(all pics are from warhammer wiki and/or warhammer 40k wiki) and Warhammer and Warhammer 40k are properties of Games Workshop
So in talking to a couple of people who write for the site, the subject of Warhammer came up because the phrases “Blood for the Blood God” and “Skulls for the Skull Throne” have been used on the site before but there are those who have no idea where they came from or what they mean. So, I said I would do some posts about Warhammer, especially since I have an in-depth knowledge of very few things (Warhammer, Chinese web novels, old science fiction novels, and music from the mid-60’s to late 70’s) and I wanted to write about something I know. I love Warhammer and am planning on getting back into painting after I discovered a youtube channel that gave advice on how to deal with the issues getting older bring about such as steadiness of hands and vision. The Warhammer lore is deep and complex with there being no real good guys and the bad guys are really nasty bad guys, it comes down to more shades of gray than E. L. James can imagine and with the old pen name of Snowdragon’s Icequeen, I am pretty sure she has lots of imagination. In this post I am going to give a very light history of all the Warhammer universe but with an explanation of the some of the powers and where those phrases, “Blood for the Blood God” and “Skulls for the Skull Throne”, originate from.
My DFO name is actually one I have used for years in many games, especially online, and came about because of Warhammer Online (the best MMO ever made, fuck you EA and WOW). The guild I was in (The Altdorf 1st) needed some healers as we were a little too tank and pew-pew heavy, so I said I would create a healer and went with a War Priest of Sigmar who use either a huge two-handed maul or a warhammer and a holy book. I went with the two-hander, because it looked cool, and as I was very drunk at the time, I sat in the character creation screen looking at the pissed off bald guy with a huge hammer and trying to come up with a name, I decided since I was hammered and armed with a hammer that ArmedandHammered would work and sounded a lot better than some names I had seen.

Enough of that, basically Games Workshop has 4 different time settings for Warhammer – Warhammer Fantasy (1983), Warhammer 40k (1987), Age of Sigmar (2015) which replaced Warhammer Fantasy (got to sell MOAR figures!) and the latest is Horus Heresey (2022) which is basically Warhammer 30k and sets up 40k. I spent a lot of time reading White Dwarf in my high school days which was the house magazine for Games Workshop and was a fantastic source for nerds like me. Not only what was coming for Warhammer but short stories, game scenarios, painting tips, and how-to do your own terrain and buildings. Was pissed when it basically stopped publishing, but it had become somewhat a shadow of itself by the time it stopped. There have been multiple games with some of the best being Vermintide, Dawn of War, Dawn of War II, and the Total War: Warhammer games.
So what is the lore of Warhammer 40k? Basically the idea is Order vs. Chaos with some neutral factions who may help, hinder, or destroy you. In 40k Order is represented by the Empire of Man which at one point spread across most of the galaxy, and still occupies much of it and since the Empire of Man is more racist and xenophobic than George Wallace (governor not comedian) on a paranoid rampage, basically if you ain’t human, you should be dead. Also the Empire worships the Emperor who sits rotting on his golden throne, sustained by the daily sacrificing of thousands of people. And the church in charge of his worship is like the worst aspects of the Catholic Church taken to 11, but without the kiddie diddling, so they do have that going for them. Lots of knowledge has been lost and technology is worshipped as if it was alive and maintenance of any tech is literally a ritual with incense, unguents and prayers. Oh, and doing any innovation or trying to figure out things actually work is HERESY and heavily prosecuted. And of course we have the space marines, self-righteous genetically enhanced super soldiers.

Chaos is represented by those who follow the ruinous gods (which were created by all the nasty emotions of humanity – except Slaanesh, the space elves are responsible for that mess). There are many demons and chaos marine chapters for each Chaos god, each having a specialty. Many times the Orks are considered Chaotic forces but they do not worship the Chaos gods, they have their own weird deities, and just live to fight.
