Hear ye, hear ye, I don’t have any Sunday morning errands/chores to do because football starts so early! Of course the down side of this is that I should be ‘football-ed out’ by about 7:30 this evening. Whatever. This London game is great in theory-NFL fans in the U.K. get to watch a game live. It’s a treat. Sure the games have not been of the best quality nor has the field been in the best of shape (I recall a Fins/Giants tilt from a few years back that was a mushy, slippery, rain-drenched eyeball-scorching travesty of an affair) but..I have nothing to end this sentence with. (aside from a preposition) TO THE GAME!
Indy/Jax-The Colts have a comfy 21-9 series lead and their entire starting D on the field for the first time this year. Their goal? Be average. That’s all it will take to beat a Bortles that has clearly regressed from last year. Opposing D’s have locked down on wr Robinson, limiting the damage he can do and Blake has time and again misfired on passes to Hurns (he of the 1000+ yards and 10 TD’s last year) and Lee. This is where a young running back should be stepping up and Yeldon has done so 2.5 yards per carry at a time. So the Jags are gonna lose. So do they fire Bradley? Probably. But this brings up the issue of who replaces him. The OC Greg Olson doesn’t look like a ready candidate and DC Todd Wash was just promoted from D-Line coach in January. No matter what happens, the Jags seem likely to have lost one year of competitive football.
Now take a big swig of that Bloody Mary and LET’S GET GOING!
Nice to see that Buffalo fired up to get their ass kicked today.
I ended up going over for breakfast with my mom. I found out she lost her job so I gave up a quarter of NFL action to cheer her up. Or more technically the guy she works for is broke and hasn’t paid her for 6 weeks
Sorry to hear that.
This is actually a pretty decent game for a London game. Lookit that there Hurns!
My God! He actually threw one to Hurns!
Such nonexistent tackling fundamentals.
The 1pm thread is up for those that haven’t had enough snark yet.
I assume the premier of Madam Secretary is just her setting up an illegal email server to skirt FOIA while some ambassador gets offed in Africa.
Also, Uranium One.
Someone needs to explain to me why the NFL voice over commercials are in British accents. This makes no sense…the British audience has a completely different set of commercials
The London Game brings you NFL Accent Rush marketing.
This is getting good?
Why the fuck am I up? Why am I even?
Oh man, the Jags really are going to blow this, aren’t they?
Said everyone ever.
Pick-6 Time (GMT +1)
There’s still plenty of time for Pagano to try and act clever, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
Why would you wear a white glove with black sleeves if you are a DB? Of course they’re going to see you holding. Your hand contrasts with your uniform!
I think it’s in the uniform rules, but I’m not positive.
Other JAX DBs have black gloves.
Or, as they are known in most households, THUG gloves.
But you look COOL!
But it would blend in with the Colts unis
He was holding an arm though. And I think it’s a safe bet that, if you’re grabbing a WR’s arm in the NFL, that arm is black.
Not to mention minstrel-y.
Ray Lewis recommend not wearing white for anything.
If wearing a red nose actually for realsies cured cancer…I wouldn’t do it.
Robin Williams proved it doesn’t cure depression.
I thought it was for clitoris awareness.
ProTip: The clitoris is a myth.
/failed relationships now more clear
I’d like this OBJ commercial more if it showed the guy sitting in the office getting cracked by a kicking net or the dude walking down the street turning the corner and crying when he saw Josh Norman with a baseball bat.
What a cockblocker
“Yeah my kid’s up in his room. Don’t worry, he’s already asleep”
Pandas are the worst
So….Indy is really bad, huh?
Sort of…really bad would imply at least interesting in a trainwreck way…they’re more Martin O’Malley-ish…not worth giving a shit about either way.
Rather than purchase a smartwatch:
1) Take $700
2) Throw it in a fire
3) Put the ashes in a small glass vial
4) Secure the vial with a piece of packaging string
5) Wrap the string around your wrist
No need to upgrade when the new model comes out!
I dunno — just never got into native chicks.
Native to Photoshop…. but hey; your true colors come through.
Gus Bradley should refuse to get back on the plane home until they sign him to a contract extension.
Oh fuck off
How long until Stand Up To Cancer overtakes Susan G Komen as the cool cancer cause and the NFL partners with them instead.
They can make every head coach wear a red nose to support the cause*.
* The cause is profit. Always.
Nick Cannon? Hasn’t cancer suffered enough?
Just got off the 405 and now we’re rolling 5 south. When did everybody get in such a big goddamn hurry?
We’re set to meet the littlest right and my new grand baby for breakfast.
Woo! Ball game.
So… the game’s NOT on nfl network? Just some bullshit Rich Eisen show.
