Your Sunday Night Fun Night NFL Football Open Thread

These food drives are a pain in the ass, especially on a blustery, snowy day like this. Door to door, house to house-there’s maybe a 25% chance that the folks residing therein have heard about it. The social workers that put this one together had a thin budget and could only get a minimal amount of coverage on local radio and the barely-breathing flyer that pretends it is still a weekly newspaper. Whatever, the means get me to the end, almost every year.

You see, once all of the donations are gathered-the local businesses pitch in as well-a bunch of us put together hampers or baskets of foodstuffs at the run-down arena that is no longer in use and lay everything out the following Saturday. It’s then that folks in need drop by to pick out the selection of goods that suit them the best. Some pick fresh vegetables (usually single moms that want to put together at least one decent meal for her older kids) or a young family might grab a basket that has diapers, toilet paper, toothpaste and other toiletries. The most popular with the older set is of course the boxed meals (Hamburger Helper, Kraft Dinner, soups of all kinds) that are plain and simple to make. It’s like a buffet for these people. It’s a sort of buffet for me as well.

It was later on in the day and hope was running out for me as I spotted a timid, elderly fella that poked his head through the door to the lobby. It was obvious he didn’t want to be here. The woman that I was chatting with recognized the gentleman and excused herself and went over to greet him. He mumbled a hello as he nervously fingered the ratty toque that he took off his head.

Wanda did her best to put him at ease and escorted him up and down the two aisles of baskets. He of course chose the basic one, the ones that read on the back, “Just add water/milk”. After he thanked her and left I sidled over to Wanda-

-Poor old sod. He must be a shut-in or something-doesn’t seem as though he likes to get out much.

-Chet is very reserved and yeah, he’s a bit on the mousy side.

I nosed around some more.

-He could use a hobby or something, get him out a bit, expand his social circle.

-I think that would benefit him greatly but the only reason he goes out these days is to play in his pool league. That’s his big night.

Fucking. Bingo.

I’d never been in Sal’s Beer and Bowl before. It was a hole as far as I was concerned. The bar itself didn’t have but eight seats and there were only two tables were people could play. There was a large ‘gathering table’ at the back for the players and little two seaters along the wall for couples that couldn’t afford a night out beyond a pitcher of beer and a plate of mozza stix. Chet was seated far in the rear, nestled comfortably, I imagined, under a burnt-out light fixture.

I pretended I was interested in joining the league, asked about the fees, the skill level of the players, about what time the games wound up. Turns out that was about just thirty minutes from now. I finished up my beer and headed out to the car.

Sure enough, thirty-five minutes later a shambling figure exited Sal’s and made his way home all by his lonesome. I didn’t know the exact address where he lived but I did know which apartment block. It’s the shitty-looking one where all the unfortunates made their home. Well, the ones that weren’t on the street. I parked one street over.

He headed towards a copse of trees and I hid around the corner of the building he was going to pass. As he went by I tripped him and smashed his face on the concrete. He yelped before I could put my hand over his mouth. My knife was out in a flash and I stabbed him hard in the back, hoping to puncture a lung and disable him. I heard a voice.

-HEY! What’s going on over there?

Shit! A guy in his forties with a woman by his side started running towards us. I slit Chet’s throat and took off. When I looked back the bystander was bent over my guy and yelling for help. He stood up, made to go after me, and then bent down again. I was in the clear. Sort of.

It was only after I’d made my way out of the neighborhood that I realized I was under a row of streetlights when I looked back. Could he identify me? Or was I too far away?




Do you love sloppy qb play? Have I got a game for you! Both of these fools are absolutely brutal under pressure and Goff is pressured the 7th most. Last year Gurleycake stretched the field horizontally by running plays designed to bounce outside. In turn that opened up the vertical passing game and Goff thrived. That just isn’t happening this year. Todd is spitting out 3.5 yards per run and is looking sluggish. Is he ever going to regain his 2017 form? Truthbiscuit has a QBR of 27.2 when in a ‘busy’ pocket. I think Aaron Donald is going to push that pocket right into Mitch’s grill.

Go ahead, it’s all yours.

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Horatio Cornblower

I just got here from ‘Watchmen’ and in order of interest my concerns are what happens next week in ‘Watchmen’, was Scotchy seen and if so, what does this mean for the local hobo-control policies he’d implemented, several dozen other things, and then this game.


I’ll be Watchmenning at 9:00 PST. Damned show hooked me.

Horatio Cornblower

It’s a good one. Some good fan service to the origins.

King Hippo

Hallelujah! sez our Chi**** contingent

King Hippo

quack quack says teh duck

King Hippo

and AGAIN. This fuckbucket was the 2nd pick overall??


You mean this TOUCHDOWN SLINGER???

Horatio Cornblower

By way of a draft-wrecking trade, too!

Brick Meathook

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I hope the Pacific Ocean is as blue as it is in my dreams.


As someone who grew up between the Chesapeake Bay and the Delaware River, I can say with strong confidence that the perfect ocean is an off-putting dark green/grayish color


Apparently, Michelle Malkin’s tendency to endorse neo-nazis and cartoonish holocaust deniers is starting to cost her speaking gigs, which is good and funny to me, but maybe not enough to offset how terrifying it is that literally thousands of people are defending her.

Recovery Whiskey

No politics in football – Skip Bayless

Senor Weaselo

That’s not #stickingtosprats


I do not see any football taking place

Recovery Whiskey

Fair point


Kaep not signed; politics and football are intertwined. Sorry.


I love that the consensus even among the NFL’s talking heads is “This made everyone look bad. Why did we do this?”


