Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Again with the sandwiches? Again with the sandwiches!

Well hello!

Mighty fine seeing you here this morning!

Welp. I done did it! I got my second dose of the Moderna and I’m vaxxed the fuck up! It was even easier this time than before.

I know some of you are curious as to the side effects and when/if you can expect them, so I’m gonna walk you through this in real “just vaccinated” time. I had a little insight since youngest right had her 2nd shot this past Sunday and I was able to get a rough timeline of the effects from her. Of the several case studies I’ve encountered most people feel no ill effects on the day of vaccination and if they happen it’s usually the 2nd day.

Let’s begin.

I received the vaccine today – which was actually Wednesday 4-21-21 – at 10:15 AM. I drove from Cal State Long Beach where I got my shot to El Segundo where I work and I’m planning on putting in a full days work today. It is currently 1:20 PM work is jamming and I feel fucking fine. I’m scheduled to work until 7:00 PM.

It’s currently 6:30 PM at work on Wednesday and I’m ready to get out of here. I feel good but have wondered if I’ve been dealing with some “loopiness” or being a little dazed. I’m also very tired but then again I worked my ass off here today. Busy as hell. Time to check traffic and head home. Got a bottle of Cabernet with my name on it at home.

Home. 10:30 PM. Bottle of vino consumed. Now watching Sunset Strip by Billy Wilder. Gloria Swanson is a bit over the top but holy shit did she sell out on some unflattering moments in there.


William Holden was as scrawny as Sinatra back in 1950.

Definite loopiness. I’m not an opiate guy, sorry, but it feels like that first batch of pain killers after a knee surgery. It’s my only point of reference. A little achy. Space cadet central. Body aches but then again it was busy as fuck at work today. A little sneezy. Soreness at the vaccine spot.

I could work tomorrow at this point.

Stay tuned.

I’m not working.

It’s Thursday morning 8 AM. This is some weird shit. Extreme fatigue. Achy as fuck and addle brained as a Kardashian. Doesn’t feel like a cold or flu at all. No fever or runny nose or any of the really ugly flu effects. Just this whole “feel like I’ve been run over by Britt Reid while he was driving under the influence” type thing. 

Bed rest is the order of the day. 

Had a smoothie and some toast for breakfast, took some ibuprofin, drank a bunch of water and went back to bed for a few hours.

It’s about 12:30 in the afternoon on Thursday and holy shit. I feel pretty damn good. Still a bit sore but the brain cloud is gone. Shit! That’s all you got, vaccine? That was nothing!

It’s now Friday, 4-23-21 and I am writing this at work. I’m back in business. A little fatigue today but that’s it.

Please get your vaccine shots people. It ain’t about taking a political side, it’s about trusting science and more importantly it’s about being a decent fucking human being.


So, ready for some Gravy?

Bet your sweet ass we’re going back to the sandwich well again. I’m fucking inspired by ’em right now. Can’t lie. I’m also running out of cool weather so I better get my slow oven cooked meals out the damn way while I can.

This one is one delicious motherfucker, I shit you negative.

Some of you folks will be familiar and some may not.

We’re going to be making a Louisville Hot Brown today!


I heard about these during Kentucky Derby coverage and saw them featured a few times on the Food Network and they sound fucking delicious.

I mean, roasted turkey on homemade bread with a Mornay sauce and topped with a slice of tomato and bacon? Which of those words are giving you consternation? Not a goddamn one of them!

Besides this is without a doubt the closest I’ll ever get to visiting Kentucky despite my love of bourbon as that is one backwards-ass cracker motherfucker of a redneck hillbilly state and my Socialist urban self has no intention of sharing my hard earned tourist dollars in a state the continually elects a no-chin, waddle-necked, speed-bump, do goddamn nothing of a senator. Fuck that asshole.

Let’s do this motherfucker.

Two types of slow cooked loving today. Hell yes.

Let’s get started on the bread.

You know it, you love it.

Here’s the link if you’re playing the Sunday Gravy home edition.

Yep, the sugar, yeast and warm water treatment.

Attach the paddle and build the sponge. That’s a sentence I’m not sure can be used in any other context.

Then attach the hook and let it knead. Get after that doughball!

Let this go for the requisite 10 minutes. Then place in the usual large oiled bowl for it to do it’s proofing.

You know the drill by now.

We’re going to once again use the heat of the oven to assist us with the rise of the bread. Granted this isn’t a full size Thanksgiving big ol’ whole turkey so it doesn’t cook near as long but it still gives the dough a little help.

Since I made this in April it wasn’t exactly easy finding a goddamn fresh turkey breast.

Three fucking stores struck out.

Ralph’s had a frozen one.

