Your Super Entertaining Sunday Night Football Open Thread

Hey, fellow ruffians! There’s a ton of retrotainment going on ce soir. Whether you choose the debate, the baseball or this wonderful football tilt, I’m all ears and fingers.

NYG/GB-The qb Eli has not played well the last two weeks. He’s got an extremely talented trio of wr’s to go to but his throwing decisions tell me he’s 22 years old, not 35. Whatever. A much smarter qb-Rodgers-will pick apart a depleted Giants secondary to the tune of at least 3 scores through the air and I will hate everything and everybody. That sounds about right. Goddamnit! In other thingys-enjoy the implosion that may occur tonight during the debate.

No matter what occurs-KEEP THOSE FINGERS FLYING!

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Do we really need a president? Can’t we just have Tom Hanks to serve as president?


For those not watching the game, Green Bay just sacked Eli.
It was a great sack, an amazing sack.
Believe me, it was an unbelievable sack.


The BEST sack. TREMENDOUS sack. You’ve never seen a better sack, believe me.

Sill Bimmons



These new Trump tapes are even grosser than the ones before them.

Sill Bimmons

The finest sack, the best sack.

Shame the Giants can’t sack like that. Sad!

Sill Bimmons

Eli just derped so hard they felt it on the International Space Station.

Doktor Zymm

On one hand, Eli somehow lead the Giants to 2 Super Bowl titles. On the other, stuff like that!




US has the highest taxes in the world…

That makes as much sense as claiming that the US has the largest population.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

“Quebec doesn’t count… I mean, Montreal can’t even hold a baseball team!”

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Can they just jack each other off already?

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

They have evidence Trump, do you think just because you say there is no link to Russia hacking it makes it true? Do you think the video of you telling Russia to hack US servers disappears because you want it to?

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Honestly, there is no physical evidence. The only evidence that’s been supplied has been by security firms who want govt. contracts. It may be Russia, it may not, but that’s deflection in any event.

Shogun Marcus

Dog washed. Lucky for him he dries fast. I do wish the Apoquel worked as well as it used to.


Did he just refer to himself in 3rd person?


9 x 8 = 72
At least this time I had to stop and remember 3rd grade times tables.

Doktor Zymm

You know the trick for doing the 9xtables on your fingers, right?

Shogun Marcus

I didn’t until I student taught 3rd grade for a bit last spring!


I’m at least a little afraid to ask. But if it has to do with invited fingers, I’m willing to listen.


Hillary gets caught being a two faced liar to the American people and she blames it on the Russians

King Hippo

I know nothing….TRUE!


I know nothing of Russia

-The very first thing Trump has said all night that is factually correct.

Dick E. Phuck

There’s only one man who can fix Washington….

ISIS can’t see him.




Hillary watches movies to learn about History, she’s a lot more like Donald than she thinks.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Aaaaand….again with RUSSIA! I feel like we’re in 1980 again.

Sill Bimmons

The Clintons’ worst continuing failure is losing Russia and they both know it.

Senor Weaselo

She was almost doing okay, until she went towards the Russians.

Sill Bimmons

Did that ad really just say that all the flyovers and other military shit the NFL puts on are “demonstrations of skill?”

comment image


Has no calculator, gonna get audited.
Stupid puppy.


fuck this game and fuck this debate, gonna go watch american horror story

(that redhead has great jugs)

Horatio Cornblower

2 minutes from now TrumP yells “LINCOLN WAS A FAG!!!!”

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Wait, is she basing her answer on watching a movie?

Doktor Zymm

This puppy is happy, because his owner is planning on voting for Clinton!

Shogun Marcus

That looks like my meatwad! 20 pounds ago, but still!


I just can’t bring myself to watch the debate. How bad is it? Some of my FB friends are saying it’s getting ugly.

Senor Weaselo

Oh, it’s a shitshow.

Horatio Cornblower

You’ll weep for America and democracy.

Doktor Zymm

This puppy is sad, because Trump is full of hate. Love your neighbor, hug a puppy.


OK, stop using sad puppies.
You’re making me sad(der) than normal. I want happy puppies.

Senor Weaselo

Puppies 2016


Now I’m sad too. 🙁

Doktor Zymm



Trump is gonna force these drug addicts back into their warzone baby!

Sill Bimmons


Beastmode Ate My Baby

ACK. HRC with her Redbaiting. Dammit, that’s really one of her soft spots.


Holee fuck…it’s not even halftime in football yet.
Debates really do alter the time/space continuum I think.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

I actually have a friend who works in immigration. Pretty much everything Trump says is untrue.

Shocker, I know.


go fuck yourself trump you racist shit eating cock sucking slimy piece of cunt litter fuck


Stop being easy on Trump.

Sill Bimmons

Just expand Medicare to include everyone and eliminate the F-35 and Littoral Combat Ship programs.

Beastmode Ate My Baby


Senor Weaselo

But we need those inferior-to-the-planes-they’re-supposed-to-be-replacing planes!


Trump’s body language is screaming. Does he not realize that he’s literally just writing books of criticism by moving around like he is?

Sill Bimmons

The turkey baster full of lithium must not have been enough.

Horatio Cornblower

My wife wondered how much thorazine he’d had shot into his spine.

Shogun Marcus

Time to wash dog 1. Stupid unknown allergens making him itch fur off. He don’t have much to start with (he’s a Boston)!


“Self report, or we keep up this racist shit lady”


Radical Islamic Terror…

Gets me hot as shit!!!


I have no idea why that made me laugh so hard. But it did. Total spit take.

Horatio Cornblower

Little known fact: If you say ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ three times into a mirror in a dark bathroom ISIS will disappear.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Khalid Sheikh Dat Ass

King Hippo

blame the Muslims time. what a fucking ass


Here are some off the cuff remarks by egomaniacs who wouldn’t have graduated high school without the pampering and favoritism of being a world class athlete; let’s analyze the hell out of them.


I’m going to watch baseball.

King Hippo

oh really? the PROBLEM was almost fixed before Obamacare came along and stopped the magic of competition??

Beastmode Ate My Baby

“Our plans are gonna be *sniff* SO GOOD because we’re gonna *sniff* have THE BEST insurance companies giving out THE BEST plans. *Sniff*”


Does he seriously not even have a bullshit fake policy in writing yet?


I don’t believe he has anything resembling a plan beyond the immediate jet of diarrhea spewing from his mouth-anus.


The only policy idea Trump’s camp contributed to the party at the convention was rolling back any aid to Ukraine. I’ll give you a guess whose idea that was.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Gary Johnson could come out of nowhere and wave his cock in front of everyone, and he’d be the most mature one here.

Senor Weaselo

What… is whipping it out?

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

“His A-whip-o moment”