Well, leave it to the NFL to handle a sensitive situation in the worst possible way every time. Comforting in a way.

Recovery Whiskey



Sometimes you forget that there’s 327m people in this country, and that even if only a hundredth of a percent believes some crazy shit, that’s still tens of thousands of people.


DFO really slows down on a non-Dallas SNF game.


You think Mitch doesn’t know he sucks?


I think there’s a lot that Mitch doesn’t know.

King Hippo

everything but titties


I tuink the poor kid legitimately doesn’t understand what’s happening around him. Navy’s scheme is all he knows.


I think it says a lot about me that I have this gif saved to my phone. Think happy thoughts….

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You have any, uh, other videos of Aaron Rodgers getting slammed?


His lawyer wont allow it


I love it


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King Hippo

Good timeout by the OKC bomber, not allowing them a free play.

Goddamnit, I hated hearing Cris agree with me.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Wow, Bears really suck, huh?


Seems like a question for Buddy to answer…


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Downfield Matriculator

Well they do shit in the woods — and apparently the LA Coliseum


The new star wars looks as interesting as watching orson wells pop an ass zit




Watch the Mandalorian


NBC Comedy: a dude in a shitty restart of a sitcom tackles another guy in a panda outfit.



Still better than CBS


Did you see the look on that ref’s face? That’s a “touchdown, Seahawks” face.


Trubisky has been the entire bears offense and no one is gonna acknowledge it


Evening. Back from a friend’s place. On the drive home I saw four houses with Christmas lights on. It’s still November assholes.


A neon sign that flashes “Nude Dancing” doesn’t count as Chirstmas lights.


That’s my kind of holiday cheer

King Hippo

Usually, I try to write about half of the Monday post as the late games wind down. So as not to be too distracted during SNF. I, uh…ain’t worried about it this week.

King Hippo

OPI on a pickerception. Yep, that’s Bearistocrats!


Titties will not be kissed with this kind of performance.


I would make a joke about “titties can’t consent” but this is Chicago not Pittsburgh


Shanklor, I go to you, i stick up for you….

If you no help me now….

Viva La Tabula Raza

Yo, ginger. Instead of asking Alexa how you get shiny hair, you should ask her how you can obtain a soul.

King Hippo

I mean, just stop washing the jism out of it. Job done!


He knows better than to ask the impossible


“Find another Ginger, whisper the words, ‘Your soul will live in my liver.'”


Welp, no perfect game now…


Tony Dungy – the type of orc the rest can look up to.


“Hey – only WE can use that word!!!”

– Azog


Goddammit! Just give it to Dickerson!

Downfield Matriculator

As it was written . . .




Bears kickers #OnBrand

Mr. Ayo

Nailed It!

— Blair Walsh


Kap continues to make great PR moves.

Downfield Matriculator

Seems like BLEERGH is helping the Bearistocrats move toward another attempted field goal before allowing SHANK’LOR to take over. The Gods are powerful tonight.

Senor Weaselo

THIS GUY gets it.
/There is debate on SHANK’HOR vs SHANK’LOR, I’m in the former camp


Shank’lor is a goddess. Shank’hor is what Scotchy does on weekends.

Senor Weaselo

The Rev said it’s Shan’Khor

Viva La Tabula Raza

You should change your board name to Downfield Nostradamus.

Downfield Matriculator

’tis better to be lucky than good — still, I am mildly pleased with that call

King Hippo

Is it too early to root for nil-nil? Because I’m rooting for nil-nil.


This game deserves nothing less.

King Hippo

both sides just happy to get out of ‘ere with a point

Senor Weaselo

It’s called it a tWBS, thank you very much!


Did Mack go into hibernation?


Baby Buster sighting.

King Hippo



Matt Nagy asking his assistants what they know about harakiri


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Hey Bears, you miss 100% of the field goals you don’t kick. (And like 82% of the ones you do kick.)


— Michael Scott


That’s not how you RAMMMMMMMIT Todd.


SHA’NKLOR is now the official goddess of Chicago.


Missing a FG without the DOINK hurts even more.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Kinda like watching an old Charlie Chaplin silent film reel.


May Chicago never hit another FG again


Matt Nagy trigger warning!


1 more week of work. Can i make it without losing my shit? Pray for Spur.


First… down?


Nice tie, Collinsworth. I’d like to run it up your nose, through your mouth, around your neck, and pull until your fucking eyes pop like grapes on a griddle. You fuck.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Whoa, NFL Network dude! Referring to BAL-HOU tilt, says “North, once again, dominating South.”
Noice. But I understand that there are good people on BOTH sides.


…and mute.


So I haven’t seen very much of the Rams this year, but Twitter informs me that Goff sucks now. Looking forward to some good McVay face tonight.
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Brick Meathook

I enjoy his failures just because of that stupid haircut.

Viva La Tabula Raza

As someone who overachieved early in life and reverted to the mean as time went on, I kinda feel sorry for the guy but also have the schadenfreude too.

Brick Meathook

I thought Scotchy The Hobo Killer got himself killed at the end of last week’s installment! Instead he’s alive and has upped the ante. Hmmmm . . . .

Viva La Tabula Raza

He’s like a middle class regular guy Jason Voorhees. Immortal, amigo.


LOVED tonight’s intrigue! Did they spot him? Will he get caught?


Oh hey, today’s game is probably going to suck! Great! I can go to bed early for my flight tomorrow!


Mark Ingram is fucking large.


Speaking of which, how is my zombie team doing over at ESPN DFO?


I think you’re up on nomonkeyfun right now.