Welcome back to another exclusive sneak preview of the Hue Jackson School of Scam Artistry!

BORN: September 8, 1835, Groton, Massachusetts
DIED: September 27, 1908, Manhattan, New York
Nobody shuts up about COVID these days, though with the speed of vaccine programs ongoing in these fifty states of ours, there’s hope on the horizon that we’ll be able to find some better topics of conversation soon enough. That said, as we’ve learned over this past year, there’s still much to discover about the exact nature of airborne viruses. Virology as a serious field of study only really kicked off in the 1920s due to the aftermath of the Spanish Flu pandemic – the last time we saw an airborne virus of this caliber.
Prior to the desperately grim years of 1918-1920, it was really a huge crapshoot to much of how illness actually spread. Louis Pasteur and the promulgation of germ theory was one of the most important scientific discoveries in the history of mankind… but at the same time, due to the lack of understanding about the nature of viruses, it didn’t tell the full picture. This allowed room for quacks like C. L. Blood to make fortunes off of scamming ill people. That’s great hustle!
This week’s subject was all about big promises – as I’ve mentioned in some of my other lessons from before, sometimes the art of the con comes in the form of the big lie. He was a master of it – trumpet your talent nonstop, and after a while, some marks are bound to believe you. Charles Lewis Blood, born in rural Massachusetts, claimed from an early age that his father, Lewis Blood, was a doctor – and that inspired him to follow in his footsteps. In reality, his father was a farmer, lumberman, contractor, and figure of note in their small community. At no point did he ever have any medical training – and neither did his son.
The presence or absence of a medical degree had virtually no effect on C. L. Blood’s determination to practise… and he ended up travelling across the country, working out of a number of different locations – most prominently in Philadelphia, Boston, and New York. He moved a number of times in his life – sometimes to evade authorities, and other times to develop markets for his “services” in new cities.
During one of his stints in Boston, Blood learned about a relatively new medical treatment pioneered by Gardner Quincy Colton, a former medical student turned travelling showman, in the 1840s… specifically, the use of “laughing gas”, or nitrous oxide. While it continues to have legitimate medical applications into the modern age as an extremely effective anaesthetic, during the late 19th century, laughing gas was so cutting edge that it seemed almost unreal. In a stroke of luck for Blood, he figured out the production method of the gas; a relatively simple procedure where ammonium nitrate gets heated to 250 degrees Celsius and then decomposes into water vapour and nitrous oxide. With this knowledge in hand, he was able to start producing his own laughing gas, which he renamed “oxygenized air”. Blood’s sales of oxygenized air, as well as the franchising rights to others to distribute it in various American regions, allowed his medical “practise” to flourish in later years. He hired a series of shills to drum up additional business for him, and even hired a page in his Boston offices to take calls of inquisitive customers or practitioners.
C.L. Blood faced off against the law on a few other occasions for such crimes as tax evasion and fraud, but things really took a turn for him in 1890, when he was implicated in a murder-for-hire plot. Earlier, while in prison for those blackmail charges, Blood met Isaac Sawtelle, who’d been imprisoned for a series of rapes. When both of them were released, Isaac plotted to kill his brother, Hiram, who was managing a property left to their mother by their deceased father. Isaac, wanting control over the property, worked with C. L. Blood to abduct Hiram’s daughter Marion, in order to lure him to a remote location and force him to sign over the property. Somewhere along the way, things went really, really awry, and Hiram was shot four times, decapitated, dismembered, and left in a shallow grave. Isaac Sawtelle was busted, and despite singing like a bird that C. L. Blood was really the man responsible for killing Hiram, and that he’d had no knowledge his brother had even been murdered until the next day, the cops never questioned Blood at all. He got off scott-free on the charges. Sometimes it pays to be charismatic and dashingly handsome.
When C. L. Blood died at age 73, he was interred in his family plot back home in Massachusetts, but his widow and his sisters elected not to add his name to the memorial marker – possibly due to the fact that they were so embarrassed by his sordid past of swindling, scamming, hustling, and law-breaking. When you don’t have a monument and your name is still remembered, THAT’S when you know you’ve made it as a Hall of Fame scammer.
Remember – like most things in this great nation of ours, you can turn a great profit by being bold and loud with it. You don’t even need to be the first – and your solution doesn’t even need to work, necessarily! The most important value of the scammer is that which entrenches our great Constitution – the pursuit of happiness. This, of course, is really just a stand-in for money, because that, to me, is what makes me happiest of all. Don’t forget to call 1-900-FAST-BUX today to book your COVID-19 vaccine appointment – it’s quick and easy, and won’t even break the bank! Pay no mind to the free locations that the media mentions – you don’t really want to camp out in line all day, do you?
Information from this article taken from here, here, here, and here. Banner image by The Maestro.
Surprised he wasn’t yelling TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP while “defending his neighborhood” from the menace of a scrawny teenager walking on a public sidewalk.
