were an actual journalistic entity and not a pack of assholes who got their jollies fucking with people powerful and weak who by accident did a little decent journalism.
What both Thiel and Gawker have in common is that neither gave two shits about what’s good for the greater public.
THIS about a million times over. PREACH IT!!!
I tried to read their “Truth gets buried by lies with money” piece. I made it about 3 paragraphs in before i couldn’t read any further.
I read the whole thing, and it’s massive pile of self pity without an ounce of self awareness.
There have been several literary autopsies and nearly all of them wax on with platitudes about the righteous cause of journalism. None of them seem to own the fact that no one is sad to see them gone because few people believed they were adherents to the cause of journalism to begin with.
See, that piece reminded me of what I found so infuriating about them.
Journalism is predicated on the idea that to live in a democratic society (hell, even a capitalistic one) we need accurate information to inform decisions about how to structure and evaluate our society. It’s also predicated on knowing that some people who have the power to hide relevant information will do so for the own good and journalists must be ready to fight to get it.
Gawker was ALL about that second predicate but never seemed that by itself it didn’t justify the first. Denton is on record having open contempt for the idea of privacy, but never could articular WHY privacy is bad. It showed in the reckless editorial decisions of delving into people’s lives for its own sake (particular involving sexuality) and their unwillingness to address questions of relevance. People justifiably called them on it.
Gawker was the media equivalent of a bunch of mean, rebellious teenagers who fucked with people because they thought it was fun and made them cool.
I have a friend of my that is a freelance (read that as “dirt poor and not paid”) journalist in NYC. He covers music acts and boxing. He ended up discovering that Gawker was wholesale lifting his content off his website and even the monthly free paper he worked for. So he contact the company and ask them to stop plagiarizing his shit and he ended up with a certified letter basically telling him that he should be ecstatic that gawer was giving him free press (even though they were not even referencing him) along with a threat of suing him if he went public with his complaint.
They only started basically linking to original content because they were dumb enough to pull this same stunt on a writer that worked for the Associated Press.
Sounds about right from a company whose editor patronized a girl who asked that a video showing what was pretty much her rape be removed from their website.
Oof. Law and Order (original flavor) did not age well.
Just chilling at home like everyone else…
When does real football start again?
Good evening fellow misfits.
How they hanging?
(lower than they used to…is the punchline, btw)
I can’t find a SFW one right now so just go here
I have no idea who this is but she has my vote to play Batman next:
Knowing absolutely nothing about her she would be better than Ben Affleck
I have talked trash about cats being terrible monsters in the past.. I like this cat though.
I just went out and looked up an Alison Brie/Gillian Jacobs pic to make me feel better instead of fixing my computer
Moose fetish count; 5.
I think that was a good choice, personally.
The illustration of Bernie Wrightson were both a HUGE influence on me artistically, and a major reason why I love Frankenstein the novel (moving this up some so that the image can be seen in detail):
This is one of the finest pen and ink illustrations I have ever seen, and I wish there was a bigger size of it available online:
I think we talked about this before; that style and him in particular are fantastic; detailed, imaginative, technically accurate, shit yeah.
I’m sure we have; once the novel gets brought up, I’m usually about four replies away from posting something like “it HAS to be awesome, check out the illustrations!”
Me looking in the fridge at my first beer in gifage.
I wasted nearly two hours of my life today watching the 2015 Point Break remake (well, not really, I was also re-reading The Talisman as I watched). Any moment they are not showing either a majestic scene of nature, or Teresa Palmer, this movie is either the biggest mess in the world, or a deep meditation on naturalism and human accomplishment that I am too dumb to grasp.
I’m really hoping it was just a huge mess because otherwise I have to rethink my own intelligence.
Loved The Talisman. Please tell me you’re planning to (re?)read Black House next. I actually liked it better in fact, but same type of parallel universe fucked up shit.
That is the plan, yes. A few years back both books were released in an oversized gift edition by Grant publishing, and I never got around to a re-read, so that’s my plan now. And I loved both of these books.