In case you missed it Rudy Giuliani’s response to getting called out on his own infidelities was “Everyone does it”
Someone come get grandpa off the dance floor; he’s drunk again and his pants are falling down.
Rudy Giuliani turned into U*NC so gradually, I hardly noticed.
It is rather amazing how W. and Giuliani both managed to squander almost universal good-will post 9/11 in to becoming near universally despised.
Not really. They just returned back to the equilibrium where they were always horrible pieces of shit
Morning. No pink this year? Thank God. Susan G Komen is a huge fraud.
Here ya go.
“It’s not fraud, if you believe cutting checks to your friends’ marketing companies to promote ‘awareness’ is not fraud.”
Mebbe she’s got a turf war with Siobhan P. Bledney or something.
/sounds brit
I’m as big a hesher as you’ll find, but do think “Just Like A Pill” and “Trouble” are pretty solid songs.
So What?
Also, I haven’t broken 85 in over a month. I blame you.
Ha! The NFL gamecast guys haven’t updated Chris Ivory’s uni. That’s a quality dis for all involved.

Wow, shit’s getting weird around here early. By the time Costas shows his pretty face later, we could all be incarcerated.

I’m generally in favor of celebration…but…if you’re down by 14 to the Jags and your team has already incurred multiple personal foul penatlties…maybe skip the stupid ass dance Walden.
And now for something completely indifferent.
It’s super nice out this morning. Overcast and light rain – low 70’s. I got the door open and a cup of coffee. I’d be watching anything this morning — the fact that it’s Jags/CLOTS in London is simply coincidence.
Great mornings are the god damn best.
This time of year in AZ was when I was finally willing to go outside on the patio and read. Not fun April thru September, however.
Yep — greens fees to hit triple digits any day now….
IHOP: “A female is better at something than you, so drown your feelings of worthlessness in pancakes eunuch”
Donks WOO!!
Was season 2 good? The wiff & I are thinking of purchasing it.
Very good, yes.
Speaking of TV (and also Britons), I’ve finally almost gotten thru The Night Manager mini series. It’s very good and I highly recommend it.
Thanks. Damn, I can’t wait till we can afford cable again. I’m sitting here watching Daniel Tigers Neighborhood because my NBCSports app is all bollocksed up, so I can’t watch lesser footy, and the CBSSports app on AppleTV isn’t showing the game.
Daniel is doing well, in case you were wondering. He is allergic to peaches, though.
What WBS said.
week 4 of our continuing coverage of God’s Devine intervention to interfere with Brocky’s fantasy game
God: ah what a glorious Sunday morning to hear my name praised. Lol JK, how’s brocky doing Jesus?
Jesus: dad, listen, we’ve got this former soldier in Maine, probable PTSD, that I really think we should look at …
God: tell me the damn score…
Jesus: ugh, fine. It appears that brocky started andrew luck against the Jaguars, instead of andy dalton the other night.
God: ah I see, Brocky played the matchup eh? Well, I’m about to shake this matchup!
God snaps his fingers, Andrew Luck goes 8/16 for 47 yards
God: my work here is done
Jesus : dad…. that soldier….
God: ugh fine
snaps fingers
Jesus: you just changed a traffic light in Connecticut
God: close enough
News Flash: Bortles passed to someone other than Robinson.
/just kidding, he wouldn’t do something like that
My keeper team sez WOO!!
/sorry Moose
Too short for My Fantasy Story, Bro…..
Good job.
The last time the Jags played the Colts…the Jags dropped 50 on them…that doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibility today.
Because telling me another hot blonde is off the market is suppose to make me enjoy this game more than the actual, you know, playing.
/Next play is a dropped pass.
Trent Green is doing the colo(u)r for this game!?
And the winning colour is “washing machine”.
Anything can happen on Thursday, except more than 2/16 games being reasonably decent.
My greatest hope as a Humps fan is to see the NYPost sports page run “Chuck Pa-Gone-o” and “Ryan Grigs-done” headlines tomorrow morning.
That presumes Irsay doesn’t lose the team in an underground cockney fight trying to get an eightball.
We got to play smrter.
/I am so smart.
I am so smart.
S. M. R. T.
Deleted scene from The Sound of Music. NSFW since somebody forgot something. Notice the director let it go on before cut.
Simple mistake to make. Directors have a hard job (lol, hard job) and they can’t be expected to catch every little detail every time.
Those hills are alive…
Also, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hoping for genuine Julie Andrews bewbage before clicking the link.
It’s out there actually. Forgot the movie.
not Hurns, not Hurns, not Hurns….
What the Colts secondary doesn’t have in talent they make up for with poor judgement.
“When you can’t butter, you margarine.”
-Indianapolis Creed
I understand Bortles has quite and arm will be a threat here…..
If they were playing checkers maybe.