Since we’re working with frozen turkey, the least we could do would be the utilizing of fresh herbs.

What’s this “living” shit on the package?

Oh fuck! It really is alive!. Wish I had a place for an herb garden at the new dojo. And thanks for making me feel like a right proper shit for cutting off the roots of these “living” herbs and then chopping them up.


Oven roasted Herb turkey breast

recipe greatly inspired by

6 lb bone in turkey breast – if it’s frozen be sure it is fully thawed and at room temperature

5 tablespoons butter softened

6 cloves of fresh minced garlic

1 onion rough chopped

1 tablespoon sage leaves finely minced

1 tablespoon rosemary leaves finely minced

1/2 tablespoon of dried thyme

2 tablespoons fresh parsley finely minced

1 tablespoon of salt

Freshly ground black pepper


For you folks with smaller families or maybe you’re cooking for yourself, this is a fucking delicious roast turkey breast that absolutely sits right in the goddamn wheelhouse of a Thanksgiving turkey. Easy as can be too.

Let’s get busy with the herbage.

Pluck them sage leaves.

Then mince up them sage leaves.

Repeat with the parsley and rosemary. After mincing up the herbs add them to a bowl and get the dried thyme and salt in there. Combine.

And you best believe we’ll be needing some garlic up in here!

Don’t just look at them. Mince that shit up!

What we’re going to do is cook that turkey on top of a bed of onion. You could go full mire poix if you wanted.

Let’s add the melted butter to the herbs.

Feel like a good slathering? Well let’s get to slathering already!

That’s real nice. Into the oven you go!

It’s a preheated 350 degree oven for 15 minutes per pound. A 6 pound breast is (gets slide rule) an hour and a half. The math checks out!

When the turkey is cooked let it rest for at least 20 minutes before hacking. It can rest even longer than that as we’ll see today.

Back to the bread. When the dough has risen, been punched down, risen again and shaped then we need to grab a sheet of parchment paper.

Check this shit out.

At first I was pissed like “The fuck is up with these tiny ass sheets of parchment? Can’t a motherfucker find a plain old roll of goddamn parchment paper?”

Then I unfolded one and I was all “Oh shit! That’s fucking perfect!”

This is my actual brain at work.

Shape out the loaf as per standard.

Remember the long tapered look? Yessir.

This week we’ll give the bread the slashes along the top unlike last week when my dumb ass forgot.

When you’ve shaped and slashed and cooked properly the results should be inevitable.


It’s just…. Fuck that’s perfect.


Let’s get started on our Mornay sauce.

What is Mornay sauce you wonder? It’s basically a bechamel that’s been gussied up with some cheese and seasonings. If you’ve made homemade macaroni and cheese and built your own sauce from scratch starting with a roux? Welp, your ass has made a mornay before.

Todays version features grated parmigiano reggiano – of course – and NUTMEG!

Mornay sauce.

2 tablespoons of butter

2 tablespoons of flour

1/2 cup of heavy cream

1/2 cup of whole milk

1/3 cup of freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg.

Dash of salt and pepper.

Start with the roux.

Butter and flour are melted together, stirred, combined and ever so slightly browned.

Gather the seasonings.

Stir the roux to combine.

Then in goes the cream, salt, pepper and nutmeg.

Once the parmesan gets in there it’s going to get nice and rich and bubbly.

What could use the addition of this sauce?

Anything? Any fucking thing ever, including sex. Might want to let it cool down before using as a marital aid though.

Toast! We’re going to need to toast that lovely bread so it will stand up to this meal.

Holy crap it even makes sexy looking toast! Fucking hell this bread was amazing.

Once our turkey has rested – a good 45 minutes today to let the bread cook and cool – then it’s time to give her a carving.

Now let’s make with the assemblage! Get some thick sliced turkey on that toast.

Nice start! Now a slice of tomato on each.

Now it’s sexy time, yes?

Get that Mornay and a sprinkle of paprika on top.

Look! It’s yet another cure for erectile dysfunction!

Into the oven this will go until lightly browned on top and very bubbly. Say, 350 degrees for 20 minutes.

In the meantime.

Hell yes, it’s a bacon garnish!

Let’s check on the sandwich halves.

That’s the lightly browned and bubbly business I mentioned before.

Guess all we have left to do is…

Oh yeah. “Mr. DeMille I’m ready for my close-up!”


Just. Damn.

Doesn’t really even need a summary does it? Next Thanksgiving if you have leftover turkey breast then you’ve got an assignment. Know how after the first day or so of leftovers it gets a little tired. Wake that shit up by making one of these. They’re fucking awesome.

Hell yes.

Before closing, tonight is the Academy Awards and I’m going to play a little prognostication game.