I knew there was a reason I liked you.
I just re-read The Stand. Feel like I ought to read something new, but comfort zones are a bitch. I’ve been eyeing both Insomnia (same type of shit) and Duma Key (kinda the same type of shit) on my bookshelf recently though. We’ll see. Not sure why the alternate reality realized theme is appealing lately. I’m just weird.
I really enjoyed Insomnia, and a lot of it had to do with how you could see King begin to piece together his “all roads lead to the Tower” mythos in a very real way. Duma Key was also quite good, a sort of return to form after some stumbles.
Have you ever read Swan Song by Robert R McCammon?
I have not, but will look into it.
I just got a second 3 hour dumpster fire Windows update today. This one had the added bonus of ruining every one of my settings on programs it shouldn’t have access to.
Did you try closing windows to get to a DOS prompt?
I liekd the vaguely threatening tone the “free upgrade” pop-ups took on as you got closer to the deadline for upgrading… no, thank you, I won’t be upgrading to Win10 just because it’s free, Microsoft, and in fact, you GIVING it away really makes me question its usability. Glad to see I was right; it’s a piece of shit.
My switchover was relatively painless and I’m good with most of it. I got rid of MS Edge. It handles two terabytes of porn-n-memes just fine. I was “interesting” at work because of old printer drivers not working.
Edge being able to open pdfs is actually surprisingly useful, even if the UI is not great. Don’t have to install Adobe Bloatcrobat Crap Reader.
I try to use Bluebeam mostly for work stuff.
Interesting adult fears, fetishes, or obsession this kid must have.
Wait. Cromartie is in Indiana? And Indiana is currently governed by eminent shithead and Trump running mate Mike Pence, whose entire career has centered around killing Planned Parenthood.
This is going to be fun.
Dracula sucked, but I will always love it just for this scene.
I enjoyed all of it except for Reeves….. for me he ruined it. Hopkin went rogue on his accent a few times too., butt Reeves was terrible for that part and ruined it.
To each their own I guess,
I just couldn’t get into it. Some of that may have to do with my dislike for the novel, admittedly, considering this was a pretty decent adaptation.
I didn’t enjoy the novel as much for sure. For it doesn’t come close to say Frankenstein or some of the other early science .
I had an argument the entirety of junior and senior year with an English teacher in my high school about which was the superior novel… he maintains Dracula, I say Frankenstein. He is obviously wrong. We both agree that Beowulf is just plain awesome, however, due to a mutual love of Frank Frazetta.
They want to say “greatest” but for these two I think it comes down to taste in writing style. The depth of different human and ethical concepts in Frankenstein makes it a more layered and complex story which I like.
I can see that argument making sense; I have never been a big fan of the apistolary novel; it’s too easy to get away with unreliable-narrator shit (and not in the way that Mr Robot makes excellent use of the trope), which seems lazy to me in a novel.
As for the layered aspects of Frankenstein, well, that book was just begging for in-depth analysis and review once teenaged entropy got a hold of it… and I wasted a LOT of time on it. I still re-read it every few years.
I don’t think that is wasted time at all; it is a fucking classic.
I swear I typed in science fiction…. WEIRD.
Well shit; apparently he ruined it.
I really don’t know why this gif is a hilarious to me as it is.
Monica Bellucci
Yes, yes, and yes.
I once suggested to a friend of mine that his August wedding include the phrase “Until March do us part.” He declined to include me in the wedding party.
Maybe he was probably disappointed you didn’t go with April (or May, or June, or July, or October) for the name synonym.
That is just impressive.
If Cromartie isn’t living under a bridge by the time he’s 45, I’ll (fill in blank)*
*I’m drunk as hell/naked below the waist after driving a combined 7 hours to pick up a pig for a roast for a catering-type client-so you can’t use that as your “fill in the blank” idea.
Wait. You just drove seven hours and are somehow drunk already? I salute you, King of the Road Soda.
Congrats to your blessed union. Celebrating with good beer and even better iced cream shows that you chose well.