Eventual Balls Thoughts V

So, this was the post that was supposed to be abbreviated because I was going to be on a plane heading off to a foreign land. Well, the events of last week changed all that dramatically.

So, I’m here and not going anywhere. HOWEVAH, many things happened at DFO last week. Let’s talk about them.


DFO Banner Tournament!

The tourney is going strong and we are now into the second round. As expected, the choices have become harder to make. There have been some really good comments that have lost because they came up against an eventual semifinalist.

Here are your winners so far with my choices listed in bold:

  • “Only thing wetter than this Ravens-Steelers game is my wife seeing the Witcher in the tub.” (58%)
  • “The Bengals have a bye next week. They’re three point underdogs.” (69%)
  • “Touchdown, Mohammad. NO, NBC! DON’T SHOW HIS PICTURE!” (58%)
  • “The Dolphins just announced that their entire roster will be listed as Questionable for next week. They’re not injured, just really fucking questionable.” (51%)
  • “The way the Jets are hitting him, Renfrow’s nickname must be World Trade Center.” (76%)
  • “‘Two base error’ also describes the first time I had sex.” (87%)
  • In honor of Veteran’s Day I’ve taken a shot of Bulleit and neglected to adequately provide mental health services to myself.” (67%)
  • “Spitse is a very popular player in the Netherlands, but not so much as her cousin Swallowse.” (57%)
  • “These goal posts are taking it like an NFL girlfriend lately.” (54%)
  • “Like an improvised rope made of bedsheets, Sharkbait’s banner held together long enough to strangle the competition.” (56%)
  • “I’ve had enough of condescending bodies of water. Get over yourself, Lake Superior.” (52%)
  • Tony Romo’s mic breaking down is perfect, because Tony Romo always fell apart in the postseason.” (52%)
  • “I’m not saying Belichick’s son looks like a homeless person, but Scotchy just slit his throat.” (57%)
  • “If Garrett had only hit a woman with that helmet he’d be back by Week 14.” (69%)
  • “If the German men’s team is called ‘Die Mannschaft,’ then it follows that the women’s team should be called ‘Die Neinschaft.’” (60%)

As you can see, a lot of these votes were VERY close. A few were decided by only 1 vote! Make sure you vote early and often!


BC Dick’s Curling Updates

My favourite curling team is on a bit of a tough patch as they dropped their second consecutive match. To make things worse, BC Dick agreed to do a preview of the World Championships only for them to be canceled shortly thereafter.

The next thing will be that the curling season will be canceled by Justin Trudeau so as to avoid large gatherings!

Alls I know is that if the gouvernment decides to cancel doughnuts and maple syrup, the Canadiens will RIOT.


Psych Marathon Update

I am now in Season 5. Abigail broke up with Shawn at the end of Season 4 as Mr. Ying (the counterpart to Mr. Yang from Season 3) tried to kill both her and Juliet.

Shawn was given the choice of which to save and it was interesting to see that he went to save Abigail while sending Gus and Lassie to save Juliet. And it got him a breakup.

That’s love for you.

My favourite episode of Season 5 so far has been the one with the How To Be a Gentleman guy

And I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the hot hot HOT wife of one of their friends in the Aliens episode:

Becky O’Donoghue. You’re welcome and apologies to Low Commander.


The Week in DFO

These are the things I read in DFO this week that reminded me how much I love this site:

“I’ll murder you, your wife, your children, your pets, burn your house to the ground, salt the earth, and piss on the ashes. Then, I’ve have Dave drive donuts on the lot.”
— tWBS actual quote



h/t Brocky


37A: Eats pussy (4 letters)



“Second tier NCAA basketball leagues-this is the very last refuge of the once thriving population of gangly, un-athletic, tripping-over-their-own-feet, six foot nine plus white athletes. Soon, there will be none left.”
-Sir David Attenborough



“What comment?” — Joe Paterno’s Ghost



If this was a just world this health scare would be centered around Pabst Blue Ribbon, not Corona.


Is that considered a Pabst Smear?

Porky Prime


h/t Moose


Well crap. I just learned that “Covid-19” has the same syllable count as “Come on Eileen” and now I can’t unhear it…
There is no vaccine
In this moment, make your hands real clean!

Dok Zymm


h/t Moose


How on earth is it possible that Planters makes a product called “Cheez Balls” but refuses to make one called “Deez Nuts”?

Rikki Tikki Deadly


But can it exclude Chinamen and the drunken Irish?
Sure can! The railroads are already built!



h/t Gratliff


Work IT products always work uniformly for everyone, including Stan who can’t use the office toaster oven without summoning the fire department.

Old School Zero


h/t Unsurprised


Dear fuck, whatever will we stick to now??

King Hippo

The sheets, if I know you wankers!



h/t Brocky


Ya know how on American TV news they show a detailed map of the U.S., and then Canada & Mexico are just grayed out? On Canadian TV news the U.S. is just grayed out. What a bunch of assholes.



h/t Moose
h/t Moose


h/t Brocky


h/t SonOfSpam
h/t Unsurprised
h/t Moose
h/t Moose


In these trying times, let us remember to thank Moose for providing quality gifs to keep us entertained as we are quarantined in our homes.

h/t Moose

See you next week!

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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Apparently the comedians said “Okay, thank you! Now fire your servers, cooks, and bartenders. See ya next time!” Around here.

King Hippo

makers NAWT takers amirite????

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Senor Weaselo

I did today’s tutoring session online and nobody came, so I spent 2 1/2 hours catching up on YouTube wacky races (video game edition) and writing emails!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Wow! An INCREASE in production.


