[Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, Skyview Suite, 9:36pm]
Housekeeping Gal#1 (carrying multiple bags containing the garbage from the previous night’s party): *sigh* OK, we’re finally done. (holding up pink strap on dildo) …. I presume you want to keep this?
Balls (giggling): Hehehe. Yes, we might need that again tonight.
Housekeeping Gal#2:Â What the hell went on in here last night, anyway?
Balls (handing both Gals a $1000 dollar casino chip): Don’t worry about it. And please keep your mouths shut and make sure the “Do Not Disturb” sign goes back up. We’ll be having another gathering in just a little while and…
Housekeeping Gal#1:Â Hell, for a $1000 I’ll blow you right here, right now.
Balls: In that case, maybe come back in about an hour or so. It sounds like you might…
Vanessa:Â …enjoy this?
Vanessa and Leticia are still shopping. Vanessa is looking at herself in the full length mirror while holding up a black lace merrywidow and a set of black thigh high stockings.
Leticia: Yeah, I think he’d love it. It would be gorgeous on you. But I thought you told him you weren’t shopping for lingerie.
Vanessa: I know. But I want to surprise him. You should get one too.
Leticia: I don’t know. I’m not sure that’s my style.
Vanessa (Grabbing a pink lace babydoll and panty set):Â Here, how about this then?
Leticia: Wow, it is pretty. Do you think tWBS would like it on me?
Vanessa: Let’s just say it probably won’t stay on for long once he sees it. Come on. Let’s go try ’em on so we can…
tWBS:Â …get back upstairs before this little party starts?
Balls: Hell, I dunno. You know how they are. They might be down there shopping for hours for all we know.
tWBS: I hope not. I really think Leticia might enjoy this. Before she knew I had caught her watching that video, you should have seen the gleam in her eyes while she was watching.
Balls: Well, I know Vanessa will enjoy it. She’s already told me so. When I told her about it she got very excited. Which from my viewpoint is a bonus.
tWBS:Â So how many girls are coming tonight?
Balls (giggling):Â All of ’em, I hope.
tWBS: Very funny, asshole. You know what I mean.
Balls: I dunno, man. But hopefully they’ll stay awhile and we’ll have an interesting night…
Leticia: …tonight? Another party?
Vanessa: Yep. All those girls are doing another shoot tonight in the suite.
Leticia (gritting her teeth):Â I’m going to kill him.
Vanessa: Oh relax. He didn’t know. Balls only just told me while we were getting our massage earlier. Besides, what’s the problem?
Leticia says nothing. Vanessa grabs her by the hand and pulls her toward the dressing rooms.
Vanessa: OK, seriously. Let’s go in that dressing room and try these on. Then we’ll get out of here and head back upstairs. OK?
Leticia:Â Fiiiiine.
They both enter the dressing room together and Vanessa closes and locks the door. Once it’s locked, she turns and grabs Leticia by the hair and kisses her passionately. Leticia is taken by surprise, but does not resist. Her body visibly shudders, just a little bit.
Vanessa:Â So, I ask again…Â What’s the problem?
Leticia (stammering): I ummmm…. that was….
Vanessa kisses her again. This time, Leticia kisses her back. The two continue making out as they shed their clothes.
[A Highway Rest Area, Just North of Provo, Utah, 11:03pm]
Luis and Manuel walk back toward the van, hand in hand.
Luis: Wow. For gay bathroom sex, that was amazing baby.
Manuel: Yeah, you really got to me too. Have you been….. working out?
Luis: Awwwww…it’s so sweet of you to notice. I love you.
Manuel: I love you, too. But we sort of left a mess in there, though.
Luis: Meh. That’s what the Utah Department of Transportation is for!!!!!
They open the doors and climb in. Brad is still asleep in the backseat, so Luis takes the wheel. He turns the wrong way and almost hits an incoming vehicle.
Luis: I can’t see any signs. How do I get out of here?
Manuel:Â Look Out!!!!!!
Luis jams on the brakes and comes to a skidding stop. They are facing the wrong way as a small blue Ford hatchback enters the rest area.
Manuel:Â Just turn around and go out the other way.
Luis:Â Yeah, that was….
Litre:Â …too close.