On the Canadian Addiction & Mental Health website, Nitrous is classified as an “inhalant” alongside Snappers (amyl nitrite), Poppers (amyl nitrite and butyl nitrite), Whippets (fluorinated hydrocarbons), Bold (nitrites), and Rush (nitrites) – which comes in many forms.

I’m told that after you take rush you can taste invisible airwaves that crackle with life.
Not to be confused with Rush Limbaugh, who is not crackling with life.
This is odd because I just listened to a 3 hour-long podcast (Behind The Bastards?) that discussed him and featured Paul F. Tompkins as a guest. T’was a stark reminder of how he (not Tompkins) helped to drag U.S. political culture into the mess you’re now wallowing in.
Amyl nitrite explained:
Most medical intervention is hokum. Legit vaccines and medications are vastly outnumbered by quasi-curealls and panaceas, snake oil, lotions and branded potions. Pills that make you small and tall, that grow hair where it ain’t and happiness down below. It has always been thus.
That’s why I only get my boner pills from my drug dealer. His stuff is so very legit.
You should tell your followers on the positivity site! How many are there now?
I’m at 8 still from last night. Haven’t taken any photos to post anything new. Gotta feed the system if I want to survive the game.
My advice? You should post a pic of a cactus-zig when everyone expects you to zag.
I could use some nitrous oxide! Has anyone noticed on this dashboard thing that there is one ( 1) person who applied to be a member of this esteemed site and was rejected? Who is this loser? Enquiring minds want to know!
It was the attempt to get us during the HUNTERBIDEN-CHINA-10%-FOR-THE-BIG-GUY Solarwinds hack.
DFO may be down all the time but it ain’t cuz we’re being hacked!
I was hoping it was someone like Matt Gaetz, and you guys righteously smote him with fire. Why can’t we have nice things?
Peter King
He kept insisting this place was his quiet car.
To be fair to Blood, “it was all my former cellmate’s doing” is a pretty dubious defense.
Finally got some earbuds that don’t cause me pain. Skullcandy Indy ANC earbuds. They were on sale at Costco (reg $89.99, marked off $20). They aren’t crazy with their controls and features, but they do just enough to make me happy.
Now, I just need to return a few other brands of earbuds that hurt my ear holes.
Sounds like a Dwight Howard caliber endorsement
Yeah my search for earbuds took months. These ones still slide out on my runs sometimes but I’m not sure I’m going to find anything that perfect.
They slide out on your runs? I’m not sure you’re putting them in the right hole. Maybe read the directions?
Idk. Maybe he is doing it the right way, and we are all just wrong. I’ll try it out and get back to you. The supplies I will need:
Meal from Chipotle
Earbuds I am going to return
Bathroom nearby
I’ve got huge ear holes apparently and have trouble too. But I have some wireless ones that don’t go in the ear at all, called AfterShokz that work well. They transmit the sound via your jawbone. It’s weird at first, but after a run or 2 you get used to it. It also has the benefit of letting me hear the cars around me when running to try to stay away from all the crazys out there.
Hey Maestro, got another one for you, albeit grimmer than most
It’s a good read.
This was a really good read – thanks for sharing! Totally new story to me.
Enjoyed that immensely. What a crazy story!
I went to school with a guy, our families were pretty close, who is currently in prison for scamming major banks (think Wells Fargo or Citibank?) out of around 900 million bucks. He’s actually a case study for a law school somewhere. He owned a small bottled water company, and made them believe it was a huge operation. He went to prison, along with his wife, brother, and a few others. The company was called Le-Nature, I think. You should check it out, when they caught him they found millions of dollars of cash, jewelry, and toy trains in a secret room in his unfinished gaudy mansion.
Some of these people hustle so hard, and are so obviously good at winning people over, that you have to imagine they could have gotten rich legitimately. It really does just seem like ego or something leads them to want to be frauds.
The guy I know, Greg, is verrrrry smart, and could have done just fine, but he is probably a textbook sociopath. I met him when we were in 2nd grade, he was my neighbor, and our families were close, all of us went to the same small Catholic elementary school. There was always something a little bit off about him, he was kind of anxious and afraid of his father. His dad was a super jock, and the kids, all boys, were going to follow in his footsteps. He put Greg on steroids to bulk him up for high school football, and his personality changed radically. Gumby was on the team with him, heartily hated his guts. He really was a different person after the steroids, loud, obnoxious, and convinced he was God’s gift to the world. No one was surprised he ended up like that, but I remember the before times when he was a nice kid. His mom is a very nice lady, who has had more than her share of grief. His dad died of cancer years ago, good riddance.
“ Somewhere along the way, things went really, really awry, and Hiram was shot four times, decapitated, dismembered, and left in a shallow grave.”
-NFL Internal Report confirming the innocence of C.L. Blood and/or Ray Lewis
That sentence was art.
CL Flood sounds like he had the makings of a fine NFL franchise owner. Born too soon, as they say.
On a related note, and not to rain on Hue’s latest parade, but I got my second shot yesterday and the line was me.
You clearly didn’t get the VIP shot, then. I hear from Hue that there were lines from Cleveland almost all the way to Cincinnati to get this one.