I’ve seen all of the movies in the “prestige” categories and even several of the animated short films. SO here goes my best guess.

Best Picture – Nomadland

Best Director – Chloé Zhao for “Nomadland

Best Actor – Chadwick Boseman for “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom” – this is an absolute stone cold lock

Best Actress – Andra Day “The United States Vs. Billie Holiday”

Best Supporting Actor – Paul Raci “Sound of Metal”

Best Supporting Actress – Yuh-Jung Youn “Minari”

Animated Feature Film – “Soul”

Cinematography – Joshua James Richards “Nomadland”

Film Editing – Yorgos Lamprinos “The Father”

International Feature Film – “Another Round” which was fucking FANTASTIC by the way

Short Animated Film – “If Anything Happens I Love You” on Netflix and prepare to have your fucking soul ripped out by it.


That’s all I’m gonna predict since I’m pretty comfortable with my opinions in these categoroes. I’ll leave the rest to the experts.

Tune in and and see how I do then feel free to make fun of my dumb ass next week or be dazzled by my movie prognostication skills. I’m actually pretty decent at this.


Thanks for being here folks. You’re the reason I do this every week.

As always…

Be Safe

Be Well.



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yeah right
yeah right is a fully vaccinated lifelong Vikings fan, fromager, world traveler, food guru and LA Harbor resident with a black belt in profanity and an actual human being.
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Because I get around, I have had Hot Brown’s before. In Kentucky. And I love them. And Louavulle is a nice small city. Small southern cities are frequently nice places, full of nice people, who do not vote against their own interests, unlike the shithole states they are surrounded by. Case in point, Birmingham, Alabama. We lived there for 13 years, loved it. If we didn’t have terminal wanderlust, we would still be there.
Hot Browns and Looeyville, yes. Kentucky, no. Unless they make it, and West Virginia, national parks, and take away their congresscritters. They are beautiful!


That fucking rocked! I was a dancing fool. Scared the cat.


Like dis


Respekt to the guy dartin’ it up in the corner.


It’s a scene from Reefer Madness.



Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Uncle Ed once had a Hot Brown in Lexington. Turned out it was just Ashley Judd in blackface.


What the fuck? I see Karate Kid on the teevee and figure Deci would like it, Jackie Chan and a Smith kid? What in the fresh hell is this?????


This morning in very yeah right moves, i walked about 5.5 miles on the beach. Gorgeous day.


We hardly knew ye, Shock G…


I grew up on Long Island. When I joined the Army, I had to do all my induction stuff at Ft.Hamilton in Brooklyn. The day I actually shipped out for basic training in South Carolina, I left for the airport from there, having spent the previous night in a hotel. I was leaving my first serious girlfriend, and the relative comfort of the suburbs. I was miserable and scared. Humpty Dance was top of the charts then (April 1990), and I was on a packed bus headed to JFK airport with 90% black folks, and the driver was BLASTING it out. You’d have thought we were headed to a music festival. They were raising the fucking roof. My first indicator that I was a spoiled, shallow shithead who didn’t know how to enjoy real life.

I got better.

R.I.P. Shock G


Oof! Your “spoiled, shallow shithead” comment hit me hard because I also experienced it while on a bus. When I got to my destination I realized it was all on me and it was such an eye-opener.


Kind of funny because I had something of the opposite revelation on a bus: there’s a whole bunch of crazy dirtbags in the world and I’m content to not be one of them, or spend any more time with them than I absolutely must.


“Hear, Hear!”

-Vince Li


-1 head in Manitoba.


Heyhey. Every Sunday Johnny Horn throws down some ol schoo blues till noon PST. Good stuff.


Ederson: “WOO! Neck Tattoos For Everyone! I’m Buying! Who’s Coming?”

Man City Players:



King Hippo

Enjoy your Broom-gasm, hell of a delivery into the box (PHRASING)


So Many Opportunities! C’mon, City!


Bale’s manbun bringing all the negative juju.

Last edited 3 years ago by scotchnaut
King Hippo

Worth noting – City have had the yips on pennos all season. And they are starting their “Cup keeper” while Hugo Lloris is playing for Spurs (certainly one of the 3 best keepers in the world).


Not to nitpick, because it looks delicious, but what part of that sandwich is brown?


Oh, no, the “hot brown” part refers to the aftermath.


The Brown Hotel is very nice, old school, with a great bar
Gumby and I got elegantly wasted there on mint juleps, fancy smashed is a good kind of smashed.


Been there too! The Union Station Hotel in Nashville is cool too, they have the fanciest Art Deco men’s room off the lobby. It’s hard for the dudes to pee in peace, with all of the ladies coming in to ooh and ahh.