Maestro:Â Litre:Â Wow, you really did over do it with the brownies, huh?
Maestro: I’m sorry. What??
Litre: OH GODDAMMIT!!!!! I told you before not to….
Maestro: Litre: OK, fiiiine. Just try to be cool. We’re supposed to meet…
BeerGuyRob:Â …Maestro and Litre_Cola up here at this next rest area.
Lambeau: More new people? More new people? More new people?
Riga: Would you just relax? We’ve got it pretty good here. Shut up and enjoy it.
IWDB: Oh lookit those bellies. Who needs a belly scratch?????
Lambeau:Â I DO!!!!!
Riga: *sigh* Me too. I guess. But this is getting very humiliating.
IWDB: Yes you do!!!!! Gimme those bellies!!!!!!
BGR: They’re supposed to be here waiting for us, eh. But it’s too dark. I can’t see. Beastie can you see anything?
Beastie: Ummmm…I can’t tell. It’s too dark.
BGR: Oh, wait. There’s Maestro’s car. We’re good now.
Beastie: Oh good. Let’s get this caravan moving. We’ve got friends to save.
BeerGuyRob pulls in next to Maestro’s car. He gets out of the van. Litre gets out of Maestro’s car.
Litre: Hey, eh? We might have a problem.
Litre points to the passenger side of the small blue hatchback. A giggling Maestro is staring through the passenger side window.
BGR: Oh dammit, eh? What did you do?
Litre: OK, eh. I didn’t do it on purpose.
BGR:Â How high is he, eh?
Litre:Â On a scale of 1 to 10….he’s about a 12.
BGR: OK, eh? Can you drive? We’ve only got like six hours to Vegas.
Litre:Â Yeah, I’m good.
BGR: OK, I’ve got Beastie and IWDB with me and the kids. We’re good. So just follow us. Can you do that, eh?
Litre: Yeah, eh. And Maestro should be straight by the time we get there too. I think we’ll be…
Beastie (stepping out of van): Hey guys. What are we talking about?
BGR and Litre (in unison): Oh Goddammit, eh!!!!!!!! You scared the shit out us!!!
Beastie: Oh relax. I’m sure you’ll be…
Porn Camera Dude: …OK. Where can we set up?
Balls: Dealer’s choice I guess. If you want a different setting for this one tonight, you can take the other bedroom.
Porn Microphone Dude: That doesn’t matter. The perverts we cater to don’t even notice those things.
tWBS: How dare you, Sir!!! I AM one of those perverts!!! And I notice the details!!!
Porn Camera Dude: Good for you, Fellini. We’re all very happy for you. But the whores should be here soon and…
tWBS (lunging for Porn Camera Dude):Â Why you little sawed off motherf…..
Balls (grabbing tWBS by the shirt):Â Dude….don’t fuck this up.
tWBS (under his breath): Fine. But I’m punching that guy later.
Balls (to Porn Camera Dude): Just set up in the same room as last night then. We’ll stay out of the way while you unload…
Las Vegas Nissan Dealer Guy #1: …all of these cars? Tonight?
Las Vegas Nissan Dealer Guy #2: Yep. That big stupid sale starts tomorrow. They want all of them offloaded and prepped. You know how they do.
LVNDG#1: Dammit. I had plans tonight.
LVNDG#2:Â Didn’t we all???
Jenny: Dave??? What’s happening?
Dave: They’re just gonna take the chains off and drive you off the truck. Then soon, someone will buy you and you’ll have a person.
Jenny: But you’re leaving now? Once you’re offloaded? Right?
Dave:Â Well, yeah.
Jenny:Â Can I come with you?
Jim: Yeah. Me too, if that’s cool?
Dave: It’s not that simple, guys. My people already own me. But if you leave here before someone pays for you…
Leticia:Â …you are going to get yourself in so much trouble.
Vanessa:Â What do you mean?
Leticia: You look absolutely gorgeous in that. You look… Well, you look like trouble.
Vanessa: Thank you, Sweetie. But trouble is kinda what tonight is all about. You’re looking pretty fucking hot yourself, btw.
Leticia (blushing a little): Really? You think so?
Vanessa: Oh God, yes!!! If I hadn’t already licked you off twice… and if we didn’t need to get back upstairs… I’d be ripping it off of you and going down on you again right now!!!
