I like Jeebus. Even though I’m not particularly religious I really do mean that. He was a good dude. Brave. Cared about people. And did a lot of things to try to help make their lives better at his own peril.
God or not, he had balls. Can’t deny it. Go ahead and try. You can’t.
When you think of Easter, whether you’re particularly religious or not, what traditions come to mind?
I mean, what the hell is up with eggs? And bunnies?
We decorate eggs for what reason? We salute to some jackrabbit who allegedly brings candy? Seems farfetched.
I found an article which tries to explain at least the egg part…
The oval-shape egg has been a universal symbol in many religions across the millennia, symbolizing new life, rebirth and fertility.
According to The Easter Book by Francis X. Weiser, S.J., “The origin of the Easter egg is based on the fertility lore of the Indo-European races. To our pre-Christian ancestors, it was a most startling event to see a new live creature emerge from a seemingly dead object. The egg to them became a symbol of spring. Long ago in Persia, people used to present each other with eggs at the spring equinox, which for them also marked the beginning of a new year.
In Judaism, eggs are an important part of the Passover Seder plate. For some Christians the egg symbolizes the rock tomb out of which Christ emerged to the new life of his Resurrection.
Also, eggs were forbidden during the 40 days of Lent. But because chickens still were laying eggs, people had to do something with them. So they were collected and decorated.
Wow. Seems like a stretch but whutevah.
And now, because of social distancing? All the Easter eggs I’ve hidden? I’m going to have to find them myself. And when I can’t find them even though I’m the one who put them out? Imma be really annoyed.
I think I’ll just stick with the bunnies, even though I don’t fully understand that one either.
But that helps.
Still No Sports To Speak Of
And that does not appear likely to change anytime soon.
The ESPNs and the other sprots nets are re-re-re running a lot of stuff. I’m still ashamed to say that I’ve watched some of it.
MLB is now trying to figure out a way to play their full season in Arizona. Seriously. I have a feeling that’s not going to fly. But if it does I will be very regretful I don’t live in Arizona any longer.
But yeah, we’re still more or less sprots deprived. Meh, what can ya do?
Let’s Look At Some Bunnies?
Just for diversion. Seems like a good idea to me.
Am I the only one wondering what she’s going to do with that carrot?
Sorry. Had to.
(ahem… never mind)
OK folks. Stay home and stay safe.
Have as good of an Easter weekend as you can given the current social climate.
And remember… Jeebus dieded for YOUR sins. So make it worth his time and go sin as much as you can. Well, at least as much as you can from home.
(Pornhub servers mysteriously crash)
And finally, courtesy of a nod from Low Commander who sent me this tip (just the tip?).
For music lovers, tonight there is a live stream performance from Authority Zero starting right now. Go there and escape from the doldrums. But don’t forget to Komment.
You can find it here.
Love ya’s.
I have tasted the maggots in the mind of the universe. I was not offended.
Holy mother of god that was good. I thought there was a song coming in after that sweet intro but I was so goddam happy there wasn’t.
He’s serenading the pet cemetery. All dogs go to heaven.
I hope so. The cats too.
I got me a bowl of chicken chips mixed with sour cream and chive chips and Hawkins cheesies. I also have whisky and beer and a sack of weed and television. I cannot enjoy this more.
I don’t know how the exchange rate works on time. There a song about dear mister postman but I won’t find it.
I can’t get a gif to make its dance in here so I’m very Allred ya tribe Appreciative of your things, moose. Very much so.
Three words: Steve The Pirate
I just want to get fucked up and hibernate
FF7 remake arrangements have been very good so far
So we’ve got a 7:00 PM drum line performing nightly now.
It’s in honor of the healthcare workers who are risking their lives every day 16+ hours a day.
Putting themselves in harms way.
These are the real fucking heroes right now.
Every night at 7 we make some noise
This was tonight’s drum line.
The gf says she’s extremely over the marketing campaigns championing front line workers since she’s currently buying her own masks and her hair covers are being made by her mom while she doesn’t even qualify for any benefits from the covid-19 bills. Real “NFL Salute to Service” energy coming from Washington and Wall St.. Some hospitals are actually taking away benefits since profits are down from lack of elective procedures. Sinai Grace in Detroit is a warzone right now and the hospital cancelled its 401k match even as nurses are staging walkouts to try and force the hospital to aggressively recruit nurses and find a way to provide PPE. It’s a hell of a thing to watch unfold.
That is basically happening here too.
Shit, that’s proof enough for me!
—Alex Jones fan
I don’t think this was generated or produced ironically.:format(webp)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/61927533/trump_tank.0.jpg)
In case anybody wants to buy these or prints for their house:
I think they’re funny as hell and incredibly stupid. No rational person could take them seriously, and as for myself, I would gladly paint nutty pictures like this under a pseudonym and sell them to anyone who wanted to give me money for them. I won’t judge your motives. But if you disagree yet want to shill for the guy go for it.
So you’ll buy one then?
I’d buy one for you, Moose, definitely ironically.
I’m sure he takes AMERICAN Express.
Knock it off, Moose

Make sure and get a smaller one for the bathroom.
I will.
It would really tie your room together.
It should.
Feels right.
“And I’m not too crazy ’bout the cable companies, either!”
Mojo Nixon and the Toad Liquors were the go-to for Austin live music nights back in the day.
