Photo Credit: USA Today
Scene: Nottingham Cottage on the sprawling Kensington Palace Grounds. A beautiful woman and her ginger husband are basking in their freshly wedded bliss

Duke of Sussex: Ay, love, this is the best. Just you and me and all these servants, and the paparazzi as soon as we step outside. And yesterday was so perfect. You got the eyes of the world on your beautiful visage, I get to be with a gorgeous American instead of some chilly pale English wench, and we even got some love for a random black clergyman. Now, nothing but tranquility. It’s like we’re living in a dream, where nothing can disturb us…
HEY, COCKWALLET! Yeah, BFC, I’m talking to you! You said you didn’t give a flying fuck about the royal wedding. I thought you slept through it since you’re on Pacific time hanging out in MY FUCKING CITY. Now you’re, what, literally dreaming about red headed Brits? That’s dumber than Junior Seau’s cadaver. Besides, until that Jewishless American Princess pops out a dozen or so kids, neither of these mouthbreathers have accomplished shit. Although, I guess Harry has moved on from dressing like a brownshirt to something a little closer to a Luftwaffe officer:

NOW WAKE UP FROM YOUR MID-AFTERNOON HIBERNATION AND OPEN THE SHIT OUT OF THIS THREAD! I gotta go hide before Boltman tracks me down and adds my femurs to his collection.
Well, that happened. Or didn’t. YMMV, depending on level of substance consumption. As you likely know, MimosaHomeyBront is out celebrating Victoria Day, so you’re stuck with another ‘Murrican substitute tonight. Ballsy wisely told you to go see Deadpool 2 last night, but I haven’t heeded his advice yet so I’m in no position to tell you what to do.
But unlike the Spanos clan when any of their gums are a-flappin’, Lord Laserface up there was telling the truth. I’ve been hanging in LA this past week and weekend, and I didn’t even remember the royal wedding was happening until I made the mistake of looking at any social media which was blanketed with obsessive tweeting and reacting to that horseshit. After shaking off the existential dread that the mere thought of people I usually enjoy spending time with focusing on completely meaningless pomp across the pond, I ran some errands, got a little work done, and then set off to meet up with BallsofSteelandFury, Brick Meathook (yes he exists, and he looks exactly like his avatar), Rikki-Tikki-Deadly, and theWeeBabySeamus at a dive bar.
I share this with you because a) it was good times, apart from Balls ruining the GWS-North Melbourne game for me (though I guess the Giants more than did their part to ruin that game for me) and b) Brick said something that stuck with me. We were reflecting on/reminiscing about the old KSK days and talking about how at the end when things were falling apart, Xmas Ape was holding it together and putting in the work to get posts up every single day. And how BeerGuyRob has done the same thing here, and how in both cases, it’s really impressive to see the growth and impressive product that they were/are able to put onto the page when they write (nearly) every day. As Brick put it, writers write, they don’t just say they’re writers, they write. And around here, we’re very fortunate to have a bunch of unpaid volunteers putting in real work and sharing the fruits of their labor (or labour). So I just wanted to say thanks to BeerGuyRob (hope you’re enjoying the holiday I don’t understand) and all the other DFOers who put themselves out there so the rest of us can enjoy your dickjokes and history lessons. I can’t speak for everyone else, but I enjoy the hell out of it and am impressed by the talent and quality of writing that appears on this here little blog.