Leticia (giggling):Â Maybe again later?
Vanessa: Definitely again later. But for now, let’s get back upstairs. I don’t want us to miss out on the party. So let’s go pay…
Jenny: …for us? I don’t understand.
Dave: Until someone pays for you, like my people did, then you belong to the people here. You can’t leave.
Jenny: I don’t care. Without you, I’m not…
Porn Camera Dude: …staying here? Really? You guys are really staying here again tonight during the shoot? Because the whores will be here any minute now.
tWBS:Â Look you little…
Balls (to tWBS while grabbing him by the shirt again): Dude. Just be cool… (to Porn Camera Dude) … Yes, we’re staying. And if you know what’s good for you you’ll stop pissing my friend off.
Porn Camera Dude:Â Hey man, I’m just…
Balls: You’re just being a dick. We’re letting you use our suite for your shoot. I suggest you go set your shit up and shut the fuck up.
The elevator doors open. Blair Williams, Kimmy Granger, Riley Reid and Veronica Rodriguez enter. Tonight however, they’re accompanied by Kayden Kross…
Dillion Harper…
Nicole Aniston…
and Remy LaCroix…
Porn Camera Dude: Oh thank God. The whores are finally here. Let’s get this done.
tWBS: I swear to God. You call them that one more time and…
Porn Camera Dude: And what? What do you think you’re gonna do?
Balls:Â tWBS…just leave it alone.
The elevator doors open again. Vanessa and Leticia walk into the suite.
Porn Camera Dude: OK, I don’t even know who these two whores are. But they’re hot, so let’s get this shit started so we can…
Before Balls can stop him this time, tWBS has already lunged across the carpet and landed a flying right cross across the guy’s face. Like in the comic book movies.
Porn Camera Dude goes down faster than the professionals he works with. tWBS continues punching Porn Camera Dude on the ground. HARD. The sound of his nose and other parts of his face breaking is audible throughout the suite. Finally, Balls grabs tWBS by the back of his shirt and pulls him off the seemingly lifeless body.
tWBS (to Porn Microphone Dude):Â Sooooo…Â You got any smartassed shit to say?
Porn Microphone Dude (mumbling):Â Nooooooo.
tWBS: Good. Then pick up your shit, and your asshole friend here, and get the fuck out. There isn’t going to be any shoot here tonight. And if your friend calls them “whores” one more fucking time I’ll throw you both out the fucking window. Get me?
Porn Camera Dude (wiping blood from his now broken nose while trying to get up):Â Why you motherf…
Balls (to Porn Camera Dude):Â I’d stay down if were you…Â (to tWBS) …Â Ummm, dude….
tWBS: I don’t wanna hear it, Balls. I warned him. Three fucking times, I warned him. Then he wants to say that shit to Vanessa and Leticia and he thinks that…
Balls: Dude. All I was gonna say is he’s bleeding on our carpet. Let’s drag his ass out of here already.
tWBS:Â My pleasure.
Veronica Rodriguez:Â What just happened?
Blair Williams: Yeah. I mean, thanks for defending our honor and shit, Mr. White Fucking Knight, but we had agreed to shoot a film tonight?
Balls (smiling while tWBS drags Porn Camera Dude to the still open elevator): Oh yeah. Listen, there’s nothing to worry about. Plan is still good. We’re gonna party and film!!!!
Blair: And who the fuck is manning the camera and boom?
Balls: Welllllll, tWBS happens to be a skilled photographer and I’m used to handling a long pole….
To Be Continued….
It’s like if Tina Belcher had a more disturbing childhood
You think this was bad? I’ve got bad news for you. The lovely and talented BallsofSteelandFury will be once again taking over the reigns for the bulk of next week’s episode.
Even I’m scared.
I’d like Super Gonorrhoea Man to be an Asian villain in a Marvel comic.
The stars and the belt may have too much drag for the Olympics.
WW doesn’t want to make the mortals look bad.
Adrian Peterson has upgraded.
To wearing a dress and ruffles……
Oh, yeah, the other….
Fox News nightmare or fantasy?
White womens!!
“All spankers are white.”
-Megan Kelly