25 Questions About….


As you may or may not have heard, Paris was awarded the 2024 Summer Olympic Games which means that Los Angeles, my home town, was “awarded” the 2028 Summer Olympic Games.  The games in LA will thus be held 44 years after the last Olympics in LA and 96 years after the previous Olympics in LA.   Of course, this means you may have…questions.

1- Does this mean that Balls will finally be able to fulfill his lifelong dream of banging a Romanian Olympic gymnast?

2- Will the 2028 Olympics have a pastel color theme like in the 80s or will it be all sponsored like in Idiocracy?

3- That’s a hell of a movie, isn’t it?

4- Do you now understand why we elected President Camacho/Trump?

5- Do you think that’s a better movie to predict the future or Running Man?


7- You miss Richard Dawson too, don’t you?

8- Would you say that this was his best role or was it in Hogan’s Heroes as a British POW or as the host of Family Feud?

9- I’ll give Steve Harvey all the props in the world, but when has he basically made out with all the hot chicks in one family in front of their husbands?

10- That takes some balls, doesn’t it?

11- Do you, like me, think that game shows in the 70s were much better than any of the reality crap we have today?

12- Do you realize that is where I got my love for sexual innuendo and double entendres?

13- How great was Cannonball Run?

14- Why do they not make movies like that anymore?

15- Doesn’t it seem like they had a fucking blast making that movie and that everyone was going out drinking every night and doing drugs and banging everything in sight?

16- Does any modern movie remind you of that?

17- It’s a sad sad world, isn’t it?

18- It kinda makes you grab life by the horns and ride it for all it’s worth, doesn’t it?

19- Have you ever done some crazy shit that you look back on and realize, “What the fuck was I thinking?”

20-  Good times, right?

21- Isn’t that the meaning of life right there?

22- I mean certain things only happen once or twice in a lifetime, right?

23- Is that why I’m excited about the Olympics coming to LA?

24- And that I’ll attend any random event, even the handball?

25- Because life’s awesome things are found where you least expect them?

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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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[…] already banged out this week’s edition of 25 Questions About… but this is a special BONUS edition since the Hall of Fame Game is today, it rhymes, it […]

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Handstand Handball Girl seems nice.


Its ok. Rio, Athens and Sochi are doing so well since.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

2028…. we’ll be fine.

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Looking good, Mr. Pryor.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Fuck the Wonder Skirt.

*Sperm and bullet proof.


Why do I have to agree to Terms and Conditions before logging in to DFO but MEXERCANS can just stroll across the border without paying taxes and vote?!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Because of the most significant character used in political debate in the US.


Strawn Quixote?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

In a manner of speaking, yes.

King Hippo

because that’s how NOBUMMER wants it!!!111

King Hippo

As someone who grew up on aforesaid gameshows and multiple viewings of HBO classics like “Cannonball Run” let me just say chuh chuh good man!

Also, Richard Dawson in The Running Man was just goddamned perfection. YES!!!


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Do you need the multi-colored cock rings to coordinate with your outfits?


1- Does this mean that Balls will finally be able to fulfill his lifelong dream of banging a Romanian Olympic gymnast?

Just remember to get proof of age.


I thought you meant a current Romanian gymnast.


Bro, he’s totally gonna CUCK Bart Conner!

King Hippo

“yeah, seriously, don’t wanna end up with some gross, over-the-hill 16 or 17-year old”

– Marc T., Parts Unknown (panel van)


I saw a couple basketball games in 1984 (featuring like China or Brazil or something like that) and it was glorious, just being in that atmosphere. Despite the Eeyores of the world, I’m really looking forward to 2028. Assuming, of course, we get dunderfuck McGee out of office before he blows up the world.


18- It kinda makes you grab life by the horns and ride it for all it’s worth, doesn’t it?

“Assuming ‘life’ is code for ‘a twink wearing a Viking helmet’ then yes.”

– Aaron Rodgers


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Also, we might be able to use this gif for you know what….?
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[suspense builds]

Don T

The Edgar Wright and Wes Anderson movies seem like a fun time during filming. But yeah, never like the debauchery of the remote past (early 80s and back).


19- Have you ever done some crazy shit that you look back on and realize, “What the fuck was I thinking?”

I told you I’m tired of answering this. YOU CAN’T PROVE A GODDAMNED THING!!!!!!


I see that balls has decided to turn 25 questions into “Get off my lawn.”