There are 4 main gods, each with their own realms, cultists, plans, and daemonic minions (clicking the name takes you to Warhammer 40k Wiki for more information)
- Khorne – The Blood God and the one that sits on the Skull Throne. Basically the PCP’d up metal head of the group with serious anger issues. Lots of berserkers, lots of pissed off beastmen, lots of blood and bones. Subtle as a rabid bull in a nursery. Very big on martial honor basically because he loves the bloodshed and emotions battle brings, mainly the blood. Lots of deep reds and brass colors if you are painting Khornate figures (a bit boring to me). If you want a straight forward battle of kill them all and let Khorne sort them out, he is the god for you. Plus the phrases “Blood for the Blood God” and “Skulls for the Skull Throne” are shouted by his followers as they head in to battle.

- Tzeentch – The Changer of Ways, the Architect of Fate, one hell of a back stabby asshole (probably Ray Lewis’ army if he played). His domain is trickery, lies, ambition, sorcery, mutation, and evolution basically a corporate CEO minus the sorcery. His followers are usually easy to tell as they are changed in some way such as tentacles for arms, acid spitting mouths for nipples, the sort of thing that gets a hentai lover overly excited.
- Nurgle – Grandfather Nurgle, the eldest god as his domain is death and decay. Lots of pus, rotting flesh, boils, abscesses, and snot, so much snot. The weakest of his creatures are called snotlings for fuck’s sake and are like the evil gremlins from the movie Gremlins. His best way to gain followers is to give some poor schlub a disease that the victim then needs to worship Nurgle to get relief from the disease, this never turns out well for that person because they usually end up worse off in the end.
- Slaanesh – The Lord of Excess, the BDSM representative of the Chaos gods, the worship of whom is like having a wire directly in one’s pain/pleasure centers of the brain. Created from the dissolute factions of the Eldar during an orgy of self mutilation and sex. The creation process killed most of the Eldar, ancient space elves who walk around with a superior attitude and distain that the English Aristocracy wishes they could emulate.

Alright that was a long f’ing intro and there is so much more, the various types of Inquisitors, the Adeptus Mechanicus (the mechanics and builders), the regular army (cannon fodder) which is called the Adeptus Munitorum, the Kommisars who whip the troops into shape (literally), plus all the other factions – Orks, Eldar, Drukari, T’au, Necrons, and a bunch of others.
There is so much I have no idea where to go next? Do you want something about the factions? The space marines? The Inquisition ? More info on Chaos? The games (both board and pc), some of which are fantastic? As with the my entire life I am sort of directionless, so point the way1
Also, most of what I have written is from memory, so if it is wrong it is my fault, what I did not pull from the cluttered recesses of my mind is from Warhammer 40k wiki and the Warhammer wiki.
This was incredibly interesting in a topic I had absolutely no idea about.
For my whole life I wondered who I am and where I fit in and thank the unholy Gods I finally get my answer, I’m a Nurgle.
A friend of mine is not married, nor has kids, so he has enough spare change to afford multiple painted 40K armies. He’s tried to talk me into playing, but I already have enough money sink hobbies. Not that the figs aren’t awesome.
Personal bias, but expensive hobbies > kids, at least for the next 30 years
I really do not like Dan Snyder. No reason to bring that up, just wanted to state it.
Nawt the sort of thing you need a reason to state. He is a bad man
Well, I guess 22 years was a hell of a run. RIP Paul Brown Stadium.
My favorite is Harambe Field at Gorilla Glue Stadium.
Nothing says a fun day at the beach like decimating whale carcass.
I liked to play Pong tripping on shrooms while snorting coke and buttfucking big-titted hookers and winning the game:
Big-titted hookers are notoriously bad at Pong, according to that scientific paper I submitted to Penthouse Forum-so this checks out.
They’re used to having a larger paddle
How are the figurines cost-wise, from a scale of “Risk tokens” to “build your own Gundam”?
You can some of the smaller squads quite reasonably. They have come out with Kill Squads which can be played against others.
I surfed so poorly today that I’m ready to blame my board, which I think might be absorbing water.
Did someone replace your board with Folger’s Crystals? It sounds like you noticed
“sustained by the daily sacrificing of thousands of people.”
