TGISF…aka “Better A Nerd Than One Of The Herd” Sexy Friday Open Thread

In spite of how it might sometimes appear around here, you know at around 7pm Eastern each Friday…..   It’s actually a fact that I prefer the company of a woman who is intelligent.

OK Vlad, you can stop laughing any time now….I’ll wait…..  jerk.

But I’m actually very serious, truth be told.  I mean don’t get me wrong.  A lass who possesses….let’s call it “outward physical attributes which most American males find attractive“…. is great and all.  But if I can’t talk to her, if we can’t have a conversation….?  Then what’s the point?

Yep, that never works.  Always much better if she’s got a brain and actually has some interests, even if they are nerdy.  Though the nerdy girls are not without their own quirks, of course.

But yes, in honor of my preference for a gal I can talk to, even one who can be a little nerdy at times….. we’re doing Sexy Nerdy Girls this week.  What does that mean exactly?  I’ll tell ya later.

(pssst….but it’s pretty much exactly what you think it is)

No, not this…..


More like this….

And a couple of the ladies from that compilation even made their way into our All-Star review below.  What a coincidence….?

Nah….probably not coincidence exactly.

How’s About Some Nerdy Musical Selections?


For The Sports Nerd In You


Did you see what the Pens did last night?  I mean holy hell, they barely broke a sweat.  Truth is, I turned it off after the first period.  I kept up with the score via notifications, but I had important TV to catch up on.

But yeah, home ice has been the tonic thus far.  Sorry Preds, that ends on Sunday….Pens will take the repeat, in six, on the road.

Game Six – Yinz @ Nash – Sunday, June 11, 8pmEDT – NBC (PIT 3-2)



Hey….remember back when I predicted Cavs in seven?  No?  Well good, never mind then.

Golden State has dominated, and this shit is gonna be over tonight probably.  Cleveland can talk all the rah rah they want at this point but….no.  It would take a major effort for them not to go out at home tonight unless the Warriors mail it in.  We’ll see.

Kevin Durant….great acquisition, or greatest acquisition?  Discuss.

Game Four – GSW @ CLE – Friday, June 9, 9pmEDT – ABC (GSW 3-0)



If the playoffs started today….

….there would be a lot of undeserving teams in.  Aside from Houston, Washington, and the whole flipping of the NL West (check you out, Colorado), 2017 has thus far been about the most boring and lackluster season I can remember.  There has been some terrible baseball played.  The rest of the summer is going to be torture if this keeps up.

Oh, and of course the All-Star game talk has begun to pick up.  Here’s your ballot, if you’re interested.


Friday Schedule


Sexy Nerdy Girls

For our purposes here this evening, what constitutes a Sexy Nerdy Girl?  Who gets to decide if she is?  Well as with most things, that’s in the eye of the beholder.  Who gets to behold here?

Me, that’s who.  If you want a voice, then add it in the comments.

But here’s the general guidelines….

  • Nerdy gamer girl? Check.
  • Nerdy comics/cosplay girl?  Check.
  • Dressed like a Catholic schoolgirl?  LOL, wtf do you think????  Double Check.
  • Scantily clad in glasses and looks like a librarian with….let’s say “fetishes”…?  Mega Check.

Anywhoooooo….hopefully I’ve given you a nice variety.



Fun fact:  I own this same Batman t-shirt and am wearing it right now as I type this.  Yes, it looks much better on her than on me….

Hmmmmmm…..that seems like a weird one to end on.  Random photo upload stuck that one in the end (giggity).  Let’s find a different “less weird” one to close out on, shall we?

There we go.  Well, it’s a little less weird at least.  Plus she’s very kinda perrty (alert readers might remember her, btw).  But yes, I think this is a good one to end on.  I need to do laundry anyway.  Thank you for the reminder, dear.

A Nerdy tWBS Photo

I like bugs as much as I like flowers, btw.  I am a nerd.

This shy li’l fella is an Assassin Bug (Reduviidae) from two summers ago who was trying to evade my camera by hiding behind a tiki torch.  Seriously.

– The Shy Assassin –

He might look nerdy, but in the bug world this guy is a major badass…

Predatory Reduviidae use the long rostrum to inject a lethal saliva that liquefies the insides of the prey, which are then sucked out. The saliva contains enzymes that digest the tissues they swallow. This process is generally referred to as extraoral digestion.[2] The saliva is commonly effective at killing prey substantially larger than the bug itself.