One of the greatest sporting days of my life. I was in the beginning of my divorce and this game happened.


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

[gets erection]
[blow Hollywood style kiss]


[is out $150]

*discount price since insults are said from more than six feet away, and no beating this time

Horatio Cornblower

Just did what I’ll charitably call “run” 3 miles through the woods because the gyms are all closed in CT and holy god, do I hate running.

King Hippo

my alternate plan is to just get fatter, death is sweet release without sportsball.

/I heartily miss the Yankees/#BFIB camaraderie, the mutually of being hated for (ahem, PERCEIVED) smugness by fans of lesser baseballing franchises

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Shout out to the dude Chris_Simpsons Artist
Modern day Michelangelo


I bought a shitload of plants today. Which means I gotta plant them tomorrow instead of napping and watching gameshows all day. Which sucks.

So who wants some really hot salsa in like 3-5 months??????

Game Time Decision


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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yeah right

Yes indeed.


Extremely relevant to our interests
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King Hippo

The Shield…did something NICE??


probably have to enter in your credit card that will be charged $450 in 4 weeks

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

There is no altruism in the NFL; it is to make money somehow.


It’s really something to watch pundits share pictures of empty shelves at Whole Foods while crowing about how they warned us socialism was going to do this to us


One of the fundamental principles of Reaganomics is that capitalism is undeniably good because every time capitalism does something bad, you get to call that a socialism


Morons. 24/7 cable news is up there with twitter as horrible mistakes that should be undone

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I just watched a deal on Tucker Carlson, and I’m not sure how it was done but he was actually worse than Twitter…… across three networks.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Huuuumm, exactly what socialism is this? I’m sure they don’t get into that part.


Titty boy about to get big dicked out of his job so the Bears can trade him a year before Foles retires. Gonna be a lot of laughter.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Holy shit. A federal moratorium on evictions and foreclosures. This should be interesting.


well, cool foreclosures are currently very low, however. if you can’t pay your rent your landlord can’t pay their mortgage.

I have not read much about this but I do wonder if it is a delay in the system or fees can be applied.


There should have been a moratorium on rent and mortgage payments as well. Of course, that would almost certainly be handcuffed to banks and landlords getting gifted a way to further fuck tenants and home owners. All the same, I’m surprised they went this far.


Also, my landlord is a construction company, and a massive number of people rent from random rental companies that exist solely to squeeze every drop from working class types and/or the government, so I’m not going to be sitting here thinking about the needs of landlords who are going to somehow turn this into a cash windfall in the end.


Right their goal is to lease-up, stabilize, and sell-off


“But the SECOND you test negative, you’re out on your ass!!”

Jared K.
Washington DC

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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King Hippo

time for a year of jubilee, methinks

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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What will spread quicker in Boston; Covid-19 or that Tom Brady is now a washed-up has-been who was just a systems quarterback at best?

Senor Weaselo





Trying to restart my Netflix account and it’s erroring out when I try to pay them which means they want me to reconnect with my old friend Bit Torrent

Horatio Cornblower

Trump up here talking about WWII and ‘The Chinese Virus’ and we’re about a week of isolation and crashing stock prices for this thing getting renamed ‘The Yellow Peril’


I refuse to believe this is real.

*knows it is*

*Swigs gin & tonic*

Senor Weaselo

Senorita Weaselo was getting dirty looks when she was going to work. Those people are lucky that I was not there.

King Hippo

I tried to tell ya! – Coach P., Piscataway, NJ

Col. Duke LaCross

Well, that was better than an alarm clock. 5.7 quake epicentered about three miles from the LaCross estate! Little damage, and a hell of a mess, but everything is A-okay.

Epic review pal!

yeah right

If you need earthquake empathy, you’re in the right place.

Hell of a thing though isn’t it?

Col. Duke LaCross

Yeah, the sound and the rumbling, it was just like in the movies!


I’d like to point out that even though I may have THOUGHT it, I did not actually say this….

“I’ll murder you, your wife, your children, your pets, burn your house to the ground, salt the earth, and piss on the ashes. Then, I’ve have Dave drive donuts on the lot.”
— tWBS actual quote


Dave does like donuts though.

yeah right

After taking only Monday off of work I’ve officially decided to never retire.
Fuck man. I can’t just sit at home all the time.
I’m actually really happy to go to work again today.

I’m all about that grind, boss.


I love this roundup post.

Also while scrolling I knew which pictures were a Moose contribution. Is that bad?


Balls is the best! In the immortal words of my husbands first submarine CO, Captain W.G. Weed: “Keep doing what you’re doing, because you do do it good”


Beautiful roundup, Balls. Sorry for being scarce, gang. I suck. But in the depths of winter, my suckitude chalice overrunneth. The boys are fine, my wife could do better, Uber should go tits up any day now, and I’m making dollar win bets at Irish horse tracks on TVG. Stephanie Ruhle is almost on, so at least, for a little while, the horrible news will look like it wants to hate fuck me. Got a banner comment going deep in the tourney, and I’m rereading some of the more obscure Hunter Thompson stuff. Musically, I’m in a rut so deep, I’m hanging up posters. The deluxe edition of the ‘74 Bob Marley & The Wailers Live! album seems to please the family, and I love that original rhythm section. Powerhouses!

King Hippo

Look on teh bright side, I’d say we are all having a better Smarch than Bernie!


Senor Weaselo

Which is somehow even more remarkable as policies are enacted to fight coronavirus and nobody has burned things to the ground yelling “Socialist!” yet.

Keyword, yet.

King Hippo

I mean, Herr Fuhrer told us it wuz a doggone furrener Chinese virus so I guess there is an implication?