Shit yeah, 91x In San Diego back in my cab driving days.
That’s a whole nother batch of stories.
This picture encapsulates a Youtube comment section perfectly.
This picture has everything.
It’s like Right Wing Where’s Waldo.
God Bless President Donald J. Trump
Jesus loves him some Trump.
Everything stupid.
Not sure were it coalesced but the World Made by Hand quadrilogy is great and has entertained the family for hours.
Thank you white American Jesus for Trump!
The kid in the picture says “thou denyiest that!”
The sheep shall follow.
there’s a colored guy on the left
Looking at the details in that guy’s paintings is like inspecting the border drawings of Sergio Aragones in Mad Magazine, or maybe Harvey Kurtzman’s stuff in the early Mad or Little Annie Fannie in Playboy. He really gives it his all, ya know.
I’m not really pro capital punishment but
nobody could make this without knowing it was a deadpan parody
jokes on him then
Spy vs Spy!
I’ll say it: I miss Australian football
Hey, we all say stupid things while drunk on cough syrup late at night.
Great song from some Irvine kids.
Love those guys.
Cool song
I’m smoking a joint to cal off this week.
Can I buy bings with an ice chamber online? My budmaster says I need to score one.
These words are sort of coherent and sort of not.
So I’m gonna say “yes.”
Nah. I made my point.
We all can’t believe autocorrect doesn’t know exactly what I meant.
Those are a very good investment. I spent 185 on a hoss, immediately dropped the bowl when I took it out of the bag and had to go back. Very frustrating but the ice coated smoke from that thing was like drawing the vapours of (insert lady god I can’t think of now) straight out of her icy womb.
May I mambo dog face in the banana patch?
Dint hassle me, square. It’s a good bong damn it!
I’m a little confused as to the content of this post. So, alright, just say OK Boomer.
If any of you have Amazon Prime, look up the Grand Tour, Season 1 Episode 5, about 23 minutes in. The old Battleship game, but with full sized cars instead of little plastic toys. It’s 13 minutes of fucking hystericality.
I just started watching the Jack Ryan series on Amazon.
I’m thinking of doing away with my DirecTV and just getting and casting the apps I want to my Sony big screen from my phone. Hell, anymore all I look at is MotorTrend app and Amazon Prime anyway. Fucking $150/month and I haven’t looked at it in months. I think Yahoo shows the NFL for free.
Look it fucking McMoneybags over here!
Goddam right.
Found a funny:
[early 2006]
me: i booked a band for our wedding
her: what are they called
me: panic and a disco or something
her: are they gonna call me a whore
me: lol no of course not
Things are going to be ok?
Ladies Dancing…
Anyone else go to Catholic school and have to spend three hours on your knees in church on Good Friday? Fuck that, Jesus!
If you had better technique, it would have been over in five, ten minutes, tops.
I earned my chocolate bunny and peeps the hard way!
Yeah right, only on Good Friday
People ask why I left Catholicism.. oh, you meant Easter.. Heheheh, right….
And Billy Joel said “Catholic girls start way too late!”
Catholic girls just weren’t into Billy Joel!
If it’s “Piano Man” or “Captain Jack,” neither is Billy Joel.
Probably because he was circumcised.
I don’t know if it’s the era or what but my private catholic high school was much more about private than catholic.
No “He is risen” joke? I am disappoint
Gimme 10 minutes.
(opens private browsing tab)
Make it 5.
Haven’t you heard about the shortage of yeast?
One of my best friends and his wife just called a few minutes ago. They’re going to come out Sunday for a bike ride in the country where I live (they live in the gentrified area south of downtown SA in a 100+ year old restored house), have a swim in the pool afterwards, drink a socially distant bottle or two of wine with me, and say goodbye to my old dog Mildred, who I have finally decided it’s time to take her last ride to the vet. I will continue to procrastinate on taking her in, but she can hardly stand up, falls down a lot, can’t hear or see for shit, and has now become incontinent. It’s gonna be tough with the dog, but I am looking forward to having visitors. The cleaning lady was by just yesterday, so I feel confident that the house is not a petri dish.
Mildred was an ace.
/Pours out some red wine for her.
All the best to you and Mildred.
Man I’ve been there several times and it’s never any easier. When you get a puppy as a pet you have to accept that in ten years or so you’ll have to say goodbye. Be grateful for all the time you spent together.
Vet said she was about 5 when I adopted her in 2009. My Edward Jones guy, a recently retired AFSOC intel officer at the time, had taken her on for another client when she went into hospital. Unfortunately, when his client got out of hospital, she was sent to nursing home, no pets allowed. So he was stuck with this dog that did not get along with the dogs he already had. Even though she was not quite what I was looking for, I took her on board the day I moved into my house, also my 50th birthday, July 2009. CJ is still my financial guy, and I’m sure he’s going to be bummed out when I inform him of the move.
I hate Brick Meathook but he’s 100% right.
you love me
hey wait why do you hate me?
what the heck is up with that?
I wouldn’t worry about it.
I’m so sorry. We don’t get to keep them nearly long enough.
Like Danny Elfman sang,
“You think you’ve got it rough
What about your darling doggie
Ten short years
And he’s getting old and groggy
I don’t think it’s very fair
Cold chop low
But it’s all relative my friend cause
No one lives forever”
I am sorry about your pooch.