Monday Morning Mock Draft: Chapter The XVI

One of the biggest things I miss from our old site was the mock drafts that used to run every Friday. Those were fantastic time wasters, and a good one was a virtual guarantee that you were going to be far from productive at work, as your day instead degenerated into arguments with strangers over who would be the best Saturday cartoon character to have sex with, (and now we all know how that would go), or some other equally inane topic, all of which were still more important than that TPS report deadline your boss was yelling about. Good times.

Well, it’s been long enough. After a discussion in the back channels yours truly is bringing it back, with some slight rule changes. The old site had 4-5 main contributors, one of whom may not have been real. So they’d do 2-3 rounds themselves, then kick it to the kommentariat to draft whatever was left over. You can do that when you’ve only taken 10-15 of whatever topic was up for drafting. We, however, are a much more connected group when it comes to the writin’ and draftin’ of things, so if we did that we’d easily take out 30-50 before we threw the bedraggled leftovers to our beloved readership. That’s no fun. So these drafts, which I expect to last as long as I remember to do them, (2-3 weeks), will just leap right into it.

Also, for content and alliteration reasons, we’ve moved the draft to Monday mornings, so get ready to kill your productivity right from the start.

First come, first served, subject to my randomly assigning the first pick to someone else, generally because they came up with the idea. Or because they bribed me. For now, please wait 10 picks or 30 minutes before making another one. That will be revised up or down depending on how much participation we get, which I hope will be a lot.

This week’s topic came to me as I was walking my faithful dog. That’s right: Sidekicks. The rules are simple, until I disagree with your pick and arbitrarily change them. You can select from any medium, film, TV, literature of any kind.

/sees frantically waving hand

Yes Balls, that includes porn.

/hand gives a thumbs up, drops from view

Anyhoo, the sidekick, in my mind, is a character who gets second-billing to the protagonist, but it still important to advancing the story and/or the protagonist’s interests. Jesse is a sidekick to Walt in Breaking Bad, for instance, because he is crucial to so much of Walt does or tries to do. Patton Oswalt’s Constable Bob on ‘Justified’ is not because, while hilarious, he does not help move the story along, and if anything gets in the way of what Raylan is trying to do. Similarly, while Boyd Crowder is crucial to the story, he cannot be a sidekick because he is actively trying to thwart what Raylan is trying to do. Everyone clear on that? Great. With that in mind, with the first pick in the draft I will take


Not just helping our protagonist, Sterling Archer, Lana Kane is also frequently bailing him out of the trouble his schemes get him into it, and she had his daughter, which certainly advanced both the story and, theoretically anyway, Sterling’s growth as a person.

The rest of you, as you should know by now, are on the clock.

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My favorite cartoon sidekick, Arthur

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King Hippo


King Hippo

Snoop Dogg may be famous on his own now, but suburban white kids like me only knew him as Dre’s side-kizzle


The ultimate sidekick…BACON!


Bacon will always be the star of the show for me….

Last edited 2 years ago by BeefReeferLives

Hulk in the MCU because executives are afraid to do another Hulk solo movie?


Mike Williams from, you guessed it, The Blair Witch Project.




3. Groot. No matter what goes down, he will have your back.
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Value pick – Mike Seaver’s buddy Boner.
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RIP Boner.


I’m picking The Lone Gunmen from The X-Files.


The Lone Gunmen are a bunch of conspiracy nuts who absolutely help M&S. You seem to be thinking of the Cigarette Smoking Man.


Ford Prefect. I feel like having an alien on your side could be advantageous.
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Trying to figure out who completes the Terri Garr / Laura Dern / ??? trifecta.


Jami Gertz?


That’s the thing, there was barely a story. But I think the Log Lady would have been lost without ‘log’-she probably would have had to even change her name, maybe.


It’s better than bad, it’s good!! comment image/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/976?cb=20201011164401


Let’s talk about the real hero of the Lord of the Rings
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Short Round.


This piece of racial stereotyping was the original Jar Jar Binks.


Sallah. Without him, Henry Jones, Jr. wouldn’t even be a footnote in history.


Would Mr. Wu be considered Swearengen’s sidekick on Deadwood? If so, I gotta take him just for his catch-phrase…
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Last edited 2 years ago by BeefReeferLives

Hang dai.

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yeah right

Jules from Pulp Fiction.

“English motherfucker, do you speak it?!”


Butch, I’d argue? So, in a really oblique way, Jules’ actions really helped him out.

yeah right

It’s Vincent. He has the entire middle of the movie plus he gets to dance with Uma Thurman.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Zoe Washburne. Big Damn Hero


Great choice.


