I have finally caught up with all the pictures you have posted. Today you get Lucky 14! Thank you to all that have contributed!
As far as the music, we are back to the puzzles! Let’s see if you can figure this one out.
I hope you’ve done your Xmas shopping as we are already in DECEMBER! Pretty crazy, huh?
Time just fricken flies by these days. I don’t know if the short days contribute to it, but I find that each day just flies by and so do the weekends. I probably need a vacation. As Ferris Bueller says,

Someone in these here post pages said that we are in Garbage Time workwise and I couldn’t agree more. Like my work buddy and I say, “The GiveaShit is broke.” I’m really looking forward to some time off during the holidays to relax.
I hope you get a chance to do that too.
For those of you prudes that don’t like cheesecake or beefcake, click HERE to skip to the music videos.
Here are your pictures of the week.

And now, for the music!
As I mentioned before, I’ve decided that I must take up the mantle that tWBS ran with and help to make this world a better place. I will do this in the one way he couldn’t: By introducing you to good music!
This week, I’m playing six songs that I believe are best heard in the dark in the arms of a loved one. Preferably naked. Enjoy!
Song Number One:
Canción Número Dos:
Chanson Numéro Trois:
Canzone numero quattro:
Canção número cinco
Seigarren zenbakia:
That’s all for this week, folks! Be good to each other and fly low and avoid the radar.
UGA seems kind of like a cool party school
That’s Rocking!
I like having a weekend with no complicated menus as much as the next guy.
We have about 3 pounds of leftover potatoes from Thanksgiving and they have to get used so I’m thinking bacon and eggs and these home fried potatoes with the onion and the essence and the bacon and oh my God those eggs better be sunnyside up with the white cooked through in bacon fat better yet.
Then Sunday? Taco night!
Already here and on hand and bet your ass it’s better than any store bought shit you’re thinking about buying tomorrow!
This is me telling you to cook some breakfast.
Goddamn that sounds good!
Could go the skillet route also. And tacos… ALWAYS appropriate!
mornin ya all… or [checks global time zone chart] g’night.
Ola! Como estash?
/ spelling phonetically
Bene Grazie!
I have to drive to LA tomorrow, going to bed early tonight.
I’ll try to check in with suggestions. My guy at work, my #1 who sold me the seats emphatically says to use Waze getting in and out.
I fell victim to the first visit thing. The parking lots are named by color. I was in Orange. And if I would have gone in on Manchester it would have been a lot easier. If you’re Ubering in, get close and walk.
Pinkie swear.
But why Jacksonville?
Jon Heyman posted his Baseball HOF ballot on the twitter and he voted for Bonds and Schilling but not Clemens.
Explain that please.
He hated him in Kingpin?
If that were the reason, I’d respect the hell out of Heyman.
I’ll go Bonds and Clemens but fuck Schilling.
That’s why I could never be a voter.
“Why not Schilling?”
“He’s an asshole. Next question.”
I just realized there are two Big 12 Championship Games tomorrow with all four teams in the Top 25.
Big 12 Championship (Current Members): Oklahoma St. & Baylor
Big 12 Championship (Future Members): Houston & Cincinnati
If the AAC teams don’t regress too much playing in the Big 12, the new Big 12 may be better without Oklahoma and Texas.
Reposting from the other thread for advice
I’m having bye week issues so…Kendrick Bourne or Russell Gage?
Gage. Playing indoors, also, Bourne got 2 last week and Belichick never lets guys have two good weeks in a row.
On the other hand, Bourne plays Monday Night so you can pretend you still have a chance.
I’d just pick up Justin Jefferson assuming he’s available.
He is very much not available
Oh, you’re in one of them “expert” leagues.
Ok, so Utah gets Roses and Oregon gets to go to the Alamo.
(Bruins are either going to Vegas or to Whale’s Vagina, thanks for asking)
I hear tell Westwood Klavern might be playing Wolven Sort!
/also, Quack Attack be all liek I ain’t gonna spread for no roses!
Yeah, could meet up in San Diego. EVERYONE CRASH AT (or into) LOW COMMANDER’S HOUSE.
I believe he lives in a 9 bedroom manse overlooking the azure Pacific Ocean. His servants are all educated in the erotic arts.
Dude. He’s on a golf course. We’re so bombing his pad!
Found a funny;
a lot of negative shit can be said about dog breeding and what we’ve done to the majestic wolf over the centuries but the fact that english bulldogs are born with what seems to be an inherent desire to skateboard is nothing short of beautiful
Congrats to VIva on the Roadrunners’ Conference USA championship!
Off to the, um, Poulan Weedeater Independence Bowl?
Also, the songs and bands are daisy-chained, like a musical human centipede. SEXY!
For our celebration, the students will set the Riverwalk on fire.
Is it Bring Your Own Couch?
Anything combustible will be accepted. And we have a nuclear stockpile in the storage bunkers down at Medina Annex on the Southwest side of SA
The only reason why Cincinnati is where they are is getting out of the Conference USA. Say what you want about the American Athletic Conference, but compared the C-USA, the AAC may as well be the SEC.
Yep, definitely a step up, but tonight UTSA is drinking blood out of skulls.
Hey that’s my team’s game!
That’s why my Blazers are headed there! Plus, we get to hate on Memphis again.
Dunno what the Mormon version of rubbing your bollocks on the opponets’ foreheads…but Secular Big Love sure is doing it.
Why go for two there, Secular Big Love?
Because we CAN.
Going for two means you’re still a virgin.
…and my team lost to these idiots?!
Utah kid won’t fair catch like no Betacuck Cancel Culture Libtard!
eeees a good song!
I wish that Twisted Tea would use the clip of that guy in Ohio smashing that can TTea into that bigot’s face.
I just now got my booster shot! I feel iron clad and motherfucking bullet proof!
Wolven HippoSpawn and Hippo go next Thursday afternoon. All your Pfizer are belong to us!
That’s Rocking!
Mrs Cola putting Deci to bed, I go pack a bowl have that and a dart on the balcony. Come back in and wash my hands. Try to throw paper towel in garbage and wedding ring goes with it. Deci does get to sleep and she walks out with me digging through like I needed a fix. Doesn’t phase her, she says maybe smoke less weed.
Weed had nothing to do with it! It was soap!
Hot takes from Mrs Sharkbait: The only good Rankin-Bass Christmas specials are Rudolph and Frosty. Everything else is, and I quote, “Garbage”
Gonna try to watch a bit of this Suns vs Warriors game 🏀
Hopefully it is Rocking!!!
Just had one of those weeks that wasn’t even that bad but I am inexplicably exhausted anyway.
Cuban food is on the way, though, so things are looking up.
I don’t think I have ever seen UTSA play a game on a national TV network (if CBSSN counts as a national network) And they are kicking ass!
Your offense seems quite creative. Good jerb not being weirded out by that Nightmare Hellscape Grimace mascot leering in the building.
I’mma go out on a limb and say Team Secular Big Love noted some…uh…tendencies on tape.
Christ, Team Secular Big Love might as well retire #22. Two ded kids WITH THE SAME NUMBER, who’d ever pick it again???
I’m pretty sure I had Western Civ with Britten Covey.
I graduated in 2002.
Maybe that guy on the field is the father of your classmate.