King Hippo

Fookin’ Spurs are gonna fluke a counterattack goal, City will have 30+ shots and lose.


Kinda have that feeling as well. Four quality chances flubbed by City so far by my count.


Aaaaaaand FanDuel Sportsbook takes a shit for this match. Fuckers.

Also, many fans in attendance . Why?

King Hippo

2k alloted per team, methinks. UK is opening back up in stages.


The Broom getting battered by the bastard Spurs.


I really wish the Academy would come up with a new award designation for biopics. Because in my mind it’s a different kind of acting – in regular acting you are creating a fictional character; with biopics you are basically doing an impression. Which is not to say it isn’t praiseworthy, but I feel like it should have its own designation, like they do for the original/adapted screenplay categories.


I always thought a biopic about Spinal Täp, directed by Chris Guest, and while Rob Reiner is still alive, would be hilarious.


Yeah, I’m perfectly happy with biopic performances getting awards – some of them are really good – but too many of them are winning Best Actor/Actress and I think that kind of acting should get its own category.


God you Hollywood liberals and your cancel culture…



Agreed. Brandi Love really captured Cersei in Game Of Bones.

Viva La Tabula Raza

Was “Game of Bones” a Pornhub search?


I thought “Game of Bones” was something the cleaning staff of a barbecue joint played after an Andy Reid visit.

Don T



You have a very good point, as I imagine the creative process between portraying a fictional character (being a faker) and a historical character (being a copycat) is quite different. HOWEVA, where do you draw the line? JFK and Julius Caesar are both historical characters, but one can study film, audio, etc of JFK. Not so much for Julius.
Slippery slope and all that…

Last edited 3 years ago by BeefReeferLives

Julius Caesar was a real person that existed, thus it would fall into the “biopic” category. I suppose it gets more complicated in a roman à clef situation, but not really – if it’s an author’s interpretation of a real person, it’s still a fictional character.


Hippo, where do you figger this Haaland kid ends up?

King Hippo

well, on FM he went to the Redshite and terrorized my Black ass (when still at Pretend Everton). In this reality, I’mma say United lands him. Chelski, perhaps.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I think that, as the first ever Native American cabinet secretary, she might make significant changes for the better with the Department of the Interior..


I hope she pays more than a little bit of attention to each of the coasts though.


She’s already doing it. Her first couple of days were epic, she dismantled a ton of Trump’s bullshit.

King Hippo

I would like the Bastard Men from City to demolish the Bastard-er Men from Spurs.


I’ll have you know that Kevin The Broom is a gentleman and a scholar, SIR!




What’s the recommended side for such a sandwich? I doubt my usual blend of Cheetos and Jalapeño chips belong on these more sophisticated platings.


I’m guessing a cell phone pairs best with a Hot Brown.


Oh I thought that was just leftover egg salad wand was looking for some explanation why you used that in the text.


Ah. At first glance (given that it’s in the AM, and the sammich has country gravy & bacon) I thought that was some scrambled eggs.


Hash browns. Brown and Brown. Deelish!


Coffee isnt working. I would like to just hibernate maybe upon the end of hibernation errrthing wouldn’t be shitty?

King Hippo

Having turned my 5p Sabado nap into 13.5 hours of sleep…I can empathize.


I recommend bacon, and plenty of it. Hope you are doing ok.


I endorse hibernation


Bet #namasteDFO is enjoying reading about your vaccine experience even as our ALLIES IN INDIA are suffocating waiting in line for hospital treatment.

Or at least that’s what internet kooks are insisting and I have no reason to believe they’d lie.

King Hippo

Obligatory Gloria Swanson reference:

I am getting Moderna jab #2 Friday. Thank you for the preview.

I can’t believe I’ve never even HEARD of this sammich, because I am a fat bastard. They call me “Hindenburg”, because when I walk in a room, people tend to yell “Oh, the Hu-Manatee!!”

Go over 3.5 goals with Dallas scoring one of them!

Last edited 3 years ago by Fronkenshteen

I get the second one on Friday too. We’ll be on here Saturday, yelling at everyone to KEEP IT DOWN, FOR CHRISSAKES!

Brick Meathook

Fantastic turkey sandwiches! I love turkey sandwiches, although they usually knock me out like valium.

A little Sunset Blvd trivia. The story centers on a very young man in an affair with a much older and wealthier former movie star. Gloria Swanson was a clean living 51 year old health food and exercise fanatic, while William Holden was a hard-drinking 32 year old. The biggest problem for the cinematographer and the make-up artists is that, on film, Swanson often looked younger than Holden.

Last edited 3 years ago by Brick Meathook

“Yes yes! Exactly that is what we’re dealing with here!”

-Matt Gaetz, child rapist