And with that, let’s turn to what’s on TV this afternoon/tonight:
Vegas @ Winnipeg currently underway (NBC)
I know as much about hockey as President Trump knows about the Iran Nuclear Deal he pissed on like, well, you know, but it sure seems like it’s Marc-André Fleury’s world, and everyone else is just living in it.
Rockets @ Warriors, 7pm DFO time (TNT)
The Western Conference Finals are tied 1-1, with the narrative after game one being “THE WARRIORS ARE UNSTOPPABLE, WHY BOTHER PLAYING THE REST OF THE SERIES, JAMES HARDEN IS OVERRATED, THE ROCKETS ARE DUM LOLOLOL,” and the narrative after game two being “STEPH CURRY NEEDS TO STEP UP OR THE WARRIORS ARE IN TROUBLE.” So obviously no one knows shit. Take the over regardless.
/checks where the combined points are set
226.5, shit. Still, though.
Um, what else we got tonight?
Indy 500 Qualifying Day 2, in progress (ABC)
Please don’t tell me if you’re watching this so I don’t have to waste effort judging you and you don’t have to confirm your suspicions that I’m an elitist.
LPGA Tour Kingsmill Championship, 4pm DFO time (Golf channel)
Watching golf for more than background noise seems like a sign that you’re getting closer to life in a nursing home.
Los Angeles Sparx at Minnesota Links, 4pm DFO time (ESPN2)
That x inversion wasn’t as funny as I’d hoped, but neither are 99% of WNBA jokes.
Atlanta United at New York Red Bulls, 6pm DFO time (FS1)
I remember in the third grade, we had to come up with new mascots to vote on for our elementary school. Every single nominee was better than these two. What the hell is united about Atlanta anyway? They’re divided on what the call the damn Civil War. Kind of fitting that the “New York” team that plays in New Jersey is named for carbonated piss water that will give you a heart murmur.
Toluca vs Santos, 6:30pm DFO time (Univision)
No tengo ninguna idea que decir, pero habrá un partido.
Cleveland @ Houston, 7pm DFO time (ESPN)
I cannot decipher which of the other games are on regional broadcasts vs more widely available, and it’s one of 162 games, so you can find it on your own or do without it. Regardless, the Cubs were scheduled for an early game today, and since I’m writing this in the past for the future, I’ll assume that their present was a white flag. I like to live in my own world sometimes.
When ozzy was still in great shape
I never understood why they killed Paulie here. That’s Clemenza’s car and he loves it; now it’s all covered with blood and do they just leave it there? Is someone going to pick them up or are they walking back to New York? Why not just kill him in Manhattan? Are the cannolis covered in brains and goo? Won’t the police find the car’s owner? And why did they have to teach Michael how to shoot a pistol if he was highly decorated Marine combat veteran?
Is it Clemenza’s car? Or just the one they picked him up with? They’re deffo getting picked up. Clemenza ain’t walking nowhere. Bakery string deffo strong enough to repel brain matter. The Corleones had cops on the payroll. Clemenza was just showing him how loud he made the gun to discourage vigilantes.
I’m young I’m young I’m young….
I’m watching the documentary Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey of Richard Stanley’s Island of Dr. Moreau, on Amazon Prime and it is fucking insanely great. This is the Dr. Moreau version with Marlon Brando amd Val Kilmer that was a disaster and it’s as crazy as Apocalypse Now’s shoot. Highly recommended. It gets nuttier and nuttier as it keeps going.
Ok, I would like to lose 30 pounds without changing my lifestyle in any way. Suggestions? Other than meth or coke?
I started with breakfast. Eat some fruit, oranges and bananas work for me and a piece of dry whole grain toast. It’s surprisingly delicious and filling. On workout days I’ll have a hard boiled egg which gives your body a “being full” sensation at only 75 or so calories. Monday through Friday I drink a glass or two of wine instead of beer and on weekends I live my life. Two out of seven days is a start.
Back to pre surgery weight as we speak.
This guy gets it
Similar to yeah right; he can’t stop talking about his knee.
But it works.
Toast and fruit is my go to…and then I break down at 10 for second breakfast of shit. But I’ll keep trying.
Thanks BFC for quoting me and saying it much better than I ever did. But I’ll second BFC and thank all the writers here and let you know that I read and enjoy and appreciate it all.
Whatever happened to that like button?
My ride’s here.
We love you too Brick. Thanks for reading. Thank all of you for reading. Now let’s get shitty!
-A German friend
That’s the highest a bear has been since Owlsley Stanley.
Well done.
It’s amazing how feudal Japan looks nothing like Southern California.
Spoken like someone who watched West World.
Isn’t “Westworld” in SOCAL? Their clientele just want to kill/fuck without consequences, they pay lip service to the actual fantasy.
Sounds good. I’m hanging out in the wrong bars.
In the future….. future bars.
Great Moments in Dick Kicking History
last funny:
Royal baby watch begins NOW with the BBC’s 24-hour live stream from inside Meghan Markle’s fallopian tubes
ITV has live coverage from her asshole.
I didn’t know they were staying at the same hotel that Erin Andrews did.
Apropos of nothing, I’m reminded of the joke about the man that goes to the doctor complaining that his dick has turned orange. The doctor is puzzled. They run blood tests, a full STD panel, and he cannot get to the bottom of it. So he asks the patient if he’s made any big lifestyle changes lately, to which the patient replies, ” not really, but I lost my job a few months ago and have been just sitting around the house eating Cheetos and masturbating.”
I’m glad i never heard that because I literally just LOLed.
That’s a good one.
It’s funny because men are basically just big dumb lazy children
I don’t want to give away any spoilers for Westworld, but I’m pretty sure Bill Parcells turned it off 20 minutes in.
Not even one coked out linebacker beating up women?
That actually sounds more Japanese, adding a tentacle or 12.
Well, he doesn’t like Jap plays after all…
That’s the shit I don’t get. You’re up almost thirty in the fourth quarter and they’re tracking your technical fouls. Just walk the fuck away.
spoken like a man with zero street cred smh
/also, the characters in the sports-related drama have to make sure there is something for Twitter and ESPN to have strong taeks about in the morning
Stephen A Smith needs his talking points
Yes, but it’s Draymond Green.
This should’ve been the wedding march.
It’s 2018. Ain’t nobody risking the “completely free from infection” line.
True, but still.
found a funny:
1.Rage Against The Machine
2.Hold A Grudge Against The Machine
3.Get Over The Machine
4.Sincerely Hope The Machine Finds Happiness
5- Forget you ever dated The Machine
That story is hilarious.
Old school Bond movie > Basketball game
We know the outcomes of both anyway.
Amazon Prime. So…internets?
I may do that this evening too.
Thinking Diamonds Are Forever
From Russia with Love for me.
Prime Video has all of the old Bond movies and Spectre.
Less thumping bass in the old Bond film.
Apropos of nothing but that it’s funny and the tab’s been open for two hours.
jigglies plus rifle, what’s not to like??
/mmmm, Dolores awaits on DVR
Shotgun, but that’s picking at nits
The movie is ‘Darkness’; the IMDB description is as follows: “A teenage girl moves into a remote countryside house with her family, only to discover that their gloomy new home has a horrifying past that threatens to destroy the family.”
Spoiler alert: The basement is full of radon.
The silent killer.
Also, the home inspector they hired is in deep shit.
Balls, I predicted this Mexi-match purty good so far, eh?
Yup. I hope you got $ on it.
$100 on draw at +300. Insurance bet Toluca win $50 when it got up to +500. Sadly did not bet Santos winning first half. That was +375
Maybe less time with Oscar would help the Rockets
curry going off!!!!
Do they at least still have the Tikka Masala?
Buffet ends at 8
Houston is gonna need Reggie AND Cheryl Miller to suit up for them to have a snowball’s chance at a comeback.
I think the Rockets should just start chuckling threes. If they are going to miss, might as well miss big.