Request Line: Makin’ Movies


A pair of sleazy Hollywood producers are deep in conversation with an NFL tight end.

RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: …and I’ll be honest, this is a much better offer than you’ll get from, say, Old School Zero over at Sony.

DARKEST TIMELINE ZACK MORRIS: Ha ha ha! They can’t even afford decent antivirus software!

ROB GRONKOWSKI: I get that, I do, it’s just that I don’t want to make too much of a commitment. Gotta keep my options open, you know? [takes a final sip of his beverage, holds up and twiddles the empty can]

RTD: [punches intercom button] Traycee, another round for Mr. Gronkowski, please?

TRAYCEE: [via intercom] Sure thing Mr. Deadly.

GRONK: I really should talk to Drew about this.

DTZM: Your agent?

RTD: Listen, Drew Rosenhaus is one of the best agents out there.

DTZM: Maybe the best.

RTD: But he does sports.

DTZM: This is Hollywood, Rob.

TRAYCEE appears and discreetly sets a can on a coaster in front of GRONK, then silently withdraws.

RTD: You need representation here that knows this industry.

DTZM: Insiders.

RTD: Guys who can advance your career.

DTZM: Introduce you to the right people.

RTD: Get you the right opportunities.

DTZM: Maybe you’ve heard of a character called…Chunk?

RTD: He means Sloth. You’ve seen Goonies?

GRONK: Ugh. Yes. Eli insisted on watching it at his birthday sleepover. Twice.

DTZM: [points to a framed photo on the wall]

DTZM: That’s John Matuszak. The Tooz. He was a lot like you, actually.

GRONK: You guys represented him?

RTD: Our fathers did.  Our families have been representing people in this town for a long time.

GRONK: I thought you guys were producers.

DTZM: We do lots of things!

RTD: You know what, let’s check with Drew, let him tell you himself. [punches intercom button] Traycee, can you get Drew Rosenhaus on the phone.

TRAYCEE: [via intercom] Sure thing Mr. Deadly.

RTD: [winks at DTZM]

DTZM: [pushes a stack of paper over to GRONK] Here, take a look at the contract. It’s pretty standard.

GRONK: [poring over the documents] Forty percent? Drew only takes ten.

RTD: It’s different here in Hollywood.

DTZM: That’s actually a very reasonable rate for this town.

RTD: Listen, the bigger our cut, the harder you know we’ll work at finding you the best parts. The most lucrative parts.

DTZM: That’s just simple math.

GRONK: Yeah, but…

TRAYCEE: [via intercom] I’m sorry, Mr. Deadly?

RTD: Were you able to get a hold of Mr. Rosenhaus?

TRAYCEE: It appears that he’s too busy to talk about this right now.

DTZM: Well that’s a shame.

RTD: You see, Rob, that wouldn’t happen with us.

DTZM: Our clients are important to us.

RTD: And you’d be our biggest one.

DTZM: Physically.

RTD: If you sign on with us, we can have you out for an audition with Neill Blomkamp today.  He’s casting space marines for a Warhammer 40k script he optioned.

DTZM: You interested?


RTD: Of course he’s interested! We’re talking Warhammer!

GRONK: That does sound appealing.

DTZM: Besides, if you’re not happy, you can always drop us.

RTD: [mutters something under his breath that sounds like fine print legalese]

DTZM: This is Hollywood, after all! The movie industry wasn’t founded on long-term commitments, if you know what I mean.

GRONK: [knocks back the rest of his Bud Light] You know what? Let’s do it.

DTZM: Great, great!

The three of them ink their signatures on the contract.

DTZM: Well, this calls for a celebration! Another Bud Light?

GRONK: Can’t do it, I gotta hit the road. I’m supposed to be hosting this radio show thing. They told me to think of a theme – you guys got any suggestions?

RTD: Movies!

DTZM: Yeah, movies.

GRONK: [shrugs agreeably] All right, you’re the bosses.

RTD: [smiles]

DTZM: That’s right. We are now.

As you must have figured out by now, today’s topic is songs about movies/filmmaking.  Not songs from movies – we’ll do a favorite soundtrack songs edition sometime in the future.  Post your youtube links in the comments (no embed codes or anything needed, just the links). I’ll get us started with a song that means a lot to me – if I’d had a traditional wedding this is what I’d have used for our first dance.  

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Law-abiding Raiders fan, pet owner, Los Angeles resident.
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I took a first year film course so I’m immensely qualified to post this.

“Look at you back on the set.”

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

As a good friend once told me “I should never be filmed having sex,” when listening to this song.


Hell, this should count, right?


If this has already been posted, my apologies.
If it hasn’t, we should all be ashamed….


Close enough…

“This life is more than just a read through”


Hot taek: This song, not “Closing Time” should have been Semisonic’s big hit.


This song is apparently about River Phoenix.


Nice love song about imprisoning and skinning a loved one.


If you guys don’t like this, you’re not worthy of the jizz on this pizza.


DOUBLE SHOT, just cuz I love everyone.

Don T

I just went over all entries.
Tut tut.
King Missile – Martin Scorsese