Yeah, that’s an A+ pick.


Willow Rosenberg from Buffy The Vampire Slayer


The Blue Raja from Mystery Men:
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Dan Dority.

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Last edited 2 years ago by Warthog

I’m taking Reed Rothchild (John C. Reily) from Boogie Nights. Actually can I take just about all of John C. Reilly’s characters? He really is a perfect sidekick.

yeah right

Dennis Hopper, “Billy” in Easy Rider.

Explains my near hippie status.


Jonathan “The Duke” Mardukas
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Damn I love that movie.

Kurt Waters

I just watched this yesterday with my 90 year old dad. Damn we love that movie!


2nd pick: J.A.R.V.I.S (Just A Rather Very Intelligent System)

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An AI that runs my home, my business and builds/co-pilots an array of armored suits? BFFs for sure!


Until he becomes H.A.L.

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Really any of the first officers would be good picks but Spock is the 1st Rounder.


Green Acres in space


Alfred Pennyworth. Screw all the Robins; he was the one running the show for Batman.


“Screw all the Robins”

Now don’t go starting that rumor again…


Bronn. Good for drinking, fighting, and arsing around.

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Until about a month ago I’d have considered Scottie Pippen a solid pick. Not so much anymore, though.


Is Brock Samson a sidekick to Dr. Venture?
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I would say no, since he does a lot of work off on his own for Sphinx. Which is funny as I consider Race an actual sidekick or maybe partner (NTTIAWWT).


I’d argue no, which is why I didn’t take him.


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I’m trying to get James Urbaniak (voice of Dr. Venture) to weigh in, we’ll see if he has any thoughts.

King Hippo

Maybe the best character in HBO series history:


What’s it say about me that NoHo Hank and Villanelle (from Killing Eve) are my favorite TV characters? Actually, don’t tell me.


Not me, because fuck that guy, but someone should draft Mike Pence. You can literally try to have him killed and he will still lick your boots.

Don T

Friedrich Engelscomment image

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

R2 Fucking D2


Well done.
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Hobbes, in case anyone is Ctrl-F-ing.


In the vein of Armed and Hammered below, I’ll take Igor from Young Frankenstein
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I knew he would not last till my next pick. BTW, if you search youtube for Not the 1948 show, you will find him doing skits with John Cleese. Lots of very funny stuff.


Walter Sobchak. Sometimes you’re gonna need a toe by the afternoon. Except if it’s Shabbos.

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King Hippo

Based on a life human/lunatic, no less! Apparently so psycho that only the Coens will hang out with him.


The Waco Kid (Gene Wilder) from Blazing Saddles.


To me he personifies the perfect sidekick: helpful, has the same sense of humor, got your back, and can shoot.

King Hippo

Barney Rubble. That guy FUCKED!


I’m taking Denny Zager of Zager and Evans (the latter wrote this tune and most of their output)


Ooh I wonder if this will start the inevitable run on Garfunkels.


The f is wrong with you?
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But actually I just meant musical sidekicks in general.


Horatio definitely not feeling his Oates this a.m.

King Hippo

Say. Say it isn’t so!


Time for another pick! In keeping with the “is this the sidekick or main character?” theme, I select:

Jack Burton from Big Trouble in Little China!
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And before anyone argues, ABSOLUTELY he’s the sidekick!


Wang is the protagonist. It’s *his* girlfriend that gets stolen (all that gets stolen from Jack is his truck). The only reason that you don’t realize Jack is the sidekick is because the story is told from his perspective, and he *thinks* he’s the protagonist.


You should watch the movie again with this perspective (or without it, doesn’t matter, it’s a wonderful film that deserves more than a single viewing).


1. In proper deference to my creators, I gotta go with Dr. Henry Killinger.

Don T

“You, conceal it”comment image


1st pick: Chewbacca

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Top 10 pick, right where he belongs.

Don T

King of the bon mots.


Since it’s been 30 minutes, I’ll select my second pick:

Pinky from Pinky and the Brain!
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Yes, I’ve heard theories that Pinky is actually the main character and The Brain is the sidekick, but the premise of the show is the other way, so I’m rolling with it.


Garth Algar
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Don T

What, youse too good for Sancho Panza? Pfft.
Sancho Panza: faithful, dynamite comic relief, perfect foil for Don Quijote’s delusions, and the best governor ever for ínsula Barataria.


I’ll take Kato (Bruce Lee) from The Green Hornet.


Watson from Sherlock Holmes. Seems like he does a lot of the work and is OK with someone else getting the credit for it


With the 2nd overall pick, I select: Gus from Psych
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Love it