Whelp, I know where BOLTMAN falls in this universe….
I dunno if it’s stress, posture, or a strain. But my neck-shoulders been hurtin’ for two days and not improvin’.
Related: Mexican Toradol is activated.
I had zero clue about this topic before today. Very interesting stuff.
And FINALLY I got the Flag for the Flag Gods ref.
/takes glasses off in lieu of hat
This is fascinating stuff. There’s a whole world here that I was unaware existed. Thanks for writing it!
Who knew dark stuff would be appealing, huh. To Tal Sur Prise.
I never got into gaming because I instinctively knew that it would take over my life because of my addictive tendencies. That said, I dallied in DOD with some resto mates for a very short while. The dude in charge turned ‘girls’ into ‘squirrels’ at one point so at work we subbed the latter word into songs. Some of the hits were, “California Squirrels”, “Squirrels Just Want To Have Fun”, “Waiting For A Squirrel Like You”, “Uptown Squirrel”, “West End Squirrels”, “Fat-Bottomed Squirrels” (a personal fave), “Big Squirrels Don’t Cry”… The list goes on and on.
My HS’s senior class would have a senior mascot based off a pop culture reference. Squirrels Gone Wild was the one that got the administration pissed off the most.
/The year after, the Cuban Mascot Crisis, was fucking brilliant.
//Ours was Duck Norris due the height of the Chuck Norris joke fad
Duck Norris doesn’t believe in the periodic table, because the only element Duck Norris recognizes is the element of surprise?
Somewhere I have our senior mascot unveiling shirt with the top 10 Duck Norris facts. Surprisingly for a gifted school that was not one of them.
“Fresh Flowing Sewage For The Sewage God!”
-the title of a Dan Snyder retrospective
Subtitle: “Pay $99.95+ For This Or Face Legal Action”
They worship Dan Snyder in Oakland?
Two girls and one cup are semi-solid supporters.
When I was in college I wandered into the Games Workshop on 8th st in NYC because, hey, games! The dude working there very nicely explained to me that no, it was just one game played with loads of different props and hand-painted figures called Warhammer. I didn’t really know what to do with the information that there was this whole elaborate subculture that even had it’s own retail stores, so I just sort of filed it away and did nothing. Kind of a shame as I probably would have found it to be a lot of fun if I had tried to get into it.
So I thought the next one would be a bit of history about the Empire and then after that do the Space Marines (Adeptus Astartes).
This is a fan made film that even Games Workshop geeked out over:
“Fuckin’ sweet, man…” – Hunter Renfrow
I’m thinkin’ about it thought I don’t want to steal ArmedandHammered’s thunder.
As a boardgaming nerd, I often come across Warhammer games in gaming stores and such. It looks interesting — probably not something I would take up myself, but I’m happy to learn more about it.
Heroquest is a remake of a Warhammer game from when Hasbro and Games Workshop teamed up. I have an original copy as well as the expansions that I used to play with my kids. Necromunda is another great game from Games Workshop.
The closest I get to wargaming is Root.
If you can find someone who has a copy of Chaos in the Old World, see if you can get a game of it started. Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeench. and Slaanesh duking it out in handy boardgame form. I sold mine, and kind of regret it.
In all seriousness, this is a cool idea. I look forward to learning more.
Ah, space marines use hand guns that fire 75mm rocket propelled grenades that explode AFTER they pierce the skin. Also melta-guns, chainsaw swords, and electrified metal claws. THOSE are weapons.
I thought blood for the blood gods was like a Simpsons quote or something
Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
Holy cats, that seems involved. Your Football Manager-verse is mighty impressive! And to think, I always said Blood FOAR the Blood Gods PLURAL – like some jackass.
I think in the case of a Blood God it is acceptabl to use the plural sort of like the royal “we”
That Slaanesh chick reminds me of a lady I met at a conference a couple of years ago. She was a real DOD type too… makes a boy a bit nervous… sleep with one eye open and keep a clean line to the door.
I couldn’t help but notice…she has VERY NICE shoulders.
All that sword work gives them very nice definition.