That’s right.  So look out, bug jocks.  This little nerd is gunning for ya.

Alrighty then, that’s about it I guess.  Go find a nerdy girl and show her some love.

Love ya’s.

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An unapologetic, even if often manic-depressive (it's a requirement given his choices of sports teams), fan of NC State University, the Baltimore Ravens and the Baltimore Orioles. When not parked in front of the computer and/or TV, can often be found on the golf course shouting obscenities to no one in particular.
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SPOILER Alert for Earth (Trump is Starlight Glimmer)

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Senor Weaselo

Thats the one doing the exploding, I presume?


Will tonight be the last NBA Finals game?
Will tonight be the last game for LeBron as a Cavalier…again?
Will tonight be the last time I care about the NBA until next year’s finals depending on whose playing?

Answer key:
Most likely.
Unlikely but there’s a chance.

Brick Meathook

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I’ll be in my bunk
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I’ll gonna on a date with Rosie Palms.


I assume “slaying” is slang for masturbating
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Brings back memories of the old Alizee gif days

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Disney Boob Bounce (DBB).


God bless overworked, horrny, nerd animators.


Borken or something


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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Knock knock
Who’s there?
Kanai who?
Can I get a rimjob?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Buddy had a pretty shitty mental week. Having OCD, when my mind fixates on something, it turns everything into a dark swirl of thinking about said thing whenever I am not occupied. Usually my fixations come from something distressing or upsetting, and if you look at my posts from this past week I am pretty sure you can discern what that was. There was a talent show today at the school I occasionally work at, and from about 1 until the end of the school day it was just a 1.5 hour thousand yard stare.

I’m hoping to just do things this weekend because since about the age of 20 (26 now), Saturdays and Sundays just have been angry days unless I am occupied. I have spent so much time on the Internet, I am starting to get headaches if I look at a screen too long.

Next week, I have a date for the first time in… well, ever. My interactions with women have consisted of parties and the occasional one night stand since I was 15. I am nervous as shit, but even if this date is a dud it is a start.


Best thing I can tell you is to forget about impressing this gal and just have fun. You are one of the funniest dudes on here and if she doesn’t get your humor, she’s an idiot.

Have fun, enjoy yourself, and be open to whatever. Good luck, we’re all counting on you!

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Yeah, I’ll refrain from Buddy-esque stuff

“Hey, nice to meet you! Did you know when I met Neil Patrick Harris in 1993 he put a merkin on and said, ‘Look at my Doogie Schnauzer!’ Wait… where are you going, I didn’t finish!”


I stand by my statement that if she doesn’t laugh and drop her panties at that, she’s not worth your time.

The thing I’ve learned is that people tell you to be yourself and that’s usually meaningless and unhelpful. I take that to mean that you should look to enjoy yourself and make yourself laugh. If she is of like mind, you will make her laugh and good times will be had.

Worst case, you still made yourself laugh.


I smell a sitcom episode in the making: Buddy passes every situation of the date along to us on the ol’ website here, and we tell him what to do with a minimal 2-5 minute delay.



Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Great, when Moose posts Hentai I can jerk off when the sushi arrives.



I’m just going to second everything balls said. I’ve met him. If he can get laid, then he obviously knows how to trick women.


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For the rest of this gif,
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please send 1 dollar to
Happy Dude
742 Evergreen Terrace


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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Gotta keep your head on a swivel. Allot of ppl forget that,,


Woo! Summer!
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I’m still impressed by this bra.
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/Homer drool gif

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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So desperate for something to do/watch… is it time to finally accept the baseball season?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Youre right, more shitty youtube videos it is!


Fuck no.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

It’s 6/9, and tWBS nor the rest of you even made a joke about it?

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I was surprised too, but then I figured tWBS didn’t want the wrath of DTZM on him.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

Caught the train downtown to watch the Padres for the second Friday in a row. They played an awesome game and won 7-4 last time, going on a 5-game winning steak, and have promptly lost their next 5 in a row.

This week is a Beerfest, so at least there’s that!


Just give me a girl who can tell me the story of Beren and Luthien.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Oh uh, I meant, uh, fuck tom brady!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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You know else looks good in one of those? Robert Reed! He stopped by Buddy’s in 1989.

We are not here to judge.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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La Dea

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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